Chapter 178: : The invitation above

Seeing the caller ID, Chen Mo was amazed. Li Chengzhi’s call at this time made him somewhat surprised. Didn’t he find him because of the clown virus?
It is unlikely.
Looking for him, he was looking for him at the beginning of the outbreak of the clown virus. There is no reason to contact him now.
"Chen Mo brothers, don't come innocent?" When the phone was just connected, Li Chengzhi's hearty voice was heard.
"There are some troubles, I am in trouble now, what are you looking for at this time?" Chen Mo asked.
"One thing, I want to inform you in advance." Li Chengzhi said: "The earthquake warning network has been tested. Five days later, the nation's earthquake warning network was officially launched. The earthquake observation station in the capital, the head of the summit will personally attend the launching ceremony. I would like to invite you and the president of your company to come to the launching ceremony. Is there time?"
Chen Mo immediately understood what the meaning of Li Chengzhi’s head was. He did not hesitate to say:
This must have time.
His courage is not big enough to enlarge the head of the pigeon.
"That's good, then I will reply to it." Li Chengzhi said.
"it is good."
Chen Mo hangs up and takes the car and leaves.
Now the marching ant company is almost a full-network attack stage, and the clown organization has brought a lot of trouble to the marching ant company. Many companies are skeptical that marching ants are working with clowns, worrying about problems, refusing to use termite systems and computer equipment, and letting them lose a lot of users.
Although the marching ant company is not bad, it has a bad reputation. The participation in the inauguration ceremony of the earthquake network and the appearance of the marching ant company may yield unexpected results.
The next day, Chen Mo returned to the company and went to Zhao Min’s office. At this time, Zhao Min is worried about the break of the marching ant company. The clown’s words shut them in a dead end.
"Zhao Min, there is something to inform you."
"What?" asked Zhao Min.

Li Chengzhi informed me that five days later, the ceremony for the launch of the earthquake warning network will be attended by the heads of the heads. I am invited to attend the ceremony with you. Is there time?

"I dare say no time?" Zhao Min feels that the whole world is bright: "It is estimated that nothing is more important than this."
"How are these two days?" Chen Mo asked.
"How else? Or was it bombarded with all kinds of true and false news. The clown organized this move, and we will be a soldier. Now it is a bit passive. If there is evidence, it is estimated that Interpol will find us." Zhao Min said "I was thinking about the way to break the game. This earthquake networking ceremony is the best time."
"The clown doesn't have to worry about it. When necessary, the clown organization can be abolished at any time."
Zhao Min was surprised to see Chen Mo and did not understand the meaning of his sentence.
"You don't really have any connection with the clown organization?"
"Crap, I tracked the address of the clown organization members and was able to announce their identity at any time."
"Really! Do you want to announce it now?" Chen Mo asked.
"Don't announce, don't post it." Zhao Min was shocked by Chen Mo: "If we publish the list of clown members, and the black pot collusion with the clown organization, we really have to back."
They published the list and they sat down on the rumors that they and the clown organization had fallen out. This is not a good thing.
Moreover, the clown virus is still threatening the world. Although they are suspected of having an intersection with the clown organization, the threat of the clown virus has caused the users of the termite system to rise slowly, but the speed is not as fast as before.
When the two people exchanged information about the company, Xiaoyu knocked on the door and came in: "Chen Mo, there is a person named Wei Zhe looking for you."
"It’s coming so soon." Chen Mo was slightly surprised: "Notify him to come here."
Xiao Yu promised to leave Zhao Min’s office.
"Who is Wei Zhe?" Zhao Min asked curiously.
"The founder of the clown organization."
Chen Mo’s answer is that Zhao Min, who is trying to drink water, shakes his hands and the hot water is almost on her body:
Are you sure you are not kidding?

This guy is scared to death, just said that there is no intersection with the clown organization, now the founder of the clown organization came over to find him.
"I went to Huaibei yesterday, just for this."
Chen Mo said the clown organization and Wei Zhe, and Zhao Min simply said it again. She is the president of the company and it is necessary to know the information of the company's employees.
After hearing the answer, Zhao Min felt incredible.
It's hard to imagine a group of hackers who kidnap a city's network and blackmail a country just for a sense of accomplishment.
"Extreme brain, you can never know what he is thinking." Zhao Min looked at Chen Mo.
"Hey? What do you mean by your eyes? How do I listen to you a little bit strange?" Chen Mo was also amused by Zhao Min's eyes. When he said these words, he actually looked at him.
"Don't be seated, not to say you." Zhao Min said with a chuckle.
In a few minutes, Xiaoyu took Wei Zhe into Zhao Min’s office.
"Come and sit." Chen Mo pointed to the sofa next to him.
Wei Zhe was also polite, sitting down on the sofa: "I thought about it yesterday, and finally decided to come over."
"Welcome to join you."
After that, Chen Mo looked at Zhao Min. People join, but personnel arrangements, also need Zhao Min to arrange.
"Mr. Wei, are you proficient in Chinese programming languages?" said Zhao Min.
"There is some research, it is a small achievement, and the published information, I have carefully read it. This is a very good computer language." Wei Zhe said.
"Now the Chinese character programming language is in the development stage. Some people in the company are learning. I plan to bring these employees together and set up the Chinese programming department to specialize in the research and software development of Chinese programming languages. You are the head of the team." Zhao Min said.
Zhao Min had this idea long ago, but he has never been a person who is proficient in Chinese programming languages. Now he has this opportunity. The founder of the clown organization, plus Chen Mo personally invited in the past, the technology is certainly not too low.
Let Wei Zhe be the leader, this is the best arrangement.
Upon hearing this position, Wei Zhe’s face was surprised. He did not expect that he would be the head of the department as soon as he came. His predecessor was a hacker, and Chen Mo’s unconditional trust made him feel unspeakable.
"Yes." Wei Zhe nodded.
"I will make the contract ready, and the salary will be in accordance with the standards of the supervisor of the second-level department. Come over tomorrow, confirm that the contract is ok, and sign the contract and you can go straight to work." Zhao Min said.
"Good." Wei Zhe got up and looked at Chen Mo: "Thank you for your suggestion yesterday, she promised me, she asked me to come here to work."
"Congratulations." Chen Mo smiled.
After Wei Zhe left, Chen Mocai discovered the curious eyes of Xiao Yu and Zhao Min.
"What advice did you give him yesterday?" asked Zhao Min.
"Teach him to chase the girl." Chen Mo said.
When the sound just fell, I found two people with a strange face. Xiaoyu did not say anything and hurriedly left the office.
Talking to Zhao Min about the company, Chen Mocai returned to the lab.
Now the smudges of the marching ants are everywhere, they are everywhere, they are more than itch, how to pass or how.
When the time comes, everything will be solved.
Digesting the technology of a supercomputer is what he needs to do most now.
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