Chapter 407: : Strike back by marching ants

The marching ant company will hold a press conference.
With this news, all the reporters quickly rushed to the marching ant company and waited early at the press conference.
The news spread less than two hours. The meeting was already crowded. Every reporter had a long gun and a short gun, waiting for the appearance of the marching ant company personnel.
On the scene, the special police detachment stationed next to the company has dispatched personnel to maintain order, for fear of problems. At this time, the marching ant company is at the forefront of the cusp, no one can be sure, wait for the reporter will not have any conflict.
The live footage on the field spread this scene around the world.
This is the first time that a marching ant has held a press conference after the outbreak of the 'Satan' computer virus. Everyone who is concerned about the ‘Satan’ storm is in front of the live broadcast and looks forward to waiting for the beginning of the press conference.
Ten minutes later, there was a commotion on the scene. In the eyes of everyone, Zhao Min walked out from the background, holding a document in his hand and walked on the stage of the reception without expression. The other top executives of the company also sat down on both sides of Zhao Min.
Hey! Hey! ......
The entire venue is the camera's flash and shutter sound.
"Friends in the media, everyone, I am holding this press conference, there are two things to announce."
Zhao Min spoke, the whispering sound disappeared on the field, leaving only the shutter sound.

The first thing, on behalf of the marching ant group, is here to respond to the unreasonable sanctions imposed by the United States. Our company has decided to withdraw from the US market in full. Before the US sanctions are not revoked, our group will not consider and will not seek any effort. Enter the US market.
At the same time, on behalf of the company, I announced a decision to terminate all seismograph orders from the United States and Australia to our company, and will not provide seismographs to the United States and Australia in the future.

This shot is spread around the world through live broadcast.
Many people are secretly screaming, even if the marching ant group is in the wrong direction of public opinion, it is so strong that it is targeted by global suspicion, and it dares to counter the US sanctions.
Companies that have been sanctioned by the United States are swallowing their voices, while marching ants dare to fight back. The seismograph is monopolized by the marching ant company and is an extremely important product.
The marching ants company will not sell them. In the future, in the event of a major earthquake between the United States and Australia, the nicknames and pressures of the two governments will be imaginable.
It is impossible for the two governments to smother the victims of the demonstrations, and then they will have to re-seek the marching ant group to sell them seismographs.
I have to say that this incident is enough to prove that the marching ant company has enough strong capital, not a company that is arbitrarily swayed.
"The second thing is about the University of Tokyo suggesting that my company is spreading the 'Satan' virus. I can tell you very well that the 'Satan' virus has nothing to do with my company. The purpose of the University of Tokyo is so implied. Very puzzled. This is very obvious. We have to guess now that the purpose of doing this is to take us as a ghost and divert attention." Zhao Min said without hesitation.
The reporters on the field have already had a commotion, and they have whispered.
"You are nonsense, shameless companies have harmed our country into chaos, and you must compensate our country for its losses."
An island reporter was angry and stood up and pointed at Zhao Min. He opened up in Japanese. When he just wanted to rush out, he was stopped by the special police and security guards responsible for security. Zhao Min’s body was also blocked by two bodyguards.
There was a commotion in the scene, and all the reporters were excited to point the camera at this scene.
"Please go out with this reporter." Zhao Min looked at the scene and said coldly.
The security guard on the field heard the instructions and immediately took the struggling island reporter, regardless of his shouting, and seized him from the scene of the conference.
"It was just an episode, I don't want to make it unpleasant again."
After taking the reporter away, Zhao Min continued to speak, a strong tone, and pressed the scene of the commotion again.
"I just said that the biggest possibility of the University of Tokyo is to divert attention and take our company as a ghost, because we have no reason to spread the ‘Satan’ virus.
Many people may think that the ‘Satan’ virus can make our company profitable, so we think we are spreading the ‘Satan’ virus culprit. Our company has dozens of products to gain income, and there are many patents. The income of the termite system was not even ranked in the top five.
The large-scale holographic projector technology and new material technology that have been applied to our chairman's wedding have long matured. With these advanced technologies, we have not even enough energy to release the listing.
We have a large number of technologies that can be used to gain a steady stream of revenue through legitimate and legitimate means. Why do you have to worry about gambling on a big company to do this illegal thing? Why do you risk the fun of burying the entire company and earn some money? Can anyone tell me a reason? Is our company's top management lacking in mind? This idea is ridiculous and stupid.

