Chapter 390: My silver ash's favorite thing to do is ...

In the end, Yin didn't have the cup of coffee he wanted, and he was not rare, anyway, the drink in the Holy Spirit tasted nothing.
Deng Heiz ignored the Yin Zong's persecution at all. He noticed his apprentice's abnormality and began to check his physical condition.
But the apprentice named Mickey kept sobbing, seeing whether he could accept this posture whether he wanted him to surrender or to become a monk.
Not spiritual magic?
Dunhees checked the status of his apprentice Micah and found that he was not affected by any spiritual magic at all.
"Teacher ... stop doing such cruel atrocities, stop ..."
Micah's confession lasted for a few minutes. He suddenly became stiff, and spit foam at random, and fell directly to the ground. His body began to twitch up and down.
"The erosion of Kuroshio Island ... did you invade the core consciousness of Kuroshio Island?"
Dunhes raised his apprentice's neck and put his hands on his forehead, trying to ease his symptoms like epilepsy.
When Dunhees saw the crystallization of the skin on his apprentice's forehead gradually began to form, and these crystals gradually formed the skin like a dragon scale, he instantly understood what was happening!
Yin Zong stared at Micca who was twitching on the ground. This state was not quite right in Yin Zong's eyes. Yin Zou really had the idea of ​​driving these law-stealers out.
However, from the perspective of the setting of the plot background, the beheading team cleaned up the negative consciousness of these law-stealers at the core of their consciousness ... at most it only allowed them to repent and start living again.
But how do these law-stealers return ... Longhua?
"Damn!" Dun Heath's healing magic was released in half, and he suddenly covered his left arm with a painful groan, and eventually his apprentice Michael began to swell uncontrollably.
The apprentice's body was twisted and turned into a dragon-like creature. When Yin listened to Mo, he mentioned that the robber would be transformed into a dragon ...
"Your apprentice doesn't seem to listen to you very much." President Yin looked at the law-stealing apprentice who became a dragon and roared out of the ruins of his stronghold, turning his gaze to his left arm, which was covering him. What is inhibiting Dun Heath.
"Do you ... really think I ... have complete control of that monster? Holy spirit!"
Instead of chasing the dragon-like Maitreya, Dun Hess went to the general manager again. When he looked at the general manager again, a pupil had become a scarlet vertical pupil.
"I don't have the ability to master the Kuroshio Island monster at all, but like the owner of all the islands, I built a barrier in the hive consciousness to resist the most violent part of Kuroshio Island's power, but you guys ... open the gap! "
With his left arm that had been covered with scales, Dengsis grabbed the collar of Yin Zong. He could no longer maintain the former indifference and politeness, and his voice was filled with that indescribable fury.
"This is your last chance! It is also our last chance! Holy Spirit! Give Yelena to me! This way I can completely suppress Kuroshio Island ... this monster will not tell you the truth!" Said Dunhills.
"You said this sentence just three minutes ago, is there a difference?" President Yin asked with a blank expression on Deng Hesi.
Dengxisi laughed suddenly after listening to the total answer of Yin. Every laughter in the presence of laughter, and even every player who jumped around the nuclear resistance, could hear.
"I know why your holy spirit is so ... there is nothing to fear." Dunhees stared at Yin, saying "because all of this is just a game in your eyes!"
While Dunhills was talking, the other hand suddenly pierced the silver's abdomen, but there was no blood leakage, only dim light particles.
"Your Holy Spirit has no flesh and blood, and you can be resurrected countless times after death, and you can also feel no pain, so I am afraid that even if the island of Bailand falls, you may not care, because it will not kill you! What you really care about! Your friends, family, are not in this world! "
Mr. Yin's expression remained unchanged, which is what made Dun Hess feel angry ... Everything the Holy Spirit treats this world is 'indifferent' attitude, even death is 'indifferent' to them!
The anger caused Dun Hess to suddenly throw the silver head out, and the silver head's body directly hit a wall of the ruins and then fell down again.
"Now that you know we can't feel the pain, what's the use of this kind of abuse?" President Yin said again, looking at Dun Heath.
Dun Heis suddenly punched his hammer on the wall behind Mr. Yin. Suddenly, the wall behind Mr. Yin was instantly activated. At this moment, the calm expression on Mr. Yin's face was instantly disintegrated, and his face appeared disturbed The expression looked back.
That is the inner world portal that beats the nucleus! This supposedly destroyed and dilapidated portal was activated by Dun Heath!
For a moment, the scenery of the Huangpu River in the world city was presented in front of Deng Hesi and Yin Yin. Yin Yin looked at the Pearl TV Tower far away, and the expression on his face gradually became dignified.
"This is the world you care about!" Dun Hess kneeled down and said to Yin. "This is your family, friends, and your own world! You think that after Kuroshio Island swallowed the Brand Island, Will you abandon this world? Holy Spirit, this is my last request! Hand over my student Ye Linna, and maybe Brand Island will be swallowed up, but I promise I will never let Kuroshio Island touch your world! "
"Really, you just have to hand over Ye Linna, and Kuroshio Island will be far away from our world?" Yin always asked.
"I swear! It's okay how vicious an oath you want me to make, all I do is for my students! Your world is not my goal!"
"The vicious oath refers to the oath of God?"
"Yes." Dunhees heard the shaking emotion in the voice of President Yin, and he took out a knife and crossed it in his palm, saying, "I am willing to swear by my life! It is like being in the public As in the council, you just need to tell me where my student Yelena is. "
"It sounds ... really good." President Yin paused for a moment and lifted his head. Dun Heath even untied the president and prepared to conclude a contract ...
"But I refuse!"
However, Mr. Yin waved and slaps Dun Heath's arm directly, and then punched directly to Dun Heath's cheek.
However, Dengxisi grabbed the fist of Yin Zong ~ ~ and cut off the wrist of Yin Zong a little.
"Why?" Dun Hess always looked puzzled.
"You don't understand us, but we are players ... everything in this world is ours! Including Brand Island ... even you!" Mr. Yin slammed his head on Dun Heath's forehead, Dun Heath I was fell to the ground by a special force, and Yin Yin waved another fist, gathered the terrifying power on the fist, and then suddenly swooped down.
The impact of this punch spread and completely destroyed the portal behind Silver General and the surrounding bricks.
Fuhu Overlord Boxing!
But a MISS injury jumped out of Dun Heath's head.
"... you are too greedy. Is greedy reliance that we can't hurt your real bodies?" Dun Hess's hand was put on Mr. Yin's fist, and his other pupil became golden. Pupil: "Don't underestimate Kuroshio Island's ontological consciousness. You have invaded its world. You have long become its consciousness ... Those Holy Spirits you send away will encounter the most fearful moments in life. The spiritual blow is far more terrifying than the physical blow! "
"To be a horror game?"
Yin knew that he couldn't beat the boss, so he gave up, and looked at Lu Wei's live broadcast at this time, while Lu Wei was shouting outside a room in the castle, in the room was Zhao Mingwei.
The Beheading Squad was teleported to each other after entering the law-stealer's castle area. Lu Wei and Zhao Mingwei merged, and the other personnel were still acting alone.
At this time, Lu Wei failed to rush into Zhao Mingwei's room. Kuroshio Island's ontological consciousness has invaded this castle, and it turned into a nightmare for every player and appeared in front of them.
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