Chapter 1011: : Battle in the Age of Super Power

Chen Mo slowly floated from the entrance of the cave and appeared on the ground.
The iron cocoon of the battle armor disappeared, revealing Chen Mo's true body. The blue gloom that appeared on his body was not the fluorescence flowing on the skin, but a self-luminous form.
Youguang carries a fatal temptation.
As the smoke cleared, Chen Mo just raised his head and stared at Tong Qing.
The two looked at each other up and down.
Is this his special state?
A sense of danger gasped from Tong Qing's heart, which shocked him. A sense of danger, how many years have you not experienced this sense of danger? He suddenly felt a little strange.
Suddenly, Tong Qing laughed at himself.
When, at the moment, he was actually a little scared. I was afraid that this kind of word would still appear in his dictionary. It was not mature enough.
The universe is so big that there are countless secrets hidden. Even today when civilization has developed to its extreme, there are still many unsolved mysteries. It is not surprising that Chen Mo appears in this state. He exists and he is reasonable.
But for the fourth dimension of life, his curiosity rose again.
At this moment, even Tong Qing had some desire and greed. For the first time in his life, the word envy appeared. Even if he was once a legendary strong man, or the purple emperor known as the legend, he would not envy him, but he is envied now.
He thinks that his body is almost perfect, but in front of Chen Mo's body, there is still some deficiency.
The kick of the Battle Armor just now, even a god-level life, could be kicked into serious injuries and dying. The strength of the life body is no better than the materials synthesized by top technology. This is for sure, even the god-level life, in front of the top armor materials, can not resist.
But Chen Mo recovered to this state in such a short time.
How high is his immortality?
The secrets in Chen Mo's body can't see the end strength.
This is perfect life.
How terrible would it be to allow Chen Mo to control his body perfectly?
Tong Qing had a sense of crisis, which made him shudder.
The silent confrontation is even more terrifying and full of crisis.
For some reason, the onlookers swallowed their saliva, more nervous than just now.
Tong Qing was condescending, overlooking Chen Mo and said: "You can't beat me at all, give up."
"Controlling gravity and magnetism, and controlling metal particles with a force field. This is your trump card." Chen Mo's expression was unwavering, as if he was telling something unrelated to him: "I saw your fear."
Tongqing's body shook slightly and recovered as usual.
"Really?" Hitomi smiled: "You are indeed special, but you are still too weak. You can't even control your own strength, and waste a good body."
Buzzing! !
Invisible waves rippled away, and an invisible force field appeared on Tong Qing, forming a barrier on him. The ground began to vibrate, and countless stones shattered and floated up with regular lines of magnetic induction.
The surface of the star map stele also began to shrink, slowly turning into dust, and all metal particles rose.
Strips of metal particles in the air criss-cross, amidst the ruined walls, a scene of the end of the world.
Beside Chen Mo, the crushed metal blocks condensed into strips, restraining his footsteps, and then slowly spreading upward along his body, like a water snake of steel.
"Tian Xing's posthumous book belongs to the civilization of the entire universe. It is good for you and me to admit defeat." His pupils spread out with five fingers, and a series of steel walls condensed and rose around Chen Mo as if they were originally on the ground.
Chen Mo was unmoved.
"Then don't blame me."
Tongqing's five fingers grabbed, and the metal wall surrounding him instantly joined together, hooping Chen Mo in the center. The constantly emerging metal particles converge with Chen Mo as the center.
It's like an ancient and tragic funeral.
The pyramidal metal mountain is rapidly growing up, and the monument centered on Chen Mo is all shattered. Metal particles merge into the metal mountain, piled up continuously, and the scene is violent.
Ten meters!
Twenty meters!
Fifty meters!
One hundred meters!
Five hundred meters!
A 500-meter-high black metal mountain was formed, and the surrounding land was drained of metal particles and weathered into sand. Smoke and dust aroused high in the sky, and the floating metal belt, like a river, was flowing around the pupil blue.
Around him is a transparent barrier, and the space is distorted by the force field.
He was floating in the air, quietly looking at the Jinshan in front of him.
The other beings looked at this scene in horror. They didn't use technology, but only special abilities could cause such terrifying damage, which made people shudder.
Never thought that there is a life that can cause such a fight and such a wonderful battle without using armor and warships.
has it ended?
Obviously not, Zidi was floating in the air, quietly watching the battlefield.
