Chapter 160: : What technology?

Although Zhao Min believes that the company does not need to develop chips for the time being, but Chen Mo needs anything, she will not object.
Her annual dividends are so many that many people are jealous.
Chen Mohua hired her so much money, not to question his decision, but to complete his orders.
Now Chen Mo needs a lithography machine. Her task is to take the lithography machine back. As for what to develop, Chen Mo thinks that the timing is right, she will know, just like a robot.
After confirming Chen Mo's request, Zhao Min left and was ready to find a lithography machine for him.
Chen Mo also returned to the office.
If it is just a simple chip development, he does not need a lithography machine, just design the chip layout simulation, send the layout to the foundry, and then get the sample for technical verification.
But he is not developing a normal chip, but a superconducting chip. The material is different and highly confidential, and he must test it himself.
Therefore, if you want to design and manufacture superconducting chips, the lithography machine is necessary, not only the lithography machine, but also the packaging machine.
He will not let others know that he has studied room temperature superconducting materials before he has the right time.
On the sofa, Chen Mo closed his eyes and entered the technology library.
The science and technology library is his greatest strength. There is endless technology and a lot of technology. He can only watch drooling.
At the stage of [Technology Apprenticeship], he has eight technical technologies to complete. Now that the normal temperature superconductor has been completed, he needs to conduct the next scientific research.
If you don't need to complete a project, you can get the second technology. He can't wait to take it all. Now it's time to prepare for future research.
However, the Science and Technology Library stipulates that a second technology can only be achieved by completing a technology.
Every time you enter the science and technology library, there is a feeling that ants break into the human library. Looking up in front of a hundred meters high bookshelf, humble, small, confused, this is a unique feeling.
He couldn't tell how many books were hidden here.
In the vast universe, the earth does not even have a grain of dust, not to mention the fact that he, the human being who lives on the earth, is so small that there is almost no sense of existence.
Human beings have little understanding of the universe. Relative to the universe, the emergence of human beings is only a moment.
There are countless unknowns in this world. This scientific library is the best evidence.
After feeling, Chen Mo focused on the open space in the center of the library.
In eight directions, one book in each direction, the direction of chemical material is already blank, leaving seven books, quietly suspended in midair.
In the science and technology library, Chen Mo did not know how many civilized technologies he had. At the beginning, Shu Lao said that the technology that makes people immortal and flying is also in the library.
With the highest authority, you can get to know more about the technology library. So far, he has only made two steps forward, and he has a long way to go.
This is a process of exploration.
After a round trip, Chen Mo focused on seven books.
Applying physics, computers, biomedicine, mechanics, ecological environment, military, energy, to complete these seven books, he is eligible for higher level of authority.
In seven books, after watching a circle, Chen Mo set his eyes on the computer.
Eight major technologies, materials are the easiest to achieve, as long as there are data and experimental conditions. So he started by selecting the piece of material.
Among the remaining seven books, the computer is undoubtedly the most familiar. Not too much equipment preparation is required.
When the hand is placed in the book, the book disappears at a speed visible to the naked eye and turns into a spot of light into his head.
Massive information, instantly crowded in his mind. Chen Mo’s body was awkward, sitting on the ground with a big ass, gasping for a big breath. Now he has a feeling of nausea, feeling whirlwind, and suffocating in the chest.
Chen Mozhen was on the ground and began to retching. The feeling of nausea and fatigue makes his stomach make waves.
The amount of information this time is much larger than the last time.
When I received the information on the superconducting materials at room temperature last time, my head had only a sense of dizziness and weakness, and after a while, I was relieved.
The amount of information was too large, and the brain didn't adapt. He felt his head explode, and his deep nausea and fatigue were full. Now look at the bookshelves of the library, all of which are upside down, more horrible than the motion sickness, and the chest is unbearably terrible.
"Chen Mo, Chen Mo."
I don't know how long it takes for an anxious call to appear, it is the sound of a small fisherman.
Chen Mo endured a strong sense of nausea and walked to the door of the science and technology library. His eyes were blind and he seemed to be drunk.
Just stepping out of the door of the technology library, Chen Mo on the sofa opened his eyes. The feeling of nausea and dizziness is still there. Just woke up, Chen Mo turned over and stretched his head and vomited on the sofa.
"Don't scare me."
Xiao Yu sat on the sofa and patted Chen Mo’s back, his voice crying. Spit for a while, the disgusting feeling disappeared a little, Chen Mo was lying back on the sofa.
"Drink of water."
Seeing Chen Moe slowly, Xiao Yu hurriedly poured a glass of water and carefully placed it on his mouth.
Drinking two mouthfuls of water, completely relieved, Chen Mo will focus on the surrounding. At this time, the small fish, the eyes are red, and the eyes still have dry tear marks.
Seeing the appearance of a small fisherman, Chen Mo’s heart was warm.
"How could this be? Isn't it just good?"
Chen Moqiang smiled, and now his head is still a little dizzy, and he is weak.
The feeling of the massive amount of information that had just poured into my head made him almost faint. The body has been strengthened, and there is still such a strong sense of weakness.
"You still laugh? You have spit it like this, there is no blood on your face, and you have nothing to say? Where is it uncomfortable?" Xiao Yu was sitting next to Chen Mo, his eyes were tender and he could not wait to give him a full-body examination immediately.
"It's okay, just suddenly a little uncomfortable." Chen Mo said.
"No, I will take you to the hospital for examination."
Xiaoyu took out his mobile phone and just got ready to make a call, he was taken away by Chen Mo.
"It's okay, believe me."
"You are like this, how can I believe you? You don't go to the hospital for examination, I don't trust." Xiao Yu caress Chen Mo's chest and said softly: "Go to the hospital to check it?"
Seeing the tears on the face of Xiaoyu, Chen Moxin was soft and gently smothered her: "Well, accompany you. I am a little tired now, can I go to sleep?"
Brain power consumption, now the head is very heavy, I feel the ceiling is spinning, just want to sleep well.
"Well, go to the hospital with me after work, I will make an appointment with the doctor."
Xiaoyu picks up the phone and dials a number. After she hangs up the phone, Chen Mo has been resting on her lap and slept.
Carefully removed Chen Mo's head, and Xiao Yu took the broom on the robot's hand.
"Thank you, ink girl."
Just now, the ink girl notified her by phone, otherwise she still didn't know Chen Mo's abnormality.
"No thanks, Xiao Yu sister." After the robot opened, he went back to the lab and left the space to Xiao Yu and Chen Mo.
After cleaning the floor, Xiaoyu sat back on the sofa and quietly looked at Chen Mo.
Until the evening, Chen Mokai opened his eyes, all the fatigue has disappeared, except that the stomach is a little hungry, and there is no other difference.
This huge amount of information has left him with a lingering fear. I didn't exercise much during this time. It seems that I need to exercise and strengthen my physical fitness in the future. Otherwise, I will not be able to take the next time to get more information.
Xiao Yu still fell asleep on the sofa, Chen Mo did not bother, began to check, this time what technology is, let him almost fainted.
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