Chapter 1118: : One person breaks one galaxy

"What are they doing?"
The Ghost Fox frowned and looked at the battleships appearing outside the Mustang Galaxy.
Nearly 50 million warships, a warship of this size attacked a galaxy, is this crazy for the endless sea?
In space, battleships surround the prey of the Mustang Galaxy like a pack of wolves.
Not only Di Nanye, but other general stars in the Dark Forest, were all startled by the scenes that appeared in the holographic video. Endless Sea concentrates its forces to attack one of their galaxies. What kind of conspiracy is this?
Fifty million warships besieged a defensive galaxy, and they have seen each other for the first time since they were generals.
Guihu looked uncertain. He couldn't judge the endless sea's tactics, but he didn't dare to despise it. What he couldn't understand was the most terrifying. He doesn't think that the star of the endless sea is so stupid, there must be some conspiracy in it.
In other words, this is the most obvious conspiracy.
Fifty million warships were placed on ordinary lines of defense without space bubbles, and those warships were dropped one by one with light-speed weapons, and the planet of life in the entire galaxy was almost extinct.
The key is that the number of battleships in the Mustang galaxy is only two million.
Twenty-five times the enemy.
Thinking of this, Ghost Fox's face turned blue.
A galaxy protected by space bubbles. This kind of galaxy has great value or extremely important location. Generally, only a few space ports are open to the outside world. The purpose is to force both sides to use positional offensive and defensive warfare.
It is very costly to break through a deployed space defense line.
But now they are now passive. If the enemy's 50 million warships besieged the entrance of the galaxy, their forces would not be able to cope.
"Look at what's the situation in other galaxies?" Ghost Fox asked his subordinates to call up the military map of the entire Red Fox.
After seeing the deployment map, Guihu was even more confused.
The entire red fox constellation has endless sea warhead pressure, but the number is different, and there are only quite a few other places, only their Mustang galaxy.
The Mustang Galaxy seems to be used as a breakthrough by the opponent.
If the Mustang galaxy group is taken down, it will radiate the entire constellation of Red Fox. Once the constellation of Red Fox falls, the six beast defense lines will be useless.
This is the advantage of the endless sea that has blocked the star field for many years.
With 50 million warships assembled, the main force is not yet empty.
This time the endless naval regiment has prepared at least more than 300 million warships.
This is still the main force for invading the dark forest, excluding the reserve force and various supporting forces.
They have fought for years and consumes a lot of money, especially war machines and various space ships, which are almost produced and delivered into the battlefield. Endless Sea blocks the star field, does not participate in wars, and there is not much war. They retain the most complete war mechanical force.
Guihu's face became more and more gloomy.
The forces in their hands are also strong, but the forces they want to defend are also marching ants, which is a stronger opponent than the endless sea, and they cannot mobilize the war department to come to the Red Fox for reinforcement.
The dark forest, which was already difficult, is now more passive.
The war of attrition initiated by 50 million warships, they really can't afford it.
A trace of bitterness flashed in the ghostly fox's expression.
"How to do it?"
Di Nanye looked at the ghost fox, he kept his usual calmness.
"Concentrate the defensive force of the Mustang galaxy group to the Mustang galaxy. The Mustang galaxy cannot be lost. There are space connectors and space bubbles, which are of great value. Once lost, the Mustang galaxy group is gone, and it also threatens The entire Red Fox. The opponent is attacking, we can at least spend with the opponent, time can be delayed, and the warheads of other galaxy groups can come and support."
In the outer space of the Mustang Galaxy, there are many warships, and every warship is waiting.
In one of the battleships, Chen Mo stood in front of the battle platform, looking at the Mustang galaxy in the holographic projection.
The scarlet mark is an important star fortress position.
As for the galaxy in front of us, red marks can be seen everywhere, especially at the location of the space port outside the space bubble.
From the holographic star map, the tension between the two parties can be felt, and the murderous intent is pervasive.
The most nervous is the generals of the endless sea, the prophet himself went to the battlefield, this is incredible. In the history of endless seas for so many years, there has never been a precedent for a prophet to go to battle.
This is the supreme leader of the endless sea, and the supreme leader will be on the battlefield, which means that the power of the force is exhausted.
If something goes wrong with the prophets, then they are sinners in the endless sea.
But when they saw the prophet calm down, they felt a lot of peace in their hearts. Many general stars are suggesting that the prophet thinks that he is a super power person and there will be no problems.
"Prophet, the increase in the dark forest has arrived." An intelligence officer hurried over and reported.
At this moment, the spirits of the many generals far behind were all in full, and the fighting spirit burst into their eyes.
The critical moment is coming.
All generals understand that this battle is related to the beginning of the endless sea to conquer the dark forest. This is the first battle between the two sides.
If it fails, the spirit of the endless sea will be severely frustrated and morale will be greatly damaged. If it succeeds, the endless sea hegemony will be in sight, and it will change the structure of the universe.
Compared with the nervousness of many generals, Chen Mo is calm and composed.
The battle that was about to begin did not give him the slightest sense of tension and was extremely calm.
Since becoming a quantum life, his vision and mind are getting wider and wider. What he sees is the survival of the cosmic dimension, not the struggle of a galaxy. The difference in realm made him more calm when facing these things.
"Then start!"
Chen Mo gave the order lightly, ordinary, not as if he was deciding a historical moment.
He was the only one in this battle.
After taking a step, Chen Mo disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he was in space, everything quietly.
The gaze of almost the entire Infinite Sea Operation Department was on him, and his figure was broadcast live and projected onto the holographic projections of all battleships in the Infinite Sea.
In an instant, inexplicable fluctuations enveloped the Mustang galaxy.
All will change star's face.
The alarm sounded.
