Chapter 1098: : Hu Bingxin's deal?

"How to deal with Mrs. Fox?" Zhao Min asked Chen Mo.
Hu Bingxin is the number two figure in the White Star Civilization, and its importance is self-evident, especially after confirming the death of the old chief, Hu Bingxin is now the number one figure in the White Star Civilization.
Her identity is there, otherwise Chen Mo would not speak out to save her.
"If you want to use me to control the White Star Civilization, then I advise you to die this heart."
Hu Bingxin spoke unhurriedly, not nervous because he was a prisoner.
"Before the start of the Divine Source Conference, I gave up the supreme power of the White Star Civilization in order to prevent me from being caught. If the plan fails, I will not have a big impact on the White Star Civilization because I am controlled."
"I thought it was thoughtful. I guess you wouldn't think that after you and the old chief die, the Xiao clan will seize power and cause the White Star to split." Chen Mo said.
Hearing this, Hu Bingxin fell silent.
They had long noticed that the power of the Xiao clan was too great, but she and the old chief had previously suppressed them, and they couldn't get over the waves no matter what. It was just unexpected that in that plan, Chen Mo not only captured her, but also penetrated the space barriers of the small universe and swept away the old chief and some high-level officials.
Losing her and the old chieftain and other high-level suppression, the Xiao clan struggled for power, but the worst result occurred.
"She brings back to Earth first, don't let her contact the outside world, maybe it will be useful in the future." Chen Mo said after thinking.
"Why can't you take me by your side?"
"I agree, but neither of my wife agrees." Chen Mo said.
"I'm not bad, you accept me as a partner, maybe I can change my mind, include the White Star Civilization and give it to you. You have a woman, and the star field that you rule can expand."
Hu Bingxin completely disregarded that Xiao Yu and others were by her side.
In her opinion, this kind of transaction in the universe is very common, even a very cost-effective thing, and Chen Mo can expand the influence without any effort. Putting it on the leader of any force, he will not reject this idea.
Seeing Xiao Yu want to speak, Hu Bingxin interrupted her.
"Don't be anxious to refuse, you should know that in the universe, it is the most normal thing for a life to have many partners at the same time. Some civilized leaders even set aside a whole planet to raise the opposite as their harem, with countless partners.
Any civilized leader, upon hearing my request, will agree without hesitation, including Tong Qing. Because he doesn't need to spend countless resources and the lives of war soldiers to fight, he can expand his star field and have one more woman.
If you are really thinking about your husband's hegemony, you should not oppose this idea. His mind is the hegemony of the universe. As his partners, if you can't help him, you should not restrain him from becoming stronger.
In the cruel environment of the universe, being bound by a certain moral rule, it is easy to be eliminated, because you are bound by the moral rules set by others. Especially in space wars, morality is the most worthless thing. "
Hu Bing's heart showed no signs of weakness, and his face was calm.
These words were addressed to the three little fishermen.
Xiao Yu and Zhao Min looked at each other, not knowing how to refute these words from Hu Bingxin.
They actually felt that Hu Bingxin was right.
In terms of the moral rules of the current state of the universe, what Hu Bingxin said are very commonplace. In the universe, powerful leaders, whether male or female, will have many partners.
"His ability should be very strong. If you can't handle it, one more is not a bad thing."
At this time, the atmosphere became strange.
Xiao Yu and Zhao Min stared at Chen Mo fiercely, only Mo Nu standing quietly.
"Stop, the topic is crooked."
Chen Mo hurriedly shouted.
He has to admire the woman's eloquence, the angle is very tricky.
"Xiaoyu and Amin, you bring her back to the earth to take care of her. This woman should have superpowers similar to reading memories or mind reading. Xiaoyu, you lock her superpowers, don't let her be blamed, don't let her contact the outside world , Mo Nu stayed."
Chen Mo looked out the window.
A spaceship zoomed in on the horizon and came towards Goldfish Island where they were.
That is the spaceship of the endless sea.
A few of them have special identities, and they are all gathered here.
Although reluctant, when the door of space opened, Xiao Yu and Zhao Min left with Hu Bingxin, leaving Chen Mo and Mo Nu in the room.
In the next moment, Chen Mo's face changed, becoming the same as when he first landed on Goldfish Island. When Mo Nu saw this, her face changed, her face and arms were covered with colorful fish scales, like the life of a mermaid.
Shuiling overlooked the Goldfish Island below, and dived down from the spacecraft.
She was the only one, and no other soldiers followed.
This time, the old prophet asked her to find someone. This is top secret, and the entire endless sea, including her, only three lives know.
This direction.
