Chapter 84: Picture poor see

Sitting in the Longevity Tavern, Hu Yan felt nothing was right. +++The latest ranking of Tanmei novels: After a long time, he feels "just playing games" again in a trance.
But what you eat in your mouth cannot be faked, the flour in the pub is gray, and the rice porridge has a slight astringent taste. Even if the name is changed to bean porridge, the smell of bean smelt rushes into his nose, making his stomach uncomfortable.
He has never observed those "NPCs" so carefully.
Those with a better life burn bricks, concretes, and others, and those with a worse life live in houses converted from waste materials. There are not many fat people in the colony, and people are all thin after a long hard life, and they look ten years older than their real age.
In fact, it was more lively here before. Since the news of the closure of city Y, many businessmen who had a good time returned to city Y. The stalls and shops are closed a little bit, only the fourth shop is still operating.
Hu Yan swallowed a bit astringent porridge, and began to miss the milk custard and strawberry muffins on the "other side". The fruit here is a luxury item. The most popular is the pickled wild fruit. The flesh is thick and hard, and tastes sour, barely fruity.
He had a painful meal in just one short meal. It turned out that the porridge hadn't finished, and another person sat down opposite.
With the iconic golden hair on his back, Yu Jin sat down across from Hu Yan, shaking the bowl of soup to spill a few drops: "Eating?"
Hu Yan laughed stiffly: "Ah."
"Today another 5,000 people were sent away, divided into ten teams, and quietly separated." Yu Jin picked a chopstick noodle into his mouth and made a loud slurping sound. "There is not much left. I took a look. Most of them are blackbirds and people from the groundwater. According to Brother Shu's arrangement, in a week, this will be fine."
"The groundwater is very troublesome. Luo Duan hasn't come forward for too long, and they have realized the problem. Now Chai Xuyang is suppressing their emotions." Hu Yan was not used to cold wars with others, so he had to pick up the topic . "But now the situation is stable, and they can't make trouble if they want."
Thinking of recent events, Hu Yan began to lose consciousness again.
Team Shu is ruthless. During this time, the players gradually changed from getting along with Luo Duan's subordinates to getting along with the people in the settlement. The recent closure of the city has caused a large number of personnel to flow, giving players a full cover.
The twenty-one with the strongest hatred left, and the teams were gradually separated. The players are relatively calm a lot-they have been screened on the "side" of their character and have received higher education, although they know that everything is fake, the habit of dealing with people and things can't be changed for a while.
After the clash between Tiandou and Chai Xuyang, the players were unable to vent their anger against the humans in the settlement.
Human adaptability is terrible. Over time, players and these people eat and live together, and gradually get used to it. Uncle Pan received enough Zhu Yanchen's money, and the small hotel was filled with synthetic people from the greasy underground stronghold, grinning into the sky every day. This person is a humorous person by nature, and he talked about a group of players as friends, and when he was fine, he set up a wine board and drank until everyone hugged the bottle and cried.
A few days later, Uncle Pan even introduced several ways to hunt mutant beasts to the players, so that everyone can make money together. Players who do not want to move, simply continue to be idle. With Zhu Yanchen's advance payment, no one embarrassed them.
For Uncle Pan's affinity and connections, the prescription for anti-corrosion drugs was given to him after all. Uncle Pan didn't adulterate, so he made a lot of them honestly and sold them to the residents of the settlement. Let Uncle Xiong take the excess, and send it to the nearby settlement for sale.
After the business was booming, Uncle Pan even sold the recipe ingredients-he asked someone to sell the recipes to various settlements, and the asking price was not high or low. Uncle Pan replaced all the money he earned with supplies and sold them to the offline at the normal price.
There are sufficient materials and cheap anti-corrosion medicine. Although the side effects of this medicine are a bit troublesome and it doesn't work for a long time, the people in the settlements do not complain much-at least in the face of the tightening of the medicine in city Y, they will not panic.
Amazingly, even if Uncle Pan has a good character. Even in other settlements, Hu Yan never heard the rumors of high-priced reselling. The fourth family must have contributed a lot in it, and I would like to know that Marshal Zhu absolutely interfered in this matter.
... From a good point of view, although this "sister-in-law" makes people feel complicated, it seems that his captain did not choose the wrong person. Zhu Yanchen really spent his thoughts on the settlement, not the kind of character who raised the table after eating.
Every time I think of Zhu Yanchen, Hu Yan's expression is always a little distorted-there are thousands of beautiful women in the world, and there is no beautiful girl like Xia Liang in "Erosion". Why does the captain fall in love with a man? Shu Jun didn't show any interest in men before, could he have to sacrifice for his compatriots?
