Chapter 45: First night

The mirror swamp collapsed, and there was a little more light around, moving the light source to brighten the nearby area. The faceless human-skin balloons stiff limbs, and their pale skin is dotted with pitch-black swamps, mixing into a strange sea of ​​corpses.
Shu Jun knelt and sat in the swamp, supporting his almost naked body with a big sword. The erosive fragments gradually recovered, and the viscous erosive condensed into strands, slid across his cheeks and neck, and slowly dripped onto the clavicle and chest. Different from the human skin balloons around, the slightly dark skin and gray hair became very conspicuous at this time, as if the only anger between heaven and earth.
This is not all.
Shu Jun's back has an odd-looking net-like erosion that connects his back to the ground like a spider web. The marsh on the ground flooded his calf and wrapped it around his ankle. All this coupled with Shu Jun's handsome face, the scene in front of him has a strange beauty.
Zhu Yanchen had a trance-like illusion-as if the concept of "natural disasters" had turned into a person in front of him.
Only a little violation.
Seeing Zhu Yanchen approaching, Shu Jun laughed. He didn't seem to be very clear-headed, and there was no malicious in his smile, which was pure and scary. He stretched out his hand and pressed Zhu Yanchen's (chest xiong) mouth, and the skin that was connected turned into a soldering iron.
"Long time no see." He said.
After that, Shu Jun softened, Zhu Yanchen caught him in time and embraced him. Shu Jun's breathing was very even, and his eyes closed tightly. It is estimated that he suffered from exhaustion after the outbreak.
Zhu Yanchen sat firmly on the ground, hugged the person in his arms, and stopped moving. The surrounding eclipse squeezed out a circle and avoided him like a snake.
The wind gradually started to bubbling around, the eroded marsh bubbling bubblingly, and the popping sound of human skin balloons one after another. Leaning to one side on Monday, muttering intermittently, with few good words in his mouth. Zhu Yanchen wrapped the jacket on Jun's back tightly and closed his eyes.
Sleep Shui)." He whispered to Shu Jun. "I'll wait for you here."
Shu Jun sighed lightly.
His whole body is completely (off tuo) strength, and his spirit is fragmented. The eyelids were so heavy that they had to close two plumb pendants. Shu Jun couldn't even tell if he was sleeping (Shui Shui). He tried to control his limbs, but he couldn't even move his fingers successfully, his thoughts became more and more chaotic, and the fear of being unable to control his body gradually grabbed him.
Fortunately, the coldness on the legs, but Zhu Yanchen's arms were hot. Being hugged by the opponent, Shu Jun found some peace of mind from the panic out of control.
Half (sleeping Shui) and half awake, he finally felt that the battle was over. The Mirror Swamp left them with more puzzles, but at least one thing is clear-
This time Shu Jun didn't need to look for memories in his dreams. He had a headache during the fight, and the memories came back by himself. Regarding the original dream, Shu Jun remembers the follow-up.
"Then I will call you A Yan."
On that night sixteen years ago, he said to the lost child.
Immediately he found that the child in front of him was a bit familiar—he seemed to have seen similar-looking NPCs earlier.
"Have we seen it? The task of saving Yujin, I remember you belonged to the NPC? It's me, my name is Shu Jun, it's the s-001 in "Erosion"!" Shu Jun asked directly .
At that time, he was wearing a protective mask, and it was normal that the other party could not recognize it. Although they are not in "Erosion", this kid may be just a model of NPC, and you will not lose any more questions. Shu Jun never suppressed his curiosity.
The child named "Smoke Chen" was dumbfounded, and the expression in Shu Jun's eyes gradually became complicated. After a while, he opened his mouth: "I remember you. But I am not an npc, that's...that's an experience level played by characters."
When he said this, Smoke kept twisting his fingers, as if struggling.
"Sure enough it is you!"
Shu Jun instantly became happy. Although he had never heard of any experience level, he defaulted it to a new gameplay for the rich and decided not to care. "Where is your home, I will take you back, can I play with you in the future? You were really cool that time!"
Yan Chen's ears were red, and he babbled for a long time, his voice was a little quiet: "Thank you."
After a few seconds of silence, he raised his head and looked at Shu Jun earnestly: "I live a bit far away. You can't send it by car."
"Hey? There are no buses at this point, or I'll take you to the nearby management office—"
"No." Yanchen's refusal was quite firm this time.
"You can't go home, and don't manage people, but you can't (sleep in Shui) outside." Shu Jun scratched his head, "Or come to my house..."
"Can I go to your house for the night?" At the same moment, the other party tentatively asked.
