Chapter 70: conflict

Underground stronghold, the auditorium. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:
This is the largest room underground, borrowed from the building structure that was buried deep underground 200 years ago. Its structure is stable and spacious, which can accommodate two to three thousand people. The core part of the players is only about a thousand people, and there is more than enough space in the auditorium.
For those unable to enter the auditorium, Shu Jun arranged a light screen for broadcasting and a simple communication device in the other larger rooms.
According to the list given by Zhu Yanchen, Shu Jun has given most of the team's high-level shots-he liked to discuss tactics with people before, and he never hides personal information. The team captains generally have a good impression of Shu Jun. They were still dubious about those claims, but they didn't cause any trouble.
Seeing that most of them were in a stable mood, Shu Jun was not anxious to let them pay the bill, only saying that he would uniformly prove it.
"It can't be messed up." Facing Hu Yan's worries, Shu Jun was quite confident. "I'm still good at manipulating people. Hu, you panicked like that at the time. That's because you alone know about'over there.' It's normal to be afraid."
As long as there is a group of (强qiang) big companions, even if the problem is not solved, people will feel more at ease. The captains are all fighters chosen from a hundred miles, and their psychological qualities are already excellent, so Zhu Yanchen has been screened out based on his life experience. If something really happened, this group of people would be sure.
Luo decided to make a surprise attack, so he would infiltrate layer by layer.
Shu Jun stood in the auditorium.
In order to give the players a sense of intimacy, Shu Jun didn't mess around with clothes anymore, and dressed quite formal. Yujin looked for someone to repair the equipment overnight, and pulled out a close-fitting mechanical armor. Shu Jun stuffed Monday with another ten catties of mutant animal fresh (rou rou), to make it promise not to hum. A bundle of armor and a black sword on the back. Although the appearance is different, the former captain of Blackbird remains the same.
Shu Jun turned on the light screen, and the buzzing conversation in the auditorium stopped. Most players are still waiting for information on this "temporary mission", their posture is quite relaxed.
Shu Jun exhaled his foul air, and pinched the tip of his claws on the speech written by Zhu Yanchen-Shu Jun (sexual xing) is hard and straight, he is more suitable for the battlefield, not suitable for bewitching people. As a person who has been in high positions for many years, Zhu Yanchen polished (color) Shu Jun's speech and turned those frankness into sincereness.
Shu Jun hadn't stayed overnight (sleeping with Shui), so he just learned it by heart.
His voice reverberated in the auditorium, not sharp or rough, it was really nice. But with words and sentences pouring out, people gradually became uneasy. Even if Zhu Yanchen's manuscript was soft and clear, the voice of doubt was higher than the other.
Those who have lost relatives and friends stay in a daze, while those who are used to living a comfortable life jump out first.
"What a mess!"
"Is this a joke? It's not April Fool's Day, and the official has such an event?"
"I want to go offline urgently! What's the matter, why the terminal doesn't respond?!"
People subconsciously looked at their superiors or captains, and most of the captains still stared at Shu Jun. The leaders didn't move, and the players didn't walk in a muddle, so they had to stay where they were.
Here, Shu Jun closed his eyes. He has explained the situation clearly, but it is necessary to prove that every 30,000 people can't take the road of Hu Yan.
"Now all the players are here, just in time to do a survey."
Shu Jun casually waved the light screen behind Xia.
"If you grow up intimately with your parents since childhood, and your elders are always with you, press ○; if your parents are busy at work, have passed away, and live out for a long time and rarely contact them, press x. There are options on your terminal, don't make a mistake."
They are all trained in human screening, and Shu Jun's (sexual xing) style is already considered aberrant. Most players are peaceful and polite, so they don't really choose randomly at important moments.
People looked at each other and pressed options one by one.
The real-time count on the big screen is increasing. Finally, the players are registered
The "○" column shows a blood red number 0.
"No!" someone screamed, "When I was studying, some of my classmates played well with my family. There is a problem with the statistics!"
"Those'classmates' who are close to the family (guanguan) have officially joined the team?" Shu Jun responded calmly. "It's okay to propose one."
The man was silent.
"There are indeed many people in the school, but many of them are specially designed npcs to be used to'accompany you'. This is not uncommon. Has anyone raised objections? I chose ○ not shown, wrong, seen Any counterexample can be protested."
No one in the audience spoke.