Seeing that Hu Yan was halfway through his meal, his face began to change and twist. Yu Jin coughed heavily: "Speaking of which, when I was out just now, Dr. Ai asked me to find you."
"Doctor Ai?"
"Well, remember to check it out later."
Don't be anything wrong with Shu Jun, Hu Yan is even more clueless.
"I want to go back to city y."
After meeting, Ai Xiaoxiao was very direct.
"Ah what, temporarily." Ai Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, "I have to research the bottleneck, I have to get some new raw materials. I can't play new tricks with these things now."
"Can you ask the people from the fourth family to help?"
"I can't help, I have to get goods from the Tang family. The fourth family still can't get such high-class things. If I didn't go personally, those old foxes would not be able to get the purest raw materials."
"But the patients..." Hu Yan hesitated.
"Recently, I have selected a few girls and boys who are not very good at fighting. The basic common sense of erosion treatment has been explained. They can't get the hang of it, and they can also memorize the medication of special conditions. As for ordinary wounds, Those of you who run the battlefield, you also have therapists yourself."
Ai Xiaoxiao's voice is calm.
"With the care of my compatriots, the patient can feel better. I have an appointment with the mud sled and will leave at noon. If someone comes to me again, you can just tell me the truth."
She was talking while packing her huge backpack. As soon as Hu Yan reacted, Ai Xiaoxiao had put the backpack on his shoulder.
"To be honest, the research is almost done. When I bring this batch of materials back, I don’t think I will have to toss back and forth again-at that time, I will select a few apprentices from these people. During the recent period, you helped me stare , Look at their attitude."
"There are a lot of people living in concentrated areas, wouldn't it be better to find humans?" Hu Yan was in a complicated mood.
Ai Xiaoxiao is an expert in the maintenance of synthetic humans, and he said coldly, "medicating synthetic humans" is one of the major advantages of human beings. As a result, this person passed it on, as if it was a small remedy for toothache.
"It's more relaxed to be treated by one's own people, and it's easier to tell the truth. If the patient doesn't trust the doctor, how can it be." Ai Xiaoxiao waved his hand, "Besides, the group of people in the settlement don't even talk about studying, and there are not many literate people. A. I have no interest in being a basic teacher, teaching you more efficiently."
"...Be careful on the road." Hu Yan took a deep breath, and the entangled love and hatred in his brain instantly evaporated.
"Hmm." Ai Xiaoxiao bit the coffee. Because of the lollipop, he twisted his hair into a bun that is easy to move. "I also made a lot of biogas candies and put them in the old place. When Shu Jun comes back, don't forget to tell him."
"Speaking of this, the city of Y does not allow people to leave the city now. Even if you can buy raw materials for medicines, how will they come out? The team has abilities, but you—"
Ai Xiaoxiao smiled suddenly, not so good, and a bit bitter.
"When City Y collapses, people will naturally come out." She hummed vaguely.
As the "non-human" category, Shu Jun's way of getting out of the city is very simple.
y In the city, people are not allowed to leave the city, and materials are transported out of the city by automated machinery. In order to prevent corrosion, the materials are sealed in boxes less than one cubic meter.
Shu Jun eroded himself entirely, filling most of the box. Monday took the advantage of free water absorption, spreading pancakes on the wall of the box. The two swamps got together, but they were packed in a box. The material box is sealed in advance in the city, and is wrapped with layers of anti-corrosion packaging, so there is no need for inspection.
Captain Shu succeeded in packing himself away, and he wanted to talk about what it didn't do well. After he packed himself, Marshal Zhu approached with a complicated expression and touched it several times, as if he was confirming the feel.
It is rare that he just gave birth to a bit of sadness that "I am no longer a human being", and Zhu Yanchen was stunned. Shu Jun stretched out a corroded vine dissatisfied, slowly pushed away Zhu Yanchen's hand, and closed the lid of the box himself.
In this state, he did not have normal human vision, but he did hear Zhu Yanchen's chuckle.
This account will be settled when he comes back next time. Shu Jun thought dissatisfied. Efforts to adapt to the dark and narrow space, he gave up thinking about the pain of turning people into inhumans, and pondered "how to play tricks on Marshal Zhu" along the way.
The machine walked slowly on the wet mud, and it took a few days to go. In order to prevent the people in the settlements from looting the supplies, some troops did not return to the market, but escorted the supplies outside.
According to Zhu Yanchen's intelligence, these people would stop to rest every eight hours. As soon as the bumps stopped, Shu Jun eroded the lid from the inside of the box. He restored the structure of his hands, cut the anti-corrosion packaging with his claws, and then slipped out of the car quietly with Monday.
Once they are familiar with this process, they can take this opportunity to deliver "repression" weapons. After regaining his human form, Shu Jun moved his lower joints and was satisfied with this "smuggling" experience.
