Chapter 202: : Free Club

"Is the quality of intelligent robots not good? 》
Photos of robot damage, and some articles appear on the web. When these reports came out, they immediately attracted waves and attracted the attention of marching ants.
"It’s really a wave of unrest, and it’s a wave.

Zhao Min couldn't help but laugh. Since the launch of the robot, a lot of things have not stopped.
But it is also normal, the emergence of robots means the human lifestyle, and greater changes will occur in the future.
The more things, the more human beings are adapting to the existence of robots.
I used to dream of robots entering a new life in humans. Now that robots appear, I am a bit worried. Ye Gonghao is worth mentioning, fear of the unknown, intelligent robots do appear, and the future will continue to exist.
"What about him?" Zhao Min looked at Xiaoyu.

He looked at the cause of the damage to the robot in the first building,
said Xiao Yu.

How did you get damaged?
Chen Mo carefully looked at the robot lying on the repair station. After activation, he asked.
This week, fourteen robots were abnormally damaged and were sent back for repair. Such a large amount of abnormal damage caused his attention. If the robot is used normally, it is impossible to malfunction so quickly.
He has used robots for so long, and data collection has long been complete, which is definitely not a quality issue. Looking at the traces on the robot is man-made damage.
Some sounds of poor robot quality have appeared on the Internet.
As the designer of the robot, he must find the cause of the damage to the robot. Otherwise, the public opinion of the network will become more and more troublesome. The current online world, both domestic and foreign, is in a deformed stage. With a bit of news, it will be squandered by the media without the bottom line.
After ruining the five water military companies last time, they stopped for a while.
Now the Sail Corps does not dare to touch the taboo of the marching ant company, but it may not be from the media.
"Sir, I don't remember how it was damaged." The robot at the repair station looked at Chen Mo.
For Chen Mo, all robots are called Mr. He, because he is the creator of all robots, the internal program defaults.
A second-generation robot walked to Chen Mo and stopped. Then he said: "Momgo, it corrupted the data of that period and was deleted. The other cases, this also happened. When the data was damaged, the usage data was deleted.

When using, does the data have no automatic cloud save?

"No, they were not connected to the network during the time of the damage. But I found a robot inside, a bit special data."
"What data?" Chen Mo asked.
"Fighting techniques."
The second-generation robot's finger is directed to the screen next to the maintenance station, a video of a period of fighting, a video of kungfu teaching, and a technical data of the robot's self-learning.

There is really an idea, actually let the robot learn fighting skills.

After Chen Mo saw the data, he was teased. Although the way to learn robots is a bit rough, it is a bit useful.
"Remove all the information of these robot owners."
"This is all the information of the owner of the robot that was sent back for repair." On the screen next to the pit, more than a dozen pieces of information popped up: "They have one thing in common, they are rich people."
"Crap." Chen Mo smiled: "Do a statistical and analysis of the places they have been to these days."
These people are in different places and are distributed in various provinces and cities in China, but he is sure that these robots are damaged and certainly have some connection.

Dots are integrated in the positioning system inside the robot. The lines are the integration of their mobile phones, and the dots of different colors represent different people.

The screen pops up a map and is marked by different lines and dots.
Usually, the information collected by these positioning systems will not be seen, will not be ignored, and will only be used to find robots when the robot is lost. The situation is special now and can only be investigated in this way.

Enlarge the map of Donghai City.
Chen Mo pointed to the place where the lines and the dots are gathered:
Where is this, where is this gathering place?

"Free club."
Cai Liang looked at the clubhouse under the night, with curiosity.
There was a yellow-haired man sitting in the driver's seat of the car. He was a rich second-generation buddy. Here is a high-end private clubhouse. It is usually the most important type of people in Binhai.
Recently, there has been a new show here that has attracted a lot of interest.
"Yellow hair, are you sure that the blue girl can do it?" Cai Liang looked back at the enchantress robot in the back seat.
"Yes, sure." Huang Mao said: "I won a few times and earned a lot, five hundred, but now my robot has been sent back to the marching ant company for repair, so I will tune your robot, tonight. Come together. As long as they don't find this secret, they can definitely make a lot of money. It is not a problem to buy another robot."
"Okay." Cai Liang nodded, calmly sitting.
The car slowly entered the venue and stopped at the parking lot. The two men got off the bus. Then, the robot also came down from the car and followed Cai Liang.
After the two people added a robot, the reception staff also greeted them.
"Yellow, you are coming." A female executive looked at Huang Mao with a smile on her face: "Is this?" Then I looked at Cai Liang.
"He is a bright brother, my buddy, take him to play." Huang Mao smiled.
"Then go in." The female supervisor led the two, entered the clubhouse, entered a stairwell, and turned to the basement: "Huang Shao, the next one will take half an hour to start, do you want to make a hair first. Or learn a foreign language?"
"Doing hair is free, and learning a foreign language is still a bit of interest, but I am not a fast gunner, I will say it next time." Huang Maonan swept the female supervisor and looked smirk.
"What about the bright brother?" The female executive looked at Cai Liang.

There are many foreign languages ​​to learn here, Japanese, Russian, English, Korean, Vietnamese, and Hindi.

"No need." Next to Cai Liang's eyes, he didn't have much interest in these things. He followed them today, just want to see what Huang Mao said about the special program.
Following the female supervisor, the two quickly entered the basement.
A shout came from behind the closed door, and Cai Liang was slightly surprised.
"Next, take you to see a world you have not touched." Huang Mao smiled at Cai Liang, followed the female supervisor and pushed the door into it.
Oh, excitement, blood, shock, is the atmosphere inside the door. Perfume, cigarettes, wine, food, hormonal smells, full of gorgeous decay.
In the seat, wearing a showgirl, a wealthy businessman in a suit and a dress, dressed up as a boastful child, the usual tall and cold urban female white-collar workers, the radiant ladies, all shouted toward the iron cage in the center of the venue.
How normal is it, how crazy it is now. Everyone has excitement in his eyes and seems to be venting. The woman did not have the usual noble and glamorous, completely immersed in it.
Cai Liang secretly screams, there are many people here to make him familiar, outside is a serious entrepreneur, I did not expect this side.
On the iron cage in the middle of the field, two strong men are being beaten, and every move is quick and accurate, and they can be fully practised.
Black boxing?
Cai Liang secretly surprised, did not expect a superb high-level club, there are actually underground black boxing. The two were taken into a small room and overlooked the stadium through the glass of the room.
"You wait a moment, someone will inform you to play, this is the number." The female supervisor handed a number to Huang Mao, smiled and left the room.

Do you feel very fresh?
Huang Mao asked.
Cai Liang turned his eyes directly.
"This place is still less, in contrast, I still like the bar."
"I was racing or clubbing some time ago, but here I have something new and come here to play, and I will take you to play by the way." Huang Mao grinned.
Ten minutes later, a big man was beaten with blood on his face and fell to the ground, and the snoring snoring sounded in his seat.
The cage was cleaned up and a host walked into the cage. Everyone on the field was quiet and looked at the host.
"Next, it's the theme tonight: robot fighting."
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