Chapter 1093: :perish together?

The old chief's eyelids twitched and his body unconsciously tightened. He finally realized the powerlessness facing Chen Mo.
This completely unreasonable ability.
Who can shuttle through the barriers of space in an instant and enter the small universe of other people's homes? Moreover, the war machine, the superpower, is useless in front of him. Who can control the entire warhead of the enemy's galaxy in an instant?
Chen Mo's ability made the old chief's heart sink.
The super-power technology of the White Star Civilization ranks among the top in the universe, but in front of Chen Mo, they have no power to fight back.
It is worthy of being a person who pulled the Milky Way from a low-level civilization to a god-level civilization.
Chen Mo's ability is inferior to him.
With this ability, appearing in the hideouts of the core personnel of various civilizations, they can solve the enemy with no effort, no wonder the Sauron Alliance has been smashed.
The old chief had a shuddering feeling.
Today they are the second Sauron Alliance.
The old chief stretched out his hand and grabbed it, the space was frozen like icy, and there was dead silence in the ruins.
After a short pause, Chen Mo stepped forward again, like a staircase in the air, step by step. In the fixed world, those figures are the only moving points. The appearance of walking in a leisurely courtyard makes them the world's focus.
The old chief's pupils shrank sharply, and his hands were squeezed together: "Broken!"
The space under Chen Mo's feet spread like a spider web, and finally exploded like broken glass. The vortex of the storm converged towards the cracks, and the weird empty cry was sharp and harsh.
At the center of the storm, Hu Bingxin's expression was painful, she was being torn from space, but she was not torn apart by cracks under Mo Nu's protection, but Chen Mo and Mo Nu were just like ordinary people.
This scene moved the old chieftain.
Chen Mo moved and disappeared in place, and his body instantly appeared behind the old chief.
The frontal collision of the two fists caused a huge wave of air to shake apart the debris on the ground.
Black silk cracks appeared in the space under their fists.
Frontal collision of space superpower.
The old chief's face changed drastically and he retreated a few steps.
He raised his face to look at Chen Mo, his heart stirred up the stormy sea. His body has been baptized by the gravitational force on the edge of the black hole, it is extremely powerful, but in the fist just now, he was a little frightened.
The opponent's fist is harder than him.
The dark cracks, like the eyes opened by the abyss behemoths, seemed to swallow everything around. Countless small cracks surrounded Chen Mo in the air, and the atmosphere of terror permeated, cutting the space into pieces.
The sky was covered in black, and a figure stepped out.
Chen Mo.
How strong is it to be unhurried in the storm of space tearing!
The old chief didn't have time to marvel, and when he saw Chen Mo, his expression changed slightly. Chen Mo's self-confidence gave people a sense of despair and weak will. At this time, he would have a thought of giving in.
This also shows that Chen Mo's strength is extremely terrifying.
Chen Mo in the air raised his hand suddenly.
Almost instantly, the space was imprisoned, everything was shrinking, and the space was collapsing. The buildings of the city began to shatter, and the aircraft parked in the square was collapsing, as if being held by a giant hand.
His palm was slowly clenched.
The space shrank rapidly, the explosion of the aircraft appeared in every corner of the city, and smoke and dust were everywhere.
With this hand, the whole city was shrouded in a sense of suffocation.
And at the center of the oppression, it was the old chief White Star.
The old chief looked at Chen Mo and did not dare to relax in the slightest. Under the confinement, he raised a hand.
The originally imprisoned space became soft like water waves, rippling from his hand, the collapsed space began to stretch, the distorted building returned to its original size, and then collapsed.
He easily resolved Chen Mo's space constraints.
When he escaped from the confinement of space, the old chief moved and disappeared in place.
In the air, the old chief stretched out his hand and tore open a space door. When he just wanted to step into it and escape, the space door suddenly shattered.
An invisible wave dispersed.
The old chief only felt a trance and appeared in a strange space.
Consciousness space.
