Chapter 527: : Holographic film and holographic super league (complement)

"Good thing, next, the company's holographic projection equipment, sales will skyrocket." Hearing Zhao Min's report, Chen Mo eyebrows pick.
"It is indeed a good thing." Zhao Min also agreed.
With the advent of the holographic era, the influence of the marching ant group will increase by a few points. For them, this is a good thing.
They are three years old and will soon see the blueprints they have drawn, appearing in this world. This is something that makes them proud and fulfilling.
"Can the production of the company's holographic products keep up?"
"The original is not enough, because the production line of holographic mobile phones, as well as the precision of parts and components, holographic mobile phones have always been in the state of buying out of stock. But after the nano-scale 3D printer came out, this phenomenon has improved, the output of holographic mobile phones, It has tripled. In the past few years, the market has also increased, and the current output is enough to satisfy consumers."
"That's good." Chen Mo nodded.
"Zhang Fengyun sent an invitation letter, knowing that you may be inconvenient, contact me. Inviting us to attend the premiere ceremony of the first holographic film, do you want to go?" Zhao Min asked.
"My wedding scene was directed by Zhang Fengyun. Moreover, I was the inventor of the holographic equipment, and the big boss of the film investment party. It is not going to pass, it seems that it can't be said." Chen Mo said.
He is not very good at socializing, the company's entertainment, Zhao Min is involved, he concentrated on research, rarely appeared in the public entertainment ceremony, but this time seems to have passed.
"That should tell Xiaoyu to help you customize the dress. Although your current identity is very high, but still young, go and see. In the lab, it really becomes a technical house. There are A lot of beautiful female stars, go to a few." Zhao Min smiled.
Chen Mo looked at her without words.
"Just kidding, don't be serious, if you dare to soak, don't need to fish your skin, I cut you first. After all, even if I line up, I am ahead of them."
"I have been on a business trip for a few days, and I am inviting you to send me a message. The specific time, the invitation letter, I will not pass." Seeing Chen Mo's speechless, Zhao Min feels refreshed and hangs up.
"Ink girl, you inform Xiaoyu custom dress."
After talking with Zhao Min, Chen Mo was jealous. After all, Zhang Fengyun has directed for his wedding, and he is the inventor of the holographic projector plus the big boss of the movie investment. If you don’t look at it, it’s not very good.
"Notice." Ink answered.
"Put out the synthetic formula for the 1024 allogeneic element."
Chen Mo focused his attention on research. Hundreds of formulas appeared in the laboratory, which was much less than the formula of the reactor, but the complexity of the formula was reduced at a time.
"Ink, these formulas, can you deduce it?" Chen Mo's eyes fell on the formula and began to think about the synthetic data and methods of the 1024 heterogeneous elements.
"Can deduct, not sure which formula is correct, you need to experiment to verify." After the ink girl finished, the formula in the laboratory began to change, leaving only a dozen long synthetic formulas.
"This 1024th foreign body element, I am afraid to do a lot of experiments." Chen Mo touched his chin.
The data of the 1024 elemental element has already been entered into the database. According to the data content, the synthetic formula derived by the ink girl is derived from the theory. Which formula is feasible, he needs to be tested.
However, before this, Chen Mo can push it again to determine which formulas are right, which can save a lot of trouble.
When Chen Mo was immersed in the study of 1024 allogeneic elements, the outside world was already very lively.
Zhang Fengyun team: the world's first holographic film "Sky" set Christmas! Globally released simultaneously. On the Internet, news about holographic movies suddenly popped up.
Under the marketing plan of the film team, the news instantly ignited the hot spot.
Since Chen Mo’s wedding, with the holographic creation of the fairy-tale world, countless people are full of fantasy about the holographic world. The holographic mobile phone can only recognize specific images to shoot. The two islands have holographic movies, but the big movies that really appear on the Internet have never been.
Today, holographic movies are undoubtedly great news.
"Where, deceiving? Real holographic film? I hope to cover the magnificent scene, don't let me down. Holographic movie."
"The trailer came out. I used the holographic mobile phone to watch the trailer. I didn't see too much information, but only the holographic picture could show the magnificent scene. Make sure to buy the ticket. Three brushes and four brushes are definitely no problem.

