Chapter 1078: : Some do not speak martial arts

Ming Tu's mission is Gulu Hongqiao.
Gulu Hongqiao is the gateway for the White Star Civilization to reach Tianlu City. The importance of this location is self-evident. Occupy this Hongqiao, the connection between Yuelu City and the White Star Civilization will be severed, and the Yuelu City that has taken refuge in the White Star Civilization will become a turtle in the urn.
Without the internal response of Yuelu City, the White Star Civilization would not have a foothold in the Ten-City Alliance Star Territory. If you want to re-enter the Ten-City Alliance, get close to the marching ants, you will either spend a lot of money to attack the Hongqiao Fortress or come from the direction of Wuxian Civilization.
The battlefield can appear in the star field on the side of the White Star Civilization. At that time, the defense will turn into an offense, and their layout will be much simpler.
This battle will be a turning point for them to turn from defense to offense.
Gulu Hongqiao was built into an iron barrel fortress by the White Star Civilization, with extremely strong combat readiness.
It has almost become one of the strategic fortresses of the White Star civilization.
The White Star Civilization in Gulu Hongqiao can deter the expansion of the Black Eye Civilization towards the Ten Cities Alliance and at the same time deter the marching ant groups. Even if they retreat, there is no need to put the battlefield in the star field of the White Star Civilization.
In Gulu Hongqiao, a large number of space interferometers and space jammers are arranged. The speed of light weapons and space weapons are ineffective in this fortress area. The only way is to attack, which costs a huge price and may not be able to attack.
But this is for the space weapon layout of the War Armor era. Now it is the era of super powers. There is no defense machine for the time being, which can be prepared against top special super users.
Marching ants are at the forefront of the super power era. This time the three god-level civilizations have joined forces to besiege, Chen Mo is ready to give the outside world a shocking shock.
In order to allow Ming Tu to take the Gulu Hongqiao in one fell swoop, Lan sent five thousand heavily armed super-powered soldiers over to give Ming Tu command. When the White Star Civilization still has no way to deal with the top super players, give the other party a surprise.
Five thousand superpowers equipped with a semi-constant star power armor. This force is equivalent to five thousand fast-reacting top warhead teams. The extent of its destruction makes people shudder to think about.
This is where the confrontation broke out between the two sides and the most critical zone.
Ming Tu attaches great importance to this mission.
In the eyes of the outside world, Ming Tu is indifferent, ruthless and even a little crazy, but the outside world does not know that when he is forcibly transformed into artificial intelligence consciousness by the meditation civilization, he also gains artificial intelligence-like rationality and computing power.
The destruction of the meditation civilization that had caused him to suffer countless sufferings, his heart knot disappeared.
With the help of Chen Mo, he freed himself from the temperatureless digital space and re-entered the body of life? His current body is a human being on earth.
Coming out of the cold digital space? His machine-like calmness and computing power did not disappear with it, but still powerful? But those things? Some changes were quietly happening.
This change is silent? Even Ming Tu himself didn't notice.
He is now a human body, with seven emotions, six desires, temperature, blood, and pain.
He adapts to the human body, and gradually likes the life of human beings on earth, likes the life of marching ants? And blending into it? Although his expression is still cold, and strangers are not close, but compared to before, it has changed a lot.
Without the hatred against the phantom civilization, he is still passionate about war? He doesn't want other forces to destroy the marching ants. He feels at home among the marching ants.
Here he gains unconditional trust? No one discriminates against him, no one dislikes him? Even willing to share his thoughts with him as a friend? Give him a birthday party.
These emotions? Only he knows.
Maybe both the boss and Lan know it? They just didn't say it clearly.
With a human body, Ming Tu also learned human knowledge and history. His own tactics have undergone some changes, becoming more changeable, complicated, and terrifying.
As one of the top stars in the universe, Ming Tu's ability is beyond doubt.
However, Chen Mo and Lan both had a headache for Ming Tu's inadequate communication with people. This is a straight man at the level of a dwarf planet, and sometimes offends people when he speaks.
Therefore, Chen Mo and Lan found ways to strengthen the communication between Ming Tu and other senior generals and marching ants.
As a result, Lan started from the war department's simulated war exercises, and let Ming Tu join forces with each war department to deduct a virtual war.
From the beginning, Ming Tu had obstacles in communicating with the generals of the various war divisions. Later, he slowly became harmonious, and then later, the generals of the marching ants were convinced by him.
The generals and senior leaders of the marching ant group began to adapt to the reticent Ming Tu. They know that Ming Tu is just not good at communication, but sometimes she is very cute in working very hard to integrate into their group.
Today's Ming Tu is now the second top general star of the marching ants besides Lan. The Ming Tu battle department is also the most powerful battle department of the marching ants, except for the super war department.
The marching ant group has plans to fully transform into a super warhead in the future.
Therefore, since the Sauron Alliance War, learning the tactics of super-powered soldiers has become a compulsory course for each of them. They have the most advanced super power equipment in their hands, so they know the destructive power of super power very well.
As a genius general, Ming Tu is the fastest to adapt to super-power tactics, so this time Lancai dispatched five thousand fully-armed super-power soldiers to Lin Han's command.
The battle for Gulu Hongqiao will be his re-face to the universe with a new identity.
The victory of Gulu Hongqiao will relieve the pressure on the marching ant group by half.
Looking at the vast star map and the deployment map of Gulu Hongqiao, Ming Tu seriously flashed a fiery fighting spirit.
"Order, let the Super War Department prepare."
Chen Mo's own mission is the dark matter warehouse of the White Star Civilization.
Today, the attention of the White Star Civilization is on the front line of the battlefield. There is no large-scale war in their star field, and the area of ​​the star field is also expanding.
Only Chen Mo and Mo Nu can enter Bai Xingwen's star domain quietly.
Mo Nu went to perform another task, so Chen Mo came over in person.
It is simply incredible to let one's own leader go to the enemy's hinterland alone to do damage and put it on other forces.
But this is the case with the marching ants.
The senior leaders of the marching ant group are helpless to Chen Mo, a leader who likes waves. They just can't sit still anyway.
They thought of many ways to stop Chen Mo, they were all closed and the boss's wife was closed, and they still couldn't figure it out, so they could only worry about it while perfecting the intelligence to avoid any accidents to Chen Mo.
A small spaceship emerges from the door of space and floats in space. This is Chen Mo's spacecraft. The spacecraft is carrying his latest super work "The Left Hand of God".
In the distance is a star.
"Sure it's right here, right?" Chen Mo asked.
"Yes, this is the star number 39439 in the third spiral arm of the Red Fox galaxy." The spacecraft's artificial intelligence replied.
Chen Mo is inside the Red Fox Galaxy.
The Red Fox galaxy is one of his target galaxies this time. This galaxy stores a huge amount of dark matter and is also an important dark matter production factory for the White Star civilization.
Most stars with suitable conditions have dark matter production factories. The dark matter reserves here provide the dark matter consumption of the three constellations.
Putting such a huge amount of dark matter in this galaxy can be described as terrifying.
Only the super power of space can tear the cracks in space so quietly and sneak into here.
"Let's start with this galaxy." Chen Mo glanced at the distant stars and started sitting on the chair of the'God's Left Hand'.
It doesn't talk about martial ethics, but in order to win, it doesn't matter what means. As long as it can win, who will keep the other party's technology from keeping up with the changes of the times.
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