Chapter 456: :movement

"The notice goes on, speed up the negotiation speed of the major cinemas, and the holographic cinema reconstruction project will be implemented as soon as possible. Before the release of the first holographic film, let the holographic cinema cover at least 30% of the cinemas." Li Lingfeng exited the holographic conference, and the next Said the assistant.
On the other hand, Julie also issued an order for expansion.

Nationwide, add 150 offline experience stores. Let the people in the marketing department find suitable addresses in the first and second tier cities. Give me the assessment report of the flow data and consumption capacity data, location and environmental data. Within a week."

The companies that have the potential to invest and cooperate with us, list detailed cooperation or investment plans, each person is responsible for the evaluation of a company, and hand over the evaluation report to me within one week.

Lao Luo’s investment department is no exception. Although there are only 20 people in the investment department, each is an elite among the elite.
"What do we do? We are the technical department, we can't say expansion and expand." Lin Zhiyuan and Lin Shu went to the research room and said.
"We have core technology, expansion, and some people will be responsible. We let the investment department help and evaluate the acquisition of the automobile production plant. We started the fourth round of automatic driving road test and handed in the latest development report of the self-driving car. In the autopilot market and the auto market, the company will send people to open up.
Lin Shu said that the shyness of the past disappeared, and now it is already a confident girl.
The department they lead is the youngest department of the marching ant group. Responsible for autonomous driving and ‘Artificial Intelligence+’ projects, most of them are researchers, with an average age of no more than 30 years old, but each has its own skills, as well as active thinking and creativity.
Management experience, they are not good at it, they only need to hand over the research results to the company, and there will be special people to open up the corresponding market.
"If you go, let's notice, within a week, let the planning team take out the expansion plan of the second phase of Ant Park." At the end of the meeting, Li Danni took off his glasses and spoke to the next Li Ruoxi.
"Okay." Li Ruoxi did not dare to neglect, took off his glasses and left the conference room.
Nowadays, Ant Paradise Company has just been established. It has the resources and contacts of the Roche family, Changlong Group and Penguin Company. It also has the monopoly advantage of holographic park plan and holographic projector. It has great potential in theme parks and tourism sections.
Ant Paradise has a faster expansion capability than other companies, especially the movie section of the entertainment industry, which can influence in a short period of time, as well as theme parks and tourist towns in amusement parks.
At the end of the meeting, the marching ant group was like a huge engine that started to run at high speed.
The employees of the marching ant group, as if they were marching before the aggression, are extremely active and ready to expand their territory.
With such a big movement, there are naturally some people who are concerned about the marching ant company. I don't know when it started, the marching ant group completely changed the original style, and frequently made a big noise, which always made people feel scared.
At the Disney conference room, the atmosphere is as dignified as ever.
The first Bob Eiger is frowning.
Ant Paradise is the biggest challenge he has encountered since he took office. He has given him enough pressure since he was founded.
This competitor has concentrated on the biggest advantage at birth. Working with Penguin, I imported the Pengu Group's big iP resources, the most popular game iP, and the popular anime iP in China. Invest in holographic film production, animation, games, entertaining entertainment and online media. There is also the network and resources accumulated by the Roche family over the past 100 years, and Changlong Group's amusement park management experience.
Most importantly, with the monopoly of monopolistic holographic projectors, the future world of technology, and the conflicts of various businesses, Ant Park has become their number one competitor.
Once the ant park is formed, it will be the preferred venue for parent-child amusement tourism with a holographic amusement park full of magical imagination. The blow to their company's business will be an unprecedented horror.
"Everyone, what about ant park, what do you think?" Eiger said.
Other directors on the field are thinking that the ant park has just been established, the impact has not yet appeared, and once the hologram is launched, it is a prelude to the crisis.
There is no way for them to take the ant park.
The company, led by the marching ant group, and four large energy groups, is still within China, they can't deal with it, and the acquisition is impossible. Several companies are not bad.
They can acquire major companies in the United States for integration, but Ant Park can't buy them. The concept of holographic world, with unlimited value, coupled with the large iP held by the Penguin Group, makes the ant park have unlimited possibilities.
Seeing no one talking, Iger turned his gaze to the man who was the first in his left hand.
Everyone else looked at him and wanted to hear his opinion.
Tang Shide had no choice but to knock on the table.
He is now the chairman of the theme park and resort, where he is in charge of the company's global vacation and travel business. During the critical period of Disney's expansion, he led the company's acquisition of ABC, Pixar and Marvel Entertainment, which is one of the most important members.

