Chapter 365: : The cake is too big (third more)

"This result is impossible, impossible."
Li Jian looked at the simulated experimental data in front of him, which is unbelievable.
"Impossible, this is impossible." Wan Wan's big eyes next to him, a look of damn, more shocking than just seeing the information.
"The result came out? How?" Li Chengzhi on the side of the scene saw the appearance of the three people, and asked questions.
"Don't bother me first." Li Jian was anxious. He was eager to know if the result was wrong: "Look, the formula and data have gone wrong."
If it is not an error, an epoch-making result will appear.
When Li Chengzhi saw it, he did not continue to speak and waited quietly.
"The formula is not wrong."
"The data is no problem."
"Recalculate it again." Li Jian and Wan Yuanzhen almost opened at the same time, staring at the computer screen, eager to see the results.

The results came out,
said the institute responsible for computer operations.
"Really, this is true."
Li Jian and Wan Yuanzhen looked at the results of the calculations, as if they had the children who loved the toys. They laughed wildly and ignored the image.
"Director Li, how did the experimental data come from?" After the ecstasy came over, Wan Yuanzhen immediately seized Li Chengzhi's inquiry.
"Yes, tell us quickly, how did this information come?" Li Jian also excitedly grabbed Li Chengzhi's hand, for fear that he would run away.
"What is the information?"
Li Chengzhi expressed his understanding of the excitement of several people. He has a lot of researchers, and many researchers are excited to get the results they need.

The self-sustaining, total energy is the net output state. This experimental data solves the biggest problem of controlled nuclear fusion. In theory, controlled nuclear fusion can enter the commercial operation stage.

The three were ecstatic, they exhausted their efforts, and devoted half of their youth to this research, and now they finally see the dawn of success.
"Really?" Li Chengzhi was overjoyed.

Really, there are some new formulas in the data. These formulas are the key to success, but we don’t have the theoretical data of these formulas. Can you tell us how this information came from? Who gave it to you?

"Now is the confidential stage."
Li Chengzhi now understands why Chen Mo is so confident in giving this information to him and looking for their cooperation. It turned out to be such a sigh.
"Remember, this data is top secret, and no news can be released, including experimental results. This data is different from any previous experiment." Li Chengzhi said: "You know the confidentiality regulations."
He was afraid that these people were excited and announced the results. The consequences were unimaginable.
The controlled nuclear fusion simulation experiment was successful, and the result was released, even if it was just a sentence, enough to make a sensation around the world.
"We know this." Wan Yuan's face is ruddy, seems to be caused by excitement: "There is no complete theory of these formulas, and the theory of the star ring technology mentioned here. With these theories, our Tokamak experiment A breakthrough will be made, and the era of nuclear fusion is close at hand."
"Not yet." Li Chengzhi said.
"When is it?" The three men showed the color of hope.
"I can't tell you this." Li Chengzhi shook his head. He also wanted to have it. The key is that the information is given by Chen Mo, and the technical theory is in the hands of Chen Mo. Chen Mo will give this data to them, certainly not for no reason, the specific conditions, I am afraid to discuss: "I need a test report of data now."
"Good." Wang Nian nodded.
An hour later, Li Chengzhi got the report and took the hard drive to leave the institute.
Now Chen Mo should still be in the capital. It is necessary to ask first and confirm Chen Mo’s plan. He also reports to the top. This is a trivial matter.
Li Chengzhi did not know that when he was running around and tired, Chen Mo was in the middle of a boutique, picking earrings.
Lanxi looked at Chen Mo with some surprise.
The jewellery in this boutique is made of silver, or silver-plated, stainless steel jewellery. One piece is also tens of hundreds of pieces, which is not expensive. She did not expect Chen Mo to be short of money, would choose to come here to buy these jewelry for Xiao Yu.
"These two bags are wrapped up."
Chen Mo handed the earrings to the clerk and turned to see the blue-eyed look of surprise.

Is it amazing that I will come to buy these?

"Yes." Lanxi nodded honestly.

Xiaoyu has a lot of jewelry at home. When I go shopping, I will buy it for her. The girl is too expensive. I only wear it when I go out for a formal occasion or go shopping with me. I usually go to work at the company and wear it. These are ordinary. But these jewellery work is very delicate and diverse. If it is rare to meet, she will choose two pairs for her. She should like it."
Lanxi suddenly realized that it is no wonder that so many women are fishing for small fish. Now she is a little embarrassed. How much blessing will you get Chen Mo’s unconditional favor.
"Mer brother, Li brother calls."
The voice of the ink girl interrupted their conversation. Chen Mo signaled that Lanxi waited in the store and turned to call.
"Brother, is there something?"
"Chen Mo, my brother, I am now in Huizhou."
"Hands and feet are very fast, so ran so quickly." Chen Mo said with some surprise.
"I don't want to be fast! After you left yesterday, I have been non-stop, busy until now, and I rushed to Huizhou last night, and I have not had a good rest."
"Then call me now, is the result coming out?"
"Several national treasures of the institute, if you don't let me go, you will be forced to confess." Li Chengzhi smiled bitterly and turned to a serious tone: "Old brother, I know you too, technology you will definitely not transfer. Your This technology, what do you want now? Give me a reply, I will reflect it."
There are many contacts with Chen Mo, and Li Chengzhi has a lot of understanding of Chen Mo. Chen Mo gave this information to him, indicating that technology would not be transferred, and the value of technology could not be judged. Therefore, he will not mention this aspect, because knowing it is useless, but it is easy to cause contradictions.
"Cooperation! This cake is too big, I can't eat it alone, I can't eat it. Cooperation and win-win. As for how to cooperate, we can discuss it. I am confident that I can break through the technical difficulties and make nuclear fusion power generation commercialized." Chen Mo said.
"Well, I will report your original words. It should be time to send people to contact you. As for when, I am not sure. After the artificial intelligence conference, you can go back to the company and get the reply above. I will go find you again."
"Well, I am looking forward to your good news."
After hanging up the phone, Chen Mocai returned to the boutique, took the bag of the earrings, and left with Lanxi and Wang Hai.
"Today's artificial intelligence conference is over?"
"Yes." Blue Creek should have a voice.
"Book the ticket for this evening, stay in the capital for the time being and do nothing, first return to the company." Chen Mo said.
He knows that the issue of nuclear fusion technology cooperation is not coming.
This news is too important, and it takes time to make decisions. Instead of waiting for a reply here, it is better to go back to Binhai City, etc., in the coastal city, it seems that there is more home advantage.
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