Chapter 54: First person

Hu Yan has never encountered such a strange situation in his life. +++The latest Danmei novel ranking:
He sits on the edge of the table, neither does he get off the table, nor does he lie down. After shaking for a few seconds in a daze, Hu Yan exhaled a voice with a serious tone: "What's going on, what's going on? My sister-in-law has a very strong body shape and a special voice. I have never seen a girl like this. Brother Shu, it's you, you even chose the target (sexually)."
Two strings of inexplicable information were smashed down, and Hu Yan picked the one that was better understood. Just listening to this speech, Mr. Hu's head is not sober.
Shu Jun's expression froze. As soon as Hu Yan spoke, he could feel it-even though Marshal Zhu did not (show) his face, Zhu Yanchen seemed to be more confused than Hu Yan himself.
Hu Yan was from a wealthy family. His parents were busy at work and hardly had a family. Hu Yan has stayed at school since he was a child, and has little relationship with his family (guanguan). This person usually highlights a heartless, silly and happy to find something if nothing is wrong. Shu Jun "awakened" him first, and he also had this consideration.
Who knows that Hu Yan could not be transferred to this point.
"Hu Yan!" Shu Jun raised his voice and took out the former captain's frame.
Hu Yan took a hiss, his back straightened instantly: "Yes!"
"Be sober, what I'm telling you is business. Okay, don't look at the smoke, his man."
Hu Yan slowly turned his gaze back and looked at Shu Jun a little bit more regretful: "Sister-in-law is a man? Brother Shu, you are too miserable..."
Shu Jun broke his knuckles: "...what's wrong with the man, huh?" A Yan was clearly in his pursuit plan.
"Not so, not so. Anyway, don't be too sad--"
Shu Jun: "..."
"Hu Yan, 25 years old. I live in the struggle zone iu-e-08. You added two spoons of sugar to the soy milk you drank this morning, fried five eggs yourself, and baked four slices of whole wheat bread." Zhu Yanchen directly pulled back to the topic. "Before logging into "Erosion", you threw a blue (colored) tie into the laundry basket and almost tripped over a low stool."
Hu Yan couldn't escape and was forced to face reality: "Sister-in-law, hey, brother Yan, isn't it appropriate? Even if it is a show, we have to guarantee (hidden yin) private issues."
He is still trying to fool through with a joke (kiss wen), expecting the two to agree with a smile and tell him that this is just a prank show.
As a person who came by, Shu Jun himself "dead" once, but couldn't find the customer service, so he reluctantly bought Zhu Yanchen's account. Although Hu Yan is a bit axious, he is not stupid. Even if Shu Jun was his comrade-in-arms, Hu Yan wouldn't believe such absurd things immediately.
"I know it's hard to accept, and I didn't expect you to accept it all at once." Shu Jun grabbed the initiative of the topic, and continued to speak heavily.
Hu Yan stopped smiling. For a moment, this big man looked a little helpless.
"So, Hu Yan. You go offline, go back (sleeping in Shui), and calm down. Then you go to my house—yes, my house. There is a tactical notebook I wrote. If you go to get it, you should It will not cause the system to doubt. I will tell you the resident password and the location of the notes later. When you arrive, we will find a way to prove it to you."
"Captain...This joke is really meaningless, stop making trouble."
"It's not a joke." Shu Jun denies cruelly. "From the relationship between the two of us over the years, I beg you. Keep this matter in your heart and no one is allowed to talk about it. Of course, you can contact the so-called'I' on the other side, but you must never mention it. thing."
Hu Yan responded in a daze.
The Blackbird just finished the task, just in the rest period. Hu Yan went straight to the stronghold, lay down in the dormant cabin, and then woke up in a familiar home.
The room was filled with familiar smells, and the sunlight illuminated the crumpled quilt on the (bed chuang). Unlike in "Erosion", the sky outside the window is clear and transparent. Hu Yan stared at his hands for a while, and when he scrambled eggs for breakfast, the red mark splashed with oil was still on the back of his hand.
Everything is so real.
It must be the program arrangement, Hu Yan thought. Brother Shu has so many ghosts, I guess he wants to make a shocking joke with him and see how he reacts.
Hu Yan opened the refrigerator and opened a bottle of ice soda. After dropping it (dry gan) in one breath, the dizziness in Hu Yan's mind disappeared a lot.
Smoke and dust are male, and the world is fake. Brother Shu still had a burst of imagination as always, but he only showed him the flaws-in the face of the smoke and dust as a man, Shu Jun's reaction was too flat. After all, the smoke and dust are far more than "ordinary netizens" to Shu Jun.
Hu Yan squeezed the can a few times and couldn't help but pick up his memories and compare them carefully.
