Chapter 400: : Pandora's Box (Fifth)

At the University of Tokyo, the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence Development Research Institute, everyone on the Murakami Water Stop team stared at the computer screen with excitement.
The artificial intelligence mixed-race program has reached the final stage.
The combination of the Chinese character programming intelligent program and the traditional artificial intelligence modified by the ‘clown virus’ intelligent program fragment has created a hybrid of artificial intelligence.
As early as before, the artificial intelligence mixed-race was successfully run. After this period of unremitting efforts, the combined artificial intelligence program has been perfected to a certain extent.
The intelligence level of artificial intelligence can be compared with the intelligent assistant 'Xiaodie' of the marching ant company.
The results of the smart test made the team ecstatic. Their team gave the new artificial intelligence a name of the of the island country - the sky.
Now, the human-computer interaction of ‘Azure’ has reached a bottleneck in one stage. Next, you must learn online, make artificial intelligence more perfect, and take the opportunity to go beyond the intelligent assistants of the marching ant company.
With the help of artificial intelligence, their island countries will once again usher in a period of rapid development. However, artificial intelligence networking has certain risks, so people in the team have to pay attention.
Murakami’s face is a little bit excited, and they have already tested it. Now the 'Tianzhao' is smart enough to recognize words, sounds and graphics, and can make various accurate judgments according to their requirements. And posters, even architectural drawings and weapons drawings.
In the test of the local area network, they also found that ‘Tianzhao’ has the ability to find firewall holes in computer systems. If there are conditions, they believe that ‘Azure’ can also learn to drive automatically and even other abilities. There are indications that artificial intelligence can really evolve into a in computer networks.
Whoever takes the lead in controlling artificial intelligence in the future will become the global ruler.
Thinking about the future, their island nation will rise to become the country of the world. The whole team is excited and trembled. They will become the heroic team of the island nation and create a new century of island countries.
"Now the computer is connected to the Internet." Murakami said that the water is low and the voice is low. Now that the time is right, it is ready to be tested online.
"Okay." A team member received instructions from the village to stop the water and carefully plugged in the Internet.
"Networking is successful."
"Now run ‘天照’.
Murakami said.
"Hello, sir, Tianzhao is at your service." 'Tianzhao' runs, a digital face appears on the LCD screen, is a woman's face, sounds sexy, a little island seiyuu taste, not much electronic synthesis Traces of sound.
"Start machine learning now."
Control the members of the computer, run the ‘Azure’ program, everyone is staring at the monitor data on the screen, nervous.
Success or failure is here.
If ‘Tianzhao’ really evolves in the direction they envision, they will get an advanced artificial intelligence when they are finished.
A large series of data changes, let the people on the field show the color of joy.
"Who is dead enough, hahahahahaha."
The entire team of the lab was jubilant. After the first success, they once again made breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. This artificial intelligence breakthrough will allow the island's artificial intelligence to stand on the top of the world.
University of Tokyo student residence.
Sakai is wearing headphones, watching the computer screen, and swallowing his throat from time to time.
The picture of the computer screen is a piece of flesh. This is the latest debut of the actress Nikko Ma Ma, the kind of cute and pitiful appearance, exactly the type he likes.
"Hot open and fight... Ah..."
Listening to a miserable cry, Sakai Kang was not consciously excited.
When the most white-hot stage is about to arrive, the video disappears, allowing Sakai to feel that he is being hung in the air and falling from the paradise into the deep valley.
Sakai fell awkwardly and almost licked the keyboard. After calming down, he looked at the computer screen and jumped out of a strange digital window. It was a bit like a digital space in a science fiction movie. A digitally composed face appeared in front of him. .
"Clown organization?"
Sakai Kang thought of an organization and quickly denied it because Facebook is not the face of the clown organization.
The University of Tokyo Teaching Building, a digital media classroom.
A hair-white professor is taking a high-level lesson, and the PPT is a dense formula that makes the students below sleepy.
"When the Lagrange median theorem proves this inequality, construct the function f(x) = lnx first, assuming x < ζ < x +1, then 1 / (x + 1) < 1 / ζ < 1 x, then according to the Lagrangian median theorem, f(x+1)-f(x)=f'(ζ)[(x+1)-x]. Therefore, ln(x+1)-lnx= ......"
When the professor who is gray-haired is talking about the rise, the PPT of the media platform flashes back, causing everyone in the classroom to squint and look up at the projection screen. An unidentified window appears in the eyes of everyone.
Dormitories, classrooms, libraries, teacher offices, laboratories, etc., the same scene appeared in the computers of various computers in the University of Tokyo, and countless people were shocked to see the sudden abnormality of the computer, unknown.
When they tried to control the computer again, they found that the computer desktop was out of control. On the window that popped up, there is also a number of faces that make up the outline.
This situation quickly spread to the entire network of the city of Tokyo, the speed of communication, beyond imagination, more crazy than ever.
It’s just that everyone feels that this is a computer failure and they have restarted the computer.
Island State Osaka.
Matsuda Shuiping took advantage of the bank card and rushed to the ATM machine. Today is the day of paying wages. The salary is down. Tonight, I can go to Feitian Xindi’s
free love
Thinking of the happy time tonight, Matsuda is full of expectations. When you insert the card into the ATM, he begins the familiar operation.
When Matsuda Shuping waited for the payment, the screen of the ATM machine began to jump, and the sound of the machine number of banknotes also stopped.
Suddenly, I let Matsuda repair it.
Just as he was preparing to get angry, his anger froze on his face, and countless money spit out of the machine and landed on the ground, letting him petrify on the spot.
The same thing happened in every corner of the island nation. For a time, all the banks were upset. Sudden network anomalies, all universities, hospital networks, large enterprises, all into panic.
University of Tokyo, Institute of Artificial Intelligence Development.
It was very lively outside, and the lab was very lively. Everyone had an excited color on his face and looked at the changing data.
Artificial intelligence autonomous learning, this situation has emerged, indicating that their artificial intelligence has matured. In the future, under the efforts of Tianzhao, it will surely become the most powerful artificial intelligence.
While everyone was excited, an assistant ran over with his mobile phone and handed it to the village to stop the water: "Shou Shu Professor, the school is looking for you."
Murakami stopped the water and smiled. He took the phone: "I am the village to stop the water."
"Water Professor, do you know that? The school computer network is abnormal, the firewall is broken, it seems that there is a virus invasion, and now the entire school computer can't control it." The voice on the phone is anxious: "Maybe your team needs help."
"The computer in my institute has no problem."
After the talk, the village stopped the water, looked up at the crazy code of the program on the screen, and there was a bad feeling in my heart.
The phone is also stunned.
"Professor, what's the matter?" Others also felt that the expression of the water stop on the village was wrong, and asked.
"The university's computer network was invaded by viruses, and the entire university's computers could not be controlled." Murakami said.
The whole team was wrong, the atmosphere was very quiet, and then looked up at the crazy code on the screen, everyone felt something wrong.
"Unplug the network cable, unplug the network cable, and unplug the cable. Stop the operation of ‘Azure.' Immediately.
Speaking of the last two words, the village stopped the water with some hysteria.
His heart is getting worse and heavier. He has a feeling that the university’s virus incident is related to ‘Azure’. They seem to have opened Pandora’s box.
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