Chapter 1020: : Dark Forest Split

Lin Zhiyuan arrived at the company as usual, and the years had washed away his youthfulness when he first entered the marching ant group, leaving him calm and restrained.
He was trained as a core talent by the marching ant group. With his own hard work and hard work, he is now the number two person in the virtual reality department.
In addition to Wushuang who creates virtual reality, he has the oldest qualifications in the Virtual Reality Department.
For Wushuang and the marching ant group, they all admire from the bottom of their hearts. Even without Chen Mo's relationship, no one would have an opinion on her being in a high position at a young age.
At a young age, he developed neural computing networks, combined with the boss’ quantum technology and consciousness connection technology, and spread virtual reality.
The name of a genius girl has long been spread throughout the marching ant group.
Today Wushuang informed him that he had to come out of the laboratory to the conference room. Because there is a very important virtual reality platform that needs the assistance of the virtual reality department to develop.
Today's marching ant group is no longer what it used to be, not as simple as a company.
The marching ant group, which started with technology, retained all the technical departments.
They are the original game development department, renamed the virtual reality department, and have a separate headquarters base.
The virtual reality department of the marching ant has continued to expand after the emergence of virtual reality technology. The virtual reality game platform that monopolizes the earth has also become the largest virtual reality platform under the jurisdiction of the marching ant.
At the beginning of the earth through the use of virtual reality games to select the armored division, the virtual reality department will not only operate the virtual reality game platform, but also undertake some special virtual reality space development so as to provide other departments for virtual reality experiments.
In addition to the earth headquarters, there are branches of their group in the star field under the jurisdiction of the marching ant group.
The planets affected by the marching ant group have their branches, covering all virtual reality talents in the star domain.
The former members of the game department of the marching ant group have now become senior members of the virtual reality department.
Meeting room of the Virtual Reality Department.
The core personnel of the Virtual Reality Department are all present. Those who are not on the earth appear in their positions through holographic projection.
They are all discussing the content of this meeting.
What Wushuang informed them was that there was an important virtual reality platform to be developed, and the core personnel of all teams in the virtual reality department had a meeting.
They are all very curious about what platform it is that should be so grand.
He Wushuang also appeared at the top of the Armed Forces Department and the top executives of the administrative department.
Senior officials from other departments come to their meeting room?
Everyone on the court looked at each other.
"This time we are convening everyone to inform a research topic. This time we need the Virtual Reality Department to assist the armed departments and administrative departments to develop a virtual reality platform. This platform requires the Star Territory under the Marching Ant Group to be used by all lives. "
"What is the role and function of this platform?" a virtual reality engineer asked.
"Select talents for our marching ant group."
Under the leadership of the robot, Ming Tu entered the No. 1 building area of ​​the March Ant Group headquarters.
It has been more than ten days since I returned to Pisces and Cetus.
The Ming Tu War Department is currently stationed in Sagittarius, and he chose to return to Earth with Chen Mo.
"This is the consciousness transfer laboratory. Now you can choose the life genes you need."
Chen Mo pointed to the gene selection system.
Here is a collection of all the life genes that have entered the Star Territory of the Marching Ant Group, as well as the genes of other high-level life in the universe. The gene bank has a very large capacity.
Ming Tu has no expression on his face.
"Humanity." Ming Tu chose the genome of human beings on Earth without thinking.
Chen Mo was taken aback by his choice.
Among the options is the genome of Ming Tu's original life group. He thought that Ming Tu would choose his original group.
But he chose human beings.
"Why?" Chen Mo asked.
"It looks pleasing to the eye."
He chose, and Chen Mo no longer said more.
"You can choose your look, and the artificial intelligence will edit the genome according to the look you want."
Ming Tu began to choose meticulously, and it took about half an hour before he pieced together the looks he liked according to his preferences.
He chose the same yellow race as Chen Mo. He looks a little handsome, but looks very cold, a bit like Ming Tu's current temperament, an ascetic man.
"How long will it take?" Ming Tu asked.
"It takes about five months to add the growth potion, and the cloned life form can become an adult."
"Thank you."
Chen Mo was a little surprised when the word ‘thank you’ came out of Ming Tu’s mouth, and then smiled.
"Di Nanye, give up your idea, I can swear in the name of my mother that I will not blame you for the past this time." Dinan Miro looked ugly at the orc-like life in front of him, trying to carve himself as much as possible. Anger.
Di Nanye, his good brother, launched a dark forest coup on the eve of the Star Festival, making them a joke of the whole universe.
"Since I gave the first order, I didn't intend to give up."
Di Nanye grinned, the rough leather armor on his face made his smile a bit sullen.
"Why did you get to this point?"
"Ho ho."
Di Nanye let out a weird laugh.
"Why? The dark dragon is dead, but you do nothing. You know that it was the Tik tribe who colluded with the black-eye civilization and revealed the dark dragon's whereabouts to them, and sent someone to assassinate the black-eye civilization. You are actually afraid of the black With the strength of Tong Qing, I only dare to find faults in the endless sea, and in front of Tong Qing, I still have to greet him with a smile. In my eyes, you are a coward, bullying and fearing hardship."
Speaking of this, Dinan Miro became restless, and an anger was brewing.
"Do you think I don't want to fight with the black pupils? Why do you think it is so easy to know that the Tick tribe is in collusion with the black pupils? Did you really find out? That is Tongqing's calculation.
He wants to use us as a knife to shake Vivroyun's position, and he can inherit it. He failed with me, so he went to Shi Ganxing and killed Dan, which attracted the anger of Thor Civilization and White Star Civilization, and now he has succeeded. "
"Why didn't you dare to do it when Bai Xing and Thor joined forces to deal with the black pupil? You do it, and the three companies put pressure on it. Wouldn't Viveroyun sacrifice a pupil and protect the black pupil?" Di Nanye roared, His eyes show fire.
"Our dark forest is inherently weak, and I want them to lose all of them, so our dark forest civilization can rise and grow." Dinan Miro took a little bit of anger and felt a little guilty: "I am forbearing for the dark forest civilization."
"Ho ho, keep talking for the dark forest civilization? You are so virgin, you go and set up an archway. For the dark forest, you give me your power, and now the dark forest does not need to be divided."
Di Nanye's face was full of sarcasm.
"Do you dare to give it? You dare not give it. After all, you are greedy for life and fear of death, you are not willing to give up the power in your hands, and you dare not give a fart to your enemy."
"Enough, Dark Dragon is my son, don't I feel sad for his death?" Dinan Miro broke out in anger: "I am for Dark Forest."
"Tongqing is so smart, he should tell you a message next."
"What?" Dinan Miro was stunned.
"Dark Dragon is not your son, he is my son."
Dinan Miro froze in place with staring eyes, cold hands and feet, looking at this familiar face in front of him, an unprecedented anger erupted, occupying all of his consciousness.
"Di Nanye, you and I will never die. Ah..." Dinan Miro went crazy and slammed Di Nanye with a punch. The fist passed through the holographic projection, letting him miss.
Like crazy, he grabbed the chair beside him and smashed it against the holographic platform in front of him.
The next day, the dark forest civilization, one of the seven god-level civilizations, split and shocked the universe.
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