Chapter 1090: : Shenyuan Conference

Restart the universe.
This is the mission that Chen Mo obtained in the time and space gate of the Science and Technology Library.
The universe is dying, this is the information he has obtained.
The existing universe has decayed from eleven dimensions, the space dimension has stagnated, and time has become one-dimensional, which is a manifestation of the aging of the universe and the death of cosmic consciousness.
The universe itself is a living entity, controlled by dimensional life. The time weapons launched by dimensional life are out of control, destroying the original time spin state of the universe, like a nuclear war that is out of control of planet civilization, triggering a chain change in the state of'planet'. The original life forms on the planet are extinct, and a brand-new life system is derived, like the transition from dinosaur civilization to human civilization.
This is the reason for the degradation of the universe.
The current universe is an unconscious shell, and the life in the universe is a new life system that has been destroyed and revived from the destruction of the original universe. The existing god-level race is a race inherited from the remnants of the original universe. They are born with super power genes, and other super powers are mutations of returning to ancestors.
The original universe disappeared, the state of the space dimension stopped, time became one-dimensional, and the space with unlimited speed of light was limited to 300,000 kilometers per second. Most of the planets in the universe lost their vitality and entered the era of apocalyptic wasteland.
Today's main universe has reached the moment of decay of the ‘corpse of the universe’.
The appearance of Hongqiao is a sign.
The space becomes fragile.
When all the giant gravitational sources of the galaxies in the universe collapse into rainbow bridges, the planets in the universe will lose the gravitational force of the giant gravitational sources, and all stars will begin to wander in the universe, and the era of great collision will come. At that time, space turbulence will be raging and cracks will be vertical and horizontal. The universe will lose its last vitality.
It is the ultimate mission of the science and technology library to restart the universe time and return to the eleven dimensions of time spin.
Chen Mo didn't want to drag on this matter for too long, so he wanted to end the space war quickly and begin his final mission. The abuse of space weapons and space technology is making the stagnant space fragile. The emergence of Hongqiao is the most obvious evidence.
After finishing the communication with the boss, Lan couldn't calm down for a long time.
According to the boss's description, restarting the universe is like bringing a new life to an apocalyptic planet.
At that time, life in the universe was like dragons and terrifying, and most planets would be rejuvenated to form life with their own characteristics and various ground state life.
Everyone is naturally awakened to superpowers, and powerful, and there may even be terrifying black hole races.
The lifespan of those lives starts from ten thousand years, and some life can live the same life as stars, only time is immortal.
That is an unimaginable world.
The world described by the boss is so incredible, subverting his understanding of the existing cosmology.
When those words are spoken from other people, he will listen to them as a story, but they will not be a joke when they are spoken from the boss. Immortal quantum life has come out. Infinite life and the ability to control time are the prerequisites for completing this mission.
Therefore, the boss does not hesitate to risk himself as a quantum life.
To restart the universe, we must first unify the universe, dominate the entire universe, and become the rule maker.
According to the boss, unifying the universe is like unifying the planets in the last days, and then dominates the power to transform this'planet', restore this'planet' to its original appearance and reconstruct the rules.
He used to follow the boss just to heal his daughter.
For his daughter, he can be desperate.
As his daughter wakes up, his mentality is also changing. The ideal of once aspiring to be the strongest star begins to slowly recover.
Perhaps it is gratitude, perhaps it is to repay the boss’s kindness, or perhaps the boss’s trust in him, he has never spared no effort in marching ants.
In the past, the boss had no ambitions, he just wanted the marching ants to survive in the universe, have a place, and live quietly. But the outside world has not kept them quiet, coveting the technology in their hands.
Now that the boss has ambitions, marching ants can no longer be like before.
He has a new goal.
God source star.
This once-universal alliance headquarters galaxy was once deserted because of the war.
Nowadays, there is an endless stream of civilized representatives who have come to participate in the Shenyuan meeting against the marching ant group, and the planet is once again lively.
There are fleets guarding the entrance of each space bubble, and all spacecraft passing by need to undergo the most stringent inspections. Spacecraft represented by various civilizations cannot enter, and can only enter the galaxy by spacecraft provided by the White Star Civilization.
This place is now under the jurisdiction of the White Star Civilization, so all fleets belong to the White Star Civilization.
All of this is to allow the lives that enter here to confirm their identity, in the name of it, for the sake of safety, and for the lives of marching ants to sneak into the meeting.
