Chapter 504: : Success!

Capital International Conference Center, backstage of the press conference.
Together with Chen Mo, there are Shi Hongtu, Wu Bing, members of their group, as well as Yang Yunjia, Wang Qi, Wang Yiyi, Gao Fu, four academicians and experts who presided over vaccine reform, and members of the medical team, Mi Fu, etc. Several medical staff working in the field, a total of 20 representatives.
The press conference was held by the Ministry of Health, as well as two hospitals, and the CDC hoped that they would open it.
The world is now filled with a panic atmosphere, and an official good news is needed to restore hope to those who are isolated. It also improves the reputation of China in the face of the global people and improves the international image of China.
Under the coordination of all parties, Chen Mo was the main representative and the conference was held.
"The stone leader, Academician Chen, the reporters have come together, and the press conference has to begin." A staff member of the conference came to Shi Hongtu and Chen Mo.
"Let's go, Academician Chen, the position of the leader, it's none of you." Shi Hongtu smiled.
"it is good."
Chen Mo was also unpretentious. Under the guidance of the staff, he walked over to the conference. Shi Hongtu followed, Wu Bing also went up, and everyone else followed the original arrangement and kept up.
At the press conference, after the host announced the start, the slightly crowded venue was silent, and everyone’s eyes were on the side door of the stage, waiting for important people to appear.
Seeing that Chen Mo took the lead, the venue was instantly occupied by countless applause and shutter sounds. The flash is contiguous and illuminates the stage of the conference. The photographer behind the live broadcast, the camera closely follows the team members who played.
Under the stage, I saw Chen Mo and others on stage, and I knew that hope had already arrived. Some people have begun to whisper, and the rest of the reporters tried to control their emotions and waited for Chen Mo to announce good news.
Internet users in front of the computer screen of the Internet cafe, the company's front computer staff, mobile phone screen passers-by, home TV, all the audience are pressing their excitement, looking forward to seeing the medical team coming out.
Everything is silent.
All those who know the death virus, all the people who saw the live news, with hopes, stared at the medical team members on the screen.
Chen Mo stood in the middle of the conference stage and became the focus of the audience.
A confident figure is spread throughout the world through live footage. The hopes of the whole world are gathered in this figure. A confident man at this moment can always create miracles again and again.
Flower City, a luxury villa.
Xiao Yu was sitting on the sofa with his little unparalleled, and Chen’s father and mother were sitting next to each other. In front of them, there is a huge LCD screen that is playing live news.
Chen Mo is on the screen, standing in the middle of the stage.
"Ma Ma, is awkward." Small unparalleled stick out his little finger, pointing at the LCD screen, pure eyes are a little happy to look at Chen Mo in the picture, the sound of milk is more clear than before.
"Well, it’s Dad, Dad is super powerful, and soon I will come back to find my mother and my unparalleled." Xiao Yu caressed the unparalleled head, proud smile lingering, watching the figure on the LCD screen, with thick Missing.
The marching ant headquarters, at this time all the computer screens of the headquarters, holographic projections, are playing this live broadcast screen, all the employees stopped their work, and looked at the figure on the screen with gaze.
This confident figure is the highest belief in their company.
As employees of the marching ant company, everyone is very excited and very proud.
"It finally succeeded."
In the office, Zhao Min leisurely sipped coffee and saw Chen Mo standing in the middle of the stage. The depression of the past was swept away, and the corner of his mouth showed a slight smile. He stood on the stage and it proved successful.
This man, no matter where he is, is eye-catching.
That kind of confident temperament is fascinating, and you will indulge yourself if you are not careful. Only he can stand on this stage with confidence to meet the eyes of the world.
Sun Yanyu clenched his fists, and the colleague behind her had already been huddled in front of two computers, and even the company’s CEO was crowded into the crowd. No one spoke, staring at the shadow of Chen Mo's figure on the screen, and even breathing as much as possible.
They are waiting for an answer, the good news they dream of.
Yang Qingguo sat on the sofa with his wife's shoulders and his eyes were red. The two men's hands were already tightly held, for fear of the next news, not the news they wanted. Staring at the live news of the TV screen with hope, I couldn't dare to make a sound.
On the streets of Times Square, Nissen had put his hands together on his chest and stared at Chen Mo on the big screen. He was praying and praying that the news that Chen Mo announced next was the news he had been waiting for. Joy and fear occupy his body, trembling uncontrollably, letting tears flow down and his mouth slamming.