"I just wanted to ask, of course!" Shu Jun bends his eyes. "By the way, you are so far away from home, it doesn't look like you got lost. Are you running away from home?"
Yanchen shook his head, but did not explain. He bit his lip and changed the subject: "I...I just don't want to spend the night at the management office. And even if I'm sent back, I can only stay alone."
After all, there was a little pleading in his eyes, like a wounded animal.
Yu Jin’s task is ahead, and Shu Jun has a very good impression of smoke. Furthermore, it is easy for children to have a good impression on people with good looks. Even though Shu Jun thought he was an eleven-year-old "mature man" at that time, he never escaped the eye attack.
And he understands the feeling of living alone.
"Come on, follow me." Shu Jun no longer asked. He grabbed Yanchen's hand and took the other person home and was in a good mood-everyone likes voice or video communication. This is the first time he has hosted peers at home.
Shu Jun's residence was one bedroom and one living room, not too big or small, but neat and comfortable. The kitchen is semi-divided, and the refrigerator contains simple ingredients with scary shelf life. The hot water in the bathroom is never cut off, and the scenery (color) outside the window is quite pleasant.
Taking the smoke and dust into the house, Shu Jun opened the refrigerator and took out the cow (milk Nai) to heat it up: "You can use my communicator. If it is not convenient, I can also help you contact your family or manager. Hey, Ayan, Niu (Milk Nai) Do you want to add sugar?"
After finally coming to a guest, Shu Jun can be regarded as having the addiction of being the head of the family. After finishing Niu (Milk Nai), he happily turned on all the lights in the house and activated the communicator.
Fuchen held the hot cow (Milk Nai) in both hands and spent a while in front of the communicator.
"It doesn't matter." After a while, the smoke did not touch the light screen in front of him, and the sound was still small. "I can go back tomorrow and explain."
Shu Jun's eyes suddenly sharpened. He understood, this kid must have had a conflict with his family, and he ran too far, so he was embarrassed to be sent back. Anyway, the crime of (Fan) has long been a thing of the past, and the whole city is very safe. I guess the smoke and dust are just trying to take the opportunity to make waves.
He understands, he understands too well.
"Okay, if you don't contact, you won't contact. Anyway, I want a quilt with a quilt, and a pillow with a pillow." Shu Jun grumbled the cow (milk Nai) and slapped the cup on the table proudly. "Let's play!"
Smokey sips the cow (Milk Nai), with a confused face.
"What do you usually play with your friends?" Shu Jun started to increase reality, and a lot of scrolling game icons appeared in the living room. "It's not that I am boasting, I have all the games here."
"……I do not know."
"Huh?" This answer is rather strange, there is no one that I don't know.
"I don't usually play, um, games. The house is also full of adults..."
The implication was that there were few friends left, and Shu Jun suddenly sighed. No wonder there are conflicts with the family. In contrast, I am at least much freer.
"This is a virtual fight, I really like this! It's just that the amount of exercise is a little bit too late to play (sleeping in Shui). This is playing chess, I feel a little boring. This is a monster shooting, ah, yes, Do you want to play shooting?" Shu Jun's eyes lit up.
This person was very interested in his gun last time, and he didn't play it much.
Sure enough, Yanchen eagerly responded and jumped out of the chair a little awkwardly. The cow (Milk Nai) beard on his lips did not have time to wipe. Shu Jun could see that Yanchen's movements were not very coordinated. Not to mention formal training, he seems to have not done much ordinary sports.
No wonder the body is so thin.
What a pity, Shu Jun thought. If Smoke and Dust were a team reserve, it wouldn't be impossible to stop the attack last time. Obviously the behavior is very handsome, (body shen) physique is almost hindered. Shu Jun stroked Yanchen's arm twice with a regretful expression.
Smoke froze the whole person: "..."
Shu Jun walked around the smoke two more times, his thoughts turning quickly. It's not surprising that this person doesn't have access to people of his age, and he has a lack of self-confidence. Maybe I fell out with those children's NPCs, and there are reasons why I can't communicate. Since Yanchen took the initiative to ask for an overnight stay, they were considered half friends.
Even if it is half, he will do the best half.
Shu Jun felt an inexplicable sense of responsibility. He handed (fuck cao) as a handle to Yanchen: "Don't worry if you haven't played, I will teach you how to play."
The game starts. Under the influence of strengthened reality, the floor of the living room turned into a small guard post, and the hideous mutant beast rushed straight from the ground and the sky.
The two (fuck cao) handles turned into flashing guns.
Shu Jun Xianxing (fuck cao) wrote: "This is a small game officially developed by "Erosion". The details (fuck cao) are almost the same. You see, the gun has to be loaded like this... Yes, yes! You really use a gun for the first time. ?"
