Chapter 72: shake

The same day Shu Jun set off. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:
Without Shu Jun, Zhu Yanchen's body temperature dropped. The players are managed by Hu Yan, and Yu Jin manages his own people well. Zhu Yanchen didn't participate in this. He went straight into Ai Xiaoxiao's research area and found a room to ponder the "suppression" weapon.
Before leaving the old four, I brought him a lot of equipment. If this is the case, Dr. Ai has to "temporarily requisition" many medical equipment. Ai Xiaoxiao, who focused on research on qualitative treatment, was quite dissatisfied with this.
"They are all my treasures, can you use them lightly? Even if they are not broken, I have to charge for the wear and tear." She thumped her foot, "And I don't like someone in the field of vision during the research-- "
Now that I know the close relationship between Zhu Shu and Zhu Shu, Ai Xiaoxiao's last fear of Zhu Yanchen is also gone.
I wish the general marshal's cold temperament can no longer restrain her. Dr. Ai has been watching for a long time, only to think that this person is like a clam shell. Shu Jun opened his mouth tentatively at the time. As soon as the person left, he closed himself tightly again, which was very fun.
I wish Clam Shell ignored her and left with the data.
"Wait first!" Ai Xiaoxiao raised his voice without receiving the wastage fee. "I have a weird set of data here, you have to show it to an expert."
I wish the mussel shell kept the momentum of the mussel shell closed, slowly turned around, and followed Ai Xiaoxiao into her research room.
Although Ai Xiaoxiao made a mess of himself, the whole research room was organized, complicated and not messy. In the middle of the room, there is a very large m trough. I was twisting and swimming in it on Monday, like a weird hairtail.
"After all, so many people followed, Shu Jun brought ordinary swords." Ai Xiaoxiao explained, "He entrusted it to me."
Seeing Zhu Yanchen coming in on Monday, the sword hilt nodded towards Zhu Yanchen, and started swimming happily again. Seeing that this thing was not crying for help like before, Zhu Yanchen turned to Ai Xiaoxiao suspiciously.
Ai Xiaoxiao saw his question, and she took an apricot-sized white (color) pill from a dish on the side and threw it into the liquid tank. He swallowed it hurriedly on Monday, happily flipping the blade a few times, and even willing to let Ai Xiaoxiao wear the glove (touch Mo) twice.
"I call it'Erosion Sugar'. It likes to make noise so much, and I made something to coax it-I have been studying the erosion options of Erosion during this time, and it seems to be effective."
Ai Xiaoxiao pulled out his hand and threw a white ball to Zhu Yanchen. He picked up a pile of materials and knocked on the table: "This thing is similar to your (body shen) body erosion. Was the husband especially greedy for your body during that time?"
Zhu Yanchen looked at the white ball in his palm and frowned.
"Of course, I mean the appetite aspect." Ai Xiaoxiao added nastyly, "You can look at the information slowly later, let me give you a general idea first."
"Erosion marsh has certain requirements for the degree of erosion of food. The degree of erosion is too low and it is difficult to digest. The erosion is too thorough and there are no nutrients. Burnt, crispy and delicious."
Ai Xiaoxiao threw another marsh syrup into the tank and spit out a bunch of bubbles contentedly on Monday.
"But for you, this conclusion should not be new. I want to talk about other issues."
Zhu Yanchen ignored her metaphor of roasting (meat rou), quietly flipping through the data, his brows furrowed and tightened.
"Oh, I haven't talked yet, do you see it?"
"Their eating efficiency is too low. If a portion of food is completely eroded from scratch and the energy is enough for them to consume, they will..."
"They only eat the fattest bite."
Ai Xiaoxiao clapped twice in a perfunctory manner.
"It's very simple, they don't have time to eat chicken ribs. The frantic erosion of the marsh at the moment can be regarded as a compensatory behavior-the current living environment is not suitable for them, they instinctively overreproduce. As a result, the more they reproduce, the more food they lack, and the less food they don't want to digest. Finally. They can only erode more space and find more'fat and easy' food so that they can continue to reproduce."
"In short, it's a simple and rude cycle of sexual xing. They don't think about the problems of exhaustion and fishing. Anyway, the world is so big, they haven't chewed it again."
Zhu Yanchen keenly grasped the key point: "The living environment is not suitable?"
"Yes, I did a lot of experiments with this little guy." Ai Xiaoxiao pointed to Monday, and the sword body moved with her fingers on Monday, waiting for the next marsh candy. "It has a brain for the time being, and the reaction is much better than the average pitfall—look at this."
Ai Xiaoxiao worked on the m slot (fuck cao) and changed a series of data. On the light screen next to the m tank, the pressure, temperature and the content of various elements in the tank fluctuated for a while, and my whole body trembled on Monday.
"Cool!" it said in a hearty voice, sounding quite satisfied.