The settlement is still the same, it seems that during the time he left, Hu Yan's management was barely qualified.
Confirming that everything is as usual, Shu Jun returned to Uncle Pan’s hotel room, he turned on the light screen for the first time, and checked the news in city Y
He wanted to see the progress of the election, but he was blurred by the afterimage of City X. The video clips taken by Zhu Yanchen were restored and magnified, which looked quite shocking.
In the picture, the four-legged monster climbs up and down, and Tian Feng is still lying in the center of x. Shu Jun didn't feel terrified, only slightly missed.
"After expert analysis, the image was not artificially synthesized. City x has been abandoned for nearly two hundred years. This four-legged creature may be a brand-new mutant beast. There is no reasonable explanation for the huge human head in the picture. Considering its size And the appearance, do not rule out the possibility of marsh erosion..."
"...According to a reliable source, the machine that shot this video belongs to a senior official in the command center..."
The heroic hostess has a firm and contagious voice. Shu Jun raised his eyebrows—if he remembered correctly, this TV station was funded by the Tang family. Sure enough, after some announcement, the highlight came.
"Marshal Yi, what do you think about the'Swamp Erosion Mutation Theory'?"
"We have received similar information, and the researchers have given some results. In theory, this possibility does exist, and it is very likely to be related to synthetic humans."
"The image of city X has been out for less than a month, and it seems that our researchers have reacted very quickly. The image is currently circulating everywhere, and the celebration was terminated early due to'accidents'. City Y has recently closed the city. Is there any connection? , Our people are very concerned. Is it convenient for you..."
"The celebration was not terminated unexpectedly, but because of the Synthetic people's turmoil. The mutation of the marsh in the ruins of City X and the strengthening of city defense in City Y are all related to this matter-as far as the current situation is concerned, some Synthetic people have control. The ability of corrosive quality has greatly increased the tolerance to corrosive quality. The vision of City X is likely to be specially created by this part of the synthetic people to shock us."
The program guests were in an uproar, and Shu Jun snorted.
Mutant Swamp and Synthetic Man are not the same thing, Yi Ning must understand. But if you really admit the existence of Mutation Swamp, the people in city Y will definitely panic. Focusing on the problem of synthetic humans, this problem can also be defined as "out of control of military weapons."
In any case, he released the intelligence one step earlier than Zhu Sheng, and he could also earn a lot of impression points.
"Before the situation is uncertain, we are inconvenient to announce. Now we have enough information, please rest assured. The current situation is still under our control, the purification machinery has been arranged, and the city is very safe. These synthetic people have no resources to support. , It won’t last long, as long as everyone works together..."
Shu Jun yawned hugely.
"...But I have something to say about the player system." After some time, a sentence drew Shu Jun's attention back.
"It's true that the research on Synthetic Man and Marsh Swamp has been stagnant for the past two decades. Under the control of Zhu Jia, the research direction of the command center has always been in the aspect of'optimizing the player system'. The reason why we can do this Quickly determine the nature of the mutation and rely on a special researcher."
"Which one?" the host asked cooperatively.
"Zhu Yanchen."
Yi Ning answered simply and neatly.
"We all know that Marshal Zhu has always been opposed to advancing the player system. If Marshal Zhu hadn't been studying the swamp for more than ten years, we would not have discovered the connection so quickly and made a plan to deal with it. As far as I know, most of them The researcher stopped the research on the player system and began to study Marshal Zhu Yanchen's papers, and fully researched anti-erosion weapons."
Unexpectedly, my boss suddenly started complimenting his competitors. The program guests did not react for a while, and the scene was silent.
"During the celebration, it was Marshal Zhu who ordered the strengthening of the city defense. If there is no accident, Marshal Zhu will be the biggest contributor to the accident in City Y. As a competitor, I admire his research on marsh erosion, and please don’t Spread false rumors."
"Uh." The host was in a daze, trying to get back to the topic. "You just talked about the player system. As everyone knows, Marshal Zhu recently changed his mind and switched to the player system. Regarding this matter, you..."
"I would like to invite Marshal Zhu to come here and participate in discussions related to this incident. You can consult with me at that time. To be honest, our researchers can only understand a few percent of his papers. Professional problems need experts to solve them. Confused."
Yi Ning didn't smile, he turned to the camera.
"This is related to the safety of the people in the city and settlements. Please also wish the Marshal not to refuse."
See the poor picture. Xia Yufeng didn't know anything about scientific research, so he could only stare at him. If his identity is exposed in public, things will be lively.
pretty good.
Shu Jun happily turned off the light screen and stretched.
In this way, the more chaotic the better.
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