Chapter 469: : Congratulations, success.

"Kelly, you don't have to worry, the WHO has now developed a drug to relieve the disease, and soon, the special cure for the VFV virus will appear." Hardik looked at the girl wearing a health mask in the video, and was twisting her heart. pain. The girl who once was confident, now has no courage to face him with real face.
"Hadick, I am sorry." The blonde girl resisted tears and her voice trembled: "Let's break up."
"No, don't break up." Hadick heard the last few words and almost picked up: "I have all the rings ready, don't break up, you are sick, we will get married."
After that, Hadick pulled out a ring box from his pocket and placed it in front of the camera.
"I am waiting for you to come out."
At the other end of the video, the blonde girl couldn’t help but tears, but she didn’t agree.
"Hadick, Hadick. You see, there is news that Amber Pharmaceuticals has developed a special drug that can treat VFV. It also cures a VFV patient." When they talked, a similar appearance to Hadick. The youth ran in and put the phone in front of Hardik.

Hadick seemed to suffocate the drowning man to see the straw and grab the phone.
Hadick burst into tears when he saw the news.
"Kelly, you see, the news of the special medicine came out, the special medicine research was successful. It is true, I didn't lie to you." Hadick put the phone in front of the video, excited and cried and laughed: "Wait for your illness Ok, we will get married and promise me, please promise me."
"Yeah." The blonde girl finally did not hold back, focusing on the head.
Seeing the blond girl nod, Hadick finally couldn't help it, burst into laughter and burst into tears, and cheered and hugged the young man next to him.
A small pharmaceutical company called Amber Pharmaceuticals in South Africa announced that it has developed a specific drug, gBoY, that can treat VFV, and cures a patient infected with VFV in the clinic.
The sudden news has attracted global attention.
The news spread and everyone began to question the authenticity of the news.
The top 72 team did not find a special drug for VFV in such a short period of time. It was successfully developed by a company that was not known.
In the crowd, everyone thought it was a fake news. The patient who was cured was interviewed by the reporter. The local hospital was confirmed and the news was true.
The world's first VFV rehabilitation case occurred.
As if the surprise of Tianda, there is no warning.
Soon, WHO sent people to confirm the authenticity of the news and finally decided to find the specific drug.
When the news came out, the Internet appeared to be a bioterror created by Ambal. The purpose was to make money with special effects drugs. The news was spread and the response was clarified several times. This voice has not disappeared.
On the fifth day of the news, Glaxo announced that it had acquired a 100% stake in Amber Pharmaceuticals and all its technology patents for $1.5 billion in cash.
The news of the acquisition was exposed, and the outside world was shocked. Soon, pharmaceutical oligarchy like Pfizer and AstraZeneca regretted it and was the first step by Glaxo.
Shortly after the news of the special drug gBoY came out, the WHO 72 team again sent good news.
The 72-person team successfully added Starfish's HX3 to Ag72 to create a new 'cocktail' drug Ag72ii, which can significantly delay the deterioration of VFV.
Because the VFV virus has lost its vitality, it has slowly changed its lifeless appearance. The haze has faded a lot, and the good news that has emerged in succession has brought the epidemic back from the out of control to the controlled area.
"Doctor, what is the situation?"
Fu Chaonan looked forward to Wu Bing and Chen Mo in front of him, with endless hopes. He hopes that the next words of the two are the answers he wants.
He is one of the patients infected with the VFV virus in China. After confirming the infection, he was isolated for the first time. I was isolated with him, along with his family and close friends.
Fortunately, his family and friends were not infected and have left the quarantine.
And he was in the isolation room, watching the condition worsening day by day, the pustules on his body slowly swelled, he was desperate, with a lucky heart, he has been waiting for special effects to appear.
Five days ago, the hospital came to contact him and said that there was a new drug clinical trial, the effect was unknown, there may be unknown risks, and he was willing to treat it.
If you don't treat it, you will have to wait for death. The treatment will have a hope of living a little. He and his family signed an agreement to voluntarily receive treatment without hesitation.
When he knew that Chen Mo was involved in his treatment, he was ecstatic.
Chen Mo is not a famous medical expert, but the man who created all kinds of magical technology will always have a feeling of conviction.
With unlimited hope, Fu Chaonan accepted a new treatment plan.
These days, the new plan did not disappoint him.
On the second day of treatment, the doctor told him that his condition had improved. Now it is the fifth day. When he changed the weakness of the past, the pustules on his body had disappeared, leaving a scar just scarred.
"According to the results of the blood test, the VFV virus on your body has disappeared and completely recovered." Wu Bing said.
Fu Chaonan picked up, laughed wildly, smiled and cried, and bowed deeply toward Chen Mo and Wu Bing. During this time, I tasted the warmth of the world, and I walked around in the ghost gate. Chen Mo and Wu Bing gave him a freshman.
"Congratulations, success." Wu Fu said in the isolation room of Fu Chaonan, she did not expect that Chen Mo's method is really effective.
"You are also a participant. Without you, research is not so fast, and credit is everyone's."
Chen Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief.
He has verified that the potential agent enhances the antibodies produced by immune cells and, after purification, does have the function of clearing the VFV virus.
According to his ideas, the human immune cells were strengthened with potential agents, and the VFV virus was placed therein to stimulate the intensified immune cells to produce antibodies and purified to obtain serum. Then, the HX3 agent is used to reduce the activity of the VFV virus in the patient, and the purified antibody serum is injected.
This has the effect of eliminating viruses in the body.
This program has been unanimously recognized by the expert group. They tested the treatment on monkeys. On the third day of the experiment, the virus disappeared in the monkeys and the program was successful. After many experiments, all of them were successful, and the cure rate of the experimental monkeys was 100%. This result made the participants excited.
Chen Mo will not use the program on Zhao Min before determining that this treatment plan is harmless to the body, so only other clinical volunteers should be treated first to see the situation.
The potential potency agent is only effective for human cells and is ineffective for animals, so it is necessary to use human plasma to make antibody serum. Only a small amount of antibody serum is produced, and only five patients can be clinically tested at present.
Fu Chaonan was the last patient, and his body's virus disappeared without any side effects.
All five people have recovered.
It has been determined that this scheme does work.
Other members of the expert team are looking for ways to make monoclonal antibodies, allowing this special antibody to be mass-produced, so that it can mass produce specific drugs that can treat VFV.

Is it necessary to treat Zhao Min now?

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded.

A South African company has gBoY, do you want to try it with their medicines first?

"gBoY is a clinical trial drug. We are also a clinical trial program. There are examples of cures. We are seeing it with our own eyes, and our own things, knowing the roots, do you believe them, or believe in yourself?" Chen Mo asked.
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