Shuiling used her own abilities to perceive it, and found a direction to fly over, which was the direction of the hotel where Chen Mo was.
"Have you seen this life."
Upon arriving at the hotel where Chen Mo was located, Shuiling handed the portrait to the waiter at the front desk.
"This, the privacy of our guests..."
Before the waiter could finish speaking, he stopped abruptly, because he saw that in Shuiling's hand holding an official certificate of endless sea, the person who came was the official life of endless sea.
In the endless sea star field, the endless sea has supreme power.
"This gentleman is in room 1606."
"Thank you."
Shuiling put away his ID.
She was also puzzled by the old prophet asking her to find this strange life, but the old prophet said that it was about the future of the endless sea, and she dared not neglect it.
She also wanted to see how sacred this life made the old prophet so important.
Room 1606.
Shuiling went outside the room but found a police officer wearing a standard armor standing there.
"Have you ever seen this life?" Shuiling put the photo of Chen Mo's disguised appearance in front of A Yu.
"you are?"
When A Yu saw the people coming, he dared not neglect. Although his status is low, it does not mean that he has never seen anything. The battle armor on Shuiling is a high-class item. With such a perfect armor life, in the endless sea, his status will definitely not be low.
When seeing the man's armor helmet drop, A Yu almost collapsed on the ground without being frightened.
Shui Ling.
The goddess of the endless sea of ​​countless male lives, a genius girl, and a student of the current prophet.
"Is he here?" Shuiling continued to ask.
"Yes, inside."
A Yu nodded hurriedly, but a little embarrassed.
He didn't know how to explain.
This is Chen Mo, he knows it, but in the room, there are also Hu Bingxin, the old master of the White Star civilization, and several of Chen Mo's beauties. When Shuiling entered, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse. Once the two conflicted, it would be a war between the endless sea and the marching ants.
Explain Chen Mo's identity to Shuiling? He was afraid that Chen Mo would not like it, and his life would be explained here first.
"What's the problem?" Shuiling asked.
"No, this gentleman's identity is somewhat special." A Yu said.
"Special? I know special."
Shuiling responded, it was indeed special. Isn't it special that the life that the old prophet could find himself?
So Shuiling knows his identity? A Yu breathed a sigh of relief. That's right, Shuiling followed the Prophet, don't you know that Chen Mo came to their star field?
As the two communicated, the door of the room suddenly opened.
Chen Mo looked at Shui Ling, this girl had not changed much from when she had seen her, she was still so young. For a life with a life span of tens of thousands of years, decades are not long, and it is difficult to see changes in her.
Shuiling is also looking at Chen Mo.
Chen Mo felt very familiar to her, like a life she knew, but she was sure that she didn't know the current'Chen Mo', this feeling was very contradictory. Even if she used her predictive ability to see Chen Mo, she still couldn't see through.
Her superpower has the ability to perceive the essence of life. If it is disguised by the life changes she is familiar with, she can see through it at a glance.
But Chen Mo could not see through.
This life looks ordinary, without any obtrusive features, but the woman around him is pretty, like a perfect mermaid. This was the second time she saw such a beautiful mermaid tribe, and the last time she saw Princess Arowana up close.
What made her even more puzzled was that this woman fish also gave her a sense of familiarity.
The lives she saw must have impressions and memories, but she couldn't find the memory of these two.
"Look for me?" Chen Mo asked.
"Sir, I was ordered by the prophet to invite him." Shuiling said politely.
Chen Mo was very surprised. He asked himself that this face was changing randomly and he didn't know the prophet at all. He thought that endless sea knew that Chen Mo was here, so he came to invite him, but he didn't expect that it was not the case.
"I don't seem to know the prophet, did I find the wrong one?" Chen Mo said.
"The picture is correct."
Shuiling released the photo, exactly what Chen Mo looked like after changing his face.
"Sir, the prophet has the ability to foresee, and he can naturally predict what Mr. will look like. This time, please come over to discuss important matters."
After Chen Mo thought about it, he nodded slightly.
He only appeared in the endless sea not long ago. Since the prophet of the endless sea can predict his current location and appearance, he should naturally know his true identity.
He has some friendship with the endless sea, but in these years, he has never communicated with the prophet of the endless sea at close range. He is very curious about the prophet of the endless sea with the ability to predict.
Take this opportunity to meet the prophet of the endless sea.
"Do you want to follow me and make a move later?"
Chen Mo looked at A Yu. A Yu was still clever. This time he helped him once, and he knew his identity. It was okay to let him do some trivial things.
"Yes, you can." A Yu nodded hurriedly, looking excited, he knew that this time, his destiny had changed.
Shui Ling stretched out his hand to cite.
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