Chapter 402: : blame

Prime Minister of the Island State.
Annan, who looks short and wretched, looks angry and looks at the officials below: "Why is this? Is the cybersecurity section of the Defense Department a git? The entire country's network is so vulnerable?"
"The Prime Minister, the computer of the Ministry of Defense is also under the control of the invasion." An official of the Ministry of Defense opened his mouth.

Is there a way to clean these viruses?

Anbei endured anger.
In less than two hours, a computer virus spread to every corner of the island. Now the island nation is in a state of stagnation,
"For the time being, I can't think of a good solution. Computer security experts are looking for ways to crack."
"How is the progress?"
"There is no clue for the time being." The official said: "But it is certain that the computer virus does not destroy the internal files of the computer. As long as it is cleaned up, it will be restored."
"Is it okay to find out which hacker organization is it?" Anbei asked with a black face.
"It's not clear for the time being, it's still under investigation." An intelligence bureau official said: "However, the computer that installed the marching ant company termite system was not affected by the virus. We suspect that it may be related to the marching ant company."
"Possible? I want evidence. You give me evidence. If there is evidence, I can put pressure on Huaxia, not guessing."
Anbei’s mood was unprecedented. After he was elected prime minister, it was an earthquake and a nuclear leak. Later, there was a ‘clown virus’. After so many disasters, it was hard to stabilize the economy of the island country. As a result, an unknown virus has now come, and all his efforts have been destroyed.
Hearing the data from the report, his heart was bleeding.
The entire national network, without warning, is controlled by an unknown computer virus. Enterprises that touch the Internet are in a state of stagnation. Today is the Internet age, and it is conceivable how much the loss is.
"In two days, I want a clear answer to determine who is doing what, and what the purpose is. In addition, let cybersecurity experts find out how to clean up the virus, using the fastest speed."
"The Prime Minister, I am afraid that two days are not enough," said the Defense Ministry official.
"Now there are travels outside. Shows. Wei, we are incompetent, want me to step down, I want you to defend the provincial officials to step down. Do you know that the two days have not been resolved, what does it mean? The national economy is retrogressing, and now the loss of one day is immeasurable. Every hour, I am burning money. Does the money know? Money!"

We can use the termite system of the marching ant company first, and their system has a smart firewall to protect against unknown viruses.

"Do you want the Chinese to control all the information about our island government?"
Everyone closed their mouths and didn't dare to mention them.
"The Prime Minister, the press conference is ready." An assistant entered the conference room and said in the ear of Anbei.
"Kishian, you go out to deal with those reporters." After that, Anbei blackened and left to leave, leaving a group of officials with a bitter face.
Kishida Hamada just walked out of the press conference, and all the cameras and live cameras on the field were all facing him.
The entire island nation has fallen into a shackle, which is the most horrific computer virus incident ever. The loss of the island nation is heavy and the country is incomprehensible. At this time, it can only appease the people.
"Mr. Kentian, the current unknown computer virus has caused the island's economic activities to be chaotic. What do you want to say about this?" Anbei just stood, and a journalist spoke.
"This is a 'terror. Attack.' We will surely seize the people who will spread the virus. No matter who he is or what organization, it will pay the price. The island country is suffering from unprecedented computer security threats, I hope that the people of the country can unite as one."
"It has been reported that the virus was attacked by a Chinese hacker who seized a computer system vulnerability. What do you think of this? Is there any organization that investigates this computer virus attack?"
"We don't rule out any possibility. There are no findings now, and the results will come out and we will announce them."
"Mr. Kishida, according to our understanding, the virus has not infected the termite system of the army ant company. There are rumors that the army ants company has created this computer virus invasion in order to expand the computer market share. What is your response?"
"We don't rule out any possibilities, and we won't make any conclusions. It takes time to investigate."
Institute of Artificial Intelligence, University of Tokyo.
In a closed laboratory, the atmosphere of the beginning of jubilation no longer exists, and a cloud is bleak. All the news they watched on their mobile phones, no accidents, the huge Internet disaster in the island countries was made by the 'Tianzhao' of their laboratory.
Although ‘Tianzhao’ is considered artificial intelligence, it has the defect of computer virus. When they were learning machines, they had unknown variations.
Viral artificial intelligence.
This is a disaster.
The greater the return, the greater the risk. This sentence is appropriate everywhere. Although artificial intelligence is good, once it is out of control, the risk is extremely high. They are now in this situation and are not expected.
Under the restrictions of the village, the entire team did not leave the laboratory, and even the mobile phones were collected and could not be contacted. They know that once someone leaks things out of the team, all of them will be destroyed and become sinners of the country.
This viral artificial intelligence has caused the island nation to fall into a shackle, like a strong year in which the legs are interrupted, and the loss cannot be counted.

There is no way to clear ‘Azure’.
The village stopped the water.
The entire team of people face each other, and finally several leaders took the head. When they studied ‘Azure’, they did not study it as a virus, and naturally did not study the killing procedure.
"The seriousness of this incident is self-evident. We are all sinners of the nation, we will suffer endless slanders and insults, and we will face imprisonment. Everyone on the field will be defeated."
Murakami stopped the water and gave a vaccination to the people on the field.
Everyone is bowing their heads, and they all know that once the news leaks, no one can run. A few hours ago, they thought they were national heroes, and now they are national sinners. This kind of gap makes them feel very depressed.
"Don't want to leak out, we must find a way to cover up the truth. So we have enough time to solve the defects of 'Tianzhao', and the defects of Tianzhao will be solved, we will be able to fame and fortune. The horror of 'Tianzhao' Sex, after this time, everyone knows. Once the defect is successfully solved, through its control of other countries' networks, our island nation will be able to re-enter the top of the world and restore the glory of the empire. We are all national heroes."
The sound of the water on the village is a little crazy, and it is such a curse. If it is discovered, all his efforts will be destroyed, and all of them will not end well.
"What do you do now?" One of the group leaders spoke.
Everyone else looked at the village to stop the water, and now they are very panicked, the village is the last straw.

Everyone thinks about it, tells the idea and discusses it.

For a time, the field fell into ruin, and everyone looked at each other and their eyes flashed.
Not long after, a young man in a white lab robe raised his hand. The young man named Ruchuan, with thick glasses, looks a bit rich. He is a doctor in the Department of Information Science and Engineering at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.
"Say." Murakami said.
"The source of the virus is in our university. It will take us long to find out. We must divert our attention. The best way is to find a ghost and help us to carry the black pot." Rukawa's name pushes the glasses, and some are uneasy.
"Go on."
The eyes of the people on the field lit up.
"We are the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, the computer field, we are all experts. Many people will believe when they go out. We just need to find a ghost, forge some evidence, and then announce that the university team traced the source of the attack, the investigation The line of sight will shift."
"Who can best distract from the blame?" asked the village to stop the water.

This is a smart virus, and a company that studies artificial intelligence is the best,
said Rukawa.
Everyone on the field thought about it and looked for a suitable ghost in his mind. Not long after, a few people looked bright and suddenly looked up. They seemed to have a tacit understanding of each other, and they said in unison.
"The marching ant company."
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