Chapter 1064: : The horror of time superpower

Time superpower is very special. Chen Mo is immersed in it, hoping to see the fluctuations in it.
The fluctuation is very special, and Chen Mo has a feeling of being on the time axis.
This feeling is very special. The last time this feeling appeared was when I copied Xiaoyu's super power.
So Mi's attention is on the flowers and plants in the laboratory, controlling the growth of the flowers and plants.
Chen Mo can clearly see the atomic movement trajectory of flowers and plants.
In his eyes, it’s not right. In Somi’s eyes, the flowers and plants he sees are like watching a movie. He can adjust the timeline at any time. Every time the timeline is'adjusted', the plant will bloom and wither. , Grow and fall leaves, and then grow up little by little.
The objective existence of time is formed by the movement and change of matter and then felt by consciousness.
Time superpower is similar to mind power, but the essence is different.
The power of mind can control the change and movement of matter, but it does not change according to the law of its motion in the future. The power of mind is not time superpower.
Mind power is the use of external forces of consciousness to interfere with the original movement of matter. It can fabricate the shape of matter at will, or even change the nature of matter.
And time superpower uses consciousness to accelerate the movement and change of matter. What it changes is only the appearance of the object in the objective time, the past and the future, and it cannot be changed into other shapes.
Ru Nian Li can turn a tree into a small sapling or a towering tree, and even turn it into a wooden cup or furniture.
The super power of time can only turn trees into small saplings, or towering trees, and then decay and decay when the tree reaches its age, but it cannot turn it into cups and furniture.
When there is no external force interference, what will the "future" of matter be like? After time superpower interferes with it, it will look like the "future", including the position of each atom.
Time super can quickly make matter what it looks like in the past or future.
The'towering tree' that mind power makes small saplings become and the'towering tree' that time super can make small saplings turn into are different in appearance. Time super can generate the future after the small tree itself grows naturally. But Nianli is not.
This is the ability in the time dimension.
The real'time axis' is just like Xiaoyu can see the'conscious body'. With this ability, he can see the changes in the movement of matter, and then use his own consciousness to change its movement and make it into the past Or what the future looks like.
When all the matter seen by a living body regresses to the state of the previous minute, it is time to go back and travel back to the previous minute. At this time, the consciousness of the life body still has a memory of what happened in the'future' one minute, which is the time travel of the life body.
As long as the controlled time superpower is strong enough to pull back the time axis of each atom of the earth to the position and state of a thousand years ago, and the life form still retains the current memory, then it is quite the life body that travels back to a thousand years ago, this is the time superpower Horror.
Of course, all atoms return to their positions and states a thousand years ago, which means that the current humans will disappear, and the ancient humans that have appeared will re-develop and evolve according to the time axis predetermined for the millennium.
If a living entity wants to retain the memory of ‘retrospecting time’, it must break free from the shackles of the material and time dimensions, become a life in the fourth dimension, and control time in order to have this terrifying ability.
After traversing, actively using external force to change the future trajectory of an atom or object will change the world quite a bit, and will induce the emergence of parallel time and space.
Changes in the predetermined trajectory of a single atom or object will cause the'butterfly effect'.
The existence of this kind of butterfly effect, with a long enough time to develop and change, will make the world of parallel time and space gradually differ from the world of original time and space. As time goes by, the difference becomes bigger and bigger.
If you want to remove the parallel space-time, you must use mighty force to move time back to the time axis when an object changed, and put the changed atom or object back to its original position.
The life that truly controls time can travel back to the time when the enemy is not growing and kill the enemy.
This is a weapon of causality in philosophy.
It is also the terror of time superpower.
In the process of copying Somi's abilities, Chen Mo always felt the special nature of time ability, which is a complete fourth-dimensional life that must be controlled.
Once the ability to control time, and then developed sufficiently strong, he can freely shuttle through the long river of time and space and parallel time and space.
This is the true immortal of the universe, immortal, but if you want to be the in charge of everything, you also need the ability to enter the memory of every life body, that is Xiaoyu’s supernatural consciousness, and Chen Mo now has it. The last time is super power.
To know the final mission of the Science and Technology Library, he must be in charge of time superpower. He felt that time superpower was the last condition, the condition that triggered the final mission of the science and technology library.
"Try to set time back." Chen Mo reminded Somi.
Suomi, who was controlling the flowers and plants, was taken aback when he heard Chen Mo's voice in his mind, and then immediately understood.
Sommy responded and refocused on the flowers and plants in the laboratory, trying to use his own to reverse the growth time of the flowers and plants.
Soon, Soomi's forehead began to sweat, his body slowly shivered, and his facial muscles also tremble. After a while, he stopped to lose his strength, and his whole body was like a fish, which was very exhausting.
"No," Sommy said tiredly, her voice a little weak.
He hasn't found the trick to rewind time. There seems to be an invisible barrier that blocks his ability and prevents him from rewinding time. And he felt that his own ability could not set time back.
Chen Mo also stopped.
Just now when Suomi used time to rewind the time of flowers and plants, he also felt a block. It was the reason that Suomi's ability was not developed enough. It may also be that Suomi's current body and consciousness could not bear this kind of time. Backward changes.
"Thanks for your hard work, take a break and continue next time. The body is the most important thing," Chen Mo said.
Sommy sat up from the chair, took the towel sent by the robot and wiped off his sweat, and asked curiously, "Does the boss gain anything?"
"Some gains." Chen Mo nodded.
There are gains, but he has not succeeded in copying, and his time superpower has not yet been mastered. Time superpower is too complicated. It is not a matter of one or two days. It takes time to experience, so I can't rush.
In Chen Mo's classification of superpowers, consciousness, time, and space belong to the top three categories of superpowers, and are at the top of the superpower pyramid.
It took Chen Mo a lot of effort to understand Xiao Yu's super power of consciousness at the time. Now, the difficulty of time super power should not be too low.
"Let's go to dinner first, just together." Chen Mo took off his experimental robe and led him out of the laboratory.
Sommy smiled on his tired face. He didn't expect to have dinner with the boss, so he could go back and brag for a long time.
At this moment, a prompt message was sent to Chen Mo's communication device. Chen Mo paused after scanning the number of the message. The news came directly from the Intelligence Department, he knew that there was a major event.
Mo Nu approached Chen Mo and said in a low voice, "Brother Mo, something happened to the Ten Cities Alliance."
Seeing the news from the Intelligence Department, Chen Mo fell silent all at once.
Something really happened.
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