Chapter 109: Emergency

Although the soldiers were puzzled, they dispersed according to Zhu Yanchen's intention. +++ Popular Tanmei novel: As expected, the three large swamps did not take this human team into consideration. They are like production machinery on an industrial assembly line, constantly spitting out nightmares.
It stands to reason that Zhu Yanchen should not be involved in the risk personally. He can be regarded as the commander-in-chief of this war for the time being. Once he falls here, Zhu Sheng may not be able to take over the stall, let alone Yining.
To be honest, until now, they have not recovered from the impact of Zhu Yanchen's resurrection. That is, the war has eased the chaos, and now suddenly received such a ridiculous instruction, saying that it is false not to be flustered.
Team c fired purification bombs at the thing as agreed. The old-fashioned purification bombs dented the swamp by a large amount. They were hindered and began to slowly rotate in the direction of Group C.
At the same time, Zhu Yanchen straightened the front mask, connected the respirator, and activated the suppression device in his hand.
The appearance of this device is a little weird. Compared with a pistol, it is more like a strange eggbeater. Just after the eclipse marsh's attention was drawn away by Group C, Zhu Yanchen climbed to a nearby high place and jumped off with the device.
The person in charge of group c almost screamed-the swamp was rather viscous, and it was completely different from ordinary liquids. Even if you don't consider erosion, once something goes wrong, you may be suffocated inside. They were completely confused about Zhu Yanchen's operation.
Zhu Yanchen did not bring threatening weapons, nor did he cause additional damage. So the eclipses still guard group C and try to include them in the forward path of the manufacturing. Just when they adjusted their bodies awkwardly, group c received extremely weak signals.
This time they switched to a more penetrating launch tube and hit the old-fashioned purification bomb at one of the spherical erosion swamps.
The purification bomb smashed into the largest swamp with its momentum, and then burst open suddenly. The globular swamp was unprepared and hurt his brain. Immediately, it could no longer spout small all over the sky, and could barely maintain its external shape.
The signal came again.
Although the human forces didn't know the principle, seeing that the attack was effective, Zhu Yanchen was still alive, and he started more decisively. Several purification bombs exploded one after another, and the spherical erosion swamp finally couldn't support the special shape, and the erosion sparsely flowed to the ground, like a melting ice cream ball in a plate.
However, until this part of the eclipse flowed clean, they did not see Zhu Yanchen.
Immediately afterwards, a signal also appeared inside the next sphere. Exercise in the eclipse is not a simple matter, the ghost knows where this guy's physical strength is.
Group C did the same and injured another. This time, we learned a lesson from the erosion of the marsh. The spherical erosion of the marsh and the "herd of animals" were divided into two and acted separately. The Orb Erosion Marsh was injured and was unable to make an Erosion Ball, which was able to retain his athletic ability. And the biggest one that made the ground monster is still intact-it has learnt well, and started to use the wounded spherical eclipse as an alarm, wriggling quite diligently.
They were caught off guard. As a result, the two very difficult eroding disappeared. In this way, the pressure on Yining's side can be much less.
The problem is the last big eclipse.
The two spherical erosion swamps are not large in size and have regular shapes. The size of the irregular shape is exaggerated. They don't know how Zhu Yanchen positioned the "key point", but the stuff in front of him is too large. Finding the key point is probably as troublesome as fishing for coins in a swimming pool.
To make matters worse, the injured spherical erosion swamp detached itself from the large erosion swamp, and the body's erosion mass flow rate suddenly accelerated, as if he planned to drown Zhu Yanchen in his body.
No signal came out this time.
The spherical swamp hung in the air, and something fell beautifully from the bottom. Zhu Yanchen also held the suppression device in his hand. Looking at the condition of the device, it seems that it is almost damaged.
Zhu Yanchen did not dare. He got up on the ground and ran to the high ground where the groups a and b were. The spherical erosion swamp was unable to reproduce the sphere, so it chased it directly behind, trying to get rid of this particularly annoying bug.
As a result, this chase directly chased into the encircling circle of groups a and b. Several elite teams have been following Zhu Sheng for many years, and their reaction speed is still somewhat - they did not wait for Zhu Yanchen to give an order, they carried out an indiscriminate and concentrated attack on the chasing swamp.
Poor Spherical Swamp survived the first day of the junior high school, not the fifteenth. It barely avoided Zhu Yanchen's total damage to the brain, but did not wait to escape the indiscriminate blow. Its size is there, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot withstand the mad bombing by the elite team at any cost.