The smoke was almost praised as a tomato by him, and his eyes drooped again.
"The shooting posture should be like this. Pay attention to the movement of the shoulders. The handle will restore recoil and be careful of injury." Shu Jun helped him adjust his posture. "Don't be nervous, this is just a game. Come on, three, two, one, shoot!"
A mutant beast with long arms was shot down, and it struggled at the feet of the two for a while, turning into a light effect and disappearing.
Shu Jun had the mind to help Yanchen build confidence, and specially led him to shoot one during teaching. Although it is a game, the sense of reality is very strong. Yanchen stared at the gun in his hand, his hand trembling a little.
"It's the first time, it's inevitable to be nervous. It's okay, I'll experience it anyway—"
Before he could finish speaking, Yanchen fired again.
For starters, the accuracy of the smoke and dust is quite amazing. The monsters move extremely fast and are not such friendly targets. However, even if Smoke and Dust failed to make a headshot, he did indeed achieve a perfect shot.
And it is getting more accurate.
Shu Jun couldn't help but look at Yanchen's face - at this moment, Yanchen was particularly focused, and that little restraint and timidity disappeared, and the dark eyes seemed to burn. He seemed to be rooted on the floor, even if the monster sprayed blood and hit him, the smoke and dust would not even move.
As expected of his friend, Shu Jun thinks that the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that he is right.
After observing for a while, Shu Jun withdrew his gaze from the opponent's face, and turned to stare at Yanchen's body movements, for fear that he would accidentally hurt his shoulder. Shu Jun didn't make a fuss about the frightening progress of Smoke and Dust-he himself was quite talented in combat, and now he only feels kind.
After confirming that the other party has mastered the correct posture, the two began to shoot happily.
"Did you know that there are more small items that can be unlocked later in this game. But they are all fragments of small weapons, nothing special (color)." Shu Jun introduced as he played, "When I enter the team, I will definitely have to Pick a super-cool guy."
"...These are good," Yanchen murmured, "I want these to be enough."
"Ah? You are too simple." Shu Jun was heartbroken.
Having fun and returning to being happy, Yanchen's physical strength is limited. An hour later, his arm was so weak that he couldn't lift it up, so he had to give it up-or Shu Jun noticed that he was sweating profusely and his arms were shaking, and he took the initiative to stop.
"My grades are so much worse than yours..."
"It's your first time playing, don't worry. And the results are not that bad."
"That's you who made me."
"I didn't let it."
"You let it."
"If you fight for too long, you will definitely hurt your shoulder." Seeing Yanchen's face with a different firmness, Shu Jun squeezed his arm and pulled the topic away. He can see it, Yanchen really likes to be a bit of a horn. "Let's play something else, don't stare at a game."
"Other games?"
"Well, although I also prefer the combat system. If it's the multiplayer strategy type, it's this...but I don't play well with this one." Shu Jun brought two cans of ice drinks over, and his voice became smaller and smaller.
Fuchen wiped the sweat off his face with a towel, politely (showing) a questioning expression.
Shu Jun gritted his teeth and started another game.
The desolate vision turned back to the wall, and the cracked ground of the sentry returned to the floor. A two-square-meter sand table appeared in front of them, and there was even a small dark cloud above the sand table.
"This is also a small game of "Erosion", which tests the level of tactics. The rules and (cao) operations are very simple. Just destroy the monsters in the field."
There are thousands of strategy games, and Shu Jun chose the one he is not good at. Two people start equally, it is more conducive to throw away those unnecessary inferiority complex.
Moreover, the effects of the games under "Erosion" are the most handsome, Shu Jun thought seriously.
"Let's play together, it can have two commanders."
Smoke and dust paused: "My mother won't let me stumble like this..."
There are such weird parents? Shu Jun was a little dazed for a while. He has only heard that his classmates and parents ban pure casual games. Tactical games are officially recommended by the school. If children are interested, parents should be happy.
"You ran out by yourself, what are you afraid of-this is not a bad thing, anyway, if I don't tell you, no one knows."
Yanchen was a little entangled: "Actually, I like this kind of stuff, but the last time she saw me secretly read the tactics book, she made a lot of fire."
"Parents are not always right." Shu Jun poked the little monster on the sand table and said solemnly. "It's just a tactical plan. One doesn't need your money, two won't let you learn badly, and three doesn't delay your work. Your mother may have troubles, but it won't collapse even after playing for an hour."
 When I got out of the call, Smoke Dust was a little dizzy: "Uh, uh. Let's play together."