"The second question," Shu Jun gritted his teeth. "Everyone present, if you have a parent/child (guanguan) relationship with the previous generation of combat players, press ○; if you are not yourself, you have only seen such a classmate, and no comrades like this, press x."
The audience was silent.
For famous combat players, the media on the "outside" will often promote it. They will have children in the media, but there has never been news that "the son/daughter of the former player has become a new generation of xxx".
The children of elite gamers either settled abroad with their parents or studied related majors in "Erosion", but finally did not choose this line, and gradually faded out of people's vision.
The "○" column is still a blood red number 0.
"Finally." Shu Jun continued almost ruthlessly, "Anyone who gets along with his teammates for a long time and keeps in close contact, press ○; those who are away from the team for various reasons, are not around, and the contact gradually fades, press x."
This time, there was a terrible silence in the audience.
The number 0 after "○" is so red that it looks like blood.
People are used to seeing the world with self-centeredness, and their life circle is limited after all. Even if you feel something is wrong, you will probably consider "this is just an example", and then don't take it to heart. Even if you notice it many times, it will be classified as a retinal effect.
But the players here are indeed all samples.
The auditorium was silent for a long time, and I didn't know which corner came a sob. This sobbing seemed to ignite the atmosphere-if it hadn't been for Shu Jun to ask everyone to collect their weapons in advance, there might be a more intense reaction. Someone has already tried to activate the supernatural ability and destroy something, but unfortunately, under Shu Jun's "suppression", the surrounding masses seemed to be dead, and there was no resonance.
"I understand everyone's feelings." Shu Jun said calmly, "but you must know the truth-due to the celebration event, the command center headed by Zhu Sheng decided to destroy us. I can't take you to fight with your eyes closed."
"Most of you here are younger than 26 years old. Although the life expectancy sounds terrifying, we still have time. As long as peace is achieved as soon as possible, the birth of the treatment plan will be sooner or later. Look at me, I am also considered lucky to survive— —I will do my best to keep you alive."
People are still in a trance in shock, and most of them can't recover their minds.
"First of all, I promise you that in the next time, you don't need to fight the marsh erosion and advanced mutant beasts. As for the next resistance, we already have a plan and will discuss it with the captains."
"If these are not enough for everyone to be convinced, you can wait for the'official' response. If this is a virtual world, they will not be troubled by the loss of connection and will definitely deal with it as soon as possible."
The believers and the unbelievers, even though they were stunned, breathed a sigh of relief.
Shu Jun strikes while the iron is hot: "Finally, let me introduce to you-this is Yujin, the leader of the colony, who has helped many teams as an NPC "One Eye". This is Smoke Dust. I used to talk to me before. Discussing tactics, everyone in Blackbird should have an impression of him...They are all humans, but we have been fighting for our safety and rights for a long time, and we are not alone."
In despair, the most dangerous is the indiscriminate hatred of black and white. Once improperly handled, these anger can easily turn into conflicts between races. Shu Jun doesn't know how to manage economics, but he has brought the team for these years, and the people still understand.
He doesn't want to eliminate hatred, but he can narrow it down in advance.
Where did Yu Jin have seen this formation, and was pushed onto the stage by Shu Jun, and he couldn't even say anything. Zhu Yanchen's time-tested, vigorous (strong qiang), the restless atmosphere was soothed by him a lot. He himself put on a mask again, looking at the high-level people like where they came from.
In this way, Shu Jun has been busy for most of the day, his head numb with exhaustion. Fortunately, at the end of the speech, not many people collapsed—the mentally prepared captains took the lead and gathered the team first. The acquaintances hugged each other to comfort each other, and the situation did not become messy.
There are also people who ignite hatred. These people usually stay in a corner, refuse to communicate, and don't know what a person is thinking.
Shu Jun handed the speech to Hu Yan and asked him to talk about his journey of discovering the truth. He wandered around the rooms by himself, taking notes of the cold-faced people one by one.
"These people must be taken care of by Hu Yan." An hour later, Shu Jun was completely muttering in his mouth. "Doctor Ai knows how to do psychological counseling?"
"She will only cause normal people to have psychological problems." Zhu Yanchen said calmly, putting on medical gloves.
Considering that all the patients were transferred to the underground stronghold, Ai Xiaoxiao brought out all the inspection equipment. The Chengcheng people ran away, and the city of Y was hit by an erosive storm, and now martial law is again, and she lay openly in the underground stronghold. Until today, the inspection equipment was all adjusted and officially put into use.
