Chapter 463: :serious problem

On the bed, Roddy looked at the only photos in his hand, three people on the photo, his lover, and his daughter, and the smile was very happy.
The photo has been in the wallet for three years. He was so fascinated for the first time, so reluctant, unconsciously tears blurred eyes.
Infected with VFV for more than 20 days, after being isolated, he was able to cure the disease again and again, but he could only watch it deteriorate day by day. The abscess became bigger every day and spread all over the body.
All treatments are useless, and he can feel the heavier feelings on the face of medical staff.
The quarantine area is forbidden to visit, and he does not even see the last side of his family. And the face is so horrible, he doesn't want his family to see what he is.
It was late at night, but he was sober as never before, and slowly, a feeling of weakness came, making him feel tired. The light on the ceiling was very bright, and everything in front of him was getting darker and darker, and finally the consciousness was completely immersed in the darkness.
The sound of the isolation room instrument wakes up the hospital in the middle of the night.
At Victoria Hospital, Roche looked at the increased case report every day, and the eyebrows were twisted into a ball, and his heart was extremely heavy. Now Victoria Hospital has been officially designated as a VFV fixed-point isolation treatment area, hospital closure, and become an isolation treatment area.
As one of the attending physicians, he was a lot of people during this time, and his fears were heavier day by day.
It has only been more than three hours since this morning, and 15 new cases have been confirmed.
The number of patients in their hospital has increased to more than 500. This is just a hospital for them. In another larger isolation area, there are still many cases.
It can be said that they are one of the most serious areas here.
What worries him the most is that, so far, there is any effective treatment plan, all the treatments they tried, all failed, and no effective drugs were found.
In this way, the epidemic will become more and more serious. Although there have been no deaths, he is very upset.
This VFV virus, under the deliberate spread of RS, coupled with its special habits, has surpassed people's imagination, and the speed of proliferation is also very scary.
When Roche looked at the case and thought about the treatment plan, a medical staff wearing a mask opened the door and showed anxious and sad eyes.
"Dr. Roche, the quarantine area to inform, the death of patient No. 25 in Area C."
Roche's pupils shrank, and Horan stood up and walked away.
"New York Times News: The world's first VFV infected person died in New York..."
"British media news: Victoria Hospital has the first case of VFV infection in Europe..."
The news of the death of a person infected with VFV was exposed, leaving a huge shadow on the outside world. The sentiment of social panic is still spreading rapidly.
In order to prevent further spread of social panic, officials of various countries will soon issue notices to major isolation points, and the number of deaths will not be announced. But the news of the continuous diagnosis of VFV cases is still horrifying.
The number of countries and people infected with VFV is still growing. In just one month, it has spread to 25 countries and regions. According to incomplete statistics, the number of infected people has exceeded 10,000. There are no signs of stopping. Less confirmed new cases.
European countries, as well as countries in North America, have announced that they will extend the holiday time and begin disinfecting public places such as schools and hospitals.
The spread of the global epidemic has made countries dare to have any scorn.
After the virus broke out, there was only a growing number of infected people, but there was no news of cure, so that the hearts of the world’s people seemed to hang the sword of Damocles.
There are no good treatments in the medical world, and cases of infected medical staff are often seen. The 72-member team of WHO has not come up with a good method. The high-pressure atmosphere condenses between the first-line doctors and infected people, and even the case of infected people committing suicide.
Since the release of the video from the RS organization, people have evaporated and no one can find traces.
When a lot of bad news flooded, the World Health Organization released a survey message that shocked the media.
"The following is an emergency message about the VFV epidemic. At 7:37 am Capital Time, the World Health Organization urgently announced the results of a survey. The investigation confirmed that RS organizations spread two of the VFV viruses.
One is the scene of the International Economic Forum held in New York on September 9-10. Statistics show that the number of people infected in the economic forum has reached 47, which is also the source of many cases of cross-border communication. One place was on the 11th of last month. The famous French singer Sarotti’s concert in Paris, the number of confirmed cases reached 113, resulting in 327 cases of indirect infection.
WHO has asked the organizers of the Economic Forum to send the list of people participating in the forum to the health departments of various countries, appealing to all those who have arrived at the Economic Forum site, and also appealing to the people watching the Sarotti concert to go to the relevant hospitals as soon as possible. And set up control points to check the body.

Chen Mo was eating breakfast, and looked up at the news from time to time, his heart was filled with gloom.
A case of VFV has appeared in Binhai City. Now the entire coastal city is on the verge of enemies. Many people wear masks when they go out. They dare not go to places with lots of people. Some large-scale events and concerts are cancelled. Their company also took a holiday once and completely disinfected the company once.
The spread and latency of terror has made many people fear the VFV virus. Even rumors spread on the Internet, garlic, ginger, vinegar can reduce the risk of infection, and now both products, prices are skyrocketing, and many people snapped up.
"Small fishing, don't take the unparalleled out during this period of time, try to minimize contact with people." Chen Mozhen said.
Xiao Yu stayed at the news and seemed to be thinking about something. The moth was close, and when he heard Chen Mo’s voice, he subconsciously responded.
"What's wrong? Have something to worry about?" Chen Mo noticed the strangeness of Xiao Yu.
"It seems that Zhao sister attended the 9-10 International Economic Forum. I also had a video call with Zhao Jie. You called Zhao Jie to ask her." Xiao Yu caressed the little unparalleled in his arms, some Not sure.
Chen Mo's face changed slightly.
After Xiao Yu’s reminder, he did remember that after explaining the incident of entering the military industry, Zhao Min told him that he had to go to the United States for a business trip. Just two days before the VFV virus appeared, Zhao Min had returned to China. During this time, he was innocent and he did not think much.
"Don't worry, I will contact her first. This is almost a month away. In theory, we should have passed the incubation period. She is not the same. It should be fine." Chen Mo picked up his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Min's phone.

Seeing the news?
In the holographic video, Zhao Min’s projection appeared.
"Just saw, your body is no different?" Chen Mo asked.
"No, but I have to check it again. I am preparing to send a notice. The campus of the company headquarters is on holiday for three days." Zhao Min’s voice was accompanied by faint concerns.
"You check first, your body is the most important, ignore the company's business. If anything, tell me the first time. Forget it, I have also passed." Chen Mo suddenly realized a more serious problem, look at Xiao Yu, and the little unparalleled in her arms, my heart is heavy.
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