Chapter 1084: : First battle

Boom boom boom! ! !
A series of inexplicable explosions appeared in space. The space-based weapons on the Gulu Hongqiao battlefield suddenly lost control, stalled in the battlefield, exploded, and transformed into a huge light group.
The war robot surging at the forefront, like a power failure, the dark blue in its eyes went out and lost its combat effectiveness.
Even more bizarre is that the small-scale antimatter bullets that flew out of the battleship lost their speed and floated in space, and then flew back extremely fast under the incredible eyes of the White Star civilization.
All those who witnessed this scene were shocked.
This is super power!
There are not only one, but thousands of top superpowers.
Only then did they remember the weird war that the marching ant group had annexed the Sauron Alliance. Now is the age of super power, the mode of super power war has been formed in the marching ant group, and they are at the forefront of the universe.
In the frontal battlefield, the strange scene had a terrifying psychological impact on the generals of the White Star civilization. They experienced such a large-scale superpower combat for the first time.
Seeing the horror at the front end, their hearts were cold.
After the release of super power technology, the universe has already entered the age of super power, super power is no longer exclusive to god-level life, and even in a warhead, almost all soldiers have super powers, but such a wide range of super powers, Still scarce.
Even the strongest Hitomi Green and White Star Old Chief, their superpower range is only beyond the planetary level, but the superpower that the Ming Tu War Department appears this time is definitely greater than that of the planetary level. There are more than one, but many.
The marching ant group’s super power technology is in the lead in the universe. This is recognized. Now Terror is not only a little bit ahead, but is now on a business trip. They control the mass production of planetary super powers.
Thousands of super powers above the planet level are scattered in the space battlefield, and the destructive power it brings makes people shudder when thinking about it.
The picture of the old chief destroying a planet casually is vivid.
This is a conspiracy.
The generals of the White Star Civilization are cold, and the generals of other forces concerned about this war are also cold.
The marching ant group has a deep calculation.
From the beginning, the Ming Tu War Department had the ability to attack and seize the fortress. A planet-level superpower, a space fortress, and super terrifying flexibility and concealment.
The offensive of the Ming Tu War Department began, and a strong sense of oppression, like a violent storm, swept the entire Hongqiao battlefield.
The incident caught the White Star Civilization by surprise, and suddenly did not come up with a plan to deal with the top superpower.
The balance of war is tilting.
Ming Tu's style, once mastered the initiative, will never give the opponent a chance to resist.
The attack of the superpower is quite sharp. The cooperation of super power and machinery is in perfect harmony. The White Star's side, who is not familiar with the tactics and dealing with top superpowers, is destroying the line of defense almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Is this the trump card for the marching ants?
Gou Xuan's eyes were cold, and she was unwilling to support the platform with both hands. She knew that Ming Tu must have a hole card, otherwise using the same force to attack a fortress would be no different from looking for death.
Looking at the raging Ming Tu Zhan Bu, Gou Xuan's eyes are cracked. Has the super power technology of the marching ants reached this point?
How to deal with it?
Judging from the offensive rhythm of the Ming Tu War Department, Ming Tu is very familiar with the cooperation between the top super powers and the War Department. This is definitely not the first time that such a large-scale super power has been commanded, but through countless times. Only by performing calculations can so many top super players and warheads cooperate handily.
Originally, in this war, Gou Xuan had the confidence to win. Because of the fortress offensive and defensive, under the same strength, even if Ming Tu personally directs them, they are helpless.
But now she had no idea.
Hundreds of top super-powers of unknown strength are definitely above the planet level. They hide behind the torrent of machinery and use them as a cover to advance. Wherever they pass, space-based weapons and battleships fail and explode.
They did not have a plan to deal with such a large-scale top superpower.
They don't have top super masters, and in front of planet-level super masters, no one dares to be called elite masters.
This is the first time in the history of war that this type of combat has appeared. If they find out in peacetime, they can prepare for it through long-term drills and preplans. Now in a hurry, they have not studied this kind of tactics at all.
