Chapter 171: : Welcome to us.

The past and present of "The Clown Virus"! 》Global News.
"The marching ant company: The virus is written by the Chinese character programming language. 》People’s Daily.
"The marching ant company announced the news. 》Phoenix News.
There is no news about the clown virus now, and London has responded that it will not compromise with any hacker organization. Many people are looking forward to what the hacker will do next, or where is the next city to be attacked.
The marching ant company announced the news at this time, and new news appeared, which also successfully attracted the attention of many media.
The virus was written by the Chinese character programming language. This news, the public will also be suspicious. The Global Report reported that the news was taken.
The virus incident in Jiangnan City was too short. It didn't take long before many people remembered that there was a virus and a girl who wrote the virus.
I did not expect that the clown virus that captured London, the predecessor is actually a code written by a humble girl.
Determined that the clown organization had attacked the Jiangnan City Bureau, the credibility of this news soared.
This news soon appeared in the major media, more fierce, but also dug out by the media. The Jiangnan virus incident was terminated by the intervention of the army ant company. The girl who wrote the program has returned to the campus.
These messages naturally caught the attention of Western media.
"The marching ant company said that the virus is a Chinese word programming language creation. 》
"How to crack the clown virus? 》
A new type of virus in the new computer language. 》
"The marching ant company may have a way to kill it. 》
The Chinese character programming language has successfully landed on the pages of major Western media. This brand new computer language, when it first came out, was reported by some media and gradually disappeared into the eyes of ordinary people.
This time it reappeared, but it appeared in this terrible form. Many people are full of disgust and awe in the Chinese programming language. The comments on the entire news are all about how difficult it is to learn Chinese.
No matter what other people's impressions of the Chinese programming language, this special language is indeed remembered by the world. This language has also successfully entered the vision of major hacking organizations.
At the headquarters of Qihu, Zhou Hongwei sat in the office and looked deep. This network crisis made him have to reconsider the development of the company.
Cyber ​​security is no longer there, and he is very impressed with this sentence. As early as the China Internet Conference, Chen Mo said this sentence.
At that time, Chen Mo only said an ambiguous answer. From the words, he heard that there will be a change in the next network crisis. However, when he asked Chen Mo about this question, Chen Mo gave him a future uncertain answer. This answer is a bit meaningful.
Now Chen Mo’s words are fulfilled, and the fragmented network security is a huge crisis and a machine for reallocating the market. The change has also appeared, but the direction of this change, he had to think carefully.
Chen Mo’s precise prediction is like a prophet. He knows that the real dissipator of the Eternal Heart Virus Crisis is also Chen Mo.
He now has to think about the problem from the perspective of the marching ant company, and Chen Mo may know the direction of this change.
Suddenly, Zhou Hongwei’s flash of light flashed.
Chinese character programming language, from the current news, this event, from beginning to end, is related to the Chinese programming language. The Jiangnan virus incident, this London fall incident, is related to the Chinese character programming language.
Perhaps Chen Mo said that the change was related to this language. Zhou Hongwei thought about it and picked up the phone on the table: "Secretary Wu, released a recruitment information, recruiting programmers who are proficient in Chinese programming languages."
Not only the seven tigers, Huawei, Ali, Penguin, Qiandu and other major network giants, have begun to recruit programmers of Chinese programming languages.
For a time, the unpopular Chinese programming language became a fragrant.
Unlike the quietness of the country, London is still in a bad mood.
The banking system was paralyzed, the gas station, the airport transportation system, and the government office system were all hacked. It is the financial center of the UK and one of the financial centers of the world. This time it was attacked and the losses were immeasurable.
The clown virus, the impact is beyond imagination. The world is looking for hackers for this incident, and no one is seen.
All major network security companies are paying attention to this clown virus. No matter what company has any way to kill this new type of virus, there is not much chance of prevention.
Outside the City of London building.
The rain is holding a microphone and standing in the cold wind waiting quietly.
She is a reporter for Phoenix News. The mission is to follow up on the latest developments in the 'Clown Virus' incident and record the living conditions of the citizens after the network in London.
The airport air command system was hacked, problems occurred at the airport, and many flights were delayed. The computer in the stock exchange market has been hacked. Once the market is opened, it cannot be traded. One network is a clown, and the major companies are even more sorrowful.
The impact of corporate office is very big. When a computer is connected to the Internet, it will be a virus. You must format the hard disk and reinstall the system. Once connected to the network again, it will be infected again with viruses. The virus spreads through the computer network. It is more troublesome than they think, and it is pervasive. The computer's anti-virus software is ineffective.
The computer can't be connected to the Internet. Now local news in London, in addition to newspapers, either go to the streets to interview, or use a mobile phone to refresh the news and check the local latest. Even if it is a message, it can only be transmitted via mobile phone.
She learned through her peers that waiting for the mayor of London to have a response, so she and the photographer came to wait early.
This is the first road response of the Mayor of London since the outbreak of the 'Clown Virus'. The attitude of the mayor of London will give them a clear picture of what is going to happen.
"Hey, you said this clown, what is it sacred?" the photographer asked, shaking his body. It’s not a common uncomfortable to wait in such a place.
"You ask me, who do I ask?" Yu Yu laughed.
When the two chatted about the sky, the crowd stunned, and the rain hurriedly called the photographer and immediately ran over.
A middle-aged man came out of the city government building and appeared in the lens of everyone. The appearance is only about 45 years old, but a white hair is particularly obvious. He is the mayor of London, Sadika.
Sadika glanced around and opened his eyes to the camera.
"The city of London has hit the largest online virus crisis in history so far. The clown organization threatened us in exchange for a ransom of 100 million pounds.
We will not compromise with any hacker organization and will not pay any ransom to the hacker. We feel that we have offered a reward of two million pounds to buy intelligence information about the hackers involved in this incident.

When Sadika’s words came out, it immediately caused the commotion of the reporters on the field. This news, also through live broadcasts, spread the entire world in the first place.
Not long after his news came out, the 'Clown Organization' re-released the tweet message: "London's ransom will double to 200 million pounds, when to trade, when to lift control of the London network system. The next goal has been Ok, we like the Statue of Liberty, welcome us, New York."
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