Chapter 284: : Chen Mo appeared

In front of Building No. 7 of the Ant Colony Headquarters, the lights were bright.
Building No. 7 is the core building for the marching ant company to build corporate culture and an important activity center.
Sometimes the family members of the staff come over to play, they will come here to have a look and experience the culture of the company, which will help employees improve their centripetal force.
In addition, the company's important annual meeting, work summary, report, and some important departmental activities, the company's new product launch, will be held in the seventh building or in the square in front of the building.
Just entering the gate, you can see a huge statue - an ant holding a book.
Bypassing the statue, behind the vast hall, there are a number of showcases, and there is a product at each exhibition.
From the first generation of butterfly-eye mobile phones equipped with the marching ant system to robots, it covers important products of the marching ant company and the subsidiaries of the marching ant company.
Within the exhibition hall, the flow of people is like a weaving.
The press conference has not yet begun, and some guests who arrived early are visiting the exhibition area. Many reporters holding cameras, every time they walk through a showcase, they will take a photo with the camera, and some are doing live webcasts.
Many people will be amazed when they see the exhibition hall of the marching ant company. Mobile phone operating systems, carbon crystal materials, Chinese character programming languages, computer systems, artificial intelligence assistants, robots, etc., are all products with high-tech sense.
Only two years after the rise, we have created so many products. We have to say that the research and development strength of the marching ant company is beyond anyone's imagination.
However, there is a column of showcases that are empty and have to be thought of about the products to be released tonight.
Next to the exhibition hall is an experience area.
In addition to human-computer interaction, intelligent robots, there are other product experiences. Some of these products are derivatives of the R&D team of the marching ant company. They are of little value and can only be used as entertainment.
At eight o'clock, with the announcement of the No. 7 building, the people in the exhibition hall followed the instructions of the staff, and the conference venue, the Ant Theatre, was organized in an orderly manner.
The Ant Theatre is located on the top floor of Building 7, with a semi-circular four-story stepped hollow design. The center is wide and the theater dome is covered with clear glass, which raises the sky to see the sky. In front of the fan-shaped step seat is the stage of the theater.
"It’s really uninhabited."
Some people who know the goods enter the ant theater and look amazed.
This huge theater can accommodate more than a thousand people, the most important auditorium chairs, all leather sofas.
These leather chairs go out to buy, one must have tens of thousands of pieces, and the marching ant company is really not a general suffocation.
Marveled and marveled, everyone still did not forget to find their place.
This time, I came to the conference, in addition to various media, fans of the company's products, and some company guests who cooperated with marching ants.
Everyone enters the venue and starts looking for their location. A reporter with a camera looks for the best shooting position behind the stage or behind the blank of the auditorium.
The invited media, the family is not lacking, and there are many faces of foreigners. Obviously, the launch of the marching ant company has become the focus of global attention.
"Next is the moment of your performance." In the background, Zhao Min looked to the side Chen Mo laughed.
Now that people have entered the game, the next step is the official opening of the conference. The launching ceremony of the marching ant company has never had the content of dragging time. When it starts, it must be a straight-through theme.
It took a lot of effort, and she persuaded Chen Mo to come to power. Next, it was natural time for Chen Mo. Holographic technology has spread to the lives of ordinary people. This is a landmark conference. Such an important conference, Chen Mo, the protagonist, naturally cannot be absent.
"It is really difficult to be a quiet beautiful man." Chen Mo smiled helplessly.
Zhao Min insisted that he go up, and he did not refuse. Zhao Min wants to make him the company's external image. Such an important conference will definitely be hosted by Chen Mo.
And this time the holographic projector is still his masterpiece, no matter which aspect he has no reason to refuse.
"Come on."
Xiao Yu helped Chen Mo to organize his clothes, like a well-behaved little woman.
"it is good."
After finishing the arrangement, Chen Mo took the headset and took a confident step and walked towards the stage.
