Chapter 199: : You have never seen a train puncture.

"Sure enough, it is a local tyrant."
After listening to Xiao Yu, Chen Mo could not help but scream. Buying 200 robots by one person is a world-class local tyrant.
"I also said that I have no interest, and you have no interest." Xiao Yu looked at Chen Mo's tongue and couldn't help but laugh: "Now the contract between the two parties has been completed, ready to hold a brief press conference, Zhao Jie let you and Mr. Walid. attend."
"The girl who has no interest, leading the way ahead." Chen Mo patted Xiao Yu's head and said.
The press conference was a special venue at the Ant Colony Headquarters. The layout was very simple. Many media reporters have already waited at the venue, seeing Chen Mo and Walid appear in the venue, and the crowd is turbulent.
The shutter sounds of various cameras and flashes are brighter than the lights.
Also eye-catching, there is a enchantress robot that follows the two. When the two were present, the venue immediately fell silent.
Every reporter’s eyes are full of curiosity, and they all want to know what the cooperation between Walid and the marching ant company is.
The marching ant company was established for so long, and this is the first foreign company to reach a strategic cooperation with the marching ant company.
"Mr. Chen Mo, come here." Walid smiled and smiled.
Chen Mo heard the translation of the robot, slightly sympathetic, and welcome.

I am very honored to introduce to you that our company has added a strategic partner, Kingdom Holdings Group. The company under the Kingdom Holdings Group will be the sole agent of the enchanting robot in the Middle East.
Mr. Walid has always been an admirable figure, and we have something in common in many places. It is our pleasure to cooperate with Mr. Walid this time. In the future, the marching ant company will deepen cooperation with Wang Guo Holding Group in other aspects..."
The exclusive agent of the enchantress robot in the Middle East? Some reporters immediately focused on the key points.
After Chen Mo introduced it, Walid also began to speak.
"The marching ant company is a great company. I believe that everyone agrees with me. Mr. Chen Mo is the best genius I have ever seen. The biggest benefit of coming to Binhai is not getting the enchantress. The agency of the robot, but established a deep friendship with Mr. Chen Mo, and the people of the marching ant company..."
Walid’s words were translated by the robot and immediately robbed of the limelight. After the enchantress robot was an advertisement, the first exposure was in front of the public, and it was unexpected to appear as a journalist. This actual debut is more useful than advertising.
The translator who followed Walid was suffering. Once the enchanting robot is widely popular, the work of his translator can be replaced at any time.
"The Demon Ji robot is by far the best intelligent robot I have ever seen. It is more intelligent than any robot I have ever seen. This is an epoch-making product. I personally have purchased 200 robots."
Some reporters were caught by their own saliva and tried to cough.
Local tycoon!
What is called local tyrants, the people who show off the rich on the Internet and these senior local tyrants are simply pure poor people.
Walid’s face is calm and seems to be a very common thing:
I personally feel that the price of the enchanting robot is very cheap.

Very cheap! Cheap!
When the robot translated Walid, it almost made many reporters think that the translation was wrong. They first heard someone say that the enchantress robot is cheap.
"Invisible. Forced the most deadly." A reporter could not help but vomit.
"This dress. Forced, I give full marks."
"It is estimated that there is another stalk after the repentance of Ali Ma's father."
A group of media people can't bear to look straight, they can't afford a robot for a lifetime, and they are said to be very cheap.
After the press conference, the news of the cooperation between the marching ant company and the Kingdom Holding Group was also seen in the network.
Walid's holding of the Kingdom Holdings Group, the company's exclusive agency in the Middle East. This news caught the attention of companies in major regions.
Intelligent robots are now a completely blank market. For the business world, this is a new cake. Whoever gets advanced will get more benefits.
The marching ant company took the big benefit of the cake, but the general company, a share of the pie, can get a lot of benefits.
Walid, who is known as the "middle-east god", will certainly not be a loss-making business. For a time, people who came into contact with the marching ant company came to the scene.

Is the assembly speed of the robot enough to satisfy the market?

Zhao Min handed the document to Chen Mo from the laboratory.
During this time, the company has a lot of things. In Southeast Asia, Europe, South America, and India, many companies are in contact with us to obtain exclusive regional rights for intelligent robots.
People in the marketing department are negotiating with major companies.

50 machines a day, can this production speed meet the market demand?
Chen Mo asked.
"There is a period of explosive growth in the near term, and it is likely to increase production. Walid is not his own. The first batch of orders will cost 2,000. This is the first batch. According to our expectations, this order can only be used. It can be digested by the Saudi royal family, and there will be more follow-up."
"What is a senior local tyrant? This is." Chen Mo could not help but vomit: "All said that the local tyrants in the Middle East are everywhere, today is intuitive."
"You have never seen a train puncture." Zhao Min saw Chen Mo's appearance and felt funny.
"I have never seen it, what is the train puncture?" Chen Mo smiled.
Zhao Min is speechless: "Going back to the world, the Middle East, North America, Europe and China are the main markets. In North America, the US Department of Commerce does not allow us to enter the market, saying it is a spy robot, and the US media has also promoted this."
Chen Mo is serious, jokes are jokes, and when he encounters business, he still needs to take it seriously.
The US government has always been unfriendly to China's enterprises, and everything is linked to politics, that is, they are afraid of occupying the market.
"Don't pay attention to the North American market. Anyway, the current production is not enough. Just let them block it and see when they can block it. It will not give up the US market." Chen Mo said.
"The only people who dare to give up the American market are you."
After Zhao Min left, Chen Mo returned to the lab and continued to make notebook computer motherboards.
In the science and technology library, the technology in the apprenticeship stage is completely open to him. If it is normal, he will enter the science and technology library and obtain some technical books. Even if you don't develop, it's good to be a technology accumulation.
The supercomputer was assembled, and he didn't need to intervene. When he was idle, he took the design of a laptop.
He wants to assemble a personal computer, using a constant temperature superconducting material to make a unique personal computer, which is definitely the fastest personal notebook in the world.
The assembly of supercomputers is going all out. The chips produced are all used in assembling supercomputers. The business is not necessary for him to worry about, so the small days are still calm.
The first batch of robot orders, during this time, shipped smoothly.
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