Chapter 420: Freya thinks you are weak (5,000 words long

Coke fanatics and throbbing nuclei ... and the three professional players of the Titans collectively landed on the Holy Spirit.
Before landing on the Holy Spirit, everyone vowed to go hand in hand, whoever pulled the knife first and who was the dog.
To put it simply, this time on the line is to see the scenery of the Holy Spirit City. Whoever enters the battle will have the authority to kick it off the line.
When a group of members rushed to the newly opened "Arena" area of ​​the Holy Spirit City, the first person who could not control himself was Cun Canyun.
The arena area is where the Holy Spirit City has the largest number of onlookers. After the Holy Spirit Challenge was launched, Bubbles set up twelve platforms here for those npcs who participated in the Challenge to warm up.
Juan Yunyun happened to see Madame Calamity on a ring ... It was not the player that was dealing with Madam Calamity, but it was the players who were called by the players in the Holy Spirit Challenge on Thorne difficulty. Husel.
Hugh Zell is no stranger to the newly launched Cola Fanatic and Leaping Nuclear Players. As a newly updated eternal, he and Roche are on the forum by the brother of the forum and known as ... the shadow of the Holy Spirit Challenge !!
The meaning of this shady is that the Holy Spirit officially allowed Rosh and Hueser to participate in the Holy Spirit Challenge, which made it clear that he did not want the player to take the first place.
Madam Hugher and Hugh Zell who appeared on the ring were able to make a 50-50.
Hueser uses a long sword that releases a crimson flame. Madame Calamity is the most common combination of machete and musket for pirates. As the battle continues, Madam Calm's health begins to gradually Falling in the downwind, she also began to see a large number of wounds.
This makes Juan Canyun watching below a bit unable to resist going to the platform where Madam Calamity is, but Mo Shigui stretched out his hand and put it on Juan Canyun's shoulder.
"A small question, don't forget the agreement before we came, and ... that is not necessarily the Lady of Calamity in our guild." Mo Shigui reminded Juan Canyun.
Tomorrow will be the final of the World of Disputes. As a coach, Mo Shigui clearly understands the impact of playing the Holy Spirit on the state of the game of dissension. It is better if the team is much weaker than the jumping nuclei.
But the cola mania is definitely a strong team that is evenly matched with the pulsing nuclear. The state often determines the outcome of a game.
"But coach, she is ..." Of course, Juan Yun knew what Mo Shi was saying.
It is very common for a game to have many replicas of npcs, but the problem is that in the list of contracted npcs of Juan Canyun, the only lady who is suffering is showing ‘Going Out’.
"Mrs. Calamity at our base was dragged into the Holy Spirit Challenge by the dogs? Why? Why not just get a new Calamity Lady?"
A player beside Juanju Yun was a little puzzled. He heard what the player said was wrong but couldn't say anything.
Because Lady Calamity is an npc in the minds of the players, npc should have a lot of Calamity ladies just like Freya.
The appearance of the npc character in the Holy Spirit Challenge is a very novel setting, so from the players' perspective, the Lady Calamity in the challenge should be a 'new' one!
"I don't know." Juan Canyun looked at Mrs. Cao, who was full of scars on the ring, and he couldn't guess why his own woman was standing on that ring.
And Madam was like ignoring Wan Canyun deliberately. She has always focused on the battle in front of her.
"Twenty-four people participated in the Holy Spirit Challenge this time, and I just updated one more." A fan of Coca-Cola was watching the official Holy Spirit Challenge on the official website.
The official page will announce all the npcs who participated in the challenge. Not only was it announced, but the difficulty of these npcs was also identified.
Among them, the elder brothers and sisters Roche and Hugh Zell lead the hell-level difficulty, and further down are a difficult-level and twenty-one ordinary npc.
I am afraid that these two hell-level logos are the reason why the forum buddies are spurting blackouts, but when the player checked, the official website updated a new role.
"Who is it?" Caramel asked immediately.
Although his attention was on the eternal Husser on the ring, Caramel was also very concerned about ... what npcs participated in this challenge.
"It's ... the incarnation of Freyas, difficult." The player said.
