Chapter 1009: : The rule of the fourth dimension: Energy is not conserved?

The sound is not loud, but it appears like thunder on the ground, and the words of shocking dreams.
The fourth dimension of life.
Except for this unknown life, they couldn't think of other reasons that gave a life such a huge amount of energy.
"Nothing is impossible, his power is too weird, so many special abilities, which have never appeared in the history of cosmic civilization."
"The law of conservation of energy, even if every atom is exploded and annihilated, it is impossible to have as much energy as the radar just showed."
"You use the conservation of energy to explain the superpower to me?"
"The rules of the fourth dimension do not necessarily follow the physical rules of our existing universe system."
The discussion appeared, and some physics researchers were very interested in it. They wished to catch Chen Mo to study it, but unfortunately they dare not go there now.
However, the speculation about that mysterious energy has not stopped.
"Is it really related to the fourth-dimensional life?" Hu Bing's eyes flickered, falling on the book in Zidi's hands.
Is it really that book that allowed Chen Mo to touch the secret of life in the fourth dimension?
Hu Bingxin hesitated, then looked at Chen Mo in the battle.
Ordinary beings are watching the battle between Chen Mo and Tongqing. The lives of top civilizations and god-level civilizations are focused on the book in the hands of Zidi. But no life dared to grab something, grab something in the hands of Zidi, unless it is fatal.
Chen Mo and Tong Qing's fierce duel, far beyond the height of the previous few games, changed rapidly. In the battle armor they only saw, they had never seen such a picture.
Even so, they still feel that both sides have not reached the limit.
Chen Mo's mystery and pupils are strong, forming a sharp contrast in mid-air, and the demeanor of the strongest is vividly displayed in the sky above the Star Stele Forest. All the excitement and shock finally turned into a yearning wonder.
Tong Qing's aura was rising, like a wild beast, with a majestic atmosphere, trying to overthrow the entire Tianxing Stele Forest.
Chen Mo's body seemed to be stimulated. Every quantum was beating like a blazing firework, and a steady stream of power was generated out of thin air, converging into threads, and permeating every corner of his body.
One fierce and brave, one strange and mysterious, one relaxing, moving and static, the collision between the two sides is like the overturning of ice water and magma, boiling fiercely.
The battlefield has expanded tenfold unconsciously, and the Star Stele Forest, which has endured hundreds of millions of years of wind and rain, is as fragile as tofu between their collisions, and there are broken walls and ruins everywhere.
Chen Mo was temporarily suppressed. He didn't know how many times he had been injured, how many times he had been cut open by Tongqing's sharp blade, and every time he was injured, his body recovered instantly, and his armor was repaired under the nanorobot.
However, as the battle continued, Chen Mo was injured less and less, but Tongqing's armor began to appear scars, and the originally suppressed balance began to be moved.
The resilience of the quantum physical horror is fully demonstrated at this moment. As Chen Mo's consciousness becomes stronger, he feels that the strength of his body is getting stronger.
It is climbing almost at a speed that can be felt.
When the control of consciousness becomes stronger, his body will naturally generate a kind of energy, which fills every corner.
If they could see Chen Mo's body clearly at this moment, they would be surprised to find that every quantum is like a boiling ball, and every beating will be accompanied by unknown energy derived from nothingness.
This kind of energy is produced out of thin air, coming from the beating void of consciousness, as if it does not belong to the energy of this universe.
Perceiving the source of power in his body, Chen Mo immediately condensed his consciousness, suppressed all doubts, carefully experienced this ever-increasing energy, and then controlled it.
Maybe you can take the initiative to open its floodgates.
With a move of Chen Mo's heart, all the beating quanta in the body seemed to pause for an instant, and in the next instant, they disappeared and reappeared, deriving energy several times higher than before.
It works.
Perceiving the higher energy, Chen Mo was overjoyed. The greater the derived power, the greater the power he can control and the faster his speed. This is what he wants most.
By constantly opening the gates in this way, he can control the majestic and endless energy in his body like the sea of ​​stars.
The opportunity is here.
At the moment the energy exploded in his body, Chen Mo could obviously feel that the speed of the pupil green slowed down. It's not that Tongqing has slowed down, but he has become faster. The suppressed battle caused him to backhand in an instant, and began to pull back the suppressed point of weakness again.
The method of controlling energy in the body discovered at this time is no different to Chen Mo.
Carefully controlling and letting go of the energy inside the body, Chen Mo was multi-tasking, but he was comfortable. But because he just touched the threshold to control the energy in his body, his consciousness was cautious in the process of amplifying the energy.
As long as this situation persists, his suppressed balance will recover little by little. At this time, he can't let go of the restraints, otherwise he will only mess up his position.
His body also breathed flickeringly with the blue faint light, and every ‘breath’ was accompanied by the release of energy.
The fighting between the two sides became more intense, but Chen Mo did not have a sense of difficulty. With the continuous adaptation of Chen Mo's body, these energies quickly became docile and controllable, allowing them to be suppressed and spread freely in the body.
The coverage of the battle armor made it impossible for outsiders to notice the changes in Chen Mo's body, and the energy growth was also unknowingly. Compared with the fierce battle and the terrifying energy that had not been controlled just now, this change was also insignificant.
The attention of the onlookers was all attracted by the nearly tragic battle between Chen Mo and Tong Qing.
But one person is very clear about Chen Mo's changes.
The strength and speed of Tong Qing showed up to a high level. However, Chen Mo was always able to follow him slowly. Although not as fast as him, it seemed like a stream of water, endless.
The continuous energy seems to be rooted in Chen Mo, growing wildly.
That kind of feeling made her unable to see the end of Chen Mo's strength and speed, the kind of gaze that couldn't detect the abyss.
This kind of opponent is terrible.
What caused the continuous energy in Chen Mo's body to be on the field out of thin air?
His eyes were full of shock and solemnity.
A mysterious phenomenon that completely violates the existing physical basic system.
Even if it is superpower, it is maintained by its own consciousness and will and body energy, but Chen Mo's situation is unreasonable.
If he hadn't seen it in person, he would never believe that this happened.
The energy generated out of thin air, this energy seems to come from the void, and then flows into Chen Mo's body to release it, making him like a spring in the air, with a steady stream of water coming from nowhere, incredible.
Is this really related to the fourth dimension of life?
This thought flashed through Hitomi's mind and became an affirmative sentence.
Only the unknown and mysterious fourth-dimensional life can appear this kind of anti-physical basic system, otherwise the explanation will not work.
He now firmly believes that Chen Mo may have touched the secret of life in the fourth dimension.
In this case, the battle is dangerous.
However, looking at the speed at which Chen Mo controls the energy, it should have been under his control not long ago. It just opened a little crack in the door, but didn't really open the door.
The height of the battlefield is getting higher and higher, from the original one hundred meters high to one thousand meters high, and then to ten thousand meters high. Now it is one hundred thousand meters high. The restraining force of the atmosphere is reduced, and the movements are fast and terrifying.
Tong Qing did not expect that one day, he would hit this point with a life who had just become famous.
After ridiculing himself, Tongqing's expression became serious, and the dark pupils were even more dim. During the battle, Tongqing's hand movements began to change.
In this case, he no longer needs to keep it.
Recalling the process of her own growth, Tong Qing's heart was surging.
In the battlefield, Tong Qing let out a soft utter, spread his five fingers, turning his fists into palms.
It should also be seen by the outside world, his hole card [Unified Field].
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