Hu Bingxin sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested.
The long-awaited Shenyuan meeting is about to begin. She is the initiator and host of this meeting.
Although a little nervous, she still has confidence.
At this time, the Divine Source Galaxy is full of the most advanced quantum radars of the White Star Civilization. Almost every storage space is covered with radar monitoring. Once space fluctuations and unknown warships occur, they will be able to spot movement for the first time.
Her target is Chen Mo.
According to their speculation, the person who controls the galaxy-level superpowers of the marching ants is most likely Chen Mo. Because when he was at Mu's Sky Star, Chen Mo showed terrifying superpowers. At that time, he and Tong Qing were famous in the universe.
Over time, she could guess that with advanced super advanced technology, Chen Mo must be the first to use it.
She guessed that it might be that Chen Mo was related to life in the fourth dimension.
For more advanced super advanced technology, she chose to use herself as a bait.
This is a bet.
If they win, the White Star Civilization holds the two strongest forces, the White Star and the March Ants. They will far surpass the Black Eye Civilization and possess the ability to dominate the universe. If she loses, she is controlled by Chen Mo, the White Star Civilization loses her, all power returns to the old chief, the White Star Civilization is still the White Star Civilization.
But regardless of winning or losing, the end of marching ants will not be too good.
She has amplified the news that the marching ants swallowed Mu's star technology. In order to obtain that kind of cross-age technology, the marching ants have become the public enemy of the universe. When the time comes, the marching ants will be overwhelmed and will naturally not focus on attacking their White Star civilization.
"What's the special discovery of the egret?" Hu Bingxin turned around and asked Lion Min next to him.
"Not found." Shi Ming shook his head.
The egret is paying attention to the galaxy monitoring and will send an alert to them when it finds an abnormality.
In order to avoid the situation of being controlled, monitoring is also installed in the monitoring place, which is guarded by teams in other galaxies, in case all the lives of their gods are controlled and cannot issue an alarm.
He did not receive an alert here, indicating that there is no problem.
For some reason, Shimin felt that Madam was too adventurous this time. The fall of the Alliance of Sauron is still vividly visible, and the major galaxies in the White Star Territory have been inexplicably destroyed. All these indicate that the marching ants are very likely to be in control. Galaxy-level super power.
For the major civilizations that are just in the development stage of super power at this stage, that level of super power is undoubtedly a more terrifying weapon than space weapons.
But this decision was passed by the core senior management, and the old chief also agreed. As a subordinate, he has no possibility of refuting it.
"Madam, the meeting is about to begin." A subordinate came to report.
"Let's go."
Hu Bing mentally adjusted his clothes and stood up gracefully.
There are millions of representatives of civilizations from all over the universe sitting in the huge circular staircase conference hall. These representatives, the last one, also represent advanced civilization.
In the order of strength and status, in the most central position of the conference hall, there are representatives of god-level civilization sitting.
The representative of the Black Pupil civilization is present, the representative of the Ziwei civilization is present, and the representative of the Thor civilization is present.
The representatives of the Dark Forest and the Black Forest occupy the seats of the endless sea and the original dark forest. The position of the original Pluto civilization is occupied by the representatives of the Thousand Star Empire.
Other civilizations, such as the Nebula Alliance, the Land of the Immortals, the Giant Civilization, the Underfire Civilization, the New Ten Cities Alliance, and many other representatives of the top civilizations, are all in the second echelon position.
There are two giants not participating, endless sea and marching ant group, the protagonist of this meeting.
The marching ants do not participate, there is no accident,
But the endless sea did not participate, and the outside world was quite puzzled, because the allies of the marching ants sent representatives to come, but the endless sea did not give any expression or explain to the outside world.
As for the statement that Endless Sea supports the marching ants, they also did not get the answer from Endless Sea's operations.
From beginning to end, no matter what predicament the marching ants face, endless sea has never helped Chen Mo. If he can't guess it, the outside world will no longer pay attention to it, only when endless sea is absent.
As Hu Bingxin took his seat, the meeting room, which was already undercurrent, suddenly became dead and the atmosphere became weird.
This picture, through live footage, spreads to every corner of the universe in real time.
This is the largest conference ever held since the great chaos in the universe.
At the same time, in the outer space of the Shenyuan star system, a violent spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared and expanded rapidly. A small spacecraft slowly emerged from the space ripples. The hull of the spacecraft was painted with the conspicuous marching ant group logo.
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