Chapter 298: : 蜃 ants

Holographic phone!
Some people's guesses were finally confirmed on the holographic projection of the stage.
This is a brand new field.
The scene has already been turbulent, and some mobile phone enthusiasts have an urge to wait for it, and they can't wait to buy one at once.
Full of technological sense of appearance, with the most advanced technology. This is a mobile phone with both external beauty and more connotation.
The picture of the holographic mobile phone was quickly spread throughout the world through the live broadcast of the four venues. The number of live broadcasts in some live broadcasts has also soared.
When the holographic projector appeared, it was not so sensational, and the holographic mobile phone was released. This is a historic moment.
Holographic projectors are not just what they need, and now mobile phones are a must-have for everyone. This is the crystallization of high technology, with a cool holographic mobile phone, how to see is full of force.
"No matter how much money, I have to buy one. This kind of high-tech, I thought it would only appear in science fiction movies. I didn't expect that I could come up one day."
"Whoever sold kidneys to buy apples, would you regret it?"
"It has to be said that the technology of the marching ant company is already ahead of an era. At present, all mobile phones are compared to this, and my wallet is already hungry and thirsty."
"I just said that her girlfriend wants to change her mobile phone. What should I do? Online, urgent!"
Just the appearance of a holographic mobile phone, and the price has not yet been announced, it has already spread all over the world.
The number of viewers of Facebook live broadcasts reached tens of millions in just a few minutes, and the number of viewers of various live broadcast platforms also soared.
Even the white-collar workers who worked in the office secretly saw the video and quickly spread it. They forgot to go to work, watched the boss, and secretly watched the live broadcast of the conference.
On the subway, on the bus, in various places on the road, you can see someone head down and watch the live broadcast of the marching ant conference.

The following is the latest news. At the launch of the marching ant company, the holographic mobile phone was released. After the holographic projector, this is the second holographic product of the marching ant company, and the most commonly used mobile phone in our life. The future has come, holographic Technology is no longer only in the laboratory, it will gradually enter the lives of ordinary people. Please see the live broadcast of the reporters on the spot below..."
The media at the press conference, the reports that were quickly updated, and many news channels also temporarily changed the news content, and directly cut into the live broadcast of the marching ant company.
Reports from various platforms, push, endless sources, almost free advertising.
At the beginning of the conference, in the shortest time, the marching ant holographic mobile phone was sent to the hot search list and topic list, and countless people witnessed the birth of this moment.
The sensation of holographic mobile phones is far more than when holographic projectors were released.
Once, ordinary people knew holography, just through science fiction movies. Some time ago, the holographic projector released by the marching ant company made people start to touch the hologram. The emergence of holographic mobile phones now means that it will soon spread to every corner of life.
The future is very close to us. It is the theme of the last holographic projector conference; the future has come, this is the theme of this time.
At the press conference, Chen Mo did not know the huge sensation brought by this release. Looking at the noisy scene, the reporters and fans who are excited, there is a sense of pride in small satisfaction.
His own work can bring shock to people. This is the joy of achievement, just like the dish made by a chef, which is praised.
After a pause, Chen Mocai said: "To tell the truth, when the woman in the video ran over, I thought she was running over and holding me. I almost opened my arm. I thought more, they were in front of me. It’s hard to show me a face. The designer who came up with this video can’t add chicken legs tonight.

Chen Mo spoke, and the noisy press conference slowly calmed down. He was ridiculed by Chen Mo, and there was a kind laugh in the field.
With a brief and enthusiastic applause, Chen Mo took out a holographic phone from his pocket. As the mobile phone is turned on, the logo of the marching ant company is revealed on the micro holographic projector behind it and placed on the front of the mobile phone.
At the press conference, before the live broadcast screen, countless people stared at the holographic mobile phone in the hands of Chen Mo, and wished to immediately grab it and experience it.
"This is the protagonist of today's conference - ants. It is a kind of sea monster in Chinese mythology. This sea monster can spit and appear in the mirage mirage. This mobile phone, like the holographic projector, is like this. Named, because the mirage is the closest to the holographic nature, plus our company's 'ant', so named, nice and connotation."
Chen Mo said, the picture of the stage also appeared a ripple, similar to the water dragon in some pictures. At the top of the sea, I sighed and condensed into different mirages, and finally turned into a mobile phone with a light spot falling in the hands of Chen Mo.
This cool special effect, see the audience under the field bloody. At the press conference, it was comparable to watching a blockbuster movie.
蜃 ants, countless people remember this name, this is not the third generation of the butterfly eye mobile phone, but a brand new cross-generation high-tech mobile phone.
"Next is the function that everyone is most concerned about. It has dual-screen function, hologram, holographic call, marching ant 4.0 intelligent system, new intelligent assistant, long battery life and other functions.
The first is a dual screen, a holographic projection screen, and a liquid crystal display. The holographic projection screen adopts the 24-bit full-color miniature holographic projector developed by our company. The largest holographic projection screen is 10 inches, comparable to the flat screen, to meet your big screen experience. It can project stereo holographic images as well as 3D planar images.

Chen Mo continued to pause and continued to speak. The huge holographic mobile phone projected on the stage also showed his function with his words.
"The holographic chip mounted on the mobile phone has a holographic image processing function and can capture holographic video. Between two holographic mobile phones, holographic video calls can be made, and photography and projection can be integrated."
Chen Mo’s point-and-click video of the street dance that has already been recorded has been released through a holographic projection. The pocket-sized real person is beating on the palm of his hand. This kind of experience of mastering everything is definitely very exciting.
The applause on the field was thundering, and everyone looked at the cell phone on the stage with a gaze.
"The next step is the mobile phone system, equipped with the marching ant 4.0 holographic intelligent system, system security upgrade, inheriting the security of the marching ant system, no one can peek at your mobile phone unless there is a power-on password.
The holographic mobile phone needs a large amount of power support. The mobile phone adopts the carbon crystal-based battery newly developed by our company, which can make the mobile phone continue for 72 hours without interruption.
The intelligent upgrade of the smart assistant of the mobile phone is more flexible than before. Encyclopedia, poetry, poetry, chat, story, search, music, voice manipulation, proficient in 117 mainstream languages ​​around the world, translation experts. With a mobile phone in hand, you can travel all over the world.

Chen Mo introduced the functions of the mobile phone one by one, making everyone shocked. Is this still a mobile phone? This is simply a combination of high technology.
The technology of all holographic mobile phones is the latest technology of marching ants, and one of them is enough to hold up an industry giant.
How much does this collection of current state-of-the-art mobile phones cost?
This is a question of all people's minds. This kind of technological crystallization can no longer be measured by money, and it is a full force in the hands.
After Chen Mo introduced the functions of the holographic mobile phone one by one, he stopped and looked down at the gaze that he couldn't wait to see. He smiled and said: "I guess you really want to know now, what is the price of this mobile phone?"
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