Ten minutes later, Shu Jun found that this game can indeed bring confidence to Smoke and dust, and the effect was surprisingly good-unlike the shooting game just now, this time Shu Jun deeply felt the opponent's strength.
Yanchen started the first game, spent eight minutes familiarizing himself with the game (fuck cao), and broke the line in two minutes. His results were recorded under Shu Jun's account, and Shu Jun's level ranking suddenly rushed from more than 3,000 to the top 100.
This is still counting the first eight minutes.
Shu Jun blushed, embarrassed to be dazzled by others, so he had to quietly close the results upload.
The school has tested them, and Shu Jun is particularly good at dealing with established battles with certain conditions. Once the situation was too big and complicated, he started flying moths all over the sky. Because of this, his overall command results have not been able to improve.
And this tactical game examines the inference and command level of complex scenes. Every time he sees it, his brain hurts. I don't want to bring back a monster by myself-Yanchen's mother won't let him touch this, is it afraid of scaring others?
What a waste!
This person is obviously so (strong qiang), but he is still bound!
Shu Jun rolled his sleeves, and his tone was full of grievances: "Have you seen your grades? Did you see? If you didn't spend so long getting familiar with the level just now, you would definitely be the first. My mother, I don't Knowing that you keep your head down (gan gan) all day long, I want to be able to achieve this kind of results...I..."
As he talked, his eye circles began to sour: "I'm not convinced! Let's continue to come—"
An hour later, Shu Jun ran into the toilet and pumped for three full minutes. As an eleven-year-old mature man, he is usually not so unreserved, mainly because his mentality is too broken. He doesn't know if Yanchen has taken back his confidence, and his confidence is almost lost.
It’s the first time I play, and the difficult levels are easy, as simple as tying a shoelace. After flailing his teeth and claws for a long time, the tactical score is only a fraction of others. Regardless of his tactical performance, Shu Jun was considered a top student. He really hadn't received such a blow.
Even if you count the tactical performance, no one else in the school is so beastly?
I cried with such a real feeling that Yanchen never felt that I let him on purpose. With tears in his eyes, Shu Jun tried to find the face of his host.
"Sorry, I... I didn't mean to win so much, I controlled..."
"What are you talking about!" Shu Jun let out a cry. "Listen to what you said!"
Yanchen couldn't persuade him, and he was at a loss: "Then, then your tactics are really good. I didn't expect it from many angles, but it was a bit, a bit scattered. Only, just a little change, the effect is not much different from mine. "
Seeing Shu Jun's nose and tears, the smoke stammered a bit anxiously.
"Really?" Shu Jun blew his nose vigorously.
"Really, I can change it to you."
Shu Jun stopped crying immediately: "You said it."
Yanchen didn't think that this person turned his face like a book, and solidified on the spot.
"I didn't control my emotions." Shu Jun pulled a piece of paper again, "Well, I'm older than you, shouldn't be like this... By the way, how old are you?"
"..." A tear slowly fell from the corner of Shu Jun's eyes, daring to feel that he was his younger brother.
"Woo." He blew his nose with grief again, "Brother, please tell me, how did I change my tactics just now?"
Smoke: "..."
Yanchen: "...Then let's review it?"
Shu Jun's grief came quickly and went faster. The two children played until the early hours of the morning, and Shu Jun took notes contentedly. On the other side, Yanchen's expressions and movements became more natural, and even a smile appeared on his face.
"Can you come and play with me in the future?" Shu Jun made room for Smoke and Dust on the (bed chuang). "Or I will come and play with you?"
"I... I'll go home tomorrow and talk to my family." Yanchen grabbed the blanket. "It should be no problem. I stay alone at night anyway. If not, I can run out by myself."
"Okay." Shu Jun yawned hugely. "That's it, let's pull a (gou)."
Yanchen hesitated for a while, carefully put out his hand, and pulled Shu Jun.
"good night."
"good night."
Shu Jun satisfactorily (sleeps in Shui) one night, and when he woke up the next day, he found that he had put the smoke as a pillow-he bound the quilt like an octopus, and rolled the smoke into a quilt roll, like a pillow In his arms. Yanchen frowned slightly, but his breathing was fairly steady.
Shu Jun carefully released the claws and slipped out of the bed. He sent a message to the manager that he didn't need breakfast, and then began to cook noodles for two people-he was crying in front of smoke and dust last night, and he must quickly save his mature and reliable image.
Yanchen is older than him, but the difference of one year old is completely negligible. He is taller than Yanchen.
...And now that I think about it, he did get half a cool friend.
No, they have so much fun together, they should be regarded as "real friends".
that's nice.
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