Chapter 74: In the dark mist

Chai Xuyang regretted it. +++ Popular Tanmei Novels:
What hand are you raising? If you don't follow the big army, it will be over. Now it's fine, there is no turning back arrow when I open the bow. Shu Jun's words have been put out, and now he regrets it again, and can only be left inside and outside.
Shu Jun's movements were very firm, unlike bluffing. Now Chai Xuyang can only pray that Captain Shu has a clever plan in his heart to save the two of them.
The others were also stiff, saying no (dry gan) and not (dry gan), firmly nesting near the stronghold and waiting. The two of them approached the stronghold alone, trying to find a way to sneak.
Although the cultivation base is close to the city, the periphery is still an erosion zone. The thin mist floated on the mud, the air was filtered by the mask, and the entrance still had a bitter taste. Shu Jun walked quietly on the muddy ground, his feet seemed to have grown (flesh) mats, and there was no movement.
Chai Xuyang followed silently, watching the other players disappear into view.
Chai Xuyang is a groundwater person. Considering the relationship between groundwater and the black bird, the atmosphere between the two is a bit awkward. Everyone said that Captain Blackbird was warm and easygoing, but they never said that Shu Jun's momentum was so overwhelming. Chai Xuyang had been in circles for a long time, and couldn't help but speak-it was not boring, he really wanted to embolden himself.
"Do you... know where our captain is?" This is also an unsolved mystery in the underground water team.
"He is in city Y." Shu Jun replied in a low voice, without looking back.
"What then? You have to tell us about the situation. The team is complete, but our team didn't see the captain, and it was still at the celebration..." He swallowed hard. "Also sacrificed a comrade in arms at the celebration."
"Luo Duan has his own ideas, I will tell everyone sooner or later." Shu Jun stopped and looked at the surrounding wall not far away. "...It's not the time yet."
"When will the captain return?"
"do not know."
"...When can the captain contact us?"
"I don't know." Shu Jun finally turned away, his eyes a little complicated. "But I assure you that you will have a chance to talk to him. Alright, the patrolman just walked away, we are on."
What are you going to do, they are just as armed with bare hands. Chai Xuyang closed his eyes in pain. It's a pity that the order is still to be listened. The two men climbed over the wall neatly and huddled in the corner awkwardly, waiting for another group of patrolmen to stagger.
"Your ability, I remember, is to control sand."
"Can dust?"
"It can be..." It's useless.
"Then play around with the several purifiers over there, they should be within a safe distance now. It doesn't need to be too complicated, just make more dust and let them malfunction."
Chai Xuyang responded and began to carefully (fuck cao) through the dust. The fine dirt and dust danced slowly in the air, they went against the wind and got into the body through the air outlet of the purifier. The noise of the purifier is getting louder and louder, and overheating is only a matter of time.
Shu Jun nodded and rubbed his temples
Shu Jun is actually not very comfortable. The purification machine here is many times better than those in the conference hall who don't know (强qiang). He pressed the body's corrosion to the limit, still uncomfortably tight. Fortunately, this place is close to the erosion zone, and there is no low-corrosion environment like the city. Chai Xuyang can still use his abilities.
He has a rough idea of ​​the patrol situation here. The focus of defense is in that familiar office building. Looking at this battle, 80% of them are visiting from an important person. Compared with the time when he was Zhu Ci, the current level of defense is even higher, and the identity of the visitor is self-evident.
Best wishes.
……Y city should be very busy right now, why did Zhu Sheng come here suddenly?
Since Zhu Sheng is here at this tense moment, he must bring (强qiang) a big guard. That group of teammates were left out, it was a great fortune in misfortune-if they knew that Zhu Sheng was here, it would be possible to revenge wildly immediately, and they might not be able to stabilize the situation.
Right now Luo Duan is lurking in Y City. To wish Shengheng to die here, Luo Duan will definitely stab (kill sha) Yining. At that time, the human dragons will have no leader, and even if Zhu Yanchen immediately took over the mess, he could not immediately control it. The zhenzhen) suppression" weapon still has no shadow, sigma takes the opportunity to attack in one fell swoop, then they will really ignore their heads  
The rhythm of this war must not be handed over to Luo Duan.
"Why don't we withdraw first." Chai Xuyang whispered after damaging the purifier. "This doesn't look like a permanent increase, let's go back first? When things get better here, let's come again."