The former Shu Jun is equally cheerful, but the whole figure is like a ship that doesn't know the course, he can only blindly follow the waves-because he is a combat player, he studies the game hard; because he is the captain, he works diligently. Always desperate, always optimistic, without any flaws in his daily life, Hu Yan never even saw him break down.
But normal people shouldn't be like this.
A firm-willed person should always have the spiritual support that matches this perseverance and know why he works hard. He couldn't see Shu Jun's fulcrum, and Captain Shu's positivity was tantamount to a castle in the air. Hu Yan occasionally has strange thoughts. Compared to a living person, their captain is more like a "perfect character (color-the behavior is impeccable, but the soul seems to be missing a corner, escaping the aimless emptiness.
Until the smoke appeared.
I don't know why, after meeting this person, Shu Jun's strange sense of violation disappeared. Captain Shu fell from the position of the "perfect angle (color and crashed into the world vividly, his whole person brightened.
Shu Jun will share his daily trivia with Yanchen, and there are a lot of his own personal affairs in the chat with the team members. A somewhat unconscious smile appeared on his face, and the brilliance in his eyes became brighter and brighter. Shu Jun's sense of emptiness is gone, and the missing corner of his soul seems to be filled by "smoke".
Hu Yan, who witnessed the whole process, only felt pain in his eyes. He thought that Shu Jun and Yanchen were in love.
But when they chatted, Hu Yan discovered that Shu Jun actually identified Yanchen as a "friend", and the content of the chat with Yanchen was indeed a friend's style-or relatively plain.
Can a friend who has never seen him make such a big impact?
Hu Yan felt strange again, but fortunately, this time he found a reason-but the authorities were fascinated, and Shu Jun had a crush on someone and didn't know it.
After talking that day, Hu Yan began to call the smoke "sister-in-law". Although it was a joke, as a friend, he really hoped that Shu Jun would be happy, and the two would get together.
Years passed, and then Hu Yan was almost certain that Shu Jun really liked Smoke.
However, looking at the situation not long ago, Yanchen is a man several centimeters taller than Shu Jun. Ah yeah, Hu Yan rolled his eyes in his heart-Shu Jun didn't show any interest in men before. It is only strange that Yanchen is a male (sexual xing), and that Team Shu is not hit.
Just now Shu Jun was very calm, and there was no entanglement in his eyes looking at the smoke.
Hu Yan threw the beverage can in his hand and decided to cooperate with this awkward scene-anyway, he had seen through the team's tricks, and it was not bad to give some face.
He turned on the communicator and sent a message to Shu Jun who was supposed to be "traveling".
[Captain, can I use the tactical notebook you wrote? 】
Shu Jun, who was traveling, quickly returned the message: [What notes? 】
Hu Yan paused with his fingers and considered the words: [Tactical notes, you said you wrote them by hand. Anyway, if you don't need it, you might as well show it to me. 】
[I don't remember any notes, you remember it wrong, Lao Hu. 】The opponent responds almost in seconds, 【Now you are the captain of the Blackbird, don’t rely on seniors to be lazy, use your own mind. 】
Hu Yan frowned. Even if Shu Jun was joking with him, he wouldn't be able to do this. Moreover, the attitude of the other party is slightly different from the "Shu Jun" he knows-changing to the previous team, I am afraid that he will laugh at him, and then come up with some temporary plans.
Hu Yan sighed unconsciously: [Come on, you don't know me yet. If it is inconvenient for you, I can go to your house to get it. 】
【what? Lao Hu, don't embarrass me, I don't even remember the password. 】
[Cheng Chengcheng, don't bother you anymore, hurry up and play with my sister-in-law. ] Hu Yan finished the sentence with a stern face.
The opposite immediately sent a picture—Shu Jun was shouldering with a plump and beautiful woman (gou). The background was the beach under the sunset. The two looked very happy, with obvious sun marks on their bodies.
If it were put before, Hu Yan would probably be envious, but now he saw this photo, only feeling a faint chill in his heart.
He made a simple dinner for himself, fell in early (sleeping in Shui), and went to Shu Jun's Daping the next day.
Hu Yan has been here once or twice before holding offline meetings. The room was spotless and all furnishings remained the same. If Shu Jun is really related to Yanchen and goes out on vacation, there should always be some changes in the house.
But all the daily (yong) products are in place, as if the owner of the house will go home in a few hours.
Hu Yan took two turns in the wide living room and entered the master bedroom. Following the instructions given by "White Hair Shujun", he found a thick handwritten note in the drawer under the desk.
Picking up the notes, before he stood up completely, the computer on the desk was activated, and a light screen was cast into the air.
