Chapter 131: :theme

Chen Mo has attached great importance to the promotion of Chinese character programming languages, so in the company, he opened a side to Lin Zhiyuan. It didn't take long for this computer language to come out. There were not many people who could learn in such a short period of time and use it to make game scripts.
This Lin Zhiyuan is a talent.
That kind of situation is not a big mistake. He doesn't want to let the company lose a talent because of this.
His programming language is better than other programming languages. It is only the beginning, and many people have not responded.
As long as those people really realize the importance of the Chinese programming language, no one can promote it, and some people will learn automatically.
All this, only one opportunity is needed. And this opportunity, he has a hunch, perhaps in the near future.
"Boss, do you have a heart?" Julie interrupted Chen Mo's thoughts.
"Nothing." Chen Mo smiled.
"Boss, come to the capital for the first time?"
As the first person to join the company, Julie knows Chen Mo, the boss, who is very easy-going, so she dares to be bold and chat with Chen Mo.
"It is indeed the first time, here is more prosperous than the coastal city." Chen Mo turned to look out the window.
"After the bustling, there are still a lot of little-known corners, there are many ants in the dwelling." Julie sighed and looked at the passing people in the car window.
"Do you understand this?" Chen Mo asked.
"I was one of the North drifters that year. When I was young, I always thought that girls could also squat in the world, and they chose to drift north. A girl alone, when I got here, I knew that life was cruel." Julie said with emotion.
Many people, the surface is bright and beautiful, but they live a life like a dwelling. When she was working, she also had to endure the greed of leaders, and she was truly warm and self-aware.
Some girls who work with her can't stand the temptation to fall on their own. If you don't want to accept the unspoken rules, you have to stay in place for a long time.
Julie has some sighs, this time, it is like dreaming. If it wasn't for Zhao Min's original appreciation and cultivation, she was still one of the white-collar workers on the road.
So at the beginning, Zhao Min contacted her and let her join the pioneering army ant company. She would not hesitate to quit the position of Wanbao company department head, go to Binhai City, and help Zhao Min to form the original army ant company.
When I heard Julie’s story, Chen Mo also sighed. He is a lucky one. Since the rescue of the small fishing, the trajectory of life has completely changed.
After chatting briefly, Julie started talking to Chen Mo about business.
"Our participation in the Internet conference, the main itinerary is: the opening forum on the morning of the 23rd, the Internet conference business exchange meeting in the evening, and the Internet high-level annual meeting on the morning of the 24th, the peak development forum on the 25th and the closing session of the conference.

"At the opening forum, as a guest of the conference, then a business meeting that evening..."
On the way, Julie gave Chen Mo a detailed introduction to the schedule. This is the first time that the marching ant company participated in the China Internet Conference. She must tell Chen Mo the detailed schedule, otherwise it would be embarrassing to make a mistake.
"As a domestic new star company this year, we are invited to give a keynote speech. You should know that you need to give a speech at the time." Julie said.
"This is not a good news." Chen Mo said.
He likes to listen quietly below, but he can't listen below. If it is not for a speech, Zhao Min may let others come as representatives.
But in the keynote speech, Zhao Min can only let Chen Mo come over if he does not leave. In addition to Zhao Min, only Chen Mocai has enough weight as the speaker.
It was already late in the evening when the two returned to the hotel near the Capital Conference Center. After the meal, after the shower, Chen Mo began to read the information of the Internet conference.
The Internet Conference covers many cutting-edge technologies in the fields of mobile Internet, innovation and entrepreneurship, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things. This is a grand meeting of domestic Internet companies, and hundreds of domestic and foreign corporate executives will gather at the conference.
The theme of this year's Internet Conference is ‘new era, new starting point, new wisdom’, and the development of artificial intelligence has become a new mainstream topic.
Important forums such as the Internet Senior Conference and the Internet Innovation and Development Forum were also held in the same period. In real time, domestic technology giants will gather in these forums to discuss the direction of the next step.
As the fastest rising star company in China, the marching ant company is participating in this forum for the first time.
Early the next morning, after Chen Mo and Julie had finished their breakfast, they went to the location of the Internet Conference, the Capital International Convention Center.
When they arrived, they had already seen the flow of people coming and going at the door. Many people were in suits and suits, obviously attending the meeting.
"There are a lot of people." Chen Mo said.

Hundreds of executives at home and abroad participated in the conference, and hundreds of media have tracked the report here. There are also large and small forums held in the same period. SMEs and entrepreneurs are coming over. This is a grand event. Julie walked around Chen Mo and introduced him to the situation while walking.
After entering the conference hall, Chen Mo was seated in the front row on the left under the leadership of the staff.
"Chen Chen, don't come innocent."
It wasn't long before Chen Mogang sat down. A thick voice was heard, and Yu Chengnan was also sitting next to him under the leadership of the staff.
"Yu total." After Chen Mo saw Yu Chengnan, his face showed a smile.

Is it missing for a while?
Yu Chengnan said with a smile:
I didn’t expect to meet here, why didn’t the conference start and talk about a business?

"Yu total, you said." Chen Mo said.
"After the last time, is there any interest in authorizing smart assistant technology to us?"
After the marching ant company's march into Europe was blocked, China Micro has been holding the high-end market. If you have the help of multi-language intelligent assistants, you can definitely seize the international market share of Apple and Samsung.
"I am afraid that it will not work for the time being." Chen Mo shook his head.
Smart assistants are the biggest selling point of their butterfly-eye mobile phones. If they are authorized to Huawei, their advantages will be lost.
"Two, can I join your conversation?" When the two said this, they were interrupted by a voice: "Chen Mo Xiao brother, long time no see, I did not expect that we will meet again, it will be in this case.

The coming person is Zhou Hongwei, the president of the Seven Tigers. His first pot of gold was earned in the hands of the Seven Tigers. After greeting the two, Zhou Hongwei sat down in silence around Chen Mo.
"I didn't expect to see you for less than a year. Chen Moxiao brothers have already achieved today's results." Zhou Hongwei said with exclamation.
"Fortunately." Chen Mo said not to humble.

Zhou always knows Mr. Chen?
Yu Chengnan interjected.
"Know, there was a happy cooperation." Zhou Hongwei said with a smile: "Sit here today, are you going to take the stage? Yu Zong, what is your theme this year?"
"Terminal - cloud computing - chip." Yu Chengnan said: "What about Zhou Zong?"
"cyber security."
When Zhou Hongwei just finished, the two looked at Chen Mo and looked forward to his answer.
"Artificial intelligence," Chen Mo said.
"Now Chen Moxiao brother is one of the supreme gods of the Internet. What advice is there for network security?" Zhou Hongwei asked.
"The network is already insecure, and in the near future, new challenges are coming."
Zhou Hongwei and Yu Chengnan face each other and look at Chen Mo, waiting for his following.
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