Chapter 479: : chaos

At present, the mainstream 3D printing technology, the technical bottleneck is relatively slow operation speed and poor resolution.
When a higher level of solution is required, 3D printing technology creates structures layer by layer, and when the structure is created, insufficient resolution is the main cause of inefficiency.
The nanoscale 3D printing technology obtained by the Science and Technology Library is cured by ultra-short ultraviolet light to form a nano-scale product.
However, after studying so many things, laser is one of Chen Mo's best techniques. The laser research of holographic technology has made him have long been immersed in laser technology, and there are many accumulated technologies.
Nano-scale 3D printing technology, for Chen Mo's technical reserves, is mainly the resolution problem, as well as the problems of new materials, as well as UV light ink (uV ink) and curing degree.
Among the techniques obtained, there is a new formulation of uV ink called electron based ink. Under the bombardment of high-energy electron beams, the double bonds of the monomer or polymer material are unwound, free radicals are generated and then polymerized, and the principle is similar to that of the eB ink.
The two recipes are different and the effects are different. According to the data obtained by Chen Mo, the degree of curing of the electronic-based ink is close to 100%, which is higher than that of the eB ink. Moreover, the suitable binder for electronic-based inks is not limited to acrylic resins and reactive monomers, but much wider than eB inks, and is suitable for most materials.
The design conditions of the 3D printer itself are also different. These ultra-precision equipments are very demanding on the environment. Determine the technical direction of 3D printers, Chen Mo began to design, I hope to develop this nano 3D printer as soon as possible.
This is one of the key technologies for industrial upgrading. With this ultra-precise printer, Chen Mo will completely break free of restrictions. Most of the research will speed up.
Chen Mo entered the state of research and completely forgot about the outside world.
The outside world is not calm, especially in the corner of Africa. Angora Diodin died and the news caused a violent shock inside Angola.
In just one day, there were different voices in the local news of Angola, and some Diordin supporters have begun to organize a parade.
More and more people believe that this is a murder.
There seems to be a pair of invisible hands, letting public opinion and investigations go in the direction of people's guesses. On the third day of Diordin’s death, the murderer was caught and was an agent of the Angolan authorities.
As soon as the news came out, the whole Angola trembled up and down, and things suddenly became global news. Many Western media began to criticize the Angolan authorities and eliminate dissidents.
This is a premeditated murder.
Among the civilians, those who opposed the Angolan authorities began to organize large-scale demonstrations and demanded that Vassoron step down.
It was only a long time before the parade. Vasoran gave a live televised speech to the people of Angola for about 40 minutes. He denied participating in the incident and called on all parties to calm down and wait for the investigation to be clear.
Diordin’s party has publicly stated that he does not accept Vassoron’s remarks and demands that he immediately step down. The hands of the control provoked public anger and caused riots in Angola. Then the parade became a violent protest.
The escalating protests made Vasulun have to send police to disperse the protesters, and things are moving out of control.
When the situation was almost out of control, the news came out that the murder of Diordin’s agents confessed and provided a recording, which was the recording that Vassoron asked him to assassinate Diordin.
This news became the last straw to crush the camel.
Under the control of the black hand, the public anger was boiling, and a large-scale campaign broke out in Angola, demanding that Vassoron step down, protest and riots, and the whole Angola began to stir up.
Vasorlen also publicly delivered a live speech again, bluntly saying that this was a frame of refusal to participate in Diordin’s murder, refused to step down, and ordered the army to disperse the protesters.
Violence caused five deaths and 12 injuries, making things even more out of control. Almost at the same time, countries issued travel warnings against Angola and began to evacuate the expatriates.
Various protests and riots lasted for more than a month.
When Vasorron couldn't bear to endure, when the arresters began to arrest, Diordin's party led 30,000 troops to flee and publicly recruited people who fought against Vasorran. For a time, there were countless callers, and Angola was almost in civil war. edge. And this fierce protest is still going on.
This turmoil has already attracted the attention of the international community.
Witt saw the camp in front of him smile and walked over.
Not yet at the door, Witt chilled his head, and several guns were stuck on his head, dare to move, and he was desperate.
"What are you doing?" asked the armed men in front of the gun.
"I came to your leader to talk about the transaction, it is very important." Wit raised his hands, dare not act rashly, these people are not killed, he messed up, the consequences are to become a sieve.
The headed armed men looked at each other and made a look and began to search. From top to bottom, every part of the body touched it twice, and it was determined that there was no problem. One line of people pressed Witt and went to the camp.
Liric was sitting in the camp, in front of him, who had just escaped from Vasorlen, and the leader of Diordin’s faction, Murmi, had been arrested for most of his other leaders.
While Lirik was preparing to tell them to form an armed rebellion, a soldier hurried in and said a few words at Murmi.
"Someone came over and wanted to trade with us," Murmi said.
"You talk to him and ask him what he wants to do?" Liric thought about it and then stood in Murmi, like a security guard. Seeing people coming in, he also calmed down and looked at Witt carefully.

What trade do you want to do?
Murmi calmly asked.
"We can provide you with a lot of weapons and equipment assistance to overthrow Vasorion." Wit was only allowed to open when the armed men left.
Murmi's eyes smashed into a slit, and the emotions did not show up.
"Your conditions?"
"Not much, after you come to power, listen to our words, then we need some mining rights in oil fields and minerals, as a return to provide weapons and equipment." Witt said.
"What can you offer?" Murmi did not agree.
"American equipment and international pressure, if necessary, can help you." Witt said without hesitation. When the words are here, Murmi knows who is behind him as long as he is not a fool.
Murmi took a look at Liric without leaving a trace. He didn't see him nod, and he couldn't agree: "We need to consider it."
"Well, you only have two days to call me on this call." The result was expected by Wit, handing out a phone number to Murmi, leaving the camp under the of armed men.
"Westerners." After Witt left, Liric laughed.
The narrow road of the family is described as good now. If you let them know that the people who make bioterrorism are the people they want to help, the expressions of those people will be wonderful.
"Mr. Lirik, can't you promise them?" Murmi asked.
"I will give you the answer this evening. Without my reply, don't promise, first recruit people, there are still many arrangements behind." Lirik thought about it. Now the plan is just the beginning. They need a completely unpretentious Vasorran, and then pull it down, in order to be justified.
"Okay." Murmi nodded quickly.
"Do they want to provide you with weapons and support?"
On a small island off the coast of Angola, Ridman looked at the news of various protests on television, his eyes smashed into a line, and people could not see the anger. Liric came to contact, and some American agents wanted to provide them with equipment and then become their embarrassment.
This is interesting.
Ridman smiled lightly and quickly recovered. His fingers hit the arm of the sofa, and he seemed to be thinking about something: "Promise them, support as much as possible."
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