At this moment, Tongqing's face changed suddenly.
An invisible force stirred, and his force field appeared a little disordered.
Under his gaze, strange phenomena began to appear on the outermost layer of the metal mountain.
Metal particles passed the flame like layers of thin paper, turned into fly ash, and disappeared into nothingness, but there was no open flame. One layer, two layers, the entire pyramid, is disappearing out of thin air strangely.
Chi Chi!
The speed of disappearing is getting faster and faster, and the pyramid that suppresses Chen Mo is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.
And the metal particles near the pyramid are all sublimated, disappearing without even releasing energy.
Strange like this.
This scene, like a basin of cold water, fell on the head of life who wanted to celebrate Hitomi's victory.
Is this still life?
It is completely beyond their understanding of life.
Hitomi felt a clear pressure, a suffocating pressure.
The last metal particles that wrapped Chen Mo disappeared, just as the wrapped foam suddenly burst, revealing Chen Mo's real body.
The Star Stele Forest, which was assimilated into a gray-white world by the pupils, had an unusually dazzling touch of death in the center, as if the center of the world.
At this moment, he even felt a sense of powerlessness, which could not be erased from the bottom of his heart. The lives on the periphery were full of horror. The timid body trembled when he saw this figure.
The life that sees this scene will imprint this scene in his mind until he gets old.
There was a sudden gust of wind in the court.
The sand on the ground gathered together, and a giant stone pillar with a height of 100 meters gathered in front of Chen Mo.
Still motionless, Chen Mo took a step, holding his hands on the stone pillar, as if grabbing a wooden stick, waved towards Tongqing in the air.
The stone pillars crashed into the city, breaking through the speed of sound, and the sound of howling in the air spread, and the mourning turned forever.
Suddenly, the sky trembled.
The stone pillar was condensed in the metal cover on the side of Tongqing, and the terrifying impact sound could shake ordinary life to death.
Just when everyone thought it was over, Chen Mo on the ground suddenly backed away, pulling back the stone pillar and ramming towards Tongqing. The hundred-meter-high stone pillar surrounded by five people was like a toy in his hand.
"Flashy." Tong Qing spread his hands, and metal particles formed a sharp iron spear in front of him, piercing towards the stone pillar.
The huge shock exploded, and Tongqing's face changed slightly, like a football hit in the air, flying upside down.
However, Chen Mo's stone pillar suddenly cracked and turned into countless stones. Stone rain fell underneath. The iron pillar controlled by Tongqing also lost control and hit the ground heavily.
Tong Qing, who was stationary in the air, was a little embarrassed.
Although this level of blow was only slightly injured, it was shameful.
The metal sand circulating in the air turned into sharp sand currents, pointed directly at Chen Mo on the ground.
The gray canopy became depressed.
Under the gaze of everyone, the sand on the ground rose up into the sky, condensed into strands, and hit the metal sand without any fancy. The two special abilities collided head-on, not giving way to each other.
There is no light and destruction of anti-matter bombs, but that kind of terrifying momentum, with the shock of manpower against the sky, makes the onlookers scalp numb.
In the age of technology, the battle of the age of superpower has been fought in the battle armor system.
Later history will call this battle the first battle of the super power era.
In the iron-colored sky curtain, the influence of the magnetic field will be affected.
The collision of metal sand and sand filled the sky with dust, like the end of a sandstorm.
Chen Mo didn't know the shock of the outside world, he was experimenting.
Yes, he was experimenting, experimenting with his own abilities. The fourth-dimensional body had infinite possibilities. He was sure that he had not developed even one billionth of this body.
After finally mastering the initial abilities, he wanted to be more proficient.
He almost felt every energy and power change in his body like crazy. No one taught him, he could only rely on himself. The quantum of his body continuously supplies the energy he needs, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.
Tong Qing's expression suddenly became calm, and his mind was in the force field controlled by him.
He drank suddenly.
A ten-meter-high iron thorn drilled out of the ground, and as the first iron thorn appeared from the ground, like a signal, thousands suddenly emerged, turning the underground into a forest of iron thorns, even if there were giant beasts. Stabbed into a sieve again.
The iron-sand confrontation in the air did not disappear until the iron thorn flooded the place where Chen Mo was.
The battlefield fell silent again.
When everyone thought that the battle was really over, they saw Chen Mozheng standing in the air without any support under his feet.
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