Chapter 2: Virtual and reality

When Shu Jun woke up again, he saw the overcast clouds that belonged to the night. +++ Catino Novel Network
He was not in the place where he fell into the swamp, the huge swamp was missing, and the rugged rocks surrounded him tightly. Looking up, the world has only three (colors) of black, white and gray. The surroundings were deserted, only deformed monsters pacing slowly in the stone forest.
Shu Jun was a little confused.
The mechanical armor had already fallen out, his entire upper body was exposed (exposed), and his wounds were still slowly healing. The communication components on the forearms were able to work, making electric noises from time to time.
His eyes moved along the broken metal.
His skin was supposed to be healthy wheat (color), but now it looks like a layer of dust, slightly white, but slightly gray. Shu Jun rubbed his forearm subconsciously, and this action directly added blood marks to the forearm.
The fingers are also not right. The nails that were trimmed and flat became sharp, a bit like the claws of beasts, and their colors became opaque black.
Shu Jun grumbled and swallowed. He did what all normal people would do—trying to open the communicator and contact the administrator.
However, the broken communicator will only rustle, and there is no plan to work.
Shu Jun, who had lost his goal, slowly lay down, looking up at the night sky. If this was a dream, it's almost time to wake up now. As a result, he was lying here, the dream was not awake, only the polluted mutant beast did not know when to approach, bowed his head and looked down at him.
Shu Jun and that thing stared at them for a while. The mutant beast blinked the six squeezed eyes, his eyeballs turned around, and his saliva dripped dripping onto Shu Jun's face.
Shu Jun: "..."
Too close, this distance is not easy to control the wind. It's better to drown in the marsh to be bitten by this thing. He took the left light to look around, and didn't even catch a glimpse of the hilt of the giant sword.
The mutant beast opened his mouth, the rancidity of the mouth flushed Shu Jun's face. Shu Jun peeked at the thing's throat, thinking about whether to bite it down, the thing made the next move
It licked Shujun's mouth firmly.
Seeing that this gadget had no intention of offensive, Shu Jun stretched out his hand boldly and decided to try the only weapon on hand—the fingertip (gou) claw.
As a result, as soon as his hand stretched out four or five centimeters, the mutant beast collapsed its ears and ran away.
...The situation is getting more and more nonsense.
Shu Jun stood up, except for fatigue and wound pain, there were no other abnormalities in his body. When this terrible bug is released, he will definitely complain to the official "Erosion".
The cold mud is not suitable for rest. There is a cave of a suitable size in the higher part of the stone forest. Shu Jun threw off most of his rotten shoes and began to climb the strange rock barefoot, sorting his thoughts as he climbed.
"Erosion" has been in operation for many years, and has always focused on the real experience of presence, and has never seen such a serious bug. As a result, the exit failed, map errors, and model abnormalities followed one after another. He just wanted to retire early, but he didn't even think of taking the face and receiving the bug gift package.
Shu Jun took a few deep breaths and moved his neck.
... There is definitely someone out there who is solving the problem. In any case, he must remain calm. Moreover, "Erosion" does not focus on the ordinary doomsday worldview, so I don't want to die to survive.
In the setting of "Erosion", the world has been completely destroyed once. The special life form recovered from the polar regions-corroded paleobiota, accidentally leaked (exposed), and spread rapidly.
This kind of microorganisms contaminate cuttings at a terrifying rate and is called "living radiation". They dye the dead into black and white ash, and lead the creatures in the direction of abnormal mutation. The so-called "swamp" is a monster of this kind of gathering.
Fortunately, the survivors found a way to deal with it, and the purification device was invented in time to prevent the spread of pollution. The world is now in the initial stage of Ming revival. It’s easier to come up with interesting designs in the context of this era than when it’s on the verge of destruction.
Players are the only players with abilities in the game (group qun body, under the command of the coalition government. Most of the remaining on the battlefield are fighters on the front line of purifying pollution.
Warriors are equivalent to heroes in the game setting, and they are well paid. Even if combat players are trapped in the game, as long as they can successfully find the npc stronghold, they can comfortably wait for rescue.
I don't know what the bug specifically affected, maybe I can pass some information to the outside world.
After determining the goal, Shu Jun feels relaxed. It’s just that the situation is still a bit weird-there have been no major updates recently, so how could such a serious problem occur?
To talk about the plot update on the npc side, he only listened to the players. The marshal of the coalition government broke up with his girlfriend who had been with him for many years, but this kind of lace plot would never cause the program to crash.
Thinking of the marshal of the coalition government, Shu Jun couldn't help but snorted.