The spherical erosion swamp soon couldn't protect his brain, and wanted to give up the body that he had finally built up, and tried to save the incomplete brain. It is a pity that Marshal Zhu watched closely, and at the moment his brain was exposed, he commanded the two teams to attack.
Soon, this brain-eroded marsh also returned to its original state. Erosion accumulates a thin pool on the ground.
"Meet with Group C." Zhu Yanchen ordered decisively, replacing the severely corroded mask, and didn't mean to rest.
"The rest..."
"They are not bad in learning ability, and the remaining one will definitely not suffer the same loss. 80% of them are adjusting instructions to let their own creations kill us first."
The soldiers were shocked. "Living and then surprise attack" is theoretically feasible, that is, once they are targeted by the opposing monster army, the enemy can also mash them into flesh by virtue of their numbers. They just used quantity to suppress each other, and seeing history going backwards and repeats, it feels really uncomfortable.
"Don't worry, I won't let you die."
"Run." Zhu Yanchen said concisely. "The new army of monsters positioned us as the target, and there is no support near the city of Y. Moreover, this swamp has seen our attack methods and will not let itself be too far away from the army of monsters. Just take the opportunity to transfer the battlefield to another place. "
"We have limited armaments, so we can't keep flying kites like this." Seeing the shadowy monsters in the mist, the group leader's voice sharpened. He is courageous, but when facing unknown enemies, fear is the instinct of most creatures.
"Go over there." Zhu Yanchen pointed to the black wolf who was torn with sigma.
Shu Jun really did not expect that they would still have a chance to meet on the battlefield.
In order to stabilize the structure of the black wolf, he used almost all his abilities. "Creation" created light and hard eroded bones, and eroded vines filled the interior of the black wolf, replacing the internal organs and muscles, so that the giant wolf would not collapse due to its own gravity. sigma also used a lot of abilities. During the fight, he was aware of at least fifty abilities.
However, not every ability is sufficiently aggressive. Most of them were used as blindfolds and distracted him. Among them, Shu Jun currently counts about three types that are truly extremely lethal.
"Cobweb", "paralysis" and "gnaw".
These abilities are not complicated, the role of the "cobweb" is quite direct-sigma can construct a large number of corrosive filaments in a very short time. This kind of filament is very sticky, even if Shu Jun can suppress the corrosive substance, his movements will be affected more or less if he is touched by this thing. The sigma is much larger than the black wolf, and he can't always get rid of the corroding spider silk.
"Cheese" and "paralysis" are also literal meanings, and sigma combines them. A huge mouth will appear at the contact area between it and Shu Jun, desperately devouring the corrosive mass that Shu Jun has gathered. Once bitten by the sigma, Shu Jun could feel that the erosive quality of the wound became chaotic, and he began to refuse to do so, and it was difficult to quickly restore his body structure.
sigma "cobweb" and "paralysis" are used quite diligently. The black wolf was also trapped between the wreckage of two tall buildings, and it was difficult to move. Shu Jun was afraid that sigma would bypass him and attack City Y, and Luo Duan was also afraid that Shu Jun would turn his head and destroy the brain-swamp released by sigma. The two giant swamps are stuck in the outer circle of city y, entangled in each other, it is difficult to distinguish.
In this way, the two sides fought each, and the battlefield was clearly drawn. However, Shu Jun had just shaken off the spider silk, and when he was preparing for the next pounce, Monday, who was behind his body, suddenly got a shock: "Wish!"
At this level of battle, Monday is almost useless. But it is better than having the nature of a small animal—a keen sense and a natural sense of smell for the special life around it.
Zhu Yanchen is nearby.
Shu Jun was startled first, and then wanted to laugh again. In the past, he could not have imagined that A Yan would use this kind of trickery.
"Did he bring an erosion swamp?"
"Sure enough, he will definitely lead the swamp to the eye-catching place. Let me see... the water tower next to the wolf's left hind leg. When the swamp arrives, you tell me."
Twisted a few times on Monday to signal that I heard it. Sure enough, Zhu Yanchen straddled the motorcycle and led the team all the way. They flexibly avoided the huge claws of the black wolf and led the swamp to the vicinity of the water tower.
"Bah! Bah! Bah!"
