Chapter 107: Three erosion swamps

The moment he saw the black wolf, Luo Duan realized that he had been trapped. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:
With that level of power, it is impossible to think of others. Shu Jun has really joined hands with humans. Looking at the previous actions, the cooperation between the two parties can even be called in-depth.
For what, (sexual xing) life? Shu Jun is obviously a cruel (sexual xing), he should have known better than anyone, what will happen to cooperation with humans. Luo Duan couldn't figure it out, he could only feel the disappointment and hatred surging inside.
A traitor who bends his knees to humans.
It was too late to turn around and escape. Since the other party attracted them, it is naturally impossible to be unprepared. The best approach is to stretch the battlefield farther away, at least to the heavily eroded area. However, just as sigma stopped advancing, a huge oppressive force appeared around. The gravity seemed to increase suddenly, and the sigma instinctively stayed in place and did not continue to retreat.
The small eclipse swamp used for investigation was moved to the surrounding area exhaustedly, and several new machines were found. They are completely different from the previous purifiers. They seem to be controlled remotely (fuck by cao), and they are buzzing neatly.
Worse, they cannot be easily destroyed.
The previous purifiers were more like making noises that made corrosive annoying, forcing them to go far. But if they are to be weaponized and their power is increased to the level of kill sha) deadly quality", then their range of action will become extremely limited. Once confronted with the swamp with autonomous consciousness, their role is quite limited, and countless manpower must be used.
The things in front of them are different-these new machines do not have kill sha) death" corrosive qualities, just like knocking corrosive substances (dry gan) crisply and smoothly, making the swamps lose their control over corrosive substances. For an autonomous swamp, this is tantamount to advancing in a minefield. As long as you get this thing, you have to lose some corrosion.
The sigma's brain is deep in the body and won't be hurt, but it is too big-it is very hard to use those hands to grasp the ground. Surrounded by these gadgets, the hand melts like hot wax with a single stump, it can't move out of this circle at all. In order to make it easier to move, sigma folds itself a few folds specially compared to when it was at the seaside, making it a lot thicker. Now even if it wants to expand the body and escape from Shu Jun, it can no longer do it.
Every step is calculated by the other side.
Rather than thinking about running away, it is better to start first. Being unable to go far does not mean that sigma has lost its combat effectiveness. Even if locked in a cage, the beast is still a beast. As for whether the sigma can leave after the war, Luo Duan doesn't care.
What he wants is human suffering, not the victory of the swamp. There will be no feelings between himself and sigma, Luo Jue knows this very well.
He stood up straight.
"Offensive." Luo broke, "I'll help you destroy this city."
sigma reacted immediately. While avoiding the bite of the black wolf, it directs the ordinary swamp to rush up to the black wolf. Human beings have not yet appeared, Shu Jun has torn off its fifteen or six arms-even if the sigma is not lacking in quality, the reconstruction of the arm also requires a process. During this period, its athletic ability will inevitably be greatly affected.
The brainless swamps rushed forward, trying to encase the black wolf and hinder its actions. But when they touched the black wolf, it didn't take long for them to be docile, but it made the black wolf a whole circle bigger.
To make matters worse, the black wolf bit the root of one of sigma's arms. Numerous vines shot out from the wolf, melted into the body of the sigma, and plunged into the ground at the end. Shu Jun was nailing the sigma in place little by little, and sigma tried to seize the dominance of the vines, but failed.
This is the ability that it once split up and used it to attack Shu Jun.
Luo Duan's inner alarm bell is a masterpiece-he used to think that Shu Jun's situation is similar to himself, but he has melted into a part of the marsh, increased his abilities (strong qiang), and gained some other abilities at most. Now it seems that he has made a fundamental (sexual xing) mistake.
Shu Jun not only possesses other abilities, but also takes sigma's abilities as his own. At this point, I can barely believe that he has an extraordinary talent. However, being able to compete with sigma for the dominance of the erosion quality is not something that a person can do.
It was a swamp, not a half-hearted mixture like myself. Shu Jun turned into a real marsh.
