Chapter 320: Startle

"What about people! Boy! Where have all the people in your guild gone?"
Mrs. Calm managed to lead her own pirates to defeat a wave of law stealers. As a result, all the members of the nuclear enthusiast seized a law stealer ... all the people evaporated.
There is only Juan Canyun alone in the ruins.
Guan Yunyun did not answer Mrs. Calamity. After catching the law-stealing member Medes, all the members of the pulsating nuclear team temporarily abandoned the copy of the smelt ruins and went back to the city to attack the law-stealing group.
When Kuju Canyun wanted to return to the city by using the city return technique ... he found that his city return technique was cooling down, and it was still about ten minutes of cooling.
When do I use it?
Cun Yunyun was in a state of anxiety, and he has now become a very important output in the active nuclear strategy group.
If he does not arrive in time when the next copy is made, he will be blamed by members of the guild.
Juan Canyun didn't like to be blamed, so he thought of a genius solution, which is to go back and forth to the city by suicide!
"Did you not hear me?"
Madame Ca'er didn't like the feeling of being ignored, she walked towards Juan Canyun ... As a result, Juan Canyun aimed her gun at her chest under Madame Ca'er's gaze.
At this moment Madam realized that something was wrong ...
"What are you doing?" Madame Calder accelerated her steps towards Cun Canyun, but it was too late ... Cun Canyun pierced the spear directly into her chest.
Normally ... players can't use their skills to harm themselves, but the spear in Qian Canyun's hand is called "Red Knight's Death Gun".
This gun has an effect called "Blood of Oblivion". When it is turned on, it will deduct 1% of its health every second. In exchange for the attack speed and armor penetration at the price of 1% of its health. Through promotion.
Juan Canyun has now turned on the state of annihilation. In order to speed up this state effect, he pierced the spear directly into his heart.
This may just be a free return to the city for Juan Canyun, but in the eyes of Mrs. Calamity, it is this kid who wants to commit suicide!
Mrs. Calamity has not seen any storms for so many years, but this scene completely scares Mrs. Calamity.
"What the are you doing! Stop now!"
Madam Caoran ran to Juan Canyun, and now she is kneeling down on the ground because her health is endangered. Madam Cao supports Juan Canyun, but there is no way to stop his body from becoming translucent.
"Go and get the healing potion!" Madam Cao immediately shouted to the pirates who were also in an aggressive state beside her.
"That kind?" The pirates didn't respond. They had a lot of treatments, and Madam Calm didn't list the most specific name.
"Best!" Madame Calm yelled again.
But when her Majesty's pirates fumbled over the potions, the figure of the remnant cloud lying in the arms of Madam Calamity had disappeared ... instead of an ordinary tombstone with the three English characters "P" .
"It's rare for you to be so panic-like." The members next to them looked at the silent Mrs. Calamity, but panicked first.
"Ma'am, the Holy Spirit will rise after death anyway."
But as soon as the words of this sentence fell, the tombstone of Juan Yunyun also shattered into a residue and disappeared in front of Mrs. Calamity.
"Continue this raid."
Mrs. Calamity looked at the tombstone that turned into debris in her hands. The expression on her face remained the same. The members of the beating nucleus returned to the city, but other passers-by players and players in the abyss temple were still reclaiming wasteland in the melting ruins.
"Evacuate the ruins before asking what happened to those Holy Spirits!" Madam Caine said.
The law-stealer Maders spent great effort to climb out of the pit. When he climbed up to the pit, he saw several familiar figures standing opposite the pit.
"Wenna, why are you caught by the Holy Spirit?"
Mads stared at the three law-stealers standing opposite the pit. They were all companions who stood with Mads to guard the Molten Ruins.
"I always thought you weren't suitable for the role of detective. It seems my hunch is right." The female law thief shook his head while looking at the scar on Medes's chest.
After she had finished speaking, she took a few steps back and made a leaps in the direction of Maddes, and landed on the gold coin brick that Maddes had pushed out before, and then she was going to jump again with this brick as a foothold. To the opposite side of the pit ...
Even Maddes did not expect that there would be a hidden brick at a higher distance.
With the sad gaze of Madds, there was another gunshot. The female law-stealer did not know where the spring shot was sent to the bottom of the deep pit.
Madds took out a pocket watch and calculated the time. About five minutes later, the female law-stealer named Wen Enna had difficulty climbing up from the pit.
"You know why I'm hurt now?" Madonna asked Wenna, looking at the corners of her mouth and forehead already covered with blood.
"What the is that brick?"
Wen Ena crawled out of the deep pit, and at the same time took off the barb that was stabbing into her leg and breathing deeply.
"Gold coins, anyway, from now on you don't want to ... touch ..." As soon as Madds's voice fell, the law-stealers who came with follower Wen Enna touched out of curiosity with a question mark Bricks.
When the bricks were taken down, the ground under Maddes's feet cracked and collapsed instantly.
Maddes stared blankly at the spike again on his chest, turning his gaze to the other two companions.
"Is it fun?" Maddes asked.
"This question ... you should ask those Holy Spirits!" Winna was a little irritable and pulled out the thorns that pierced her body.
But the moment she pulled the spikes away ~ ~ The sound of the pistons ringing in the wall, Maddes realized what was in the hands of preparing to release the skills of the ice division. The magma overflowed from it and swallowed Mads.
The pain of being burned by magma appeared on Mades' body, and the extremely cold frost erupted from his palms. The magma around him was solidified in the cold snowstorm.
"Winna! Do me a favor ... you and your colleagues, everything has been touched!"
Maddes looked at his scalded arm from magma, forbearing the pain of the scald, and began to heal with the magic of light.
This is the magma blessed by the divine power of the God Eater ... being swallowed by this thing is not as simple as flesh and blood being matured.
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