"What did you say?" Caramel heard the character's name for a moment, and then looked sideways in amazement at the interface shown in front of his teammates.
This interface is really marked with the incarnation of a newly updated challenge character, Freyas.
There is one more character under the challenge card. The character is being challenged on the 12th ring. Challenger: Eternal Roche.
Caramel was not very interested in the character itself. He glanced at Mo Shigui who was jumping over the nucleus. Mo Shigui behaved calmly, but watched his eyelids keep jumping.
I really want to be reminded to say ‘Coach Song! There will be matches tomorrow! ’
Roche was carrying her burger, which was really a strange group of creatures.
She looked at the group of Holy Spirits around her, and she had the illusion of becoming the leader of the Holy Spirits, or the head of an older sister.
"Sister Roche, is your life full? Would you like something else?"
"Today's performance is as strong as ever!"
Not an illusion, she really became the leader of a small group of Holy Spirits, or ... an idol?
Roche has been fighting on the ring of the Holy Spirit for almost fifteen days. In these fifteen days, she killed more than a hundred Holy Spirits ...
Changed to other races, and had already formed a feud with Roche, but only many of these Holy Spirits were killed by her three or four times, but after the Holy Spirits were killed by herself, not only did she not feel angry. Instead, she also joined her support team.
Her popularity is also getting higher and higher in the Holy Spirit City, and there is a faint sign that it is like a Roche Gang.
Not understandable, can be useful.
Roche also learned how to be a qualified npc and a qualified high-popular npc in the Holy Spirit City, and Roche will release these tasks to the Holy Spirit with the reward of divine power.
With the help of these holy spirits, Roche received a lot of information about Thorne, but unfortunately he was still behind the last goal ... that is to win the championship.
But if she continues to accumulate this popularity and get more and more supporters of the Holy Spirit, maybe ... you don't need to win the championship to find Thorn's guy?
When this strange idea came to Roche's mind, she finally matched a new opponent.
"Thank you for your help, I should come to power." Roche took out a silver coin circulating in the Holy Spirit and gave it to the Holy Spirit who helped himself to buy a burger, and went straight to the ring.
Standing on the other side of Yantai was a somewhat familiar figure of Roche, Fuliya.
This character Roche occasionally hears the Holy Spirit mentioning. From the information gathered by Roche, it seems that Freya is the pronoun of many spouses of the Holy Spirit?
"I didn't expect that you would also participate in this game." Roche didn't understand any mercy, and Fliya, who was standing in front of her, wore only a gray-white nun, and there was no weapon in her hand. It's like a kitten that can be slaughtered by anyone.
"Do you know me? I didn't expect to meet you in the first game, which made me a little scared." Fuliya said looking at Roche, who was ready to fight.
"If you are afraid, you can abstain."
One of Roche's most loathing things is to bully the weak. She vowed that she would never shoot at the innocent weak in her life, and Freya could be among them.
But before Freya spoke and abstained, the holy spirits suddenly became restless.
"It's really Freya! Not a player wearing Freya ID!"
"Fuck! Who's so sad to send her Freya to the game?"
"Sister Roche head! Don't! Please let her go ..."
"Although it's not Freya in my house, but ... is it a bit cruel?"
The following Holy Spirits confirmed that the figure standing on the stage was really Freya, and the group entered a state of riot. This state of riot can be divided into asking Roche not to start his own Freya, and Threatening Roche dare to start against Freya must have no good food!
Roche glanced at the excited spirits below, and she closed her eyes.
The mark on the back of Roche's left hand exuded a light blue light. When Roche opened her eyes again at this moment, she saw the figures floating on Freya's head.
This number is not something like combat effectiveness, but ... the ranking of the ladder stadium.
Ranking of the Holy Spirit Ladder Arena.
That's right ... Roche slaughtered players on the ring during this time, not just to warm up, but to improve his ranking in the Holy Spirit Arena.
After she signed a contract with Jiangqiao, she entered the player's ladder arena as an npc.
When the Holy Spirit Challenge officially starts, the 25 NPCs will be assigned to different battle groups based on different scores in the arena ranking.
If you want to win the Holy Spirit Challenge in the simplest and most straightforward way, then you must get as high as possible before you start.
