Chapter 42: trap

The NPC's tent is some distance away from the player's, and the two sides will not go back and forth unless necessary. However, Hu Yan knew that Shu Jun was here, it was impossible not to run here.
For the player, the standard rationing of the task is also the basis. Most people will bring something to eat and drink and have more fun during the trip. Hu Yan likes to eat (meat rou), and as usual brings a small bag of (meat rou) canned food. As soon as Zhu Yanchen walked to the tent entrance, he was blocked by him.
Hu Yan (sexual xing) has a good personality, even if he is a bit axious, he will not hide his likes and dislikes. Before Yujin took the initiative to shake hands, he obviously had a good impression of Yujin-Shu Jun got a box of canned food, Zhu Yanchen also got a box, and two boxes of turmeric.
Shu Jun: "...Did you classify it by body type?" He is the biological deputy captain of Blackbird.
Hu Yan: "Otherwise?"
Yu Jin was a little surprised. He (touching Mo) (touching Mo) his missing left eye, cheerfully collected the can: "Team Hu, this is too polite."
"You are welcome, you have to work hard today." The gas mask couldn't cover Hu Yan's smile. "Our people are ready, we just have to fill up the information...Hey, Xiao Zhang?"
Shu Jun had a little impression of Xiao Zhang. He was considered a logistician among the combatants, responsible for contacting the headquarters in places with poor signals. Right now the young man was running out of breath: "Team Hu, the new news above has come down. Old Dong has finished analyzing the map, and the result has been given. He told us to proceed cautiously, even if the mission is aborted, there will be no punishment... But the old way, you I have to give an opinion."
"We pass the weather information and map analysis to me." As soon as he switched to work, Hu Yan accepted a hippie smiling face with a serious tone. "Let me see……"
He specially turned on the light screen projection so that the three "NPCs" could see clearly.
"Oh, I have to say that this information is much more detailed than what Dong Lao gave before. It smells like Marshal Zhu." Hu Yan looked at the terrain scanning and marking, (touching Mo) (touching Mo) his chin.
Shu Jun grabbed Zhu Yanchen's coat and lowered his voice: "You really know how to separate yourself?"
"I have prepared the auxiliary chip." Zhu Yanchen turned his head after looking at the light screen.
Shu Jun had heard of this thing, it was a specially tuned error correction program that could infer loopholes in the program.
Auxiliary chips are more common in industries where the solution is relatively simple and there is not much personal style. In terms of tactical planning, basically no one engages in such autistic stuff.
The reason is simple. First of all, everyone has a different style of work, and it is difficult to use auxiliary chips. Secondly, it needs massive data support, and it needs to have an exceptionally thorough understanding of the adversary, that is, the behavior of swamp erosion.
Improving data is hard work. It requires designers to manually input all possible developments and all unexpected situations, and then slowly learn and mature on this basis. To put it bluntly, this thing has to be taught frame by frame. When it is completed, the effect is not much different from that of catching a living person for discussion.
Most people do not do such thankless things.
As for why Zhu Yanchen made the auxiliary chip...From the point of view of purpose, this 80% is part of his "funeral arrangement".
When he was alive, the chip was waste. But when his "master of tactics" dies, the chip can not only ensure that the successor's command level will not collapse, but also veto overly aggressive tactics on the grounds of style.
But Shu Jun's attention is not here.
No matter how talented Zhu Yanchen is, this thing can't be done overnight. Even if he sleeps endlessly, it will take about six years to complete this thing alone. Not to mention that this person has to do research on marsh erosion, (gou) to take the border snake.
... When did Zhu Yanchen start planning this suspended animation plan?
The lightness in Shu Jun's heart dissipated.
Getting along longer and longer, he couldn't understand the person around him more and more. But no matter what the answer is, at least he has to keep him alive before he gets the answer.
Shu Jun stretched out his hand and clenched Zhu Yanchen's wrist, the blood in his heart turned into lead water. Zhu Yanchen was startled and did not resist.
Hu Yan hasn't stopped there yet: "...Very good, very good. Originally, I was worried that the other side would drop a level, but I would drop another level. The head cobbler is missing one, and this task might cause trouble."
"Captain Hu." Shu Jun gritted his teeth and adjusted his mood for a while. "We are still trying to be auspicious, and we can't talk nonsense."
Hu Yan coughed twice: "How many thoughts?"
"It doesn't look like a problem, and the weather is stable. But just in case, it's safer to explore during the day and camp at night." Yu Jin took the lead. "Well, let's be safer than the old rules."
Zhu Yanchen glanced at Shu Jun meaningfully. The latter understood, and grasped Zhu Yanchen's hand with a bit more effort: "I didn't find anything wrong. But the data is really a bit strange. I agree with the view of "One Eye". ."
"Sure, my idea is the same. Leave 30 people as a backup emergency. The cleanup teams a and b continue to move forward and carefully clean the surroundings. The vanguard draws 9 people to prepare, and we set off in ten minutes."
The erosive quality is disgusting to light and loves water, and the sky near the eroded marsh is particularly gloomy. The vanguard team of more than a dozen people entered the severe erosion area first, everyone wrapped in a rigorous protective suit, just like a group of shaking gingerbread men.
Gingerbread Shu Jun is still pulling gingerbread Zhu Yanchen. People only assume that they are leveraging each other, saving energy, and focusing all on the swamp at the horizon.
Unlike Tian Feng, the swamp erosion this time was a bit weirder.