Obviously, Ant Paradise and our business are very mixed, and it is a potential competitor. Once the holographic theme park of Ant Paradise is successfully built, our theme park will no longer be the first choice for amusement tourism. Losing the biggest The theme park tourism business will be very heavy on our company.
Maybe we have big iP, but Ant Park joins Penguin Group, has the most popular game iP, and the big iP of literature, animation and TV series. Ant Park uses holographic projection to shape live iP characters at any time. We have, they also have, they have, we don't. This is their advantage over us, although we look strong now.

Everyone is aware of the crisis and his heart is heavy. Ant Paradise now looks weak, but backed by the marching ant group, it has the advantage of monopolizing holographic projectors, and the potential is large enough.
Tang Shide did not stop and continued.
"The most important thing is that zF is now also sanctioning the marching ant group. We are the biggest competitors of their ant park project. They can't sell large holographic projectors to us to build theme parks."

Shareholding cooperation is the best way.
Another man with glasses and Mediterranean hair said. He is Rosler, the chief financial officer and senior executive of Disney.
"The marching ant group will give us a shareholding? What do we buy? Money? If they are short of money, the top ten banks in China are very happy to lend money to them, how much is there? Or iP shares? Give them iP , do we have any advantages?" asked Tang Shide.
A series of questions made the conference hall quiet again.
What is the shareholding?
The resources of the playground, the Changlong Group already has. There are many iP resources, Penguin companies. The international expansion of resources, the Roche family has accumulated enough connections in the past 100 years. The four major groups are not bad money. They go into the sub-shares, which are definitely from the hands of the marching ant group. It is unlikely that the marching ant group will give them.
"We are not arguing against the ant park. We are not pleased. Cooperation is definitely necessary. It is always more profitable than your life and death. For example, holographic technology plus Marvel iP movies, at least in terms of movies, we still have great advantages. Holographic technology Mature, holographic film is the next film field," said Tang Shide.
"ZF sanctions the marching ant group, not allowing their products to enter the US market, holographic projectors are not sold here. The cinema can not be transformed into a holographic cinema." Rosler added.
The atmosphere of the meeting became grievous. For the first time, I felt how uncomfortable the sanctions were.
"Is it possible to lobby zF officials through contacts to let them loose some of the sanctions against the marching ants group, in exchange for the friendship of marching ants, perhaps we can cooperate with them in certain areas. The holographic projection market is blank, no harm To the interests of the big consortium, we can get a little benefit from this blank market, at least get a holographic projector to film, create our holographic cinema, the consortium will be very happy," Iger said.
When the words came out, everyone on the field looked bright.
"Give them a donation of some campaign funds." Rosler smiled softly.
The Roche family, Alexander heard the news that the marching ant group was suddenly very active, and his face was a little surprised.
In his impression, Chen Mo is not the kind of high-profile person. Behind the sudden change of style, there must be something that stimulates him.

Young Master, Haixing has a plan to acquire a medical device company; Ant Paradise Company informed us that we would like to develop a site and assessment plan for the Ant Paradise in Europe.
A private secretary entered the office and said.
"Well, let the investment team choose the address, the faster the better." Alexander said without hesitation.
Cooperating with the marching ant group, the Roche family has benefited enormously and has once again gained fame in the European region. He has stabilized in the position of the head of the Roche family. As long as there is enough time to continue to develop, their family will certainly rise again, become a global consortium family, and restore the glory of the past.
The action of the marching ant group is booming, allowing the parties to adjust their company's development plans.
In addition to the news of the ant park, in other areas, the industry has received the wind in advance. Some companies have taken the initiative to seek cooperation with the marching ant group.
The aggressive aggression of marching ants has caused many people to frown and let their partners smile.
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