Chapter 48: Crisis

I walked for two days when I went, and I naturally had to spend one night on the road when I returned. +++All Tanmei Novels:
Shu Jun dreamed of that weird self again.
The dream became more vivid, and there was no more darkness around him. He returned to his home in the "real world".
The time in the dream is still daytime. Most of the juice I drank was placed on the small table, the ice cubes in the glass jug had already melted. Outside the window, the river across the city gleamed like a pink-blue ribbon with body temperature. The wind is fresh and cool, but it carries a strong odor.
After entering the team, Shu Jun's house changed from a small apartment to a large flat, and the balcony was repaired with a swimming pool. At this moment, the swimming pool is not clear water, but overflowing brown-red (color) blood. Shu Jun suppressed (dry gan) vomiting, and walked closer to take a closer look-the blood in the pool shook gently, and the visceral (flesh rou) pieces floated above the liquid surface.
"He" was sitting by the pool, still with black hair and black eyes. The thing was naked, topless, wearing familiar swimming trunks, as if being startled by Shu Jun's footsteps, it slowly turned its head.
Its figure is still shattered, and many parts are still tragic. The face recovered to a half size, and the blood vessels under the skin turned black, like a corpse that had been eroded to death.
However, compared to the appearance that the whole body should be mosaiced last time, this time it is barely able to catch the eye.
...I don't know if there is any relationship with the memory I recovered. Shu Jun squinted.
The rancid smell stuck him in place, and the air became thick like glue. The thing slowly sank into the blood pool in front of him, and the rotting blood flooded his (chest xiong) mouth. It walked towards Shu Jun step by step, making waves in the blood pool.
Shu Jun was unmoved: "You have something to say, don't improvise."
"I remember it." The sound of that thing was exactly the same as Shu Jun, but there were more subtle echoes, like it came from an empty shell. "Zhu Yanchen has deceived me since I was twelve. Human beings are the same."
The blood in the pool began to get away from the restraint of gravity, and climbed up along the edge of the pool, wrapping around the tied ankles.
Shu Jun frowned, and countless negative emotions crazily poured into his mind. The world turned blood red (color) in that instant, and he was almost overwhelmed by those emotions to think.
"We have been kept in the dark. All the previous things were just Zhu Yanchen's painful plan-he knew he was dying and used this method to induce you to treat. Wasn't he the one who held me back? That person is right? Erosion Marsh understands quite well, maybe everything is in his grasp..."
"He got the immunity as hoped. Now he has to use your abilities to seize the position of leader. If it is not my race, his heart will be different. When Zhu Yanchen uses me and my compatriots to grab the position, he will really stay Do we? Raise tens of thousands of alien species that will soon lose the ability to work? He only needs to rely on his identity as a collaborator to make a knife in the back..."
"I dare not forget the companions who died in confusion, nor can I forget. Human beings are not credible at all, but the memory of just half a year, who knows whether it is true or false..."
Shu Jun covered his painful brain and waved his hand in disgust: "Stop, stop for a while. Let's not get acquainted with yourself, you are you and I am me. You are here to take my identity as soon as you come up. Buzzing and lyrical, very noisy."
As if he didn't expect Shu Jun's reaction, the thing froze in the blood pool and didn't say a word for a long time.
Even the rotten blood that was crawling on Shu Jun's legs paused.
"You can't change your identity. For humans, you now mean a disaster. Even with a brain sample, how much medicine can the woman surnamed Ai do? It's just Zhu Yanchen who gives you some sweetness. After using him to obtain medicines , You have to immediately (kill sha) kill all informed humans, this is the most reasonable choice..."
"Yes, yes, that's it. Say'you' well, it will not be much more comfortable." Shu Jun finally suppressed the chaotic emotions and heaved a sigh of relief.
The thing rolled up the only remaining eye and stared at him coldly.
Shu Jun took off the tablecloth on the small table and began to wipe the blood that crawled on his calf: "Don't look, is there any more? Have you finished?"
Monster in the blood pool: "..."
"I have fully understood your request, now you can roll." Shu Jun twisted the tablecloth soaked in blood.
"You should feel the resentment and hatred of the deceased-do you want to ignore it?"
Familiar faces emerged from the blood pool, and they were all the Blackbird players who died in the mission. They stared blankly, their gray pupils facing the sky.
Shu Jun's indifferent attitude disappeared instantly.