The setting of the game is not important to these combatists. This NPC is their nominal boss, but people rarely show up. Even when he appeared, the guy didn't say a word, wearing a gas mask on his face, and only showed emotionless eyes.
The coalition government marshal, Zhu Yanchen, is an extraordinary strategic talent in the setting. The uniform itself was tightly wrapped, and the man covered himself completely with a mask, collar and gloves. Had it not been for this guy's eyes that looked overly cold, Shu Jun always felt that he was more like a robot.
Planning really dare to design girlfriends for this kind of people... even ex-girlfriends.
Shu Jun curled his lips and carefully climbed up the cave. Shitai is cool (dry gan) and cooler than on silt ground (strong qiang). The pollution at the heights was not serious. He took a breath of the cool night air, and the burning sensation in his lungs seemed to have never existed.
Point the light across the stone forest, shining beyond the horizon. Na Cheng is the game's military base. After finding tomorrow's destination, Shu Jun's nest enters the stone cave and soon (sleeps Shui).
At the other end of the horizon, the stronghold was in chaos.
Zhu Yanchen sat at the desk, his whole body as cold as an ice sculpture. No one wants to stay in that suffocating office, only the individual rushes in persistently.
"Miss Xia, you can't go in, the marshal is now... well, in a bad mood."
"Even if we break up, he won't regard me as an enemy." Xia Liang raised Yingying's eyes with tears, "He needs me, let me see him, please."
The guard at the door choked, but in the end he couldn't beat the tears and let her in. The pretty girl picked up the hem of the skirt, thanked her pitifully, and disappeared beside the door.
"Sir, is the field cleared?"
As soon as the door closed, the frail appearance disappeared instantly, and Xia Liang's expression cooled. She stared at Zhu Yanchen behind the table with an upset face.
"I told you in advance that I am going to date my girlfriend on this point. You specifically called the ‘ex-girlfriend’ in name, and the situation must not be so good."
"Something happened to Shu Jun." Zhu Yanchen said concisely.
Xia Liang crossed his arms with a gesture that was not in line with the image, and frowned, "Aren't you just discussing tactics with him? Can that fighting monster go wrong?"
"In order for the team to win, he fell into the swamp. I tried to (gan) wade, but failed to catch up."
"..." Xia Liang was silent for a moment. "Unfortunately, there are no bones left in this method of death, and there is no way to find it."
"It was my fault."
Zhu Yanchen lowered his eyes, his handsome face was full of clouds.
Having pretended to be a couple for several years, Xia Liang had never seen the other party (exposed) such obvious emotions. She only likes women. In order to escape the marriage arranged at home, she and Zhu Yanchen, who wants to evade political marriage, hit it off, claiming that they are dating-both of them need to perform as singers, and they can’t wait to get rooted in the office. , Saving a lot of trouble in acting.
If it were not for the two families to urge the marriage, they would not throw out the news of the breakup.
Over the years, the two are considered acquaintances. The opposite Marshal Zhu had basically no private life or hobbies, and would only work mechanically every day. She thought that this person's feelings would not fluctuate by nature.
Having said that, Shu Jun is Zhu Yanchen's most (strong qiang) humanoid weapon, and the opponent's mood is not incomprehensible.
"Let me say that you paid too much attention to that guy. It's a pity that the weapon is broken, and it won't be enough to replace it with a new one." Facing her acquaintances, she didn't bother to conceal her bad sex. "So, why did you (gan gan) call me over?"
"Shortly after he fell down, the erosion swamp also migrated. The situation is quite abnormal."
"Understood, those guys above will definitely pull you to study. You want me to lead your personal team to investigate this matter privately."
"Yes. Go to the fourth team and check this out."
After all, Zhu Yanchen took out a chip and put it on the table. "The main reason for calling you over is for this. This thing is up to you."
"Will you continue to promote the plan? It's really troublesome. When I made the agreement with you, I should have guessed where it is today." Xia Liang put the chip in his bag, and then gave a standard military salute. "Yes, sir."
Zhu Yanchen nodded, just now those emotions seemed to be illusions, and they were long gone. This guy sealed himself in a shell again, Xia Liang could see.
However, they can't talk about the friendship (guanguan) relationship, and she is not interested in Zhu Yanchen's personal situation, and does not intend to (cha). Just as a subordinate, I still have to fulfill my responsibilities--
"Oh, let me remind you by the way. Since I have been transferred to the fourth team, I need time to hand over things. No matter how many people you can't spare, the Blackbirds team will need someone to do well. "
Before going out, Xia Liang turned around.
"There are quite a few people who keep in touch with Shu Jun, and they can't let them discover the flaws—"
"Never let them discover that'over there' is virtual, and'here' is reality."
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