"Look, it's intuitive." Ai Xiaoxiao sat back in the wheelchair.
Zhu Yanchen stared at the numbers on the light screen, his frowned brows did not expand.
"Then there is only one problem." He said softly, "The indiscriminate temptation at the beginning can still be understood. Now, why do the swamps stay in this state?"
Stay in an environment that is not suitable for survival, ramming around, biting and gnawing randomly.
"You know the answer." Ai Xiaoxiao stepped on the cabinet next to his feet and turned around on the wheelchair.
He did know the answer, Zhu Yanchen squeezed the pile of reports in his hand. With sigma, the mindless eclipse won't make up his mind.
...The matter of continuation of the player system was far more wrong than he thought.
"I have to go back to the city." Zhu Yanchen said firmly. "Thank you, Dr. Ai, your data is very valuable."
"Go back to that ghost place (gan gan)?" Ai Xiaoxiao opened the lid of the liquid tank and threw a few more marsh candies on Monday.
"I have some information to check. I remember a senior who wrote a similar paper before. When I didn't know the existence of sigma, I thought I couldn't use it. Now I have to go back and see it."
"Let Old Man Dong bring it out for you."
"He didn't have access to it, and he shouldn't know." Zhu Yanchen is categorical. "The paper did not enter the database, only the paper version. Father took it down specially. I saw it in the storage room of Zhurong Memorial Hall. "Original copy of "—Mr. Tang Heyu's "Observation of Zero Erosion Path and Geographical Distribution Conjecture", I need the data inside."
"Tang Heyu? Never heard of this person."
"He has studied anti-corrosion equipment before." Zhu Yanchen did not elaborate.
Zhu Yanchen knew this person. When he was a child, his father rarely went home. One time when his father was at home, Tang Heyu even came to his house for dinner. Later, my mother mentioned that "Uncle Tang" is a close friend of my father. It is a pity that Tang Heyu's spirit went wrong, and Zhu Sheng gradually lost contact with him.
Zhu Yanchen is not interested in gossip of the older generation. At the beginning, he only wanted to overthrow the player system and study the behavior of swamp erosion. In order to find relevant information about the player system, Zhu Yanchen sneaked into the Zhurong Memorial Hall. In the process of searching for used books, he accidentally found a paper in the reference room, and then he checked the details.
Tang Heyu was in the Tang family who values ​​commerce, but he jumped off (tuo) very much, and was interested in the research of player systems. However, he has always paid more attention to design and practice and did not leave many papers. At his peak, he even competed with Zhu Sheng for the top position.
At the beginning, Tang Heyu and Zhu Sheng (guanguan) were very good, so that the competition for power did not affect the friendship between the two. The two even went to drink together after the election speech.
Unlike the (sexual xing) son's calm blessing, Tang Heyu is humorous, lively and straightforward, and intelligent. He was originally a good leader, but unfortunately he was in his prime of life.
After publishing the first and only paper, Tang Heyu gradually began to drink alcohol, showing signs of insanity. When alcoholism is at its worst, he will not spend more than two hours awake a day. The Tang family naturally couldn't accept such a male host. He was quickly evaded and retreated from the top position.
No one knows what Tang Heyu (fafa) gave birth. Zhu Sheng had visited the door every day to persuade him in the early period, but he was knocked on his head by a wine bottle and caused an uproar. After that, Zhu Sheng never entered the Tang family again.
No matter how many things, I can't find out anywhere.
In all fairness, Tang Heyu's paper is well written. It's just that Mr. Tang chose a tricky topic, and the difference between zero erosion and marsh erosion was too far, and there were too many guesses in the thesis, and Zhu Yanchen did not look at it again.
Unexpectedly, going around and looking for it again. Xia Liang (gan gan) can't do this job. Only senior researchers can enter the memorial hall. It is even more unreliable to ask others.
He could only replace Xia Yufeng again and take a trip in person.
Fortunately, the people from the fourth family haven't finished walking, and it takes a long time to get to City Y to get in the caravan. Zhu Yanchen immediately packed up, pretended to be Uncle Pan’s picker, and kept up with the mobile caravan from the fourth house.
It just so happened that the prototype of the Zhenzhen) Suppression" weapon can also be shown to the experts of the fourth family. And... the data collected from city x, it's time to go out and try the water.
That night, the other marshal was also very busy.
Since bringing Luo Duan back, Yining has been very careful. In order to get more information, he wanted to attach a 24-hour uninterrupted camera to Luo Duan.
It's just that Luo decided that he should eat and drink, and talk to him with a smile, and it is no different in normal days. He occasionally asked about the chaos at the celebration and the current situation of the groundwater, and Yi Ningquan used "activities" to prevaricate.