Now Roche ’s ladder is ranked 17th, but Freya's ranking is 10,000.
After playing fiercely for 15 days in the Ladder Arena, Roche knew a concept called 'eating points', that is, she defeated players with similar rankings. .
Fuliya, a 10,000-strong player, Rosh may not add much points if she beats her. If she loses, she will lose more points.
The problem is ... she can't kill Freya.
Roche vaguely felt that if she did something excessive to the puppet in front of her, the connections she had accumulated in the Holy Spirit could be ruined.
"I abstain."
Roche finally spoke these three words in front of the restless holy spirit surrounding him.
A lot of sighs of relief from the Holy Spirit came one after another. After Roche decided to abstain, even if Fliya behind shouted the words 'Wait a minute', she walked down the ring without turning back .
But Fuliya is still standing on this ring, and she is waiting for the challenge of other Holy Spirits as the leader of this ring.
But no Holy Spirit came to power in a short time.
"Hurry up! Someone's Freya lost and brought her back!"
"Can it be a system bug?"
"Bug a chicken, the incarnation of the Freyas is difficult on the official website. The old man will try it up?"
"Are you still a man playing Fuliya? Climb for Grandpa!"
But there is no shortage of good players among the players ... Freya stands quietly on the ring and finally waits for a challenger.
This challenger is a burly Judo player with an id called Fenglin Wuhuo. The guild to which he belongs is an unknown ‘We ’ll Always Love Freya’ Guild.
The character's seemingly stubborn brother expressed his idea with the guild name as soon as he entered the stage.
"Are you the player's Freya? Remember what the Holy Spirit is in your house? Maybe we can take you back?" Feng Lin didn't say anything, but as soon as he came to power, he got a violent grab. Combat status.
He is just like all the players below ... All hope that this Freya has something bug in the system before he can run to the ring.
Because of the cola fanatics, many players used Freya's guide stones to bring their own Freya to the perimeter of the arena.
Maybe ... this Freya was just lost in the crowd?
In any case, almost ninety-nine percent of the players who have reached the full level of the Holy Spirit are Freya's controls, even if they are other people's Freya ... As long as that face is grown, there is no way to start.
"I know ... the Holy Spirit." Suddenly the cold air began to spill from the platform.
"Slum! Whoever has a hot drink, come quickly to a bottle! I'm in a state of dehydration!"
"Me too ... what happened?"
Under the influence of the cold, the players who watched around the ring instantly entered a state of non-stop blood loss. The wind forest no fire on the ring platform continued to drop blood at a rate of losing 50 health points per second.
"It's hard for you to accept, I'll be here as your enemy."
Fuliya slowly walked towards the wind forest on the other side of the ring. There was no fire. When halfway through, Frost's Frost Scythe appeared in Fuliya's hands.
Freya reached out and stroked the sickle's blade ...
What the hell?
Feng Lin didn't have a fire and watched Fuliya coming towards herself. It looked silly, but he instinctively pressed the button to take a picture.
But the moment the operation of the screenshot ended, Fuliya suddenly waved the huge sickle in his hand, and his eyes were completely covered with a lot of hoarfrost ... The hoarfrost blocked his vision, and Fliya's figure disappeared. In hoarfrost.
When Feng Lin did not want to use his skills to fight back, he found that he had hit a shot, a deadly shot.
He fell to his knees directly on the ground. At this moment, the white fog covering the sight of people on the platform disappeared, and the holy spirit watching from below saw the scene fixed on the field.
Fenglin had no fire, and somehow she had fallen to her knees while Fuliya was standing behind him, and the huge sickle was resting on Fenglin's neck without fire.
"Sleeping well, Holy Spirit."
Fuliya, as always, was soft enough to make people feel healed, but in return was the sound of the giant sickle cutting the flesh.
The sickle condensed by the frost cut off Fenglin's no-fire neck from bottom to top, and directly cut off his first stage. Blood spewed from the neck until it was frozen by the frost, and Fenglin's no-fire head It fell to the other side of the ring.
But his sight still remained, so he watched his body that had lost his head fell in front of Freya, and he became a seal tombstone.
Beheading! One hit kill!