The lights gathered on the stage and the theater was quiet. Even the live webcast, which also lowered the sound, aimed the live camera at the stage.
They all know that the next play is about to begin.
"The next step is the quiz. Guess what is the product released by the marching ant company? I will choose two people in the guessing water friend and send him the butterfly eye of the marching ant company." Xia Xue holds the live lens Against the stage, say the voice down.
"The macho of the sea."
"Intelligent bouncing."
"True machine girlfriend."
The sound of Xia Xue fell, the barrage of the mobile phone live broadcast, began to brush up crazy, comments in the comment area, also refreshed. Seeing the comments, Xia Xue is a bit speechless, why every time the barrage, the problems of the products of the army ants company are so embarrassing.
She is a live broadcaster from the launch of the marching ant company, so she will be invited to every important conference of the marching ant company.
As the theater was completely quiet, Xia Xue’s attention was also placed on the stage.
When I saw a figure coming out of the background, Xia Xue was stunned, and even watching the live broadcast of the netizens, was also slightly horrified.
Chen Mo?
Chen Mo actually appeared on the stage of the conference?
In the past press conference, Zhao Min came to power and never had Chen Mo’s figure. In addition to the seismograph, Chen Mo had a big head. At other times, people who saw the army ants were all seen by Zhao Min.
Chen Mo, who is known as the most outstanding genius in China, has always kept a low profile. Although there are many reports about Chen Mo on the Internet, many of the photos used are photos of Chen Mo attending the Internet conference and the inauguration ceremony of the seismograph. There is also a photo of Chen Mo’s speech at the graduation ceremony of Binhai University.
There are very few other photos, because Chen Mo rarely appears under the lens of the public media. Naturally, it is impossible for a dog to dare to take a photo of Chen Mo.
The image of ordinary people to Chen Mo is genius, low-key and mysterious. His image is very compatible with the image of the marching ant company. Many times, in the eyes of ordinary people, the marching ant company is synonymous with mystery and advanced technology.
Seismographs have predicted many earthquakes, large and small, and many people have been spared. The name Chen Mo has already become a legend.
This time, the host conference was actually Chen Mo.
After a brief horror, the reporters pointed the camera at Chen Mo, slammed the shutter, followed by warm applause.
Chen Mo hosted a new product launch, the product is definitely a big news, it is exciting to think about it.
On the Internet, with Chen Mo appearing on the stage, suddenly frying the pot. Chen Mo actually appeared in the scene of the conference? In their impression, Chen Mo has always been very low-key, rarely appeared in front of the media lens, and now appears at the press conference.
"Young, handsome, talented, temperament, my food, not allowed to grab more."
"Don't shame, this is my husband."
"Chen Mo, my husband, I want to give you a monkey..."
Watching the fans of the live webcast, I was crazy.
Chen Mo’s appearance is still OK. After wearing clothes, he is also a handsome guy. His temperament is stable, his atmosphere is friendly, and he is young and young. This is almost the perfect mate selection standard for women.
He rarely appears in the public, but still can't stop the crazy fantasies of some women.
Girls pay attention to Chen Mo, but more people think of a problem. What kind of high-tech products can make Chen Mo’s release conference?
This flash is not that much.
Chen Mo saw the crazy flash in the audience, but he laughed.
He is not used to this feeling of exposure to the flash. However, he is also a person who has seen the world. In this case, he can still cope with it.
With a little thought on it, Chen Mo said: "Hello everyone, I am Chen Mo."
When Chen Moyi opened, the people in the theater suddenly calmed down, and the reporters were silent. Even the reporter who took the photo stopped the hand of the shutter and listened carefully to Chen Mo’s words.
"Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in our company's new product launch conference. Today's press conference will be hosted by me. There is not much nonsense. Now go straight to the topic and introduce a video before introducing new products."
Chen Mo’s voice fell, and the beams of light illuminate, covering the entire stage. The next scene, let everyone face an incredible color.
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