Chapter 408: Send beacon

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Thorne was pulled directly into Jiang's dormitory dormitory by Jiangqiao. He glanced at the five knights who surrounded him. The pressure was a little bit heavy.
Although Queen Mey was assassinated by him, although Jiang Qiao asked him to act, the special effects made by Jiang Qiao were too real. When the five knights had a hard time seeing Thorne again, they approached him with goodwill. .
But it was also limited to the dangerous look of the five knights. Thorne found a chair in the garden of the lord's dormitory and sat down.
"Are you trying to connect to the various planes on the star map?"
Thorne found a place to sit and listened to Jiangqiao's commission and came to this conclusion.
"Strictly speaking we just want to ... flicker some wild gods on the star map to Brand Island. There should be such gods on the star map? There is no that belongs to the plane and wanders on all planes."
"Yes, a lot."
Thorn's hands gathered a pale white light, and when the light faded, a breeder-style mechanical part was placed on the wooden table in front of him.
"what is this?"
Jiang Qiao picked up Thorn's mechanical part on the table. This part contained powerful energy. If he fed it to Sea Blue, he could get about 60,000 to 100,000 creation energy.
The shape of the mechanical part looks like a square box. At first glance, it is an ancient artifact left by the archeological race in which science and technology works evolved.
This high-precision instrument is obviously from the hands of the Sanctuary of Creation, which is also a stone hammer. The breeder is an organization split from the Sanctuary of Creation.
"My transmitting beacon." Thorne took out another copy that was totally incompatible with this high-tech part ... and passed it to Jiangqiao.
This scroll Jiangqiao is not clear about the material of the creature, but it is definitely an ancient record. Jiangqiao opened the scroll and translated it with the memory of aquamarine to find out ... this is an instruction manual .
"The Alliance of the Gods and the Sanctuary of Creation are one of the few co-produced ... relics. This relic is connected to the large and small planes of the star map. There are many replica models in the sanctuary of creation. A copy of the aircraft, "Thorne said.
"Again, is the law that prototypes are stronger than production machines? Let me see ... let me explain the function of this thing."
After Jiangqiao read this instruction manual, he probably understood what this beacon is called.
"When this thing is activated, it is equivalent to opening a teleportation array on the star map to Brandander Island? It will attract people from all corners of the starmap ... Brand Island?" Jiangqiao asked.
"This is only a basic function. My transmission beacon can limit the strength of the transmitter. The way the Holy Spirit describes it is to limit the level of the transmitter. You can set the upper limit of the level to 50, then you can transmit the life of the beacon. The body can only be below level 50, and whether the sender can pass this beacon requires my review. I can give this review right to you, remember that this is only a function that the prototype can have. "Thorne Speaking of which, I don't know if it is showing off or just telling Jiangqiao.
"It's too convenient ..."
Jiang Qiao can retell Thorne's explanation in a game.
This transmission beacon is an upgraded version of the open recruitment system, which is open to the entire Star Chart.
Some alien NPCs will be transmitted to the city built by the Holy Spirit through this beacon, and act as tourists in the city.
Jiangqiao is the official dog planning and system. When foreign NPCs make requests, Jiangqiao can review them. If these NPCs are like the Annihilation Legion, the Void Zerg, and other things that will cause destructive hostility to the city Role, Jiangqiao can be eliminated first.
"Eternal Thorne, there are things you shouldn't hide."
The Ember Knight, who had fallen asleep, suddenly peeped out of the pancake box with two pairs of black eyes and stared at Thorne.
He seemed to conceal his existence before Thorne came.
"What to hide?"
Jiangqiao heard the reminder from the Black Knight, only to find that he didn't know Thorne's past at all, but only knew that he had served in the Annihilation Legion.
"I didn't hide it, but you didn't ask." Thorn paused for a moment and continued, "It's not a big deal. My real identity on the star chart is actually a wanted criminal, wanted by the sanctuary of creation ... a wanted criminal. "
"Then ... if I activate this transmission beacon ..."
If Jiangqiao remembered it correctly, the instruction manual stated that each transmitting beacon is unique, unique to those who receive the beacon transmission, and can feel who the owner of the beacon is.
"The bounty hunters who want to take me back to the creation sanctuary will flock to it. The popularity is too high." Thorne scratched his stubble chin and said, "I used to avoid it. They only joined the Oblivion after their hunt. In the early years, I was still with the mother star of the Void Zerg. I sent to the core of the abyss to see the world, and now it feels good to be sheltered by the God Eater.
Absolutely, this master of swordsmanship really lived by eating soft rice under the influence of the natural disaster of the star map.
"Are you sure this thing can limit the level of the teleporter?"