"Old Hu." On the other side of the screen is the world of "Erosion", and the white-haired Shu Jun is looking at him with a serious face. "Old Hu, can you hear me?"
"Listen...heard." Hu Yan glanced at it and found that the "sender" of this video communication was Smoke.
"Thank you for believing in me, now looking out the window."
Hu Yan swallowed his saliva and looked out from Shu Jun's bedroom-the high-level scenery (color) was quite good, and he saw nothing unusual.
"Five seconds later, a swallow will fly over the window and stop on the windowsill." Shu Jun said. "Five, four--"
"Three, two, one."
Sure enough, a swallow stopped by the window.
If it is a mechanical swallow, it should be able to do it. Although a little shaken, Hu Yan still tried his best to convince himself.
"Then leather shoes." Shu Jun began to count down again.
However, after the countdown, a leather shoe kicked up against the wall and stopped beside the swallow.
Hu Yan's hair was immediately horrified.
"Team..." He shook his head frantically, trying to shake the scene before him. But the leather shoe was still on the spot, like a living thing.
"Ayan, is this really not a (guan) connection? Will it be discovered..." The white-haired Shujun on the screen turned his head and asked in a low voice. After a long while, he seemed to have the answer. "...Well, um, I know. Okay, Hu, let's continue."
"I, I don't understand." Hu Yan leaned on the edge of the bed and slowly sat on the floor. Obviously, the surrounding environment is quiet and peaceful, and his whole person is like an abyss.
"You are the current captain of Blackbird, remember this, and then calm down." Shu Jun lowered his voice, "Old Hu, look out the window, keep watching."
"Team Shu, tell me this is a joke." Hu Yan begged, but (qiang) forced himself to raise his head. He faintly smelled the breath of truth, but the breath was too cold, he didn't want to come close.
"Both swallows and leather shoes are all small props you made in advance, right? It's a virtual projection? Or you get a guy with four arms and four legs to come out—(fuck cao)!"
Not long after the voice fell, what he described appeared out the window.
A humanoid creature climbed onto the window sill, his legs and feet tangled into a ball, twisted to an unnatural angle, like a (flesh rou) (color) spider. It stretched out a thin arm, and slowly opened the window.
I don't know when the window lock will be released.
It just crawled into the room like that, its eight limbs twitched, and its movements were not very coordinated. Hu Yan had never seen a monster in this heaven-like city. His hands and feet were cold, and he sat there.
The thing slowly approached, one hand clenched Hu Yan's wrist, and then it turned into countless pieces of light, annihilated in the air.
Only the red (color) handprint on Hu Yan's wrist was left.
"Virtual projection can't do this." Shu Jun said, "You should feel its body temperature and skin texture. It is a simple model made temporarily by A Yan, and can be directly thrown into the virtual world."
He sighed: "Hu Yan, you know, I never make jokes about this kind of thing. If I were on a show, I would definitely not scare you like that."
Hu Yan slumped on the edge of the bed, clutching the thick notebook. He stared at Shu Jun on the screen, his eye circles slowly reddening.
"What should I do?" he asked blankly.
"Make a play and make a full set, you take your notes home, and then immediately log in to the game, and come to see me-Ayan can only (gan gan) the data near my home, but you can't stay at my home for too long."
"I see." Hu Yan said with difficulty. "When we meet, you have to tell me everything."
Dry gan) is finished, disconnect." Ai Xiaoxiao ordered, adjusting the infusion rate of the drip.
She is at the deepest level of the Ai's Medical Center, in the middle of the room where countless locks are on. When instructed, the mechanical assembly at the top of the room made a muffled sound and the indicator light flashed wildly.
"Our signal is reconnected, and all members log in again. Fifteen seconds after the connection, everyone injects sobriety." Her voice echoed in the dark space.
"Wait a little longer." Then she lowered her head and looked at the dormant cabin in the middle of the room-the (flesh rou) block in the cabin slowly squirmed without answering. Fifteen seconds passed, and the wriggling speed of the (肉rou) piece became faster, and the ups and downs became regular.
"I'm sorry, Dad." Ai Xiaoxiao muttered, "There is no way. Those with the last name Zhu have to borrow my equipment to carry out high-level (gan) involvement on the'side'... You can only log out for a while. He too I'm helping you, don't you mind?"
The almost liquefied (meat rou) piece still didn't answer, it continued to surging peacefully.
Ai Xiaoxiao smiled: "Good night."
The indicator light no longer flashes crazily, the light and light gradually become regular, and the faint light illuminates the label on the dormant cabin. The label is handwritten, the handwriting is crooked, and the paper has already turned yellow. There are still mottled marks on the label, and the words on it seem to have been blurred by water, which can be recognized barely--
[Patient No. 1, Xu Kan. 】
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