"I only thought you were very stunned! @組揚谖揯醯meilang 嘆嗗見嗗! Pina 衒锒唔藔蹟狻! Pulling the ant, Ren Shi Huan Xin, serving the 猓 Ci闼 file Naogu Chengcheng) Can people win ?"
That thing does not answer.
"That's so much bullshit. After listening to your until now, I have only heard one meaning. You want me to kick off Marshal Zhu early, and then find humans to retaliate wildly."
Shu Jun grabbed the handle of the glass pot on the table, and blue veins burst out from the back of his hand.
"Yes, revenge and hate, then? Unilateral destruction cannot solve the fundamental problem-even if the individual strength (strong qiang), the number of chengcheng people is too small, and the life span is limited. Human beings only need to give up development and escape for a few years. When we weaken, they will fight back."
"And we don't have system-related knowledge in our hands. Even if we have it, we can't teach someone who can use it in a short time. Not to mention the casualties in the battle, but the (sexual xing) survivors who will be treated?' Who will maintain the operation of the real world? Someone loses everything and is willing to die like this. I understand it. But those children who have not had time to join the team should be buried with them?"
"If my team members want to live... In order to keep them alive, let alone hate, I can give up my self-esteem. Although I haven't lost the most important person, it's a bit of a pain to stand and talk like this-but it's a pity, black Captain Bird happens to be me, this is my position."
The erosion in the wound of that thing kept surging, obviously calculating the appropriate answer.
"Don't grind, I have thought about everything you are considering." Shu Jun stopped by the blood pond, he lifted the glass jug, and poured light red (colored) juice on the thing's head. "If you can't make suggestions for constructing (sexual xing), you should get out as soon as possible."
"You will be betrayed." A few minutes later, it said slowly, as if cursing. "You will be betrayed."
"Oh." Shu Jun shook the remaining juice in the pot, "I'm sorry, I also thought about this."
He wiped his hands, and the erect pupils turned into a thin line: "If Ayan betrayed me, I would stand in front of him and let him see me dig out his heart with his own eyes. After the battle, as a leader who made major mistakes, I will naturally apologize with death, and I won't bother you."
Shu Jun squatted, ignoring the ocean of negative emotions around him, and sneered at the thing.
"By the way, if he didn't betray in the end, I might pursue him."
Seeing the other party stunned, Shu Jun's smile was a little bit ridiculous. He let go, empty out the juice jug l Gua which source Q Nai fine linen industry Hu Yin-chu embedded punishment flatter spring г ditch tanning is the suspected call the school summer tour of embedded hard to pry Lang Qu Ying Caryopteris spoon climb br / & gt;
The dream suddenly shattered.
Shu Jun opened his eyes calmly and couldn't help but roll his eyes. As a result, he was facing Zhu Yanchen, who was changing his shirt. He was about to return to city Y. As the little leader of the NPC group, Yu Jin went to a meeting with Hu Yan early in the morning. Zhu Yanchen usually can't (show) his face, and even (sleeps in Shui) has to wear a simple mask. He changed his clothes easily and showed Shu Jun upright.
Shu Jun was not restrained, but looked calmly.
The scenes in the dream are very clear. Half of his rhetoric that he "may pursue it" is used to anger that thing, but half of it comes from his sincerity. Yesterday’s throbbing has long since calmed down, and now is a good time to verify it-as an adult, if his heart is calm for this scene, then his feelings may just be too strong for his friendship.
Seeing Shu Jun's line of sight, Zhu Yanchen moved for a while, his movements were a bit slow. The pale skin was illuminated by the warm light, showing a white jade (color). Although the other party had everything he had, Shu Jun couldn't help but his heart beat a little faster.
Come on, he is really lost.
"I dreamed of that thing again." Shu Jun sighed and started to talk business directly.
Zhu Yanchen changed into a high-collar shirt and frowned upon hearing this.
"Its demands are still the same. I can't wait to push me to take revenge on humans. I suspect it is from the swamp, but I can't think of how it affects me." Shu Jun stood up and put on his coat neatly. "The scene it appeared in became more and more specific, I was a little worried."
"I understand." Zhu Yanchen nodded calmly. "It's already in the plan. When we return to city y, I want to see your brain scan as soon as possible."
"More than this question, A Yan."
Shu Jun (Lu) gave a wry smile.
"I still know about myself. If we missed that day, I don't know if I will go mad in unknown despair. I can withstand the challenge of that thing only because I am lucky—I never lost a loved one. And met you earlier."
