Chapter 155: : Island Country Buying

The three simply said something, and after getting a satisfactory answer, they left the marching ant company.
The news of the casualties of the earthquake in the island country attracted the attention of the whole world.
One reason is that the earthquake is too big and has to attract global attention. The Fukushima nuclear accident has become more serious and fearful. Another reason is that the marching ant company has given predictions before the arrival of the super earthquake, but the casualties are still surprisingly large, which is somewhat unreasonable.
Ordinary people pay attention to earthquake disasters, and governments in various countries are concerned about marching ants. Earthquake prediction, one may be a coincidence, the second is not a coincidence.
Natural disasters cannot be controlled. What they can do is to try to reduce casualties in disasters. Now that the seismographs are coming out, it is undoubtedly a great event for countries with frequent earthquakes.
"The Ambassador of the Island State contacted us." Xiao Yu went into Chen Mo's lab and said softly: "They want to know about the seismograph. Zhao did not take the idea and asked me to come up and ask you what you mean."
Chen Mo put the already synthesized silicon carbon into the bottle and stopped the action in his hand.
"I didn't come back to salvage our seismographs. I still want to buy seismographs. I will hang them, don't give them a reply, wait for them to open up, send the seismographs back, compensate us for the loss, then talk about the seismometer, otherwise Free talk." Chen Mo did not want to say.
When I first salvaged the seismograph, I also wanted to hang a ant company. He is a vengeful, the island country is disgusting with him, and now it is his turn to go back.
Such a good opportunity, he will never let go.
"Good," said Xiao Yu.
In these two days, ambassadors of many countries have contacted the army ant company.
The seismograph business, as Zhao Min said, is not working with individuals or companies, and their partners are based on the state.
In countries with frequent earthquake disasters, the damage caused by earthquakes is hundreds of millions every year. One tenth of these losses are enough to install the seismographs in every corner of the country.
Therefore, as long as the seismograph is really mass-produced, he does not want to buy it at all.
In addition to the need to deploy an earthquake warning network in the country, there is another country that has shown a strong purchasing intention, which is New Zealand in the South Pacific.
New Zealand is one of the countries most desperate to get seismographs.
In recent years, the number of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes has increased significantly around the world. Experts predict that there will be big movements in the earth in the next few years, which will be earthquake-prone.
Scientists have discovered that the largest fault in the New Zealand Hikurui subduction zone has been awakened from the slumber of the previous year's earthquake. Experts predict that if there are three faults in New Zealand, there will be a devastating earthquake in New Zealand. The most terrible is the tsunami that may be caused by the earthquake.
Therefore, after the marching ant company confirmed that it could predict the earthquake, New Zealand could not wait to send people to negotiate with the marching ant company about the seismograph.
In addition to New Zealand, there are several other countries that have already contacted them, but the price is too high and hesitating. Chen Mo is not in a hurry. Now the output is not big. First, the domestic network will be provided. The island country wants to buy it, depending on his mood.
After Xiaoyu left, Chen Mo continued to focus on the experimental equipment.
During this time, I continued to experiment and finally synthesized some normal temperature superconducting materials. However, in terms of purity, it still does not meet the requirements. These materials, made of ordinary conductors, are no problem, but to make superconducting chips, it is necessary to purify the super-temperature superconducting materials.
In order to save costs and achieve mass production, the purity of the material must meet the requirements during the first synthesis process.
Island State Embassy.
Rice field Jinnan's face was very ugly. He did not expect to contact the people of the marching ant company, and the result was directly rejected by the other party. How to say, he is also a ambassador to China, and he was so rejected that he was very upset.
The marching ant company did not even say the reason for rejecting him, making him even more unhappy.
The earthquake and tsunami have just passed, and the country is busy in disaster relief. But now in China, the aftershocks continue, people have to worry about when the next big earthquake will come.
After the disaster, the technology of seismographs is urgently available in China. If there is such a technology and predicts the arrival of the next earthquake, those voters will certainly support their current party to be elected as the prime minister of the next government.
Now the order given to him is to hope to get the seismograph technology. If not, buy the seismograph and go back.
The marching ant company has been able to predict the earthquake. If the next catastrophe comes, they can't predict it. This is the government's inaction, and then they will fall into endless trouble. More likely to be attacked by the opposition party, let their resignation resign.
As far as he knows, New Zealand, Chile, Indonesia and other countries with frequent earthquake disasters have begun to contact the army ants and get some news.
But he came to contact, but he ate a closed door, so that he could not come out with a sigh of relief.
Now that the Army Ant Company has seismograph technology, it is unlikely that it will be acquired through abnormal means.
The marching ant company has been noticed by Huaxia's top management. If they are, they will be caught as they were last time, angering the marching ant company, not to mention the seismograph, a part can not be obtained.
"Tao Tianjun, will it be because of the last seismological incident, the marching ant company did not pay attention to us? The seismograph we picked up did not return to the marching ant company." Yokoi said next to it.
He is the counselor of the embassy and is responsible for assisting the work of the embassy. This time, he was asked to get a seismograph, and he also assisted. If this is done, he will also get a credit.
Rice field Jinnan patted his head and realized it.
The seismographs of the last marching ant company were picked up. They ignored the marching ant company and even refused the visa of the marching ant company staff to go to the island country.
Originally thought that the marching ant company would be aroused for this incident, the result of the marching ant company just gave a painless response. The marching ant company is definitely not happy with them in this matter.
"What do you do?" Inada Jinan looked at Yokoi Yu: "The last time, I have already got a crime army ant company."
"The best way is to return the seismograph to the marching ant company," Yokoi said.
"Would it be too faceless?" Inada Jinan thought about it.
A government that compromises with a company and can't get through it.
"We don't make too much noise. Now the media's eyes are on the earthquake. As long as the movement is not too big, we will not be noticed."
Rice field Jinnan nodded meditation and picked up the phone: "I will contact the country."
Now the pressure on the island government is very high. When I heard the request of Inada Jinan, I immediately agreed. The seismographs they picked up, the core boards and chips have burned out, and no useful technology has been obtained.
Now I want the island government to have a lot of troubles. I only want to do my best to import seismographs to appease the mood of those people. Damaged seismographs have not been of much value to them, and the research has been studied.
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