Chapter 343: :Corona

The clown organization has obtained the CIA agent's archives and blackmailed the CIA? This tweet news is even more terrifying than detonating a nuclear bomb.
Last time, abducting several cities and blackmailing the governments of those countries showed a clever style of clowns. This time it is the unscrupulous style that directly extorts the world's largest intelligence agency.
All the agents' data are under the control, which means that the foundation of the entire intelligence organization is shaken. It is fatal to any spy agency.
Once the intelligence bureau is abolished, it means that a country loses the dark eyes.
The purpose of this clown organization is to provoke intelligence agencies from all over the world. Some countries’ intelligence agencies got the news and were chilling.
"I don't help the urinary bird, I will serve the clown."
"All beings are Bodhi fruit, and the wicked have their own evil people. The CIA monitors the whole world and the retribution comes."
"This crazy clown, I like it! The United States thinks that he is the eldest, he is the second child."
"Support the state to pay and buy the information in the hands of the clown organization."
There are mournings in major US networks and forums, but in countries that are less friendly to the United States, there is a good voice on the Internet.
The CIA suffered, and countless people applauded.
At the same time that the news caused global shock, many people are more worried about cyber security issues. The clown organization has appeared for the second time, once more rampant than once, not only worrying, what they want to do.
In addition to the fluctuations on the surface, there are also dark tides in the corners that ordinary people cannot see.
Line ant company building No. 1.
"Merg brother, someone posted a message on the deep Internet, want to buy the archives of all agents of the CIA." The ink woman interrupted Chen Mo's thinking.
"Deep net?" Chen Mo eyes condensed.
This deep net is the darkness of many people's legends. In reality, there is a black market in the underground, and there is also a black market in the network. The deep network is the network black market, because the traces of users are difficult to track, so the transactions involved are mostly things that are not visible, and there are many fraudulent information.

Can you track their address?
Chen Mo asked.
"Yes, although it is a little harder than Mingwang, it is only a step between the two steps and the two steps for the ink girl." The ink girl said: "There are five accounts to buy, the specific iP is New York, Osaka, Moscow. , East China Sea, Tehran, identity information is unknown."
"So much?" Chen Mo was a little surprised.
But think carefully, it's normal. The account here, in addition to the Americans themselves, other countries are competitive relations with the United States, and even the enemy, the island country is a sinister country.
If you get the files of American agents in his hands, it means that you can spend the least cost and dismantle the spy network that Americans have worked hard for many years. It is definitely a profitable business.
"No hurry, now monitor the CIA's network and see the reaction of the Americans." The news has spread, Chen Mo has been able to imagine, some of the popular appearance.
The CIA office building, although it is now at night, is still brightly lit. In the office of the director, all kinds of messy sounds are echoing.
"Damn, oh. The son of the clown."
Linna took the file in her hand and squatted on the computer screen. The whole person's hair is scattered, his face is crazy, like a wild beast.
Knowing that the agent's file was moved, now the clown sends out this threat and extorts the ransom. Now she also got the news that someone in the deep network was looking for the information in the hands of the clown. Even if a ransom is paid to the clown organization, there is no guarantee that the clown will not sell the information to others.
In any case, it means that the espionage network operated by the CIA for many years is completely scrapped and the losses are immeasurable.
For more than 20 years of special agent career, she has always been very good at her emotional control, otherwise it is impossible to dance on the tip of the knife for more than 20 years.
But all the calmness and arrogance were spurred by the clown organization. Just now, the president personally contacted him and stole her. For the first time in 20 years, she was turned into a waste.
If the person in the clown organization is in front of her, it will definitely be able to swallow the other person.
"Secretary." When Linna was mad, an assistant knocked in and walked in. Seeing the chaotic scenes in the office, the subconscious swallowed.
"What? The people of the clown organization caught it?" Lina blinked red, with a murderous voice in her voice.
"No, the meeting is ready."
"You go out first." Linna sounds cold.
Assistants such as Meng Dazhen, subconsciously stepped out of the office. When I walked outside the office, I found that my back had been soaked in cold sweat.
Two minutes later, Linna came out of the office and resumed her ruthless appearance. It’s just the cold flash of the eyes, which makes people’s backs cool.
Linna said coldly and walked over to the conference room.
There are more than a dozen chairs in the office, but only two or three people sit. Linna wore holographic glasses and appeared in a chair with a holographic figure. Everyone's face is not good, but their eyes are gathered on Linna.
They are the main high-level intelligence officers of the CIA, and the divisions are all over the world. Now this kind of thing has happened and they have to be called to open the holographic conference.
"Is there a news from the clown organization?" Linna sounded cold and endured endless anger.
"We investigated the iP address sent by the network security department in the past. There are no suspicious people. They are ordinary people. It is just their computer that has been used by hackers."
One of them opened the door and the rest of the crowd nodded, indicating that the situation was the same.
"Damn mouse." Linna squinted and punched at the conference table: "What good way do you have?"
"I don't think about it for a while.
"Are you sure the information is really gone? Maybe the clown organization is scaring us and wants to cheat our money."
Several other people on the field also spoke and agreed with this idea.
"The engineer said that the clown organization had the archives of the agents. As for how much it was moving, it is still being checked." Linna said, biting her teeth and screaming.
"Shit, hell."

Waste is waste.

I got Linna’s affirmative answer, and all the people in the seat were swearing. Disclosure of information means that their identity may also be exposed at any time.
"To pay the ransom, do you want to return the information?"
When this was said, she was denied by Lina: "Impossible, we can't bow to those terrorists. Even if we give ransom, we can't rule out whether they will sell the information to other people or leak it. Those materials are taken. After leaving, it is no secret."
"If you don't pay, he will definitely leak out. If our mission fails, we will be in danger. Do you want to destroy the entire CIA?"
One of them looked at Linna angrily, and everyone should be.
"I don't want to destroy, it's a clown organization. How do I know that the CIA's firewall is so vulnerable? Why don't you ask the technical department's waste?" Linna also followed.
"Then what do you tell me now? Are you afraid to die?" The fire of a special agent was also ignited.
Dancing on the tip of the knife is dangerous enough, and now there is a gun on the head, not sure if it will suddenly fire. The feeling of waiting for death is simply a torment.
"We can't compromise with the clown organization, so you should withdraw it first. You are the main liaison for the informant, except for the personnel on the file, there are some important intelligence personnel who are not recorded in the file, only you have contact methods. The main Agents must first withdraw and minimize the risk. Important intelligence personnel will keep it, and after the storm, reorganize the information..."
Hey! The meeting was still going on. An assistant opened the door and stumbled in. His face was full of fear, his hands and feet were shaking, and he was panicked, as if he had encountered the most terrible thing.
"You better give me a reasonable reason, or you will die very hard to see." Linna, who was interrupted by the meeting, had a cold face and a murderous voice.
"The clown organization posted a list on Twitter." The assistant shuddered and handed the tablet in his hand to Linna.
Seeing the list above, Linna's eyes are wide, her body is unconsciously shaking, holding a tablet crazy, hateful: "Bastard, clown. Ah..."
"The clown raised by the bitch, hehe..."
After the madness, Linna squirted blood on the flat plate in her hand, and her eyes turned over and she was fainted.
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