"What do you say when you go back? The people outside can surely guess that a high-ranking human official is visiting, and they will do it 100%."
"Then why do you pick us?" Chai Xuyang said with a grunt. "Bring the good babies of Blackbird directly over, there won't be so many things."
"If you don't let your breath go, I will send you to other settlements. What do I do, let you extremists fan the flames."
"Then you can't know that there are tigers in the mountains, and you can go to the tiger mountains." Chai Xuyang complained even lower. "Isn't this a dilemma?"
Shu Jun pinched his eyebrows, he must be cruel to prepare for war, and he must be careful when dealing with hatred. It's okay to have one side, and two things together, he is only tired.
Seeing that he didn't reply, Chai Xuyang's mouth became more nagging.
"I don't understand why you must protect humans. Yes, I know they don't deserve to die, but this is too much. In fact, I think the people outside are quite reasonable. Maybe it was the smoke. How could human beings really be so kind, for spending so much effort to'sympathize', they must all have a plan..."
These people haven't even digested the reality, and the hard dish of sigma hasn't been served yet. There is no news about the treatment methods of the Hecheng people. If he wants to spread it out all at once, it will only develop more desperate "luoshu".
Shu Jun secretly settled his thoughts.
"Anyway, it has always been a weak (肉rou) (强qiang) food, not to mention our famous teacher. Team Shu, or you think about it, let's give this high official to (kill sha), it can be regarded as (kill sha) Chicken and monkey..."
"Has the destruction of the purifier over there finished?" Shu Jun interrupted the eloquent Chai Xuyang.
"Huh? The destruction is over. I just wanted to say..."
Before Chai Xuyang finished speaking, Shu Jun threw a flash bomb into the court: "Run!"
After that, Shu Jun ran towards the tallest building in the stronghold. It stands to reason that the children of chengcheng people will be stored in the lowest level. Think about it from another angle, Zhu Sheng is here, maybe it will be better.
Chai Xuyang was confused by his sudden action. His mind was still in speech mode, and he didn't react for a long time.
"Why do you (gan)!" His voice trembled.
"Test the opponent's abilities so that you can choose the next strategy." Shu Jun grabbed Chai Xuyang's clothes and ran forward with him. "Although the opponents are different, we continue to follow the original plan-make movement and block the stronghold."
...And the meeting will meet this leader. Shu Jun added a selfishly.
"No, not this..." Chai Xuyang's legs were a little numb after the bullet came. He desperately raised the dust and blocked the enemy's sight. Swamp erosion and mutant beasts can't shoot, he is really not used to this kind of combat environment, and the whole person is not strong.
"We were here to be bad guys, and it's good after all." There was even a smile in Shu Jun's voice.
It's over, it's over, Shu Jun is crazy. Chai Xuyang almost shed tears.
Facts have proved that the people who Zhusheng brought are really capable. The guards instantly locked the positions of the two of them, blocking all possible paths for them to escape-if they are both normal people, it is indeed hard to escape.
The reaction to the other side was too fast, Chai Xuyang just destroyed a nearby purifier, and more purifiers were activated. Before Chai Xuyang's dust was completely raised, he fell back to the ground.
However, it was picked up by the wind again.
The nearby erosive content is too low, and Shu Jun (fuck cao) is very painful. However, as a real bog, his ability (strong qiang) is not much higher than that of Chai Xuyang-he grabbed Chai Xuyang's back collar with one hand, and the two were lifted up by the wind, and the stronghold gradually shrank under their feet.
Luo Duan is also a top capable person, but his strength is partial to support, and his offense (sexual xing) is far less than Shujun. Chai Xuyang was quite uncomfortable with this crazy style of play. He was so shocked that he couldn't make a sound. After a long time he squatted out: "Flying, flying so high is..."
"I know the abilities of that group of people. The quality of the lower head is too low, so I slow down."
Is this talking human? It's too low, Chai Xuyang has not seen Shu Jun's ability (strong qiang) affected. What can be done after the delay, they won't have to go down later...
The dense corrosive matter is gathering, almost becoming a black mist visible to the eyes. These black mists were swept in one place by Shu Jun's wind, swirling in a cloud above the two of them, as if a whirlpool in the sea reached the sky. Just looking at it, the ominous breath is enough to make people tremble.
