Chapter 312: :coma

Xiao Yu took a lunch box and entered Chen Mo’s office with a smile.
She is used to this kind of meal. At noon, when she was off work, she usually gave Chen Mo a meal. This is also her rare thing to help Chen Mo.
Xiaoyu looked around and didn't find Chen Mo's figure. He looked at the robot in the office and said: "Ink girl, is Chen Mo not coming back?"
"Mergo is resting in the lounge." The robot pointed at Chen Mo's rest room.
"Okay, thank you."
Xiaoyu nodded slightly and walked into the lounge.
Looking at Chen Mo, who was sleeping well, Xiao Yu slowly walked to the bed and gently pulled the quilt to help him cover it. At this time, Xiao Yu’s face was distressed. He sat down at the bed and watched quietly.
She knows that Chen Mo is developing a large holographic projector during this time, and Chen Mo has promised her to hold a wedding after the successful development.
Thinking of the wedding, Xiao Yu’s face did not consciously reveal a sweet smile.
Suddenly, Xiao Yu’s smile converges. She found that Chen Mo, who was lying quietly in bed, began to tremble and began to sweat on his forehead.
Have a nightmare?
Xiao Yu reached out and wiped the sweat from Chen Mo’s forehead.
After a while, Xiaoyu felt more and more wrong and his face was anxious. She found that Chen Mo’s body trembled more and more, his face was pale, and his sweat on his forehead continued to emerge.
"Chen Mo, Chen Mo, you wake up." Xiao Yu shouted softly, his voice a little anxious.
"Husband! Don't scare me."
It feels that Chen Mo is getting worse and worse, and Xiao Yu is also anxious.
It seems that I heard the call of Xiaoyu, and Chen Mo’s closed eyes suddenly opened.
hiss! Chen Mozhen took a breath of air.
Acute pain, unprecedented pain. At this point he felt like a skull was torn apart and all the information was stuffed in.
The pain caused Chen Mo to hold his head and began to breathe in a big mouth. The blue veins in the palms and necks burst, and his eyes were red.
Not long after, Chen Mo couldn't help it anymore, his throat whispered. Instantly accepting a huge amount of information, let Chen Mo feel his head like a balloon that is about to explode. This pain, touching the bone marrow, comes from the deepest pain in the spirit.
"Chen Mo." Seeing Chen Mo’s painful appearance, Xiao Yu’s tears burst out and Chen Mo was tightly held in his arms.
"Ambulance? Ambulance!" Xiao Yu whispered twice, and instantly woke up: "Ink girl, call an ambulance, ask people to come over, and let people come over."
Xiao Yu anxiously shouted, and gently patted Chen Mo's back, trying to help him reduce the pain, his mouth kept comforting.
Chen Mo felt that his face touched a soft, familiar body fragrance made him nervous, and the pain seemed to ease a little. I don't know how long it took, maybe only a few seconds, maybe longer, the pain slowly disappeared, and the vertigo felt like a flood. Before losing consciousness, Chen Mo still heard Xiao Yu's anxious shouts.
"Husband, you wake up."
Seeing that Chen Mo did not move, Xiao Yu completely messed up his hands and feet, and his voice was like a heartbreak.
When the small fisher was at a loss, several shouts appeared, and Wang Hai, Anan and White Pearl rushed in.
Just when they received an alarm from Chen Mo’s office, they immediately ran over and saw Chen Mo’s coma in the arms of Xiao Yu, and the three faces changed.
"Fast, send him to the hospital and send him to the hospital." Xiao Yu saw Wang Hai and white pearls as if they were holding a straw.
"Don't mess." Wang Hai quickly calmed down and hurriedly went over: "Pearl, check with the boss, Anan, let the Black Hawk get ready for the car."
Wang Hai said as he ran to the locker in the lounge and moved the emergency medical kit in the lounge. White Pearl did not dare to neglect, hurried to the bedside and began to check Chen Mo.
Xiao Yu gently put down Chen Mo and let the white pearls let go. Just holding the palm of Chen Mo’s hand and looking at Chen’s pale face, tears could not help but flow out.
"A little fever, there is nothing wrong with the other, you may have to go to the hospital and check with the instrument to check clearly." After a while, the white pearl said.
Binhai People's Hospital.
Zhao Min came out of the elevator and stepped up to the intensive care unit. His face was anxious.
She is working with some of the company's clients to talk about the cooperation, and received news that Chen Mo was ill, she immediately canceled the trip.
Now that Chen Mo is sick, there are not many people. She has ordered and blocked the news. After all, Chen Mo’s identity is special. If he knows that he has an accident, his influence on the marching ant company may not be good.
After processing these things, she rushed to the hospital.
Chen Mocai is the real pillar of the marching ant company. If Chen Mo falls, the situation of the marching ant company is a bit troublesome. Losing the main heart of Chen Mo, those who are waiting for the opportunity to move the wolf and tiger leopard will not give up the fat of the marching ants.
Still in the distance, Zhao Min saw Wang Hai and others guarding the door of the ward like a guard. The small fisherman stood in front of the transparent window, the tear marks on his face had not dried up, and his eyes fixed on the inside of the ward.
Several senior executives of the Binhai People's Hospital also waited outside the ward. The people in the ward are very small. If there is a problem in the hospital, their troubles can be big, so they must be present in person, and by the way, they have a good relationship with the army ants.