Zhao Min’s series of questions asked all the reporters and the people in front of the live broadcast to fall into meditation.
Think carefully, there is really no reason for the marching ant company to get revenue in this way. The revenue of holographic mobile phones has already made the marching ants company lie in the pile of money, and other technologies are very fierce technologies.
The marching ant company is not going nowhere, there is no reason to take this risk.
After telling this question, Zhao Min’s eyes swept over the camera on the field and smiled as if he was talking to someone at the University of Tokyo.

Ms. Zhao Min, the United States believes that the marching ants threaten their national security. Can they think that they are behind the scenes, and the termite system is not safe? And you cancel, the seismograph order is not against the United States. Sanctions?" A reporter stood up and asked.
"Which US sanctions the Chinese company, did not say that they threaten their national security? This statement, everyone knows what is going on. I repeat, we have nothing to do with the ‘Satan’ virus.
Our company's termite computer intelligent operating system, with the most advanced intelligent firewall, can prevent the invasion of 'Satan' virus, and is the last line of defense for Internet security. And they feel unsafe? What are the other computer systems that fall into ‘Satan’?
As for the cancellation of the seismograph order, the US Department of Commerce has ordered that all products of our company are not allowed to enter the US market. Seismographs are also products of our company. We take the initiative to cancel the order, which is better than canceling them. Don't bother them to continue to make excuses.

"Ms. Zhao Min, the University of Tokyo just said that the black hand is in Binhai City, and it is not specified that it is a marching ant group. Are you now a seated one? Why do you think that the University of Tokyo is framed?"
"The first question is the right seat. It is not that we want to check in. But their suggestion is too obvious. When the outside media reports, they use our company to make wild guesses. Many media help our company to sit in the house.
We are enterprises, they are schools, and there is no conflict of interest or competition between the two sides. We have no reason to do these things, it must be innocent. And they have no reason to suggest that we are doing what we are. From my point of view, they are guilty of thieves, thieves call for thieves, so we have enough reason to believe that they may be behind the scenes.

‘Satan’ is the news of artificial intelligence. It must not be released to the public. Otherwise, the consequences are very serious. Therefore, Zhao Min’s speech is very measured and he has not said too much to the
At Tokyo Airport, a well-dressed young man was sitting in the airport lounge waiting for the news to be broadcast live, with cold sweat on his forehead.
He is the name of the Rukawa of the University of Tokyo's artificial intelligence team, and he is also the idea to find someone to replace the ghost.
He was born with timidity, and he came up with the idea of ​​blaming the army ants group, and also for the purpose of temporarily stabilizing the team. He knows that such a big thing will not last long.
Because the destruction of ‘Azure’ is too great, their team has not yet written a clear procedure. He knows better than anyone else. It is an artificial intelligence, ordinary anti-virus software, and it is impossible to kill ‘Azure’.
Staying in the island country was detected and they may face jail time. Last night, he had secretly booked a ticket. As long as he left the island, at least his safety was guaranteed.
Bell bell...
The ringing of the phone awakened him and saw the call, and the name of Rukawa was hesitant to connect.
"Mr. Murakami, is there anything?" Rukawa name tries to make the sound behave naturally.
"Come on a lab meeting, some things need to be discussed." The sound of the water on the village is very dignified and a little nervous.
"Well, I will pass now," said Rukawa.
Hang up the phone, hear the airport boarding notice, Rukawa name off the phone, drag the suitcase, and quickly walk toward the boarding gate.
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