Chapter 227: : Occasionally play

Chen Mo did not refuse the proposal of Wu Bing.
Although he is sure that there is no problem with this medicine in the human body, it is still necessary to participate in the experiment. Moreover, as a developer, if he refuses to participate, he will not be able to say it.

Can Mr. Chen Mo take me to visit your lab?
Wu Bing said.
"Yes." Chen Mo nodded.
There is no secret experiment in the biological laboratory, and there is nothing wrong with taking her to visit.
"I am a rough person. If you go to your lab and don't understand anything, you won't go. You exchange and communicate." Li Chengzhi smiled.
"If Li Ge has any need, he can tell the robot." Chen Mo got up and took Wu Bing and walked over to his biological laboratory.
"Please come in."
After Chen Mo opened the door of the biological laboratory, let the position open and signal Wu Bing to go in.

You developed artificial intelligence, invented seismographs and robots. It stands to reason that you should be a physicist or a computer expert. Why do you think about life science?

Wu Bing still asked the biggest question of his heart.
Physics, computers and biology, these three areas, strictly speaking, do not have much in common. The intersection of physics and computer is a bit more, but the connection with biology is not too big.
But these three things that seem to have little relationship are all covered by Chen Mo. The three abilities are all in one, and this is already a versatile.
A person who only needs to be in one field and achieve an achievement of Chen Mo is enough to speak globally. Whether it is artificial intelligence, the seismometer or the discovery of the 'silence factor' is something that shocks the world.
These three achievements are concentrated on Chen Mo. Chen Mo, now, cannot be described by horror. This is an unprecedented ghost.
"Hobbies and hobbies." Chen Mo smiled: "I have seen many medical books, pharmacological analysis, Compendium of Materia Medica, Medicinal Materials, Pharmacy, Deconstruction, etc. I have seen it, but I have never practiced it. I have no medical certificate, can not Helping people see a doctor, but research drugs can, and then study and play, accidentally found a 'silence factor'."
When I heard the words "I'm not careful," Wu Bing's brains darted.
What is ‘one is not careful’?
Since she started her Ph.D., she has been looking for drugs that may develop human abilities. As a result, Chen Mo’s ‘I’m not careful’, this is to suffocate her.

Pharmaceutical research is only a sideline business. When you have time, you will have fun.
Chen Mo continued.
'occasionally'? ‘玩玩’?
Wu Bing could not wait to kill Chen Mo, saving him from continuing to let her self-confidence suffer an unprecedented blow.
I spent a few years, almost the best years, and devoted myself to the development of this drug. As a result, Chen Mo said that ‘occasional’ ‘playing’ was successful and made her mad.
She is now a doctor of medicine and biology, but she is more like an incompetent person than Chen Mo, who graduated from a bachelor's degree.
"Normally, I prefer computer and physics. Right, and machinery is also very good. In biomedicine, there is really not much time to study..." Chen Mo completely ignored Wu Bing's ugly appearance.
"You still don't say it."
Wu Bing interrupted Chen Mo's words and let him continue to say it. It is estimated that she was attacked without any thoughts.
Chen Mo smiled and did not continue to speak.
After Wu Bing put his mind in Chen Mo's biological laboratory, his eyes flashed in different colors.
Fermentation tanks, PCR instruments, microplate readers, high-precision electron microscopes, flow cytometry, DNA sequencers, and high-efficiency chromatography series are all the most advanced and sophisticated instruments. The equipment of this biological laboratory, in general, has exceeded her personal laboratory.
And in the biological laboratory, there are some machines and robots, obviously want to automate. The biological laboratory wants CNC automation. If you have such crazy ideas, you will know Chen Mo.
If someone sends this kind of lab to yourself, be sure to marry without saying anything. Realizing that he wanted to be jealous, Wu Bing hurriedly abandoned the extra ideas and carefully visited the laboratory.
"You have a 'Occasional play' lab, better than my professional lab." Wu Bing said.
"Have you seen it? Local tyrants like to buy the most expensive, the best to cover themselves." Chen Mo laughed.
"It seems to make sense, but who believes?" Wu Bing said: "You don't look like local tyrants. These devices are more professional than professional ones, and they are also meant to cover up."
Chen Mo shrugged and did not answer positively.
Wu Bing did not entangle on this issue: "You only have a biological laboratory here?"
"Do you think it is possible? I have physical laboratories, computer labs, chemical laboratories, CNC automation laboratories, electronic laboratories, mechanical laboratories." Chen Mo smiled.
His introduction, let Wu Bing took a breath: "Are you stupid?"
Wu Bing did not expect that Chen Mo was so horrible that there were so many laboratories in one person. These labs are definitely not used, except that they have money and willfulness, and there is a word that is stupid.
If every field has great success, then Chen Mo will be a ghost of the past.
"I am not stupid." Chen Mo smiled: "I may go to study other things tomorrow. I like to study, but I want to see interest. Today, studying this biomedicine, I may go to study material chemistry when I am in a whim.

"It's really capricious." Wu Bing said.
Their progress in research and development, unless irresistible, will definitely break the study and go to study other things.
"Mr. Chen Mo, your ability is so powerful, don't you think about entering the engineering yard? There is more need for you." Wu Bing said.
"I am already a wild academician of the Academy of Engineering. The project research needs to be broken. It takes time to break the money and it is not my own. I don't need money, so I didn't want it." Chen Moxiao said: "Where the Academy of Engineering There are too many rules, I am not very comfortable. A wild canary, you suddenly put it in a cage, it will only ruin it."
Chen Mo’s meaning is obvious.
To enter the engineering school to work on a project, you must look ahead and be too restrictive. It is not appropriate for him to study what he wants to study.
Moreover, Chen Mo is not likely to release the technology of the science and technology library, but also pretend that research is slow, which is definitely not what she wants.
Wu Bing understood Chen Mo’s meaning and said nothing. After communicating some biomedical knowledge with Chen Mo, Wu Bing left Chen Mo's laboratory.
"Chen Mo brother, your request, the above is still researching, waiting for news, I will inform you the first time." Before leaving, Li Chengzhi said to Chen Mo.
After the two left, Chen Mo’s life was calm again. Because the superconducting computer is almost completed, Chen Mo has devoted himself to the progress of the superconducting computer during this time. Supercomputer research is his main task.
After a week, the ink girl finally sent good news to Chen Mo.
Superconducting computer, officially completed.
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