I used the maximum volume on Monday, pucking three times in a row, and sprayed the corrosive substance on Shu Jun's neck, for fear that he would not be able to hear it.
Almost in the next second, Shu Jun manipulated the black wolf to retreat for half a step. Before sigma could react, he stepped on the swamp chasing with a paw.
This step slammed the large swamp on the spot-it was really big enough for humans. But it is to the black wolf, the model is comparable to the watermelon to the human. Shu Jun went down with a claw, and it was a little unbearable, almost bursting out juice.
Not to mention the simple-minded swamp, Luo Duan also froze for a moment. Shu Jun had no communication with the humans who had just arrived at the scene, and it was already difficult to perceive the marsh erosion, let alone step on it accurately.
With this step, the swamp was almost stamped into a doughnut structure. It desperately mobilized the body's erosive mass and tried to move its brain to a safe corner. Zhu Yanchen didn't let go of this good time for observation, this time he didn't need to sneak into the eclipse marsh, and directly pointed out the approximate location of his brain.
The human warriors are worthy of the name of the elite, yet another storm-like attack.
When Shu Jun withdrew his claws, the Great Erosion Marsh followed in the footsteps of two spherical Erosion Marshes-it was also beaten back to its original shape and crawled on the ground in the state of ordinary Erosion Marsh.
Zhu Yanchen did not delay and did not intend to leave any time for sigma to attack them. As soon as the Great Erosion Marsh was destroyed, he started his motorcycle, took a big turn, and led the team to y city again.
As a result, before he could go far, something swept over his head. The black wolf's big tail was hanging down, and the tip of the tail gave him a dissatisfaction.
At this moment, the soldiers are busy leaving this place of right and wrong, all running fast. Zhu Yanchen dropped to the rear, and flew a kiss awkwardly and solemnly while no one saw it.
"Thank you." He opened his mask and said with a mouth.
There was a trace of corrosion, struggling to climb on his motorcycle, eroding a line between the handle--
"You learned to be lazy, A Yan. How about the gentleman's style?"
"To defeat it, I still have two or three independent combat plans. But no matter which one it is, I may be seriously injured... You don't like that." Zhu Yanchen touched the corroded quality and replied softly.
Even if Shu Jun couldn't hear it.
"In addition, I will leave you a little gift." He smiled and added another sentence. "You will find it."
Shu Jun did find Marshal Zhu's "little gift". Without him, this gift had reached the pad of Wolf's paw.
That is a suppressive device in action, and it's nothing but fruit. Shu Jun had never seen this model. It is estimated that Zhu Yanchen made use of the power of the command center during the time the two were separated.
He quietly hooked it into the black wolf's body with the corrosive substance, and took it in his hand.
This is an exquisite bomb. Compared with a lethal weapon, it is more like a smoke bomb. A short sentence is engraved on the thick metal shell--
【For a short time and strong suppression. If the situation is really critical, please run away. 】
"Worry about ghosts." Shu Jun shouted with a smile, and threw the bomb into the weapon bag behind him. I also felt the oppression of this thing on Monday, and immediately yelled out of dissatisfaction.
Luo Duan's face was very ugly.
The whole process happened very quickly, but within half a minute, the human team completed the whole process of impact-killing the marsh-withdrawing. When he reacted, Zhu Yanchen's group would have gone far. The city was full of debris and the terrain was complicated, and he couldn't find them for a while.
What's more, Shu Jun was stopped in front of him.
He was a little angry, even with a bit of grievance in his anger-even at this point, humans still dared to use Shu Jun blatantly. As a member of the synthetic man, Shu Jun has no resistance to this behavior.
Luo Duan pressed his hand on sigma and slowly clenched it into a fist.
"According to the information of the eclipse, you hide the Synthetic and the settlement humans in the east of City Y, trying to avoid this war completely.
His voice was amplified by sigma, and Shu Jun could hear it clearly.
"The humans over there are deformities that can't live long. Synthetic humans are my compatriots, so I won't let sigma attack them. And you can protect synthetic humans from sigma and cooperate with humans, I can understand. We will have a fair fight... I have to say that until just now, I did think so."
Luo Duan's voice gradually lowered, and he did not hide the anger in his voice at all.
"As for now, you are obstructing me not just for compatriots?" He hissed, "Since you like humans so much, then do the multiple-choice questions. Hey, pass the instructions on-tell the mutant beast in Chengdong And the erosion marsh, you can do it."
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