Jiang Qiao didn't want this beacon to activate, and a lot of monsters of hundreds of levels popped out.
"I guarantee my life at this point." Thorne's voice became extremely serious, without the feeling of salty fish pushing away.
"Then activate it here first."
Jiangqiao placed this beacon-sized transmitting beacon on the ground, and the fighting power of the five knights became stronger as they absorbed the power of Kuroshio Island creatures.
Now the Lion Heart Knight has reached the 80th level. Queen Mey is a little bit near to the 79th level. Unfortunately, this pure-blooded lord of the last blood of the god-eating blood is too stark on the star map. Too little.
The presence of the Five Knights and Queen Mey, plus the state of the creator of Jiangqiao, even if any creature above the hundredth level broke into the duplicate lord's dormitory, it was just a delivery.
After all, this is the area of ​​Jiangqiao.
"It can be activated by placing the mother crystal or the divine power crystal in that groove. It takes about ten lord levels a day ... It is true that this is the name of the lord lord mother crystal, and about two hundred divine power crystals." Thorn also looked very It has been useless for a long time.
Jiangqiao did not show mercy, and under the tearful gaze of the of the lake next to him, poured all two hundred divine power crystals into the groove.
The transmission beacon gathered light, and soon a lot of complicated text options appeared in front of Jiangqiao. This is the text of the breeder ... Hailan's memory has this text, and her memory has the star map. Civilized text.
After Jiangqiao limited the level of transmission beacons to below 65, he chose to first disclose this transmission request to hundreds of surrounding planes.
The transmission request was sent almost half an hour, and Jiangqiao did not get any response ... This made Jiangqiao look at Thorne with skeptical eyes.
"Not everyone knows my reward order, you need to attract them with something else," Thorne said.
"Other things?" Jiang Qiao can only be regarded as a country guy on the star map. The ghost knows what the star map 'city people' want.
"The weapon forged by the God Eater." Thorne took out the cult knife that Jiang Qiao gave him and said, "After the God Eater has fallen, everyone on the star map regards her fragment as absolute. One of the reasons is that they want to steal the power of the gods, and the other is ... they want the weapons that the gods have forged, and believers who have been given her power. "
Jiangqiao knows a bit about this. The God of Fortune spent his entire life to strengthen a piece of equipment for players. However, the weapon of the Holy Spirit was not so popular in the circle of NPCs of the Star Chart.
"Let me ask again, the coordinates of this place ... shouldn't it be exposed?"
From the information obtained by the breeder from Jiangqiao, it is very difficult for some distant planes of the star map to communicate with each other. At the same time, the number of planes outside the jurisdiction of the Sanctuary is unknown, but each plane All are under the watchful eye of the Alliance of Gods, because the highest level of the Alliance of Gods is itself one of the rules of the star chart.
The laws of the gods alliance will not pose any threat to players, but Jiangqiao does not rule out that the sanctuary of creation on the star map will make a decision to kill Brandy Island and the Holy Spirit.
"No, the prototype." Thorne promised again, "or else I won't be free on the star chart for so long."
Jiang Qiao still didn't believe Thorn's answer, and at this time, some applications appeared one after another in the transmission beacon.
"So detailed ...?" Jiangqiao read these applications ~ ~ and found that the contents of the applications are like identity documents. The applicant belongs to that camp, what race, age, level, and name Jiangqiao can be seen on the application even at what plane he is now.
"The Sanctuary of Creation is the first scientific and technological civilization on the star map. If you want to use their transmitting beacons, the most basic is registration. Even plane pirates will register their information on it," Thorne explained.
"Your reputation on the star chart seems to be poor?" Jiang Qiao looked at some of the applications ... the applicant's remarks.
These remarked messages are abusive in various languages, such as swear words of the void, swear words of the eternal, swear words defined by the gods.
"I don't think ... eh? These guys are alive and also eternal to them," Thorne said, watching some familiar names flashing on the beacon.
"Are these eternal beings stronger or weaker than you?"
Jiang Qiao has seen two eternal applications on the beacon.
"It must be weak, and giving them another 10,000 years is not my opponent. After all, they were my apprentices." Thorne's confident response sounded impeccable at Jiangqiao.
Jiang Qiao looked at the increasing number of applications. There were many reasons for these applications. Most of them wanted to greet Thorne and get him back. The other part was asking if there were any traces of the gods.
More ... all of them.
This made Jiangqiao think of a very interesting gameplay construction. At this stage, Thorne is not everyone can challenge, players challenge him to line up the elder.
You NPCs want to fight Thorn ... that is, win the players first.
"Let me think about the implementation method. It seems that some are busy today." Jiangqiao began to study what other functions this beacon transmits.
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