Before his eyes, Chen Mo's consciousness was like a giant, looking down at him, his expression was still plain.
"Confrontation of consciousness? It's a bit like the mind control of Ziwei civilization." The old chief looked up at Chen Mo and said.
"Admit defeat, it is good for you and the White Star civilization." Chen Mo said.
"With me, there is no such thing as admit defeat." The old chief arched his body and entered a state of battle: "My consciousness, even the gravity on the edge of the black hole can't be erased, let alone you."
After finishing speaking, the old chief suddenly speeded up and swung his fist towards Chen Mo.
Hand-to-hand combat in the consciousness space.
In the high sky, Chen Mo and the old chief stood in it. Space began to raging, shattering everything in the city, and the scope was still spreading. The storm enveloped the entire planet, and the shattered space seemed to swallow all the atmosphere of the planet.
The wind is surging, the thunder and lightning appear, the roar and the strange cry of space, seem to be talking about the battle between the two consciousness.
Without onlookers, the life on this planet, long before Chen Mo appeared, put them all in deep sleep, and without his permission, they would not wake up at all.
The only bystanders were Mo Nu and Hu Bingxin.
Compared with Mo Nu's calmness, Hu Bing's heart was depressed at this time.
She has seen a lot of big scenes, star destruction and other things, but she has only seen this kind of doomsday scene that relies on human power in front of her, when the old chief destroys a planet with his own power. Now she saw it again.
Chen Mo's strength went deep into her heart.
Chen Mo spied on her memory, and then appeared here across the barriers of the universe. This method proved scary enough.
Judging from a series of things, this man is almost invincible.
And now the old chief can't move, as long as the Mo Girl next to her makes a move, the old chief won't have any chance.
As Chen Mo said, when he appeared here, they had already lost.
Having obtained the position of the old chief and the high-level members of the White Star Civilization, Chen Mo didn't have to spend too much effort to tear open the door of space, and drop a weapon of light speed destruction, and the entire planet would die.
But Chen Mo came personally.
I thought that the old chief could deal with Chen Mo, but from the current situation, the old chief's ability could not threaten Chen Mo.
The two sides reached a verdict.
Today is the time to determine the future of the White Star Civilization.
Once the old chief loses, the two highest leaders of the White Star Civilization are arrested, and all beliefs will fall apart.
Hu Bingxin could only watch all this and pray silently in her heart.
Suddenly, the old chief standing in the air began to look painful.
As for the planet under their feet, layers of soil are collapsing in space, spreading hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, and they are still expanding.
Magma emerged from the ground and was also sucked into the cracks in the space.
It was a huge mouth in the abyss, devouring all matter.
This was the strongest super power battle since the super power era. The scene was much bigger than the battle between Chen Mo and Tong Qing when he was in the Star Stele Forest, and the scope of damage was extremely huge.
The two are fighting their will, and the ability to stimulate is becoming more and more terrifying.
The only peaceful place on this planet is where the two confront each other.
The old chief tensed his whole body and his expression became more and more ferocious. His clothes had long been broken and turned into dust in the raging space. On his naked body, as if it had been smeared with black gold, it possessed a powerful texture, an aura, and incomparable majesty.
As for Chen Mo, a faint blue light appeared on his skin, his expression indifferent. His body flickered and appeared, as if this space did not exist, but it really existed, making people unpredictable.
Woo! Woo! Woo!
The space that makes the scalp numb is crying, and the force of destruction is raging.
Suddenly, the old chief's body began to tremble, his muscles were losing luster, and the consumption of consciousness was too great.
Before long, the old chief flew like a frustrated balloon, and fell heavily to the ground, smashing a pit. Getting up from the pit, the old chief was very embarrassed at this time, no longer the power of the beginning.
"You lost." Chen Mo looked down and said lightly.
"I didn't lose the word here, let's die together."
The old chief showed a weary and weird smile, raised his hand and slammed it down on his head.
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