"Stop the attacks of ordinary swamps and let them focus on destroying city y. You and I use your abilities to deal with Shu Jun, the erosive attacks are useless for him!"
"I found it." Another slanted human figure appeared on sigma's hand, sounding sullen.
"We have sorted out before. In this war, you have seven most destructive abilities-now separate the abilities of'kiss (kisswen)','crowd' and'flying' to create three brains The eclipse attacked city y."
"Where is Shu Jun?"
"Shu Jun's task should be to hold you back. He can't take care of both ends. In his current state, those three abilities are invalid for him."
There is no logical problem with Luo Duan's statement, sigma was silent for a while and followed it neatly. Three truck-sized brains fell from its grape-like brain clusters (off tuo) and merged into the three masses. The arm far away from Shu Jun grabbed them and directly projected them to the location around the city. The city around the city was filled with brainless swamps, and the three brains quickly controlled the eroding mass, transformed themselves into brained swamps, and rushed towards the city center.
Just as Luo Duan inferred, the black wolf just muttered lowly and did not let go. Shu Jun persistently attacked sigma, which meant that it would be nailed to this land.
On the other side, before the three large swamps reached the city center, they ran into the human army leaving the city center.
They didn't hesitate, just used their ability.
Kiss (kiss wen), crowd and flying, these dying obsessions do not know who once belonged to. They sound pretty good at first, but when turned into weapons, they look very strange.
Kiss (kiss) the swamp released countless head-sized spheres into the air. They floated slowly in the air, and once they hit an obstacle, they exploded suddenly. The internal corrosion sputters out, and its destructive power is comparable to (strong qiang) acid.
The method of flying and eroding the marsh is almost exactly the same as that of kissing (kisswen) eroding the marsh-it also spews countless spheres of similar size. The two are mixed together, which is extremely difficult to distinguish. This light and fluttering corrosive bombs slowly drifted towards the human army, without a trace of reflective "holes" flooding the sky, as if the entire space had been poked into a honeycomb.
And this is not all.
Such a light attack is not the main force. The attack of the crowd eroding marsh is completely different from its comrades in arms. It absorbs the surrounding erosive material and then fixes them into crooked human shapes. The human figures did not act according to the habits of human beings. They swayed up from the ground, twisted their joints, landed on all fours, and moved forward like beasts.
Among them, the (chest xiong) mouth facing the sky and the facing the ground each account for half. They do not consider the actual condition of human joints at all. They just turn the (body shen) body at will, seeing the stomach acid reflux. In order to facilitate attacks, their mouth structure is very similar to that of humans, that is, they are much larger than normal people-these huge mouths grow on the top of human heads and are greatly opened, making these "human" heads split in half. .
From a distance, compared to the crowd, it looks more like a herd that has been transformed into a human structure by (强qiang). They hide themselves under the floating sphere, crawling towards the human army unhurriedly.
Seeing the composition of this swamp army, the scouts almost didn't come up. It didn't take long for the blood to survive, and was almost frozen by this terrible picture.
Fortunately, Zhu Yanchen himself did not stay in the rear to command. He glanced briefly and his expression remained unchanged: "Let the test subject out."
Seeing that the command remained calm, the soldiers could finally breathe again. The team in charge of the test body stepped forward and was about to release the test body
That is a small group of live pigs used to provide (meat rou). They have all kinds of testing equipment tied to their bodies, and they have (gan) spoilers on their eyes. (Dried gan) The scrambler made them ignore the crisis in front of them and directly rushed towards the monster group.
Although there is a brain, the intelligence is closer to the intelligent beast. They don't really pick the enemy. Seeing a living creature hitting it, the swamps immediately activated the offensive mode.
The sphere floating in the air reacted in two ways. A part of the sphere rushed directly towards the test body, and then exploded, eroding the live pigs into shapeless corpses. The other part is actively doing irregular sports, being hit and bursting by a rampaging (rou-rou) pig, which is no less destructive than the "track ball".
