Chapter 258: : Happy cooperation

Xiaoyu seems to be in the darkness. Time seems to be a moment, and it seems to have been a long time. Suddenly, a feeling of weightlessness makes her both physically and mentally shocked, and the whole body shakes.
Woke up from the bed, Xiao Yu looked at the sunshine coming in from the window, very comfortable.
She remembers that last night, Chen Mo gave her a potion of potion and slept, but she didn't expect to sleep until dawn.
Chen Mo is no longer around, Xiao Yu got up from the bed and went into the bathroom.
Suddenly I saw myself in the full-length mirror. The small fisherman’s eyes were certain, and the sleepy eyes woke up most of the time.
She felt that herself in the mirror seemed a little different. The appearance does not change much, but it seems to be really different.
The skin is delicate, the vest line at the lower abdomen is faintly visible, but there is no bodybuilding muscles, and the waist is a little thinner. The bumps are so strong that the body lines are very soft and look very comfortable. The long legs have become natural, and there is no awkwardness. It seems to grow taller and the proportion of the body is also very good.
Xiao Yu looked at himself in the mirror with a happy face.
Chen Mo did not lie to her, the pharmacy really changed her body. Which woman does not love beauty, she is naturally not unscrupulous.
After the washing was finished, Xiao Yu was replaced by a casual suit and came out of the room. Today, she does not need to work overtime, so she can rest well.
Just want to go to the kitchen for breakfast, Chen Mo came out of the kitchen with a pot of porridge.
"Get up?" Chen Mo looked up and down a little fish.
Light rain originally had a height of 165. Now it is a little taller. After a few days, after the drug effect, the body is shaped, and there is almost the height of the goddess.
"Longer, more beautiful." Chen Mo smiled.
When I heard Chen Mo’s compliment, Xiao Yu’s heart was as sweet as eating honey. For the sake of Xiao Yu, Chen Mo is the ‘Yue Ren’.
"Why don't you ask me to get up?" said Xiao Yu.
"Let you sleep for a while, I will make breakfast today." Chen Mo looked at the porridge Nunu mouth: "cooked some porridge, try your husband's craft."
After paying attention to the casserole in the hands of Chen Mo, Xiao Yu’s stomach screamed with disappointment and his face was red.
"The potential medicine is very expensive for the body. If you know that you are up, you will be hungry. This is for you." Chen Mo smiled softly, put the porridge in the bowl and gave the fish a bowl.
"Thanks husband."
Xiao Yu took over the porridge that Chen Mo handed over, his eyes bent into a crescent, and looked at Chen Mo’s eyes, full of gentleness.
"Thank you, these were all you did before. I will do it for you once, and there is nothing." Chen Mo smiled and said: "This is my first time to cook seafood porridge, you can try it."
"Yeah." Little fish nodded, scooping up the porridge and slowly sending it to his mouth. At this moment she felt that she was wrapped in happiness. Eat a little, Xiao Yu eyes brighten: "Husband, are you really the first time to cook porridge?"
"Yeah, I just like to draw a gourd. After reading some food recipes, I remember, follow the steps, follow the steps, and I will pay attention to the seasoning. It will not be too bad."
Said, Chen Mo also gave himself a bowl.