In the Paris quarantine area, Lucerne stood in front of the window, looking through the steel fence and staring at the curtain on the outside. The figure above, with the hope of their birth. Behind her, other infected people have gathered, several heads fill the small windows, with hope in the eyes.
In the isolation room next door, everyone huddled together and held their eyes to the curtain. There is no sound in the entire quarantine area, for fear of a glimmer of sound that will destroy the news that keeps them alive.
The same scene, a similar gaze, joined together.
Up to the high officials and nobles, down to the civilians, everyone is quiet, waiting for Chen Mo to speak.
In the eyes of everyone's expectations, all members of the medical team were seated. When Chen Mo picked up the microphone, everyone's heart was lifted up and concentrated.
In full expectation, Chen Mo spoke.
"Thank you all, I am only on behalf of the medical team, I will announce a message to you. The world's first case of cure for the Riddyman virus infection, which appeared this morning, has confirmed recovery and has resistance to the Ridman virus. The group has succeeded in the Ridman virus vaccine project!"
In just a few words, it seems like unlimited hope, through the live screen, spread all over the world.
After a brief silence, the thunderous applause and cheers broke out in the Capital International Convention Center. Several journalists with loved ones and friends infected with the virus were applauding in madness and wept.
"Success, Yeyeyeye..."
The headquarters of the marching ant company has already erupted like an unprecedented cheer, and laughed wildly. In the past few months, it has been suppressed by the bioterrorism crisis and vented unscrupulously.
And the people who ended it all were their bosses, proud of their emotions, they are proud of their company and proud of their boss.
"The virus vaccine project has been successful. My wife, my son has been saved, and my son has been saved."
In the last sentence, the words are like Tianzhu, poked into the heart, Yang Qingguo holding his wife, crying and laughing, as if to hear the good news of Tianda. In the past dozens of days and nights, they are worried about their son's illness every day and can't sleep. At this moment, all negative emotions are released.
"Dad, sister, saved, hahahaha...hey..." Nissen laughed loudly, smiled and screamed and cried on the floor.
In the past twenty days, all the pressures and worries have accumulated in his mind. Asleep is a scene in which my father and my sister are sick and dead. The feeling of powerlessness that looks at my loved ones, the desperation that can only wait for the death of a loved one, is venting at this moment.
The people on the side of the road did not laugh at his grievances, leaving behind the applause of clear encouragement and cheers.
"Successful, really successful... hahahahaha..."
"Success, live, live, I am alive, I can live hahaha..."
In the concentrated quarantine area of ​​Paris, the translation from the sound made Lutheran, who had suppressed the mood, madly cheered, laughed, laughed in tears, and suppressed resentment during this time.
No human body will have their desperate death, they have to commit suicide several times and die decently. The crying and pleading of the family allowed them to retain the last bit of courage to live.
They ushered in real hope, isolation room, several patients have been crying into a ball.
Roche stood in the lobby of the quarantine and looked up at the screen above the hall. Countless times to walk in the forefront of disease resistance, he knows how much pressure the doctors on the front line are.
Fear, panic, he even saw the doctor who accidentally infected the virus and jumped off the roof of the isolation area. In the face of patients, they have more than enough energy and can only watch the patient die in madness again and again.
In the past few months, he has been insomnia for dozens of times, awakened in a nightmare, and in the morning he has to pretend to comfort the patient without any problems and find a cure.
At this moment, the tight strings of my heart were loose, and Roche could no longer hold back. Countless bitterness rushed to my heart and slammed directly on the ground, crying like a wounded child.
Other medical staff also cried into a group, releasing the negative emotions such as fear, despair and accumulation during this time.
At the press conference, Chen Mo stood on the stage and applauded, scanning the reporters who were full of tears and excitement. This is an exciting moment and the main reason for this conference.
The Ridman virus caused a huge social panic, and it has already cast a shadow on countless people and squeezed too many negative emotions. The world needs good news to dispel the dark clouds of bioterrorism, and to let the world's infected people see the hope of living.
Chen Mo can clearly feel the emotional catharsis from all parties, and the repressed emotion accumulated in a few months has already opened a mouth.
After a long time, Chen Mocai opened.
"History will remember this day, we have defeated the of death."
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