He looked at Luo Duan, and instinctively felt something was wrong. This chengcheng person kept a delicate distance from him, and his gestures were reasonable and intimate, and he always subconsciously regarded the other person as a "friend" or "kind".
But they are neither friends nor similar.
It's just that Luo Duan is too honest, and Yining can't think of what he wants. This person neither assassinated (killed) him nor contacted the outside world. He calmly drank tea in the defensive command center. It didn't look like he wanted something.
Yi Ning's thoughts made her head burst into pain.
Fortunately, new news came outside at this time, and he was finally able to change his mind
"What is this?!" Yining gasped hiss.
"My eldest sister's boyfriend's younger brother showed me the scene in X city. Someone found this thing on the edge of the erosion zone-the equipment in the luggage bag was all broken, and the recording chip was intact, and the owner was not found. "The assistant also shivered, "Marshal, this is synthetic, right? People on the edge of the city are spreading it, saying that the erosion marsh has mutated..."
Twisted cities, weird heads entrenched between cities, and four-legged monsters crawling around. If someone made such a complicated composite film, it would be a great deal.
"Send someone to check the true source of the image, and by the way find the technicians of the Tang family, let them see if it is synthesized." Yining pinched the bridge of his nose, and the horrible images were still spinning in his mind. "Don't panic, the relics of City X are in the heavily eroded area. It is impossible for ordinary people to bring back information from there."
The assistant's heart visibly turned back, and he suddenly sighed: "Yes, yes, it must be a forgery, how could it be mutated like this."
He patted (chest xiong) the breast, strenuously shocked himself: "Besides, even if it is true... If you want to get such equipment, you can't have a lot of money. Others don't know, I have been with you for so long Don't know yet! It's just the upper-level talents of the three major families who are playing, why they (gan) make trouble for themselves..."
Yining stopped breathing, her expression tensed suddenly: "What did you say? Say it again."
The assistant was frightened: "I said the three big families..."
"Previous sentence."
"If you want to get such equipment, can you not have a lot of money?"
Yi Ning's mind was like a lightning strike, and all the previous confusion suddenly came out.
Zhu Yanchen.
Zhu Yanchen is a cautious person, his own combat power is not weak, how can he be easily taken away by mutant beasts? Not to mention that the mutant beast arranged by the Tang family is useless at all, a certain mutant beast that does not know the details has fallen from the sky and robbed people in advance.
At that time, he felt that something was wrong, as if Zhu Yanchen had known his plan a long time ago.
The reason why Yi Ning didn't think deeply about it was also very simple-Zhu Yanchen just disappeared, and Zhu Sheng found a puppet back. If Zhu Yanchen really had a plan of his own, there would not be no echo at all.
Now the echo is coming.
Yining looked at the impact over and over again, and the expression on his face gradually disappeared.
Zhu Yanchen borrowed his plan to finish the scene and disappear beautifully. Even if the Tang family only wanted to give Zhu Yanchen a little injury, the plans and actions would definitely leave traces and attract Zhu Sheng's attention. In this way, even if Zhu Sheng could not grasp the evidence, his attention would not be focused on the "victim" Zhu Yanchen, and naturally would not ask people to go deep into the erosion zone to search.
What happens after it disappears successfully?
Zhu Yanchen is not the kind of romantic person who chasing the wind, and he will not elope with others on purpose. If this record is true, maybe Marshal Zhu personally went to the remains of X City...
Yining knew that Zhu Yanchen opposed the player system, but he didn't expect the opponent to be paranoid to this point.
Marshal Zhu is not an impulsive person, his behavior has always been rigorous. So did he find something? Those scary pictures are related to the player system? At such an important moment, he sacrificed his life, what exactly did he want to prove?
According to the assistant, the damaged luggage was found on the edge of the erosion zone, and the owner was not found. As expected, normal people go to the heavily eroded area like the ruins of X City, and they will definitely live soon...
"...In addition to those just now, help me check something."
Yining heard herself say in an extremely (dry gan) voice.
"The papers Zhu Yanchen left at the research institution, ask someone to take a closer look."
The assistant nodded vigorously and trot out the door. Yi Ning looked at the flashing lamp above his head, and slowly hung a wry smile from the corner of his mouth.
Before he hesitated whether to follow Zhusheng and accept this new player system. At the beginning, my only worries were how to deal with the unemployment problem of players in colonies after the sudden increase in production.
As a result, in just a few days, the people in the settlement were given up by Zhu Sheng, and possible loopholes in the player's system were about to explode.
"If the video is true, Zhu Yanchen's research is true, and the loopholes in the player system are also true... cover up the facts, abandon the people, and work in the dark. It's really beautiful."
In case, those things are true. Then the player system definitely cannot be put into use on a large scale before the loophole is removed. Humans must unite and focus on fighting the mutated swamp.
At that time, he and Zhu Sheng have no common position.
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