Gou Xuan stared at the video coming back from the front line with unprecedented input.
In her mind, she outlines the prototype of the battlefield to deduct it, trying to find a way to deal with large-scale top superpowers.
All the generals who paid attention to the battlefield were completely shocked by this accident. Even the old chiefs and Fox Bingxin who were far away in the small universe of the white star field were shocked to see this situation.
They had no doubts about Gou Xuan's block of Ming Tu's attack. It is also a top general, and the size of the warhead is almost the same. With the same size of force, it is impossible to take the fortress.
But none of them could have imagined that thousands of planet-level superpowers appeared in the Ming Tu War Department, which were gods on the battlefield.
Goxuan's face is unprecedentedly dignified, and her brain is spinning fast, using her greatest ability to find a way to break the game.
Gulu Hongqiao cannot be lost.
Suddenly, a crazy color flashed across Gouxuan's face.
"Order all warships in the fifth, sixth, and eighth quadrants to gather in the first quadrant."
"Close the space jammer and space curing device in the first quadrant, open the space, and all warships jump into the arena, and launch suicide attacks on the planet-class superpowers of the Ming Tu War Department."
With this order, all Jiang Xing chilled in the War Department.
"My lord, this..."
When a general star just wanted to speak, he was interrupted by Gou Xuan.
"Execute orders! These planet-level superpowers are more valuable than a fortress."
They all know that the Hongqiao Fortress is over.
But they have to pay the price if they want to take the fortress.
Seeing the scene of the Gulu Hongqiao battlefield, Yan did not hide his shock. He stared at the moving scene of the Ming Tu War Department, and there was a superpower who was caught by radar, his eyes hot: "Is this the Super War Department?"
Tong Qing was equally shocked: "Unexpectedly, the marching ant group is still walking in front of us. They can actually train so many planet-level superpowers so quickly."
He now has to admire Chen Mo.
Since Chen Mo appeared, many technologies have exceeded their expectations. The superpower warfare composed of planet-level superpowers is still in the conceptual stage of their black pupil civilization, and the shadows have not been seen. The marching ant group is not only formed, but also like an arm.
The emergence of this battle played a key role.
Chen Mo really surprised them again and again.
It seems that his hunch is correct, Chen Mo is indeed his worst enemy.
"With such a large-scale planet-level superpower, coupled with surprise, Gulu Hongqiao is dangerous in this battle. However, this is not the most terrible." Yan solemnly said.
Hitomi looked at him, waiting for his next words.
Yan also didn't plan to sell Guanzi, and said: "They can continue to train planet-level super powers, how to defend? Super powers are everywhere. In the battlefield, there is no other way to defend except super powers."
At this moment, Tong Qing also fell into contemplation.
"and also."
"and also?"
"Forget the White Star Civilization and the Black Forest Star Territory, the dark matter warehouse was attacked strangely? I can almost be sure that it has something to do with the superpower of the marching ants." Yan looked determined.
Originally, he was only skeptical, but now seeing the large-scale planet-level superpowers appear in front of him, he is almost certain that it is the action of the marching ants.
As soon as this statement came out, Tong Qing's expression changed slightly: "How to say?"
"Since they can train planet-level superpowers on a large scale, why can't there be some more top superpowers, such as constant stars, or even galaxy-level. Isn't the two lost dark matter warehouses so weird?" The voice is a bit heavy.
Hitomi Qing's face changed wildly upon hearing this.
Galaxy-class superpower.
One person's superpower covers galaxies 100,000 light-years away. This ability is more terrifying than space weapons.
Thinking of the scene where he was fighting with Chen Mo, he didn't doubt Yan's guess.
I haven't seen Chen Mo take action for so long, and the marching ants have mastered the fast advanced super power method. Chen Mo's strength is definitely not weaker than him, and may even be the same as Yan guessed.
A galaxy-level superpower, before the release, I can't even think about it.
But after the appearance of large-scale planet-level superpowers, everything seems possible.
When Tongqing and Yan were communicating, suddenly, a rush of information was introduced into their combat room.
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