The following crowd of players have entered a collective sluggish state ...
"I don't dare to tease Freya in my house anymore."
"What's up with Freya?"
Mo Shigui looked at Fu Liya on the stage under the ring. Although Fu Liya had many, many and many, and the clothes she wore were not the same, Mo Shigui always felt like her own. What does Freya have to do?
But the original intention of this character design, Mo Shigui can guess, that is, the dog plan to promote Freya's popularity ... From the feedback of the players, it is undoubtedly very successful.
If the entire npc's popularity is voted, as long as the battle record on the platform is released, the incarnation popularity of the Freyas will definitely rank in the top three.
But compared to popularity, Mo Shigui is more concerned about ...
"Fan Xing, are you at Cola's fanatical stronghold?" Mo Shigui opened the friends list and sent a private chat to Fan Xing.
"Are here! The setting of the new challenge character is simply ... wow, I also want to try to feel beheaded by Freya!"
"I will experience it later. I want to know what the background story of this character is? Or is it a completely overhead character?" Mo Shigui asked.
Most npcs of the Holy Spirit have a backstory and origin. There are few npcs that are simply pinched out. The incarnation of the Freyas should also have any backstory.
"I'm still analyzing this, but President Mo, do you know what the reward for the Holy Spirit Challenge is?" Fan Xing asked suddenly.
"Legendary equipment and special equipment?" This is Mo Shigui's most useful reward, and an exclusive title.
"No! It's a wish. I can make a wish to the god-eating ... I found most npcs who participated in the competition in these fifteen days, and found that they all came for this wish, waiting for the incarnation of the Freyas. After that, I will see if I can ask her. In any case, President Mo rest assured that even if I risk being cut in half, I will dig out the background story of this character. "Fan Xing replied.
Mo Shigui looked at Freya, who was on the ring to meet the second challenger, and Madame Husser, who defeated and the Eternal on the other side.
If players win, of course, they can also get the reward of this wish.
But from the perspective of Mo Shigui, a pure player, this wish is nothing more than getting the specified equipment, or going to the headquarters of the Holy Spirit, or getting the signature of the producer of the Holy Spirit.
Just the last sentence of the event, "All the power of interpretation of this event belongs to the Holy Spirit official," shows that the official will definitely make some shady in wishes.
After all, it is impossible for the official to agree with the ‘I want to be the Holy Ghost’ desire that will ruin the game.
What about npc? What wishes will the npcs make? There is no way to guess Mo Shigui.
Mo Shigui at this time just saw a message from the Holy Spirit tearing group ... This message was sent by the heart ~ ~ It's still very cheap Aite all the members.
‘Residual Heart: Longevity! npc ladder points will soon reach the top! Bubbles will cause your caramel to burst! all members'
There is also a ranking of ladder points below this message. The first place is still Coca-Cola's enthusiastic caramel, but the second place is no longer a familiar name for players, but Husser the Eternal.
With a record of seventy-three consecutive victories, he stood firmly in second place on the ladder points. Judging from the points, Husserl would win the first place on the ladder points in the next game.
After seeing this news, Mo Shigui looked at the enthusiastic professional team of Coke.
Caramel has slowly pulled out his moonlight sword, but the other team members crazed his legs and waist like crazy.
"Captain, calm down! You will play the World Championship tomorrow!"
"What tomorrow! It's going to start this afternoon! It's past zero!"
"Yes indeed!"
The NPCs also counted in the ranking of the Holy Spirit's ladder ... and threatened the first of the ladder. Mo Shigui looked at the npc characters occupying the top of the ladder, which gave him a world of conflicts ... even worse than the competitive level ... the Holy Spirit The feeling of hosting this online Holy Spirit Challenge without much attention.
The focus of the Holy Spirit Challenge is really low. Basically, it is a small circle of Holy Spirit. It is far less watched than the World of Disputes, and it is not very formal. It is an official event, not a professional competition.
But after the characters of the incarnation of the Freyas appeared, the Holy Spirit players who didn't pay much attention to this game originally, and a group of cloud players started to discuss this topic by accident.
Disputes this game ... how many more years? Seeing this Mo Shigui suddenly came up with this problem.
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