How is the situation?
Zhao Min and several senior executives of the hospital greeted him and stopped next to Xiaoyu.
"The doctor is checking, there is no result." Xiaoyu shook his head slightly, his face was awkward.

Why is it suddenly sick?
Zhao Min looked through the transparent glass and looked at Chen Mo, who was surrounded by the doctor.
"I don't know. When I went in, he was sleeping. Suddenly, this painful symptom appeared. Like last time, this time seems to be more serious." Xiao Yuguang did not leave Chen Mo, his face was a bit painful.
Upon hearing this, Zhao Min’s face changed slightly.
The last time Chen Mo was also having problems while sleeping, this time it was still the case, and it was even more serious, so she could not help but worry.
The air is a bit dignified, and everyone has a haze in their hearts. Chen Mo fell ill, this sudden news, disrupted her many plans.
"Everyone blames me."
"What does this have to do with you? Don't think about it."
While Zhao Min comforted Xiaoyu, the door of the ward opened and a doctor came out.
"How is Chen Mo?" Xiao Yu rushed over, and his heart was a little embarrassed, for fear of any unwillingness to hear the news.
"Oh, Ms. He, don't worry." The doctor looked at Xiaoyu and looked at the appearance of Xiaoyu. Naturally, he knew that Xiaoyu and Chenmo had different relationships. He is a little envious in his heart. If his daughter has such a good blessing, he will wake up when he dreams.
After a brief envy, the doctor opened his mouth.
"According to the careful examination of several experts in our hospital, Mr. Chen does not have much problem in his body. Everything is normal and there are no symptoms of the disease. It is just that the blood sugar is too low, maybe Mr. Chen thinks about working for a long time and the cause of excessive consumption.
The slight fever just now is now back to normal. As for the headache problem you said, we did not find that Mr. Chen’s head had an abnormal condition. It is not excluded that the nerves are overused, resulting in hypoxia of the nerves, resulting in nerve fatigue. Nerve fatigue is a symptom of nervous tingling. You may have to wait until he wakes up and ask Mr. Chen's situation to draw further conclusions.

"When can he wake up?" Xiao Yu heard the answer, relieved, and his face was still anxious.
"The result of the inspection is that Mr. Chen's body function is not a problem, even more healthy than the average person. It is reasonable to say that it should not be too long to wake up, maybe wake up tonight, maybe tomorrow. But after waking up, you should pay attention Do not over-think, severe neurological fatigue, may lead to paralysis."
"Doctor, he won't..." Xiao Yu was in a hurry.
"Miss He, you can rest assured that Mr. Chen Mo does not have this situation." The doctor naturally understood the meaning of Xiao Yu and immediately interrupted her.
"That's good." Xiao Yu's face is rare to relax: "Can I go in and see him?"
"Yes." The doctor nodded. "Now Mr. Chen is recovering. He hasn't woken up yet. Don't be too noisy, so as not to disturb the patient."
"Do not worry!" Zhao Min patted Xiao Yu's shoulder and turned to the doctor: "Trouble you to help keep confidential, don't disclose our boss to the outside world."
"This matter, we will arrange it. All the doctors and nurses who give Mr. Chen a doctor, we will issue the password, and will not disclose this to the outside world." A hospital executive immediately agreed.
"Thank you guys." Zhao Min nodded and expressed his gratitude.
"you are welcome."
It is an honour for the executive to be overjoyed and get the friendship of the marching ant company.
After all the doctors and nurses came out, Xiaoyu carefully walked into the ward and sat down at the bedside. Seeing Chen Mo's pale face, tears fight again in his eyes.
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