Dr. Ai got the topic of helping the Hecheng people and worked harder than anyone else. She didn't even bother to take care of her appearance. She ran around in the medical area unkempt, wishing to live in her own research room, and she couldn't pull out ten cows on weekdays.
But she is more interested in Monday than Shu Jun
"Mr. Shu needs to undergo a full body examination, (touching Mo) to (touching Mo) is indispensable, I am afraid someone will be jealous." Dr. Ai threw Shu Jun to Zhu Yanchen and shoveled away Monday. "Anyway, everything here is complete, with the surname Zhu, come by yourself."
In front of Zhu Yanchen, Shu Jun (off tuo) had no psychological pressure at all. Anyway, there is no outsider, I've seen everything that should be seen, and there is nothing to look at again.
He was lying flat in the m trough, looking at Zhu Yanchen in white. When they first met, the person's skin was so pale that it resembled cloth, but now it has a healthy glow, which looks pleasing to the eye.
Soaking in the cold and greasy solution, Shu Jun felt a long-lost sense of relaxation. Zhu Yanchen's movements to take blood and tissues were extremely light. They chatted one after another, and Shu Jun was almost (sleeping Shui).
"When it comes to psychological counseling, Xia Liang is very good at comforting people." Seeing Shu Jun's head little by little, there is a tendency to sink into the liquid tank, Zhu Yanchen took the initiative to speak. His fingertips swept across Shu Jun's naked (chest xiong) mouth and walked upward along his collarbone, Shu Jun suddenly awoke.
Indeed, Miss Xia's appearance is pitiful and affectionate, and her (sexual xing) appearance is also gentle and harmless. It's a pity that she is not as free as Ai Xiaoxiao, so she has to stay in Y city now.
"She's not here, someone has to do this work." Shu Jun wrinkled his face, "It's hard to come back to Luo Duan's degree, but many people can still listen to them after they have gotten their horns."
"If you really can't persuade you to come back, what are you going to do?" Zhu Yanchen's tone was calm.
He bends down slightly and looks directly into Shu Jun's eyes.
"I didn't expect to persuade everyone back. For some people, living like this is more painful than death." Shu Jun sighed again and again, "I just have at least a chance to think clearly. "
"I said hello to Ai Xiaoxiao." Zhu Yanchen lowered his voice, "She still has a dozen empty dormant cabins that are useless. This is far from city y, and the world on the other side cannot be synchronized, but the existing data is used to maintain the original state. It’s still okay... if someone really wants to collapse, let them go in slowly."
"It's worthy of being my great military commander." Shu Jun stretched out his arm wrapped a lot of wires, (hook gou) held Zhu Yanchen on the back of his neck, and (kissed wen) the corner of his mouth. "I'll talk to Hu Yan later."
Zhu Yanchen was stiffened by the kiss, he sullenly thought for a few seconds, and then returned (kissed) Shu Jun's lips seriously. Marshal Zhu moved carefully and cautiously, for fear of being seen by the goddess of fate.
Shu Jun was amused by his action, (gan gan) grabbed Zhu Yanchen by the collar, and turned light (kiss wen) into deep (kiss wen). The white (color) uniform was so good, but he was forced to draw a few lines from the tips of his claws.
Zhu Yanchen's hand touched his waist, and his body temperature came through the gloves, scorching people.
"Hey, the surname is Zhu, do you have any Shujun...his."
Ai Xiaoxiao pushed the door in, and then gasped, "You two, tut, you two are good at playing?"
Don't talk about the goddess of fate, the two of them kissed each other, and neither of them would let go, even Dr. Ai did not hide it.
Seeing Ai Xiaoxiao coming in, the two immediately separated, Zhu Yanchen straightened his collar, still looking serious. Ai Xiaoxiao looked at him up and down, and then he let out a loud hiss: "I'm not in the mood to take care of you two. I share Shu Jun's blood sample for me. I found a little bit over there."
She didn't close the door, and Monday's sad "Help—" came from the crack of the door, and a series of gurgling bubbles.
Zhu Yanchen walked to the test bench, took a small tube of blood, and handed it to Ai Xiaoxiao—since Shu Jun and Erosion Marsh merged 100%, his blood can still remain red (color) for a long time after being separated from the body.
Ai Xiaoxiao apparently discovered this too. She rushed to the test tube and raised her eyebrows: "What about the test results? Give me a copy if convenient."
