Chapter 276: seed

Crystallization of Brand Island.
The town of Law Thiefers in the center of the Crystal Land has been turned into ruins, or the kind of ruins that will not be refreshed.
Some law-stealing civilians could not bear the devastation of hunger, and followed the Holy Spirit who came here to scavenge.
So often players in this ruin will come and glance at them to see if there are any newly refreshed NPCs.
Today, there is no
NPC in the law-stealer town, but it is located in the core area of ​​the law-stealer town, that is, the fourth floor area. There are still more than one hundred law-stealers hiding in it.
They dodged the 'hunting' of those Holy Spirits, and relied on the fourth-floor high wall to shelter the bare days.
One of these law-stealers hiding behind a high wall today has special symptoms. This law-stealer was possessed by Dun Heath's remnant.
People with crystallized disease have an unavoidable hive consciousness connection. Although this consciousness does not affect the individual's thinking, ... this consciousness connection can be used to do something special.
Dun Hess sealed his consciousness in it, and found a suitable candidate at the right time for the second rebirth.
This is a complete rebirth. Part of Dun Heath's personality and memory was killed by the wolf knight and the axeman ... have been swallowed up by the power of the gods.
But even if his memory and personality were no longer complete, Dun Hess still remembered what he was going to do.
He controlled the law-stealing man who was possessed by him to reach the forbidden area in the center of the Crystal Land.
Six stone monuments are still standing here ... and the stone monument which has been completely destroyed.
Dunhees came down to the usual stele and knelt down. He hesitated for a moment, but still rested his hand on the stele.
The stele glowed a dim light, and Dunhees felt his consciousness connected with the law-stealers of another world.
This was Dun Heath's last resort ... his original wish was to control the entire Isle of Brandy himself, and then use the power of Isle of Brande to take his fellow men out of the control of the gods.
But this is already impossible, so at least he has to pay the gods and the Holy Spirit.
"Are you finally willing to communicate with us? Lost fellow."
A voice sounded in Dun Heath's mind. Dun Heath didn't answer it ... he was using his own thinking to communicate with the other party.
"I can feel your anger, but even if I give you no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to deal with so many god-eaters, so I can only rely on some other power."
When the voice of the voice fell, another stone on the side of Dun Heath suddenly lit up with a deep purple light.
Dunhees stared at the dark purple energy overflowing from the stele and gathered, eventually converging into an object like a beating heart floating in the air.
He dared not reach out to touch the heart-beating object.
Because this thing is even evil by the power of the ghosts and spirits of the Holy Spirit, this thing is the seed of the abyss.
In the current state of weakness of Dun Heath, he wondered if he could restrain the power from the abyss.
So Dun Hess used some floating magic to drive this beating abyss seed deep into the forbidden area.
The real core area of ​​Brande Island, Dun Heath does not intend to pollute the island of this abyss seed, because ... this seed cannot do it at all.
Brand Island is on the same level as the abyss, but this seed cannot pollute the entire Brand Island, but it can pollute the island's master.
The lord of the island where this island crystallizes is still asleep.
Dunhees came to the Lord of the Islands in the Crystal Land. Now the Lord of the island is still an egg, or a huge 'cocoon'. Dunhees spent a long time communicating with it.
Originally, it would become a useful assistant to Dunhees after it hatched. Unfortunately, Dunhes has not seen that day, or it can't wait for that day.
The Holy Spirits have taken over the absolute of Brand Island, and the Lord of the island in the Crystal Land will become part of the Holy Spirit!
He did not allow this to happen.
"You ... it's time to wave your wings." Dun Heath controlled the abyss seed in his hand and pushed towards that dragon cocoon.
The abyss seed was drained by it smoothly, and the original pure white dragon cocoon began to be covered by the dark purple little by little.
Incubation is already accelerating! It won't take many days ... the Holy Spirits on this island will welcome their most difficult enemy.
No ... this is far from enough, Brandander is the child he brought up in one hand and should be destroyed ... it is the Holy Spirit's own world!
The throbbing nucleus defeated the king and the e-sports spoke with victory and defeat.
The victory of this round made the black nuclear rumors on the Internet disappear immediately.
In the evening, Mo Shigui took a moment to take a look at the stronghold, and began to prepare for the final strategy of New World Plaza.
Preparations did not last long, during which time Mo Shigui was troubled by one thing.
This thing is ... his girlfriend asked him after the game, ‘how to get the qualification of the Holy Spirit? ’
This is not the first time Mo Shigui's girlfriend asked this question. When the Holy Spirit tested for the second time, his girlfriend said to Mo Shigui and said, ‘I want to play the Holy Spirit with you. ’
Mo Shigui was spoofed with ‘I ca n’t help it’, but after the third test, the influence of the Holy Spirit gradually expanded.
More and more players and even those who do not play the game know the Holy Spirit, but the speed of the Holy Spirit's numbering has not changed.
Mo Shigui is now very entangled in his heart. On the one hand, he wants to take his girlfriend to tour the gorgeous world of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, he has a feeling of guilty conscience.
He couldn't tell where this feeling of guilty conscience came, and it wasn't until he came to Shudong that he saw Freya sleeping on the bed, and Mo Shigui understood where the guilty conscience came from.
Freya is just an NPC.
This reason has no way to persuade himself.
This is the same as a kitten that has been raised for a long time. Even if Mo Shigui doesn't want to treat her as a family member, there is something unexpected about this kitten, or when she loses Mo, she will be very upset.
Unlike other holy spirit players, they called their own Freya a ‘wife and wife’ and screamed Huan. Mo Shigui ’s opinion of Freya is a little like… a daughter?
He also couldn't tell what his feelings for Freya were. The most important thing was how Freya thought of himself?
Mo Shigui thought he tapped his head here, what would an NPC think of players? Either a wallet or a tool person.
"When did you come."
Mo Shigui's action awakened Freya while she was sleeping. When she opened her eyes and saw Mo Shigui's figure, a delighted expression appeared on her face, and she was preparing to lift the bed and stand up.
Mo Shigui raised her hand and stopped her ...
"I don't have any task here ~ ~ You can go to sleep, I will leave later." Mo Shi returned here just to check the status attributes of Freya.
"Are you ... leaving again?" Fuliya's hands kept rubbing the corner of the quilt, her eyes originally looking at Mo Shigui dimmed a little. "Holy spirit, may you have a good wind."
Preset conversation?
Mo Shi turned his back for a while, because after his Freya's intelligence grew, he hadn't said the preset dialogue for a long time.
But this sentence is the default dialogue that Freya will say when each player leaves.
Is it because she hasn't come to see her for a long time?
If Mo Shigui remembers him correctly, he has been busy attacking New World Plaza recently, and it has been almost five days before he came to visit Fuliya.
Without Freya's guide stone, his Freya can only stay in this tree hole quietly waiting for the return of the Holy Spirit.
It stands to reason ... the doll should not have the emotion of loneliness, but her Freya has already learned this ... useless emotion.
"After a while, maybe I can take you to see my world." Mo Shigui remembered that as long as ... they had strategically removed the New World Plaza area and completed the construction of the portal.
Then you can take Freya to guide you to take a day trip to the world.
"Your world?" Freya, Mo Shigui, thought something, but soon lay on the bed, burying half of her face under the quilt, only revealing some emotions of joy. Looking at Mo Shigui, he said, "I will pray for you and wait for your victory to return."
It's still the default conversation, but it doesn't matter.
Mo Shigui today has to go through the challenge ticket overnight.
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