The ground nearby was quite humid, and dark clouds were reflected on the black water, disrupted by circles of ripples. The wreckage of a rocky mountain bulged slightly on the horizon, and a long slender column of marsh eroding liquid protruded from the mountain, pointing straight to the sky, without seeing the head for a while.
It's like a sling connecting heaven and earth.
The good news is that there are no mutant beasts nearby. But coupled with the weird atmosphere around, the good news just gave birth to a tendency to deteriorate.
The first three NPCs opened the way, and they checked while walking. The speed was comparable to that of an old cow walking. The protective clothing was already dull and heavy, and people gradually lost the mind of chatting. Seeing that the sun was about to go down, the team gradually stopped.
Except for the erosion of the marsh in the distance, the surrounding scenery has hardly changed. There are billowing black clouds above and below, and they seem to move forward in chaos.
There is only one person who is still full of energy at present-
"That swamp is like a garden eel." Shu Jun looked at the swamp in the distance and started talking. "When I get here, I still don't have any special feelings, and there is no disguised mirage next to me... The distance should be fairly safe."
"There is no obvious change in the concentration of erosion, which is a bit strange." Zhu Yanchen raised his wrist and glanced at the detector.
"Except for the tide here, I didn't notice any difference. It's just that the ground is too wet and it's a bit hard to camp." Seeing the two began to whisper, Yu Jin gasped and joined the conversation.
After he installed the anti-corrosion road sign marking the line, the breath of water wetted on the goggles (dry gan): "Well, it works well, I just think something is wrong. Anyway, let’s get here today. Let’s tell the Hu team that it’s time to camp... Hey, it’s good, the evil is the evil, there will be (rou) canned food tonight."
As a result, they just set up the waterproof frame, and an accident happened—
The messenger Xiao Zhang is here again.
Thanks to the safety road signs, Xiao Zhang caught up with them with a mud sled—there is no contact with the outside world at all, so he can only use manual transmission.
"What's the matter?" Hu Yan was a little surprised when Xiao Zhang jumped off the mud sled. The contact in the heavily eroded area is extremely troublesome, and the next instruction usually does not come down so quickly.
"Lao Dong’s new order." Xiao Zhang was still panting. "The previous scan data was wrong. The result of this erosion marsh is normal. It is just an ordinary alien erosion marsh. Don't consume too much resources, it's best. Go early and return early."
Hu Yan didn't make a fuss, but frowned, "Are you sure?"
"Very sure." Xiao Zhang nodded and took a few steps forward. "Team Hu, I am also surprised. But their information is absolute. This time Mr. Dong didn't even give new intelligence data. It is estimated that he was really wrong."
"I understand, thanks for your hard work." Hu Yan nodded. "You use the mud sled first—"
Before Hu Yan finished speaking, the shadow swept across, and a big sword directly split Xiao Zhang into two. Hu Yan didn't react, and stayed in place.
Shu Jun crossed his sword to separate Xiao Zhang from the rest of the team-he loosened the white cloth covering the blade of the sword, only covering Zhou's brain and mouth. The clothes are bloated, but his movements still appear clean and neat.
A step away, "Xiao Zhang" fell down. His whole body was neatly broken into two pieces, but there was no hot internal organs or blood gushing out of the cut.
He is empty.
"Xiao Zhang" is wrapped in protective clothing and skin on the outside, which is no different from a living person, but there is only air inside, like a lively paper man. After being chopped by the big sword, it shrank softly and gradually dissipated into the black water on the ground. The next moment, the mud sled also leaked and melted into the ground.
"What—what—" Hu Yan knotted his tongue and gestured slowly. Before Shu Jun took his sword, the Blackbird players set up a defensive formation.
"The ripples it stepped on were not right," Shu Jun hissed. "It's not like a heavy object'stepping down', it's more like a balloon'bounce up'."
"Retreat!" Seeing such an abnormality, Zhu Yanchen almost immediately reacted. "You must retreat immediately, or else--"
"I guess it's too late." Shu Jun murmured.
"What are you talking about?"
Hu Yan was still a little sluggish, and Yu Jin even played with the waterproof shelf in place. Zhu Yanchen and Shu Jun looked at each other and staggered.
"Enable your captain's authority to maximize the corrosion protection of everyone's protective clothing. Then activate the emergency oxygen supply." Zhu Yanchen said to Hu Yan, "Now!"
"Take the tarpaulin on your tent, wrap your body, and wrap it as tightly as possible!" Shu Jun unscrewed the speaker on the protective suit and squeezed his throat deliberately. "Hurry up, don't be silly!"
The Blackbirds stared at each other, but this person was an official NPC, and the tone of the words was really familiar. They subconsciously followed the instructions.
Hu Yan was also crisp, he took a deep breath and gritted his teeth to follow suit.
"It became me, now tell me why-I (fuck cao)!" He got the answer before he finished asking the question.
There were waves on their way.
By now, Hu Yan also reacted. If the huge liquid column is a stamen, this evil flower hides its thin petals under the water. This eroded marsh spreads the eroded mass thinly and solidly, so the concentration of eroded mass along the way is not high.
Now (exposed) the stuffing, it puts these flat "petals" toward the center, and directly wraps them in a circle. As for the water used to hide the corrosive quality, it was set off by the confluence of the flower petals that were too wide to be decent, turning into a huge wave that hit everyone.
From the moment the vanguard entered the heavily eroded area, what they faced was a trap.
Yujin reacted so quickly, he pulled the tarp and rushed over, wrapping the four of them inside. Shu Jun clenched Monday with one hand and Zhu Yanchen, who was closest to him, with the other.
The muddy water instantly flooded the team.
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