It’s delicious, I like this taste very much,
said Xiao Yu.
"If you like to eat, you can eat more." Chen Mo smiled, suddenly thought of something, and continued to open: "When I got up, what is the body uncomfortable, or a strange place?"
"Besides being hungry, there is nothing uncomfortable. However, my strength seems to be getting bigger. When I squeezed the toothpaste, I felt that I didn't use it. As a result, I squeezed it out a lot. Also, when I changed clothes, I accidentally put a dress. It’s torn.
Xiao Yu spit out his tongue.
Chen Mo did not feel surprised. Whether he was himself or the group of people who did clinical trials in the capital, the power of sudden growth did not adapt at first.
"When you have finished eating, you have to exercise, adapt to changes in your body, and then take you out to buy clothes."
"I feel like you are being spoiled by you."
"Abandoned waste, I raise it."
"I am a small fisherman, not a small goldfish, I don't want you to raise it." Xiao Yu drums gangs, a little small and proud.
After eating, Chen Mo accompanied Xiao Yu to help her adapt to the changes brought by the medicine. Chen Mo also taught the small-fishing two-handed self-defense technique. It was some of the exercises and self-defense tips that were recorded after the potential development technology was first recorded.
A pleasant weekend.
Back at the company, Chen Mo went into the lab and began to design a miniature holographic projector.
Gao Zhendong sat in the conference room of the marching ant company and his face was not very good.
Next to him is the executives of the Samsung mobile business and the decision-making team of the marketing department. Opposite is the decision-making layer of the marching ant company headed by Zhao Min.
This time it was negotiated. The last time I went back, I didn’t get it. After this discussion by the top management of the group, he came back again.
The situation is now grim. After last week's statistics, mobile phone sales data has once again hit a new low.
North America, the impact of Apple's S3. Southeast Asia, India and Europe were hit by Huaxia mobile phones, especially in the high-end market. They were attacked by Huawei and Xiaomi, and the data decline was very serious.
The marching ant company brought the mobile phone into real intelligence. It was thought that the marching ant company and the apple were the right ones. Samsung took advantage of the fishermen’s profits. As a result, the spearhead turned around, and now they are uncomfortable.
Although the Apple S3 was so troubled by the marching ant company that it was less than expected, the data was still very impressive. Coupled with the breakthrough of artificial intelligence technology, in the long run, Apple's will only get better and better.
They are not so lucky, Samsung has not broken through the technology, but also squeezed by the marching ant company.
"Zhao Zong, 17.2% of the whole machine price is too high, we can accept, is 7.4%, this is the highest limit. Higher, we have no profit." Gao Zhendong said.
"No profit? After installing the smart assistant, your price will rise by more than one or two, and your users will buy it. 17.2% of the price does not seem to be high." Zhao Min said calmly.
At present, the $400 mobile phone has a baseband patent of more than 50 US dollars, and the wi-Fi technology patent is also 50 US dollars. Together, it has already obtained the main profit of the mobile phone, plus other patents, screens, batteries, spare parts, channel fees, advertisements. Fees and other fees.
The profit that producers can get is only a little bit. This is why companies such as rice and Huawei have not made much money in the mobile phone field.
For a long time in the past, there was no technology in China and a monopoly of foreign technology.
The production of things, including televisions, automobiles, mobile computers and other electrical appliances, must pay a large amount of foreign patent fees, not to produce but take away the profits of the product, domestic companies can only take a little profit.
This situation still exists.
What the marching ant company is going to do now is what the foreign capital companies did in the past. They have core technology and it is impossible to license these technologies at low prices.
"8.1%, this is the bottom line."
"16.9%, otherwise you will come over next time, so talk about it, talk about tomorrow, there is no progress." Zhao Min said.
"General Zhao, we have shown sincerity. The price of 8.1% is already very high."
Gao Zhendong was helpless, and he experienced the feeling of powerlessness that was squeezed. But they didn't know that when they squeezed the phone but couldn't lose their temper, losing their temper here means that the cooperation is over and his future will be affected.
"High? No feeling." Zhao Min calmly said: "This way, we finally retreat a little, 16.6%, can't talk, then next time."
Gao Zhendong took a deep breath: "10%, this is the bottom line. Even if we sell at a premium, those profits are here. If this is not the case, cooperation will not continue."
"That's goodbye." Zhao Min smiled softly and got up and ready to leave.
Seeing Zhao Min’s movement, Gao Zhendong’s face was black. The first time he felt the trick of this woman, it was simply unreasonable. To put it bluntly, it was greedy.
"Wait, Mr. Zhao." Gao Zhendong called Zhao Min.
The ‘negotiation’ will continue. If it is dragged down by Zhao Min, it will be difficult to make up for the loss of the next time.
"How? Promise?" Zhao Min re-sit back to the position.
"16% is really too high. If you put it in any company, you can't accept it. Even if you go, I can't promise." Gao Zhendong said: "The highest 11%, if you are taller, you can't promise."

"15.8%, or come next time." Zhao Min said.
"General Zhao, sincerely we have given it, you are like this, not good." Gao Zhendong sighed with anger, he did not want to talk, but must talk.
"Since this is not good, then let's talk next time? I will go on a business trip tomorrow." Zhao Min said.
"11.5%." Gao Zhendong said with a bite.
The negotiations continued, Gao Zhendong looked awkward and could only smash his teeth and swallow his stomach. Without mastering the core technology, it can only be threatened by people. This is a helpless reality.
After an hour, the negotiations stopped.
13.1%, this licensing fee, has reached the bottom line, a little higher than they expected. Zhao Min, a woman, is simply a horror. I know that they will definitely accept it and eat them.

Happy cooperation.

Happy cooperation.

After signing the licensing agreement, Gao Zhendong struggled to extract these words from his mouth.
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