Chai Xuyang was carried in his hand like a chicken by Shu Jun, and his whole person was numb--isn't Shu Jun's ability wind? What the is the huge black vortex on top of their heads?
No, he knows what it is, Chai Xuyang thought heavily. I don't want to admit it from the heart.
He has never heard that players can (fuck cao) erode quality.
"Go down, be careful." Shu Jun glanced at the pile of things on his head with a very satisfied expression.
The two fell quickly, and Hei Maelstrom followed them closely and smashed into the stronghold together. All the purifiers were overloaded instantly. In the black mist, they made a hoarse sizzle and collapsed one by one. The people of Zhu Sheng didn't stand hard, they immediately evacuated and got into the building.
The black mist is too scary. Chai Xuyang took a sigh of relief, but found that the corrosive mist had passed around him, as if there was an invisible bubble around him.
He glanced at Shu Jun and refused to think about the reason: "Shall we (gan) now, open a window and go in for a wave?"
"Wait? Wait for whom?"
"Wish Sheng."
"You have done this, how could he come out? No, wait a minute, the people who came here are Zhusheng?!"
"Yeah. Wait a minute, don't come out and talk about it." Shu Jun was hidden in the black mist, watching people running around in the corridor. "I just want to show him something, you guys just stop by."
"..." Chai Xuyang has never been so homesick.
He really shouldn't raise that hand.
Cultivate strongholds, deep underground.
Zhu Sheng stood in front of the light screen, looking at the outside scene coldly. In the translucent light screen, corrosive mist filled the surroundings of the building, and the whole building seemed to sink into a sea of ​​smoke.
The commander of the base wiped the sweat on his head and bowed: "At present, the attacker is a mutated (chengcheng) person. From the current point of view, it is similar to the attacker in the celebration incident, with (fuck cao) Qualitative ability."
"Hmm." Zhu Sheng frowned.
"I wish you old, don’t worry. You are now at the bottom of the building. The buildings in the cultivation base are all specially made and well-sealed. Considering the situation just now, we have sealed off the entire building and purified it according to the highest standards. Air. They can't hurt you."
"Hmm." Zhu Sheng's brows were still not open.
"Our team has already begun to assemble heavy weapon type purifiers. When the fog outside diffuses a little, it will be cleaned up soon. The two teams you brought will also be equipped with oxygen packs. The enemy will not linger. Too long, even if you are a good person, you will be hurt by that concentration."
"They didn't come for me." Zhu Shengwu looked at the light screen, "My schedule is absolutely confidential. This is just a coincidence."
"They want to take back their cubs." Zhu Sheng glanced at the small dormant cabin under his feet.
Right now he was sitting on a monitoring platform, and the sleeping cabins were densely packed underneath. Many of them were transferred in an emergency, and there was no need to consider these cubs' "Erosion" activities. The cabins were tightly connected to each other, which was dazzling.
"Just two people?"
"The number of people is not important. Whether they really want to grab people, or deliberately show it to us, it can prove that they care about these cubs. Since they care, we will inevitably close the stronghold."
Zhu Sheng tapped the ground with the tip of his cane.
"What's even more curious is that I know there are visitors here, but I still insist on attacking. He (chengcheng) people are there, it's interesting.
"Sir, I don't understand what you mean." The base commander replied helplessly.
"Whether it is in exile or finding a place to hide, their lives will not be easy. There are only a limited number of chengcheng people. If they want revenge, they will use their strength in one place. If they want to linger, they will cherish their lives... according to reason. , They should wait for me to take someone away, and then beat you by surprise. They shouldn't be so arrogant."
"I'll go up there." The old man tugged at the corner of his mouth. "The angle of the light screen is limited. I want to see the two chengcheng people with my own eyes."
"This is too dangerous!"
"Both guards are called. My people, I know the strength." Zhu Sheng said lightly, ignoring the commander's objection. "They haven't made any substantive (sexual) offensive yet. They are waiting. Maybe they have made me see the troubles outside."
"I can let the soldiers observe and report."
"No, seeing is believing."
Zhu Sheng raised a hand and shook it: "I brought the top elite. If the two teams can't guard against two collaborators, it doesn't make sense for me to hide here. If I can guard against it. The emergence of the culprit, I, is most likely to arouse their abilities. This is quite precious information."
"Take me up." Zhu Sheng repeated it again.
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