"Kowloon Lahu, Starry Road, darkness, sacred body, Ye Tiandi. There must be five or more. This is a preview of the Kowloon Lama. Only a holographic picture can express the sense of beauty and shock. Plus Zhang Fengyun's master aesthetic film style."
"It is said that the holographic cinema has been rebuilt and the world is simultaneously released, which will create film history."
"Fiveth floor: The sixth floor is correct."
"Sixth Floor: I am the father on the fifth floor."
After the announcement of the holographic film was released, the entire network was boiling. Whether it is a domestic network or a foreign network, all are excited.
As if overnight, there was a gust of wind in the market.
After Zhang Fengyun announced the news of "Sky", the movie released at the same time, collectively changed files, or advanced or delayed, no one dared to face the first holographic film with hard steel.
This super iP is enough to attract attention, plus the world's first holographic film, so that many film teams choose to avoid their edge.
The Binhai Stadium is already at dusk.
"Hello everyone, I am today to show you a spoiler from the official. This is the whole platform, the only spoiler, and it is also the welfare for my fans." Xiao Man was in the audience at the stadium, holding it in his hand. The selfie stick is the live broadcast of the wild fish platform.
"It's quite pretty, you don't play games well, what kind of spoiler?"
"Come and come, see if there is a small anchor in the background, what will be spoiler."
"My XXX is starving to death, dying outside, taking off the powder from the live room, and not seeing the spoiler of the savage."
"True incense..."
"True incense!"
"True incense."
"Spoiled, spoiler, I can't wait."
All the fans in the anchor room, the barrage has been brushed up.
"However, to wait, the good show did not officially start." Xiao Man saw the barrage, some playful.
"It's quite pretty, do you know that you will lose powder?"
"Protesting the savage behavior of this kind of appetite."
"Protest +10086."
"Don't think that you have a backstage on the platform, I will not report you."
When Xiao Man interacted with the fans in the live broadcast, the stadium of Binhai Stadium was already prepared.
"Hero" holographic super league is a matter of preparation for the squid platform. Now is the time to shoot the promo, for the giant holographic super league can be a blockbuster, she waited for a long time this day.
The size of the Summoner Canyon, the size of the football field, the size of the scene is self-evident. In the future, the game is not limited to a small room, this is the real e-sports, enough to make people excited.
If successful, the holographic version of the Super League will not be weaker than the World Cup, and fans of holographic games are the youngest and most dynamic group.
"Ready." With the director of the promo, the teams on both sides of the stadium are also preparing to start selecting heroes. Everyone has a look.
"The spoiler starts right away."
Xiao Man turned the lens and changed the angle of a self-portrait, facing the scene of the Binhai Stadium.
"Oh, oh, a stadium with something I don't know is spoiler, pretty, you are getting more and more good."
"It's quite awkward to play with us, don't buy it, protest protests, and then I get rid of powder."
"Protest +1."
"Protest +2."
The game officially began when the live broadcasts were collectively protested. In the Marina Stadium, the lights underneath are dim, large holographic projectors illuminate, colorful brilliance, gathering in the air.
The team's players chose the hero at that moment, the heroic holographic projection of more than 20 meters high, appeared in the stadium. Proud posture, perfect body shape, like a giant standing in it, very visual impact.
"My God, my God, my God."
"The trough, my god."
"oH, MYgoD!"
"Holographic projection? Giant holographic projection?"
When I saw the heroic holographic projection of more than 20 meters high, the fans in the anchor room boiled up. After the holographic projection of the marching ant group, they all played the holographic version of the game, but such a huge holographic projection, first seen.
The two team players who participated in the promo filming were excited to watch the 20-meter-high holographic projection on the stadium.
In order to be accepted by the world for e-sports, they suffer too much criticism, and even people think that they are not learning. Now finally wait until this day, e-sports in the most perfect posture, in front of the world.
Going back to God, ten players began to choose heroes according to the rules of the game. Every time a hero is chosen, a holographic projection of more than 20 meters high appears on the stadium. The holographic projections of the ten heroes all appeared in the stadium, with different characteristics and different looks, and they were on both sides.
Team players, coaches, referees and film crews all looked at the scenes in front of them, clapping them all the time, and some people were flushed.
They have even seen that e-sports will once be on the peak of the competitive field.
As soon as the picture turns, the holographic projection of more than 20 meters high disappears, and the huge summoner canyon is spread out across the stadium, making people's music ring.
All game fans see this scene and the whole process is high.
"I didn't expect that one day, I could see such a shocking scene in e-sports, hahahaha..."
"E-sports, like the ten heroes' proud gestures, are in front of the world, and this day is finally here."

Once there is a live broadcast, the ratings will create a historical peak.

"Where is this? What is this competition? Seeking spoilers!!"
"It's quite pretty, you are so spoiled, aren't you afraid of the platform to seal you? Why can you enter the scene? You said that you have no background, I definitely don't believe it."
In the live broadcast room of Xiao Man, I saw a giant holographic projection of a hero falling in the stadium. Fans blasted the pot, and various rockets and reward messages were swiped. The number of fans in Xiao Man’s live broadcast room was also unprecedentedly crazy. Growth, the data of the wild fish background, can see the number of users in the crazy surge.
Many fans began to criticize, many of them are enthusiasts of games, and they are also madly rewarding for proof. This shocking holographic game screen, they are the first to see.
"The spoiler is over, and I know what is going on. You are waiting for the official announcement of the platform." Xiao Man squandered the appetite of all the fans and took back the live broadcast.
The game of the wild fish platform spoiled the "Hero" giant holographic game, which exploded in the entire game circle. Seeing the video of Xiao Man’s live video exposure, both the game anchor and the game fans are excited, and bring a huge number of users to the wild fish platform.
Soon, holographic propaganda appeared on the squid platform and the penguin game platform.
The Wild Fish Platform and the Penguin Company teamed up to hold the "Hero" Holographic Super League Finals at the Binhai Stadium. The time is December 31, and the finals will be broadcast live on the Man Fish Platform and Penguin Video.
"Hero" holographic super league time is determined, the game fans are crazy, almost the same night, the tickets that were released, instantly snapped up, attracted countless mourning.
The holographic game screens of the stadium are the scenes they have been waiting for for a long time. With this kind of game, you can count on real e-sports.
Shortly after the news of the holographic super league came out, Ant Paradise was announced shortly thereafter. The construction period of the world's first ant park is coming to an end, and the opening ceremony will be held on New Year's Day. The news has once again set off waves.
In just a few days, the news of the holographic film "The Sky" appeared, and there was news of the "Hero" holographic super league, as well as the news of the ant holographic park.
Many people understand that the marching ant group is ready to open a holographic prelude to the holographic era.
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