"The eclipse and his cells are completely fused." Ai Xiaoxiao's pressure was on the rescuer, Zhu Yanchen did not refuse. "Different from the mimic cells in my body, the eclipse transformed his healthy cells and truly participated in the circulation in the body."
"...Um." Ai Xiaoxiao flipped through Shu Jun's inspection documents and scratched his unkempt long hair. "But just looking at the data, he is a complete eclipse, but his shape is special. Zhu Yanchen, is your taste okay?"
She really hadn’t seen the humans and the eclipse swamp. Maybe this is the courage of the immune.
"Thank you." Zhu Yanchen replied quietly.
"I'm not complimenting you."
"I know."
"..." Ai Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhu Yanchen's hand on Shu Jun's back and rolled his eyes. "Forget it, it's my shit."
"Let's continue." Seeing Ai Xiaoxiao had left, Zhu Yanchen lightly pressed Shu Jun's mouth with one hand and pushed him back into the tank.
"Continue to check, or continue to kiss?" Shu Jun raised his eyebrows.
"Check." Zhu Yanchen scowled. "Our schedule is full, we can't delay it anymore."
Then he took out a small notebook, wrote and painted for a while, and raised his head seriously: "There are too many things recently, you must keep regular and adequate rest. Excluding (sleeping in Shui) sleep time, I can set aside 30 minutes, and You kiss (kiss wen) seriously... after the inspection, can you?"
Mr. Marshal asked very seriously and cautiously.
Shu Jun held on to the m slot and laughed loudly: "This has to be specially arranged? Ayan, how come you are going to die for your own business-half an hour? You are not afraid of getting tired of it."
"Not greasy." Zhu Yanchen said softly.
Shu Jun was startled, his eyebrows slowly softened: "Okay."
In the next few days, city Y was still restoring the construction of the city and only sent some spies to various settlements. The people from the fourth family were watching closely. They mingled with the people in the settlement, spreading true and false news, causing the spies to bump into them like headless flies.
I don't know if it's still digesting the truth, the players' emotions are fairly stable. Shu Jun will go out hunting some mutant beasts, use "suppression" to dissipate the corroded substance, and make (肉rou) (dry gan) as a ration. But even so, 30,000 mouths are still not full, and resources are gradually on the verge of exhaustion.
Shu Jun decisively moved forward to the next step-let Yujin bring some trustworthy human henchmen down and contact the players. Afterwards, these 30,000 people will be transferred in batches. If they meet humans, they will shout (kill sha), which is tantamount to sending food in front of Zhusheng.
But as they expected, the conflict broke out.
Yu Jin's confidantes are young people who are born deformed and cannot survive in the city. Most of them were brought back by Yu Jin from the death line. They generally held hatred for the command center, and the possibility of telling the truth (sexual xing) was not great.
The fourth family is doing mobile business, so staying for a long time is suspicious. As soon as the people from the fourth family left, these people took on the job of transporting supplies and repairing underground strongholds.
As a result, the young people entered the first day, and the conflict exploded suddenly.
When Shu Jun arrived, the two people were crowded into the wide aisle, a pile on one side, a space in the middle, and three people stood.
There was turmeric standing on the human side, he was comforting his subordinates-his subordinates were missing a leg, had no neck, half of his face buried in his shoulders, looking at quite a person.
He was sitting in the middle of the corridor, with the crutches in his hand flying far, apparently being knocked down deliberately.
The people on the player's side, Shu Jun had the impression-on the day he announced the truth, the young man had been sitting alone in the corner with a clear hatred on his face. Many people behind him were clustered together, mostly with pleasure on their faces. Farther away, the players looked at the excitement numbly, and had no intention of (inserting) their hands.
Zhu Yanchen sighed, seeing that he was about to step forward, but was stopped by an arm.
He frowned and looked at Shu Jun puzzledly.
Shu Jun looked at the three people in the farce center without blinking, and pressed his lips: "Let them continue to make noise."
After that, he turned his face.
"A Yan, you can't (insert cha) your hand in this matter. Let me take a good look at how they are making noise."
"In case the situation worsens..." Yujin's people are not soldiers. They only follow Yujin voluntarily on weekdays, and have no affection for the players. Even knowing that they hate the coalition government, Zhu Yanchen is still worried.
"The situation has deteriorated, we have time to take action. At that time, the leader of me will go to apologize, or kneel down to apologize." Shu Jun stared at the front, his gray eyes shimmering in the darkness. "Before that, we all have to watch—"
See how the first "mini war" will break out.
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