An amazing energy wave appeared outside the Mustang Galaxy.
This ability fluctuates wildly, surpassing the detector's energy detection limit. This is many times higher than the energy of space weapons, and it is still growing, as if there is no end.
What energy is this?
"what happened?"
Hearing the alarm from the Mustang Galaxy, Di Nanye was not calm.
He is not in the Mustang galaxy, but he is always watching.
"Who told me what's going on? Why is there such a big energy fluctuation?"
Di Nanye looked at the frantically increasing numbers, his eyelids jumped, he knew what these numbers meant, that energy was skyrocketing every second, and it had already exceeded the limit.
"Maybe the other party has some secret weapon." An intelligence officer in charge of the radar started operating on the technical stage and soon locked the radar to the source of huge energy.
All the stars grew their mouths and their bodies trembled involuntarily.
Enough energy to destroy the galaxy is emitted by a life.
This is impossible.
"He seems to be the prophet of the endless sea." A dark forest general screamed.
Di Nanye's pupils shrank, his face changed drastically when he thought of something.
"Let all the stars of the Mustang galaxy withdraw."
Di Nanye screamed, but it was too late. As soon as his words fell, something happened in the Mustang Galaxy.
Boom boom boom! ! !
Tens of thousands of meters of fireball exploded in the space of the Mustang galaxy, and a battleship instantly shattered into fragments, like an opening, the dark forest civilized battleship waiting for its surroundings exploded like firecrackers, forming a string in space.
Before the fireball extinguished, the space-based weapons and space fortresses within the defense line exploded like balloons. The light spots rained, fragments shot, and then were submerged by the fireball and turned into nothingness.
No one has experienced such a weird war.
No enemies, no weapons.
The soldiers in the space fortress did not see the enemy's shadow until they died.
Not a battleship or a fortress, but all the war machinery of the entire defense line. The frenzied explosions formed into one piece, like festive fireworks exploding in space.
The space defense line of a galaxy was instantly shattered.
Black Sea will be shocked, and his clenched fists can't help shaking, not knowing whether it is excitement or fear.
He woke up suddenly.
The moment the explosion stopped, he knew it, and handed it to him next.
He smashed the button beside him hard.
When Ming Tu saw Gou Xuan, he nodded slightly.
In terms of dealing with a series of battlefields, her ability is not bad. In the past, she lost some important battles mainly because of bad luck. In the case of Gulu Hongqiao, if it were not for the super warfare, Chen Mo would not be sure to take the Gulu Hongqiao.
White Star Civilization has experienced such a catastrophe, this woman can still hold on with the remnants for a few years. It has to be said that her toughness is definitely among the top players.
Gou Xuan was tired, but Ming Tu did not see depression or depression on her face. Looking at the general star next to her, although there was sadness, her eyes remained firm, with hatred and anger.
This hatred and anger did not come from the marching ants, but the Xiao clan.
The marching ants were once their enemies, and they had nothing to say about what they did. They could only say that their skills were inferior to humans, but the betrayal of the Xiao clan was the main reason for their almost extinction.
This is an iron army.
Even though Ming Tu is reticent, she has respect for Gou Xuan.
"Leave the defense to us. You can fix it. When the warship and supplies come over, you can replenish the team's organization first." Ming Tu said lightly. Whether it is an opponent or a friend, a warhead with a soul is worthy of respect.
"Aren't we unloaded from the armor?"
Gou Xuan looked up at Ming Tu, her voice a little lonely. Once the White Star Civilization was second to none in the universe, but now it wants to submit to their former opponents.
From peak to decline, no one has more profound experience than them.
The wife agreed to the conditions of the marching ants, and they no longer retained military power.
Ming Tu glanced at her, took out a document and handed it over: "This is the appointment document given to you by the boss, the general of the marching ants, and commanding the tenth battle department of the marching ants. Baixing did not retain the military power, but you can Continue fighting. If you don’t want to continue fighting, you can submit an application for retirement. The treatment is in accordance with our marching ant standards. All soldiers are the same. If you don’t want to continue fighting, you can retire."
Gou Xuan stared at the document in Ming Tu's hand, gritting his teeth.
"If you trim enough, you may be able to participate in the big counterattack plan, and you make your own decision." Ming Tu put the document in front of Gou Xuan, speaking coldly from beginning to end.
"grown ups."
All the stars around Gou Xuan surrounded them with desire in their eyes. They wanted to fight, they wanted to counterattack the Xiao Clan and the Black Eye civilization.
"Go to fix the supplies and prepare for the next battle." Gou Xuan took over the appointment document in Ming Tu's hand.
All the stars retreated, their fists clenched tightly, they all knew that the next battle was very important to the White Star's position in the marching ants, and it was their only chance to avenge the Xiao Clan.
"Thank you." Gou Xuan said to Ming Tu.
"I will be a comrade-in-arms in the future." Ming Tu cast an admiring look at Gou Xuan. At least she did not give up fighting because Bai Xing joined the marching ants: "You come to the war room and tell me about the situation of the black pupil civilization and the Xiao clan. You also need to know the deployment of the next battle plan."
The Ming Tu War Department entered the White Star Region, and did not take over the defense line defense, but began to look for the traces of the Red Army War Head and Xiao Clan War Head.
Soon, with the help of Gou Xuan, Ming Tu grasped the general situation of the main force of both parties.
And the Red Army quickly knew that an unfamiliar warhead appeared on the white star's defense line. He subconsciously thought of the reinforcements of the marching ants. Sure enough, after the intelligence department responded, the name of this war department quickly surfaced.
The strongest battle department of marching ants, Ming Tu battle department.
Upon hearing this news, the Red Army's expression was extremely solemn.
The marching ants move too fast.
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