I don't know if it was Shu Jun's illusion, Zhu Yanchen's expression did not fluctuate, but the tips of his ears were a little red.
"But changing to a goal that has been forced to lose a loved one or loved one, I doubt it will succeed." Shu Jun rubbed his lower lip with his finger, "If a person is desperate, he can do everything."
"Ayan, will there be other solutions to the impact in the brain? I suspect that'that thing' is not the only target for me."
Zhu Yanchen frowned: "Speaking of this, I have a guess..."
"Hey, didn't you two go to dinner?" Yu Jin got into the tent and Zhu Yanchen immediately buttoned his mask.
Shu Jun hurriedly changed the subject: "Why, don't we allow us to get tired in the morning? Are you going to finish it?"
"Spare me, ancestor." Yujin murmured, "There are enough troubles-we only received the notice that the city y is forbidden to enter and exit today, and the alert has risen to the highest level. Didn't Zhu Yanchen get it back? Those people have a song party in the Grand Theater. Almost all the people with good looks will go there. Now, we have to stay out of the city for one more day, and we don’t know whether to pay more."
Shu Jun and Zhu Yanchen looked at each other.
"I understand." Zhu Yanchen spoke infrequently, and he grabbed Shu Jun's wrist. "Anyway, let's go eat first."
Yu Jin: "Hey, hey, can you be a man? I haven't complained yet, will you listen to me (fa)?"
"No way."
"Although I have made any agreement with you, it doesn't mean I have no temper--"
"This trip has caused you a lot of trouble, and my reward goes to you." Zhu Yanchen responded quickly.
"... Two people walk slowly."
Out of the tent, Zhu Yanchen's voice became much lower: "We must find a way to get into city Y."
"Related to the guess you just said?"
"Well, the command center may have something."
Zhu Yanchen caught the inspiration that flashed that day-indeed, the command center can block the large erosion swamp, and only allow a certain degree of erosion. But those who have brains are not all "large swamps". Monday is the best example.
Even if it is forced to purify the threat and unable to transmit information to the outside world, a brain-swamp alone in the command center can do quite a lot-such as waiting for suitable prey.
The weak swamp may not be able to do much, but if you use the power of experienced players...
The malicious intelligence in Shu Jun's brain was probably implanted by it. And at that point in time, there was more than one senior player in the command center. Zhu Yanchen secretly clenched his fists.
Today the big figures are concentrated in the Grand Theater, and the guards are bound to be transferred. If the source of Shujun's nightmare really lies in the command center, something might happen.
Zhu Yanchen adjusted his emotions and continued to explain quickly: "There are indeed other solutions to the impact in the brain. The body of a chengcheng person (body shen) is unstable, and it will begin to collapse at an older age. At that time, the body will invade (body). shen) body parts-including the brain."
"As a biological tissue, the artificially implanted brain fragments will also be eroded, and the suppression ability will be weakened. If the chengcheng people are lucky enough to not die in battle... When their body begins to decline, they There is indeed the possibility of'detecting the truth' (sexual xing). This is one of the reasons why you will have a fixed'retirement' time."
"Luo Duan." Shu Jun's pupils shrank and murmured.
"Yes." Zhu Yanchen's voice was a little (gan Gan), "Anyway, we'd better check it."
Shu Jun closed his eyes, let out a long breath, then opened it: "Understood. Hu Yan will give it to me, you go to fix the turmeric-in five minutes, I will take you away."
The future of the He (chengcheng) people is not ready yet, in any case, the flames of war must not be ignited now.
Luo Duan walked alone at the bottom of the command center.
The water mist obscured his figure. As for the temperature detector and other equipment, a "person" helped him fix it. The icy corrosive substance swung around his neck slowly, feeling like a noose, and like the embrace of a dead lover.
Yining's key was caught between his fingers and he played with him at will. His eyes were calm and waveless, even if he saw a jar full of brains in front of him, Luo Duan didn't even move his eyelids.
"Is it here?" He stopped in the deepest part of the command center and whispered softly.
Eclipse rubbed the side of his neck and gave an affirmative answer: "Use your ability...send me in."
The warm and familiar voice, Luo knew it was fake. But there are too many lies in his life, not so bad.
"Using water vapor... well, it can be done. The question is-um, what's the matter?" Corroded poked his shoulder, and he turned his head.
Said the voice.
"They... here again."
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