Chapter 367: : Protector

In a quaint office, two old people are sitting.
If anyone sees it, it will definitely recognize the identity of the two old people. It is the two oldest people in China's core, and the helm of China's big ship.
At this time, they have a report in their hands, which is the report that Li Chengzhi brought back from the Institute of Plasma Physics. The information that Chen Mo gave to Li Chengzhi had already alerted them.
"What do you think of this?" The head of the tunic suit was calm.
"This kid can do anything, it really makes people feel incredible." The old man next to the glasses, with a literary atmosphere, wise eyes with a hint of praise.
"It's really unbelievable. Maybe he is the giant of our China! In modern times, the era giants have not appeared in our land of China. Now his appearance may be a sign of the rise of China."
The head of the big man showed a peaceful smile.

What is even more rare is that this child has a national mindset, from artificial intelligence to seismographs, as well as potential medicines. In these few things, this child is very mature and has a vision and courage beyond his age, which is very rare.

"If you let other people know that you praise him so much, you will be scared." The No. 2 head nodded slightly and agreed with the head of the big head: "This child is really smart. He knows that the cake is too big and needs a shared person. It’s just that Mu Xiu Yu Lin, this wind is too big.

"Then we will be a guardian, we can't let the pillars be destroyed. I want to see if he is the builder of China. The old man, this thing is handed over to you."
Chen Mo did not know that he had been alarmed to the highest level. Even if you know, it won't be unexpected, because nuclear fusion technology is too shocking.
However, when Chen Mo focused on research, a long-lost old friend also found it.
Not an official person, but Alexander.
Not long after the wedding day, in order to find a better jewelry for Xiao Yu as a marriage, he found Alexander to help.
There was no news, I didn’t expect to come over suddenly, and I took two people.
An old man with white curly hair, with a long white beard and gold glasses with a successful person. The other is a middle-aged man with a hooked nose, blue eyes, and a typical white skin in the West.
"Long time no see, Mr. Alexander." Chen Mo saw Alexander and walked up quickly.
"Long time no see." Alexander said with a smile, turned to the old man with white curly hair and said: "The two are my friends, this is Mr. Richard, a low-key gem collector, art investor."
"Hello, Mr. Richard," Chen Mo said with a sly English, and smiled politely.
"Hello, Mr. Chen." Richard did not see, carefully looked at Chen Mo. This young man has achievements that are not matched with his age, and he is very calm and admirable.
"This is Paul, also a collector, one of the shareholders behind the Duke Group." Alexander pointed to the eagle hook nose middle-aged man introduced.
"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Paul,"
"Me too, Mr. Chen."
After the guest set, several people were officially seated.
"These two are the friends I told you last time. Mr. Richard has the 'Angel's Eye' in his hand. Mr. Paul's collection of 'Tear of the Mermaid', I took a lot of effort to convince the two. I heard that if you need to get married, you will endure love. They come here and want to know you about this young legend."
"Then I thank you both first." Chen Mo smiled.
"I will open your eyes to you first." Eagle hook nose Paul's assistant waved his hand, took the safe in his hand and put it on the coffee table.
A diamond necklace slightly larger than the pigeon egg is quietly lying in the middle of the box. It is pear-shaped, pure sea blue, transparent and flawless. It shines under the light of the office. Every cut surface is full of skill, like the tears of mermaid.
If you let a woman see it, this diamond is enough to make them crazy.
"This is the tears of mermaid. A diamond miner found in the abandoned diamond mine, I bought it and processed it. The original stone weighs 78.83 carats and is processed into the current 38.85 carats.
The perfect sea blue, it is a masterpiece of God, so I call it ‘the tears of the mermaid.’ I never took it out in public, and only Alexander knew that I didn’t expect him to betray me. I forgive him for seeing him give me a good drink.

Several people on the field laughed and knew that he was joking.
"I heard that Mr. Chen wants to get married and needs this. I even make a friend with Mr. Chen and sell it to Mr. Chen. Let others appreciate its perfection." Eagle Hooker Paul said with some reluctance.
"Thank you." Hearing the translation of the robot, Chen Mo nodded with a smile.
"If the price is $160 million, it should not be expensive." Paul looked at Chen Mo.
Alexander gave Chen Mo a positive hint that the diamond was taken out of the auction and it was absolutely possible to shoot the price. Although it is smaller than the ‘Hope of Hope’, which is known as the Heart of the Sea, it is definitely the rare and rare diamond.
"Yes." Chen Mo nodded. He doesn't know much about this, but he believes that Alexander will not lie to him. After all, the two have a company with such a big deal. He is still alive.
"Mr. Chen is really refreshing, your fiancee is really lucky." Paul sees Chen Mo without hesitation, and is a little surprised, this price, eyes are not stunned, most people will not have this kind of courage.
"Thank you." Chen Mo smiled: "Your account is given to me, I will remit the money to you now."
Eagle hook nose Paul was infected by Chen Mo, and he readily told Chen Mo.
After the deal was reached, Chen Mocai looked to Richard.
"Next to me."
Richard admired the ‘the tears of the mermaid. As a gem collector, the opportunity to see such a perfect diamond is rare, and he has opened his eyes. After the two transactions were completed, he also asked his assistant to put the safe on the coffee table.
Two nail-sized blood-red diamonds appear in the field of view of several people, the same size, the same cut, as if they were twins. The narrow olive shape, like the eyes of an angel, is clear of blood red, bright and not demon. The smashing under the light can't help but be attracted to it.
Even the well-informed Paul couldn’t help but admire.
"Perfect, perfect, I have the urge to steal."
A few people are smiling in good faith.
"'Angel's Eye', the rough stone I bought from a special channel, the original stone is two long and narrow twin stones, which are joined together at the time of mining and weigh 38 carats. In order to maintain the maximum weight, the two stones are processed into olives. shape.
The 68 cuts, each weighing 8.62 carats, are perfectly identical, which is the largest red diamond known in the world and is two. It’s just that I didn’t show it to the outside world. There are no more than five people who know it. There is no doubt that I was betrayed by Alexander.

Alexander next to him smiled helplessly and did not speak.
"I heard that Mr. Chen is eager to use it for marriage. In the words of your Chinese, it is ‘the beauty of adults’, and the price should be worth $70 million.

Chen Mo did not hesitate to buy two red diamonds.
"The two are coming to our company for the first time. I will take you to visit." After the transaction was completed, Chen Mo led several people to leave the office and visit the company.
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