As for the humanoid monster group on the ground, the attack is simpler and more rude. They jumped up like a beast, and bit through these bold living creatures with their big mouth. Afterwards, a large amount of corrosive substance was vomited from the mouth, which quickly penetrated into the wound of the test subject.
Compared with the two spheres, its victims died more decently. However, this is not good news for the human army.
Yi Ning's heart gradually sank.
Even if you wear thick protective clothing, no one is steel and iron. Not to mention the erosive monster itself has corrosion (sexual xing), no one has the confidence to take a few mouthfuls of this stuff.
On the other hand, the opposite obviously learned a lesson. The bodies of these three eroding marshes are all hidden in the distance, just working hard to process the surrounding eroded materials, producing these terrible things frantically.
To stop them by destroying the body, you must first pass through the (death si) death array in front of you. It's just that once you concentrate on the offense and neglect the defense, and put these things into Y City, they will instantly become the most terrifying butcher (sha) weapon.
The black wolf can indeed fight, but at this moment it is busy biting the sigma and has no time to support the battlefield here. They did bring a lot of new weapons against the swamp, but the size of the sphere on the opposite side was too tricky
Humans have no supernatural powers, and the vertical effect (fuck cao) is not as good as that of a chengcheng. It's good to take up weapons to deal with large swamps. These corrosive are not big. Once attacked from a blind spot, soldiers may still be injured. On the other hand, even if these weapons reduce the corrosive substance to the most basic corrosive substance, it is dangerous for humans.
Anti-erosion drugs can only ensure normal breathing and no problems in skin contact. If the erosive substance splashes into the eyes, nose, ears, or large wounds, people will still suffer from erosive diseases.
Regardless of the three eroded bogs, they can find a way to deal with them. The opposite party has mixed these three abilities together, and the tactics can be described as vicious.
Yi Ning stroked the situation again, only to feel bitter in his mouth.
"The data sent back is very complete, you have worked hard." Zhu Yanchen focused on analyzing the data. "The attack modes of these three swamps are not complicated."
Yi Ning couldn't help but speak: "How do you say?"
"'Trackball' will lock the heat source and perform contact tracking attacks.'Floatball' will follow the trackball, make irregular movements by itself, and will not actively attack-they are mixed together and it is extremely troublesome to deal with."
"The monster group on the ground has an attack pattern similar to that of a normal beast group. If I guess right, they will have the most basic tactical abilities and can make a breakthrough in our defense. Remember, sigma doesn’t want victory, it doesn’t It will not rule out the army step by step and then slaughter (sha) the people. It only needs to (kill the sha) people, and it is entirely possible to bypass us."
"Looking at the current situation, it seems to want to bypass us." Yining said bitterly. "Once time stretches, these things will only increase. Even if the weapons are good, we can't make combatants out of thin air. It's only a matter of time before they invade the city."
"I thought of losing?" Zhu Yanchen turned away, his tone didn't contain much irony, more like a warning.
"It's just an objective analysis."
"There are two teams. I will take one team to assassinate (slay sha), and the other team will defend the city center during this period." Marshal Zhu shook his head, "Yining, you take care of the defenders-you don't need to attack , As long as (fuck cao) make a heavy'(zhenzhen) suppression' machine and guard the surroundings."
"Any special instructions?"
"No, I don't need your response." Zhu Yanchen spoke quickly, "I have only one request. Before you die, these things can't step into the city of y. Have you heard?"
"..." The crowd was silent.
"This is a war, not a spring outing. Even if you don't have a shield, you are soldiers anyway, be decent!"
"Understood!" people (gan gan) shouted.
"Relatively, our team will solve the eroded marsh body as soon as possible. As long as these things do not increase, it is not difficult to completely eliminate them."
"If something happens to you, what will you do later?"
"Once I'm in a situation, Zhu Shenghui will take over the command. The current situation is still under our control, don't be nervous. In addition—" Zhu Yanchen looked at the huge black wolf not far away, with a little smile in his voice. "He has never lost, and I will not hold back."
After that, Zhu Yanchen took a deep breath: "Assemble immediately and redistribute weapons."
"Fifteen minutes later, let's go!"
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